Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



ICRAInternational Center for Relativistic Astrophysics
ICSIncredible Cross-Section
ICSPIndian Centre for Space Physics
ICSSPInternational Conference on Solid State Physics
ICTAPInternational Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics
ICTPInternational Centre for Theoretical Physics
IDCInsulation Displacement Contact
IDCLInverse Dynamics Control Law
IDCTInverse Discrete Cosine Transform
IDCYIdle Cycle
IDESIntegrated Distributed Energy Simulation
IDMPInternational Day of Medical Physics
IDRGInteraction Design Reading Group
IEIndependent Expression
IEIndependent Event
IEAPInstitute of Experimental and Applied Physics
IELIndirect Effects of Lightning
IESSIntegrated Electromagnetic System Simulator
IETIntegrated Energy Technique
IETSInelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
IFIntrinsic Field
IFImpact Fracture
IFDInternal Force Deflection
IFDIndentation Force Deflection
IFELInverse Free Electron Laser
