Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



InSARInterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
INVARInvariable (metal alloy)
IOInteractive Optimum
IOThe Intensity Of ....
IOAPInstitute of Optics and Atomic Physics
IOCFInstantaneous Ordinary Coherence Function
IOMPInternational Organization for Medical Physics
IOPInstitute Of Physics
IOPBInstitute of Physics Bhubaneswar
IOPBInstitute Of Physics, Bhubaneswar
IOPDIntegrated Optical Path Difference
IOPPInstitute Of Particle Physics
IOPPInstitute of Physics Publishing
IOPSInstitute Of Physics in Scotland
IORIndex Of Refraction
IOSOIncrease Oscillation and Sustain Oscillation
IOTInductive Output Tube
IPInteraction Point
IPInduced Potential
IPInternal Pressure
IPIn Phase
IPAPInstitute of Pure and Applied Physics
IPASSIllinois Physics And Secondary Schools
IPBInstitute of Physics Belgrade
IPCIntegrated Proton Current
