Community Development Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Development terminology and jargon:



VDAVirginia Development Academy
VDBAVocational Development for Blind Association
VDCVenture Development Center
VDCVET Development Centre
VDDVagrant Drupal Development
VDDValue Driven Development
VDDAVirginia Downtown Development Association
VDDIVirtual Drug Development Inc
VDDTVegetation Dynamics Development Tool
VDDTVegetation Dynamic Development Tool
VDEVideo Development Environment
VDFVault Development Framework
VDGViking Development Group
VDGVideo Development Group
VDKVirtualizer Development Kits
VDMVast Development Method
VDOVillage Development Officer
VDPVillage Development Partnership
VDRVision Development and Rehabilitation
VDRBVillage Development Review Board
VDRCVijaya Development Resource Centre
VDSCVillage Development and Security Committee
VEDCVictorian Economic Development Corporation
VFPDVirtues Faith and Personal Development
VHDAVirginia Housing Development Authority
