We've got 3,648 shorthands for Students »
Acronyms that contain the term Students
What does Students mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Students.
Possible matching categories:
Term | Definition | Rating |
AS | Associated Students | |
NUS | National Union of Students | |
VSAV | Vietnamese Students Association of Victoria, Australia | |
WSO | Williams Students Online | |
MS | Meet Students | |
MSA | Muslim Students Association | |
SADD | Students Against Destructive Decisions | |
SADD | Students Against Destructive Decisions | |
CFS | Canadian Federation of Students | |
CFS | Canadian Federation of Students | |
ASA | African Students Association | |
ANSA | Association of Norwegian Students Abroad | |
SFT | Students for a Free Tibet | |
BEST | Board of European Students of Technology | |
ASA | Asian Students Association | |
STAND | Students Taking Action Now: Darfur | |
DSU | Durham Students Union | |
CSA | Chinese Students Association | |
CSSA | Chinese Students and Scholars Association | |
SIMI | Students Islamic Movement Of India | |
SPS | Society of Physics Students | |
SADD | Students Against Drunk Driving | |
SADD | Students Against Drunk Driving | |
AIAS | American Institute of Architecture Students | |
SOS | Support Our Students | |
SAVE | Students Against Violence Everywhere | |
SAVE | Students Against Violence Everywhere | |
ISA | International Students Association | |
SOC | Students Of Color | |
SAW | Students Against War | |
WUJS | World Union of Jewish Students | |
ASM | Associated Students of Madison | |
SAC | Students Administrative Council | |
TOPS | Tuition Opportunity Program for Students | |
TOPS | Tuition Opportunity Program for Students | |
USC | University Students Council | |
SWAT | Students Working Against Tobacco | |
EMSA | European Medical Students Association | |
ASA | Arizona Students Association | |
FTES | Full Time Equivalent Students | |
ITEST | Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers | |
STAT | Students Today Alumni Tomorrow | |
DSA | Disabled Students Allowance | |
IFES | International Fellowship of Evangelical Students | |
ELICOS | English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students | |
DSPS | Disabled Students Programs and Services | |
ISC | International Students Club | |
CLASS | Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students | |
BEST | Better Education for Students and Teachers | |
MSA | Missouri Students Association | |
SANTA | Students Against Name Tags Association | |
DUSA | Dundee University Students Association | |
ASA | Aboriginal Students Association | |
FCS | Fellowship of Christian Students | |
SDS | Students for a Democratic Society | |
SFC | Students For Christ | |
BTS | Best Thinking Students | |
STARC | Students Transforming And Resisting Corporations | |
TSW | The Students Will | |
ISH | International Students House | |
ITASA | Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association | |
TIPS | Tufts Interns Preparing Students | |
EUJS | European Union of Jewish Students | |
SFW | Students For War | |
SFW | Students For War | |
ELICOS | English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students | |
POPS | Patrons Of Performing Students | |
TSA | Technology Students Association | |
FOCUS | Fellowship Of Catholic University Students | |
FOCUS | Fellowship Of Catholic University Students | |
AMSA | American Medical Students Association | |
HOSA | Health Occupation Students Of America | |
IFMSA | International Federation of Medical Students Association | |
CSC | Chinese Students Club | |
SWAT | Students With A Testimony | |
MSA | Malaysian Students Association | |
SEJ | Students for Economic Justice | |
ASP | Academy of Students of Pharmacy | |
SOLE | Students Organizing For Labor And Economic | |
SPW | Students Partnership Worldwide | |
SEA | Students For Environmental Action | |
TSF | Tertiary Students Fellowship | |
TAGS | Talented And Gifted Students | |
SPARK | Students Promoting Awareness of Research Knowledge | |
IFMSA | International Federation of Medical Students' Association | |
USCA | University Students' Cooperative Association | |
SLAM | Students Living A Mission | |
BASICS | Brief Alcohol Screening And Intervention For College Students | |
SOS | Save Our Students | |
CFMS | Canadian Federation of Medical Students | |
SASO | South African Students Organisation | |
PAST | Parents And Students Together | |
UJS | Union of Jewish Students | |
BUS | Black United Students | |
SAM | Students At Macquarie | |
ASIA | Asian Students In America | |
ISI | International Students, Incorporated | |
OISS | Office for International Students and Scholars | |
ALSF | Australian Liberal Students Federation | |
FOCUS | Fellowship Of Christian University Students | |
ALSA | Australian Law Students Association | |
ALSA | Australian Law Students Association | |
CIPRIS | Coordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students | |
NSA | Nursing Students Association | |
SLS | Supplemental Loan for Students | |
IVSA | International Veterinary Students Association | |
JSA | Jewish Students' Association | |
STOP | Students Taking On Prevention | |
IAAS | International Association of Agricultural Students | |
USRH | United Students in Residence Halls | |
SASA | South Asian Students Association | |
USFT | United Students for Fair Trade | |
POPS | Power Of Positive Students | |
STARS | Students Taking A Right Stand | |
SOGS | Society Of Graduate Students | |
SPUD | Students Performing Unselfish Deeds | |
EASI | Easy Access For Students And Institutions | |
MOSAIC | Minorities Offering Students An Interactive Community | |
FSA | Filipino Students Association | |
SOS | Students Offering Support | |
ESA | Education Students Association | |
NSAID | National Students Against Impaired Driving | |
STRAW | Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed | |
SIO | Students Islamic Organisation of India | |
NSA | Nursing Students Association | |
ECJS | European Center for Jewish Students | |
STARS | Students Today Aren't Ready For Sex | |
SIMS | Students For International Mission Service | |
CSSA | Computer Science Students Association | |
SWAT | Students Working to Advance Technology | |
SAVE | Students Against Vector Exploitation | |
ASAP | Association for Students And Postdocs | |
IPS | Insurance Passport For Students | |
STAND | Students Taking A New Direction | |
PAWS | Parents At Work for Students | |
JSU | Jewish Students Union | |
ACES | Atlantic Council of Engineering Students | |
ACES | Atlantic Council of Engineering Students | |
SHINE | Students Helping In The Naturalization Of Elders | |
WLSA | Women Law Students' Association | |
WNSO | Worldwide Nepalese Students' Organisation | |
SOS | Students Orienting Students | |
PLUS | Parents' Loan for Undergraduate Students | |
ECOS | Environmental Coordination Office Of Students | |
CUSA | Chinese Undergraduate Students Association | |
BUGS | Being Unusually Good Students | |
ACES | Athletes Committed to Educating Students | |
STAND | Students Take Action for New Directions | |
DOGS | Dads Of Great Students | |
NOLS | National Organisation of Labour Students | |
VSA | The Vietnamese Students Association | |
ASSP | Associated Students Of Seattle Pacific | |
STAR | Students Taught Awareness And Resistance | |
BSU | Black Students United | |
PASS | Pathways for All Students to Succeed | |
KISS | Keep It Simple Students | |
FIRST | Fair and Immediate Resources for Students Today | |
KISS | Keep It Simple, Students | |
SADD | Students Against Doing Drugs | |
ISS | International Students Service | |
AMSA | Asian Medical Students Association | |
ASIST | Adult Students In Scholastic Transition | |
NSA | Napier Students Association | |
MESA | Mechanical Engineering Students Association | |
YES | Young Engineering Students | |
ISSM | Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting | |
WFYS | World Festival Of Youth And Students | |
IBS | International Business Students | |
SADD | Students Against Dangerous Decisions | |
TSA | Technology Students of America | |
SOE | Students Of Education | |
TASA | Taiwanese American Students Association | |
FAST | Faculty And Students Together | |
SAVE | Students Against Violating The Earth | |
RSA | Resident Students Association | |
SAGE | Students Acting for Gender Equality | |
SHOP | Students Helping Other People | |
ISI | International Students Incorporated | |
PLUS | Parent Loan for Undergraduates Students | |
USASA | University of South Australia Students Association | |
BEAMS | Building Engagement and Attainment of Minority Students | |
ISMA | International Students Meetingpoint Amsterdam | |
ECOS | Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students | |
SGR | Students for Global Responsibility | |
SSS | Singapore Students Society | |
SURE | Students United for Reform and Equality | |
DES | Division for Exceptional Students | |
USCC | United Students of Color Council | |
UAS | United Armenian Students | |
AVS | Association of Veterinary Students | |
ASA | Adventist Students Association | |
STAR | Students That Are Ready | |
MAPS | Mature And Postgraduate Students | |
BSA | Bengali Students Association | |
STS | Students Teaching Students | |
DASA | Direct Admission of Students Abroad | |
FASA | Filipino American Students Association | |
PTSA | Parents Teachers And Students Association | |
SOAR | Students Of All Races | |
NSO | New Students Orientation | |
STEM | Students And Teachers Educational Materials | |
JUSTICE | Jesuit University Students Together In Concerned Empowerment | |
MADS | Malta Association of Dental Students | |
SOS | Students Organized for Service | |
SOS | Students Offering Services | |
UBS | Union of Brunel Students | |
ESA | European Students Association | |
SASS | Students Against Starting Smoking | |
ASAP | American Students to Activate Pride | |
STAR | Students Taking Action And Responsibility | |
SAVE | Students Against a Violent Environment | |
TOPS | Tracking Of Programs And Students | |
SPICE | Students Participating In Community Enterprises | |
SCENE | Students Creating Exciting New Events | |
SOS | Students Organizing Students | |
VISA | Vietnamese International Students Association | |
FASS | Faculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students | |
LETS | Law Enforcement Teaching Students | |
PATS | Program For Academically Talented Students | |
SWAP | Students With A Purpose | |
CASS | Catholic Asian Students Society | |
SWAT | Students With A Target | |
STEP | Students Teaching Early Prevention | |
SODA | Students Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol | |
SODA | Students Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol | |
SASH | Students Achieving Social Harmony | |
AES | Association for Exchange Students | |
AATS | Accommodation Allowance for Tertiary Students | |
SUCCESS | Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students | |
SPACE | Students Planning And Conducting Engineering | |
SHO | Students Helping Others | |
WSPS | Wisconsin Society of Pharmacy Students | |
MSU | Malaysian Students Union | |
STOP | Students Thinking Of Peers | |
SMART | Students of Missouri Assisting Rural Transportation | |
MUSA | The Massey University Students Association | |
ASTM | Associated Students of Truckee Meadows | |
ASS | Associated Secular Students | |
PATHS | Parents And Teachers Helping Students | |
STARS | Students That Are Recognized For Service | |
LETS | Learning Exchange for Teachers and Students | |
CSSA | Chinese Students Scholars Association | |
SMILE | Students Making It A Little Easier | |
UNESA | University of New England Students Association | |
CLASS | Connected Learning Assures Successful Students | |
SAC | Students Activities Council | |
APMSO | All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organization | |
TEAMS | Teaching Enhancements Affecting Minority Students | |
BSA | Borneo Students Association | |
STATUS | Students Taking Action To Terminate Unlawful Substances | |
SIM | Students In Mission | |
FACTS | Families And Community Together For Students | |
RSVP | Register Students Via Phone | |
PSA | Puntland Students Association | |
ABACUS | Association of British And Chinese University Students | |
STOP | Students Together Organizing Peace | |
AAGS | Association of Anthropology Graduate Students | |
ASSC | Associated Students Of Sierra College | |
FOCUS | Financial Occupations Club For University Students | |
AMS | Associated Men Students | |
WSAS | Washington Students Against Sweatshops | |
USA | United Students for Abstinence | |
AAMSU | All Assam Minority Students Union | |
SHARE | Students Help Art Reach Everyone | |
STLF | Students Today, Leaders Forever | |
SAD | Students Affairs Department | |
STS | Students Training Students | |
SHOP | Students Helping Older People | |
SEMP | Students Equipped To Minister To Peers | |
CREST | City Resources Employing Students Today | |
CATS | Center for Academically Talented Students | |
SCREAM | Students Challenging Realities And Educating Against Myths | |
EESA | Environmental Engineering Students Association | |
BS | Busted Students | |
STARS | Students Taking Academic Responsibility Seriously | |
WCVSA | Western Canadian Veterinary Students' Association | |
AIMS | Amnesty International Maastricht Students | |
SAP | Students Aid Project | |
PLUS | Parent's Loan for Undergraduate Students | |
MUSA | Music Undergraduate Students Association | |
FOCUS | Federation Of Charitable University Students | |
ITFS | Instructional Television For Students | |
SUMS | Society of Undergraduate Math Students | |
SMILE | Students Making Individual Lives Easier | |
AMS | Association of Malaysian Students | |
IDEAS | Integrated Distance Education for Adult Students | |
NSA | Nippon Students Association | |
MSSA | Mansoura Students Scientific Association | |
TOPS | The Opportunity To Praise Students | |
WOSA | Woodstock Old Students Association | |
HATS | High Achieving Talented Students | |
GAS | God Answering Students | |
NESS | Network Of European Shipbuilding Students | |
STEP | Students Teachers Employers And Parents | |
EUST | Ecology for Urban Students and Teachers | |
GENESIS | Global Electronic Network Educating, Serving, and Inspiring Students | |
NUKS | The National Union of Kuwait Students | |
SASA | Students Against Substance Abuse | |
WSAB | Women Students At Brown | |
TTHS | Trainees, Transients, Holdees, and Students | |
STARS | Students, Teachers, and Athens Reaching for Success | |
STAR | Students Teaching Arithmetic and Reading | |
PAWS | Personal Access Web for Students | |
WLSO | Women Law Students Organization | |
TTHS | Trainees, Transients, Holdees, and Students | |
SAC | Students Against Corruption | |
SHOP | Students Helping Others Planetwide | |
ACES | Australian Chinese Evangelical Students | |
SPATS | Special Program For Academically Talented Students | |
SCORES | Search Committee On Recognizing Excellent Students | |
COSMOS | Community-Oriented Science and Mathematics Opportunities For Students | |
AEGIS | Association of Educational Guardians for International Students | |
CLASS | Connecting Learning and Accountability for Students and Schools | |
SEARCH | Students Experiencing Appropriate Research And Creative Happenings | |
CCSA | Concordia Chinese Students Association | |
WEMS | Women Engineers Mentoring Students | |
BSSI | Binghamton Students for Students International | |
AATS | Association of Athletic Training Students | |
SWAP | Students Who Are Prepared | |
SCORE | Students Choosing Other Recreational Endeavors | |
ACES | Activities Created Especially For Students | |
SASS | Students Against Student Shootings | |
PALS | Peer Assistant Leadership Students | |
CHIPS | Challenging High Intellectual Potential Students | |
ASLT | All Students Love Teachers | |
ACES | Addiction Counselors Education Students | |
IDEAS | Increasing Diversity And Equality Among Students | |
MUSE | Music Uniting Students And Elders | |
SWAP | Students Working For Animal Protection | |
FROGS | Fully Responsible Organized Growing Students | |
ARTS | At Risk Talented Students | |
STEP | Students Teaching And Education Programme | |
ACCESS | Applied Certification Courses For Education Of Special Students | |
ISEA | International Students for Environmental Action | |
HASTA | Hopeful Aware Students Taking Action | |
SALSA | Spanish And Latin Students Association | |
SHAPE | Students Health And Physical Education | |
OASIS | Outreach Assisting Students In Schools | |
STAC | Students Thinking Across the Curriculum | |
START | Students Together Achieving Responsible Tasks | |
HONS | Head Of New Students | |
PLACES | People Learning About Curriculum, Education, and Students | |
BLISS | Body Love Inspiring Strong Students | |
SHINE | Students Helping In Neighborhoods Everywhere | |
CAST | Computer Aids for Students and Teachers | |
DISC | Disabled International and Students of Color | |
ELICOS | English Language Course for Overseas Students | |
SOURCE | Students Organized for Using Resources Conscientiously and Efficiently | |
USIL | Undergraduate Students In Linguistics | |
SPOE | Students Protecting Our Environment | |
SPOE | Students Protecting Our Environment | |
SABO | Students Against Body Odor | |
TES | Teachers Expectations For Students | |
SBC | Students for Black Culture | |
FCAS | Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Students | |
STAND | Students Together And Naturally Diverse | |
SAFE | Students Are For Education | |
FACTS | Fighting Against Corruption Towards Students | |
OPUS | Officer Program for Undergraduate Students | |
ACSEP | African Cultural Students Exchange Program | |
AAMSU | All Assam Manipuri Students Union | |
SWIFT | Students Walking In Faith Together | |
ASLC | Asian Students Leadership Conference | |
CLASS | Connected Learning Assures Students Success | |
ESSA | Exercise Science Students Association | |
PHASE | Peers Helping All Students Equally | |
ASSIST | Active Students Serving Instructing Socializing Together | |
SWAT | Students With Advanced Technologies | |
ASSIST | Australian Social Skills For International Students Training | |
MATHS | Mentally Affected Teachers Harrasing Students | |
SWORD | Students Who Occasionally Roll Dice | |
SPEAK | Students Promoting Equality Awareness And Knowledge | |
CARS | College Automotive Restoration Students | |
POETS | Providing Other Entertainment To Students | |
SAPE | Students Against Practically Everything | |
SCOPE | Students for Community Outreach Promotion and Education | |
SPIKE | Students Personal Integrated Knowledge Environment | |
SUPER | Students United Promoting Entertainment And Recreation | |
AASA | Atheist And Agnostic Students Association | |
ESCA | Essex Students Community Action | |
STACK | Students Teach Adults Computer Knowledge | |
SPRITE | Students Promoting Respect for Individuality Through Example | |
SHOES | Shoes Help Our Elementary Students | |
VISA | Volunteering International Students Assistance | |
FASS | Faculty, Administration, Staff, and Students | |
HOSA | Heath Occupations Students of America | |
SEED | Students Ending Environmental Destruction | |
PAWS | Panthers Are Winning Students | |
SAE | Students Acquiring Experience | |
SAE | Students As Entrepreneurs | |
TESA | Trent Education Students Association | |
SLAB | Students Learning About the Bible | |
STEP | Students Together For Environmental Protection | |
SEEK | Students Exploring Employment Knowledge | |
STAR | Students Taking Alternative Roads | |
LINKS | Linking Information Networks and Knowledge to Students | |
BEST | Bilingual Exceptional Students Team | |
SMILE | Students Motivated In Literacy Education | |
LEADS | Leadership Education And Development For Students | |
PSST | Philippino Students Stand Together | |
STEPS | Students Teaching Equals Positive Sexuality | |
SEMS | Support For Ethnic Minority Students | |
STOP | Students Thinking Of People | |
WGSA | Wildlife Graduate Students Association | |
GAS | God Anointing Students | |
SEE | Students For Energy Education | |
HPS | High Profile Students | |
LEAPS | Lawyers Encouraging And Assisting Promising Students | |
IRS | Intelligent Responsible Students | |
SMASH | Students Meeting And Sharing Hearts | |
WOSY | World Organization of Students & Youth | |
SGA | Students Gargling Antifreeze | |
GES | Great Elementary Students | |
ROCS | Regional Oceans Conference For Students | |
ROCS | Ryerson Off-Campus Students | |
ASSIST | Advanced Students Supporting Instructing And Servicing Technology | |
STORM | Students To Organize Reading Motivation | |
SELF | Students Expressing Life Freely | |
SPG | Students Programming Group | |
BEST | Business Encourages Students and Teachers | |
HOST | Helping Our Students Together | |
SAPD | Students Against Psychological Disruption | |
SFA | Students For Alcohol | |
BOSS | Builders Organization for Students and Staff | |
SUAVE | Students United Around Volunteering And Entertaining | |
QUEST | Questioning Understanding Educating Students Together | |
RMSA | Rehabilitaton Medicine Students Association | |
SALT | Students Acquiring Leadership Training | |
SPECPOP | SPECial POPulation students | |
Zillai | Vaiphei Students Association | |
ABSCM | Association of Boys and Students Clothing Manufacturers | |
USEE | Uniting Students for Entrepreneurship Education | |
QUEST | Quality Utilization Enrichment of Students Talent | |
EESA | Electrical Enigineering Students Association | |
AACTS | Academic Affairs Committee for Transfer Students | |
CZ | Club Zoologico (Universiti Putra Malaysia veterinary students) | |
STATS | Students Taking Action To Succeed | |
UFS | Union for Free Students | |
ISA | Islamic Students Association | |
PASS | Preparatory Academic Skills for Students | |
MAPS | Minority Achievement Program for Students | |
SHOP | Students Helping Others Plantwide | |
SAVE | Students Against Violating The Education | |
SLIC | Students Living In Creativity | |
STARR | Students Taking Active Responsible Roles | |
SAP | Students, Alumni, and Professionals | |
SERT | The Students Emergency Response Team | |
ALPS | Alternative Learning Programs for Students | |
WINGS | Workplace Integration Nurturing Good Students | |
SEED | Students for Enterprise Educational Development | |
PEERS | Peer Enhancement Empowerment and Resources for Students | |
AAMSU | All Assam Missing Students Union | |
ISE | International Students Enschede, the Netherlands | |
TOPS | Three Opportunities to Praise Students | |
MSA | Minnesota Students Association | |
MSS | Marketing Students Society | |
PAWS | Positive Activities With Students | |
ASTA | Allgemeine Studentenhuis (General Students Committee) | |
DAIS | Diversity Awareness Initiative for Students | |
SCOPE | Students Choices and Opportunities for Positive Education | |
SCCS | Students Craving Computer Sex | |
SOS | Speak Out Students | |
SPOT | Students Performing On Target | |
WGES | Working Group European Students | |
OOPS | Organization Of Planning Students | |
SALT | Students And Leaders Talking | |
KOSS | Keep Our Students Safe | |
SEMP | Students Equipped to Minister to Peers | |
AP | Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students) | |
STARS | Superior Technology Advancement Of Rural Students | |
PAWS | Parents Assisting Winning Students | |
SHOC | Students Helping Others Choose | |
TASTE | Technology for Administrators Students and Teachers Everyday | |
UPSS | United Pilipino Students For Success | |
VIBA | Vietnamese International Students Association | |
SUCCESS | Students Utilizing Cooperative Community And Engagement Skills Successfully | |
SUN | Students Understanding Need | |
STORM | Students Teachers Outward Reach Movement | |
SOLAR | Students Own Local Access Radio | |
SOAR | Students Online At Ridgely | |
SAS | Students' Association of Singapore | |
ABS | Association of Bucknell Students | |
ASS | Association Of Singapore Students | |
STARS | Students That Are Reaching Success | |
SOSB | Students' Outside Scotland Bursary | |
SAS | Students' Association of Singapore | |
STOP | Students Thinking Out Problems | |
SAVE | Students For A Viable Environment | |
SPA | Students Personal Advisor | |
CAPS | Career Advising Program for Students | |
ASIC | All-Students Interest Council | |
SMARTS | Students Maximizing Academic Resources To Succeed | |
AISJ | Association of Iranian Students in Japan | |
START | Students To Advance Racial Togetherness | |
LASAR | Latin American Students Association of Ryerson | |
ASS | Academy of Submissive Students | |
SWBAT | Students Will Be Able To .... | |
SUCCESS | Standing Up For Continuing Catholic Education Serving Students | |
STAT | Students Taking Action Today | |
ISTEP | International Students Together for Environmental Protection | |
LSN | Law Students Network | |
STAFF | Students Taking Action For the Future | |
DASH | Developing Awareness Of Students History | |
IDEAS | Ideas Design Engineering And Students | |
DCS | Developing Competent Students | |
FOCUS | Future Opportunities for Communication Undergraduate Students | |
SPICE | Students Practicing Ideas Of Character Education | |
TSA | Technical Students of America | |
SALT | Students Actively Learning Together | |
PASS | Preventing Alcohol Sales to Students | |
STEP | Students Transitional English Program | |
OASIS | Olsen Assisting Students In Success | |
OASIS | Organization For African Students Interest And Solidarity | |
SACC | Students Addressing Computing Complaints | |
BLAST | Bringing Leaders And Students Together | |
SEARCH | Students Excited About Reaching Challenging Heights | |
ROCS | Responsible Outgoing College Students | |
OASIS | Otis Associated Students In Service | |
SPORTS | Students Presently On Restricted Training Status | |
RESPECT | Really Enthusiastic Students Performing Exceptionally Courteous Tasks | |
USEE | Uniting Students for Entrepreneurship Education | |
MISSHAP | Monitoring of Intoxicated Students Support and Health Assessment Program | |
ESAC | Engineering Students Academic Committee | |
TRUST | Teaching Respect And Understanding To Students And Teachers | |
PRAISE | Parents Reaching And Involving Students And Educators | |
SEVIS | Students Exchange And Visitors Information System | |
STARS | Students Transforming Attitudes And Reaching Success | |
SASS | Students As School Security | |
STARS | Students That Are Ready for Success | |
SELF | Students Exploring Lifestyles and Friendships | |
NEST | Neat Experiences Of Students Teachers | |
SHAG | Students Having A Go | |
ISCO | Indian Students Cultural Organisation | |
STAMP | Students Teachers And Marauder Parents | |
CLASS | Citizens Leading All Students to School | |
SEARCH | Students Exploring And Reaching For Creative Horizons | |
SWAT | Students With Advisory Teams | |
SCARE | Students Caring And Respecting the Environment | |
PAWS | Privileges and Awards for Worthy Students | |
PALS | Parents Accelerating the Learning of Students | |
VMF | VeterinarMedicinska Foreningen (Swedish Veterinary Students' Union) | |
CHAMPS | Chemistry Honours And Miscellaneous Postgraduate Students | |
RUSH | Reaching Unchurched Students For Him | |
BOSS | Building Organization Students' Society | |
STARS | Students Teachers Adults Reaching Solutions | |
PALS | Performance Acting Library Students | |
SOAR | Students Organized Active And Resourceful | |
PALS | Parents Always Love Students | |
TIS | Textbooks for Indiana Students | |
SOL | Students Of Lacrosse | |
SALT | Students Are Living Testimonies | |
PEDS | Providing Educational Direction to Students | |
BOSS | Builders Organization for Students and Staff | |
SWAP | Students With Active Parents | |
OASIS | Operation Andrew Students Interceding For Students | |
SEVIS | Students And Exchange Visitors Immigration Services | |
MSA | Missouri Students Asylum | |
TOPS | The Olympia Program for Students | |
START | Students That Act Really Terrific | |
SNAG | Students New At Golf | |
CATS | Chandler Academically Talented Students | |
SAE | Students Are Exciting | |
SAGE | Students Academically Growing Everyday | |
PAWS | Producing, Acting, Writing Students | |
SABO | Students Against Body Odour | |
SHOTS | Students Helping Others Think Sensibly | |
EASA | European Assembly For Students Of Architechture | |
STATS | Statistics And Technology Advance Thinking Students | |
SUM | Students Undertaking Missions | |
MOST | Macintosh Online Students And Teachers | |
SPRITE | Students Promoting Respect and Individuality Through Example | |
ATLAS | The Academy For Teaching Literacy To Adult Students | |
MSDS | Management, Staff, Directors, Students | |
ESSO | Environmental Science Students Organisation | |
WGYP | Westminster Students - Graduate/Young Professional | |
SAGE | Students' Alliance for Good Education | |
PASSPORT | Parents And Students Specialised Programme Of Reading Together | |
SAM | Students Against The Mai | |
SWAT | Students With Attitude to Teach | |
SPEED | Students Promoting Education And Empowerment Diversity | |
CUBS | Counseling And Understanding By Students | |
SPARK | Students Promoting Action, Responsibility, and Knowledge | |
DHSA | Delhi Hmar Students' Association | |
APT | Academic Program for Talented students | |
PAWS | Positive Attitudes Within Students | |
STARS | Students Teaching and Advocating for Responsible Self | |
SPAM | Students Pursing A Mission | |
NOISE | Network Of Imaging StudEnts | |
POPS | Positive Options For Positive Students | |
SUAVE | Students United Around Volunteering Entertaining | |
IDEAS | Improving Delivery of Educational Advising for Students | |
GENESIS | Global Electronic Network Educating, Serving, and Informing Students | |
PRAISE | Promote and Recognize Assets In Students Everyday | |
PAWS | Positive Alternatives With Students | |
IFES | Internationals Foundation of Evangelical Students | |
STAR | Students Together Assisting Roal | |
OPUS | Online Pathway for University Students | |
ROSA | Rickmansworth Old Students Association | |
SOURCE | Students Organized For Using Resources Conscientiously And Effectively | |
SEEC | Students Entrepreneurs And E Commerce | |
MCSS | MacDonald Campus Students Society | |
PALS | Parents Appreciate and Love Students | |
FOCUS | Focus On Curriculum for Underachieving Students | |
BCS | Believing College Students | |
ACES | Academic Challenges Enriching Students | |
DUCSU | Dhaka University Central Students Union | |
SCHOOL | Students Cursed Humans Offering Old Lemons | |
MATHS | Mental Attack To Healthy Students | |
MATHS | Mentally Affected Teacher Harassing Students | |
NANS | National Association of Nigerian Students | |
SWBAT | Students Will Be Able To .... | |
PHYSICS | Physical Health Youths Science Intelligent Courageous Students | |
SICASA | Southern India Chartered Accountants Students Association | |
WARRIORS | We Are Really Responsible Informed Organized Reliable Students | |
ISHA | International Students of History Association | |
JDSU | Jharkhand Disom Students Union | |
COBUS | College Of the Bahamas Union of Students | |
SUG | Students' Union Government | |
ISO | Imamia Students Organization | |
TEST | Testing Every Students Time | |
COSAS | Congress of South African Students | |
BUSI | Boston University Students for Israel | |
ASAB | Associated Students Activities Board | |
TEST | To Evaluate Students Thoery | |
SUBU | Students Union Bournemouth University | |
HOSA | Health Occupations Students of America | |
DUCSU | Dhaka University Central Students' Union | |
CORPS | Collegiate Organization of Reformed Presbyterian Students | |
CUSU | Cambridge University Students Union | |
EISU | English for International Students Unit | |
SASCO | South African Students COngress | |
CHIPS | Community Health Initiatives and Programs for Students | |
SWAG | Students Working to Achieve Greatness | |
USDA | Useless Students Demanding Attention | |
ESOS | Education Services for Overseas Students | |
GGSU | Gandhi Group of Students Union | |
ASTC | All Students Take Calculus | |
ABSU | All Bodo Students Union | |
BEAST | Bullying Ends Against Students Today | |
DOGS | Dads Of Great Students | |
KUSU | Kingston University Students Union | |
ISNA | Iranian Students News Agency | |
DESA | Deaf Education Students Association | |
NUGS | National Union of Ghana Students | |
SWAD | Students Working Against Depression | |
SUPE | Students United for Public Education | |
YLLS | Young Lawyers and Law Students | |
IADS | International Association of Dental Students | |
NISU | North Island Students' Union | |
800 | Non-degree students | |
AISF | All India Students Federation | |
AASAA | All Adivasi Students Association of Assam | |
AASU | All Assam Students Union | |
MSSN | Muslim Students Society of Nigeria | |
SICASA | Southern India Chartered Accountants' Students Association | |
ASIA | Asian Students In Australia | |
MATHS | Mental Attack To Handsome Students | |
MISTER | Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role | |
RUSU | Reading University Students Union | |
FISA | Flinders International Students Association | |
GUNSA | Ghana United Nations Students' Association | |
SUCCESS | Students Uniting Cultures For College Educational Success And Self | |
ASSU | Associated Students of Stanford University | |
BKSA | Babson Korean Students Association | |
PROMISE | Promoting Research Opportunities Mentoring and Innovations for Students and Early | |
MISTER | Mentors Instructing Students Towards Effective Role | |
OSAO | Overseas Students' Affairs Office | |
SOBR | Students Of Brain Research | |
ASSU | Arts and Science Students Union | |
NAPS | National Association of Physics Students | |
LUSA | Lincoln University Students' Association | |
SOARE | Students Organized to Advance Renewable Energy | |
UESI | union of evangelical students of India | |
SALE | Students Advocating for LGBTQIA Equality | |
AUSA | Auckland University Students Association | |
JUSTICE | Jesuit University Students Together In Creative Empowerment | |
ASUN | Association of Students of the University of Nebraska | |
LUSU | Lancaster University Students' Union | |
FLAMES | Financial Literacy And Money Education by Students | |
CESS | Civil Engineering Students Society | |
FAMSA | Federation of African Medical Students | |
EYES | Encourage Young Engineering Students | |
BLSA | Black Law Students Association | |
SAME | Students Against Migrant Exploitation | |
WHMIS | Workers Health Management For Informing Students | |
BAPSA | Birsa Ambedkar Phule Students Association | |
CAMPUS | Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students | |
SPTE | Students Perception of Teaching Effectiveness | |
CRICOS | Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students | |
SPECTRA | Students Performing Experiments Collaboratively Through Remote Access | |
HOSA | Health Occupations Students of Ameria | |
ASCC | Associated Students of Cascades Campus | |
SIWES | Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme | |
MISTER | Men Instructing Students Toward Effective Role | |
ASUU | Associated Students of the University of Utah | |
ANST | Association of Neuropsychology Students in Training | |
IMSAK | Inter Muslim Students Association of Kampala | |
FAMSA | Federation Of African Medical Students Associations | |
SFLA | Students for Life of America | |
SHIFT | Students Heading Into the Future Together | |
NSWF | National Students Welfare Fund | |
PDSP | Physically Disabled Students' Program | |
NSUD | Naga Students Union Delhi | |
PRAISE | Parental Response in Assisting and Influencing Students Education | |
CGSE | Council of Graduate Students in Education | |
NRSU | Nepal Revolutionary Students' Union | |
PLUS | Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students | |
ERCSS | Education Research Community of Students and Staff | |
SAPASA | South African Public Administration Students Association | |
ELSA | European Law Students' Association | |
MATHS | Mental Attack To Handsome Students | |
MASCOT | Mentoring Alliance Students And Communities Outreaching Together | |
SASM | South African Students Movement | |
NOSF | Nhamanghat Old Students Fedaration | |
OSD | Office for Students with Disabilities | |
SADA | Students Against Drugs and Alcohol | |
SUCCESS | Students Using Curriculum Content to Ensure Sustained Success | |
BMSS | Bangladesh Medical Students' Society | |
ABSA | Asian Business Students Association | |
AASU | Asian American Students United | |
SSIDC | Students Satellite Innovation Design Contest | |
AAMSU | All Assam Minorities Students Union | |
GAFS | Gateway Association of Fire Students | |
LDSU | Longding District Students Union | |
ILSA | International Law Students Association | |
ACGS | Association of Chemistry Graduate Students | |
EROS | Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students | |
ABST | Alliance for Bakery Students and Trainees | |
PASU | Physics Astronomy Students Union | |
SESH | Structural Engineering Students For Humanity | |
STLS | Students in Temporary Living Situations | |
SSFS | Students in Support of Free Speech | |
ASSN | Associated Students of the School of Nursing | |
AABSU | All Assam Bodo Students Union | |
ETDS | European Tournament for Dancing Students | |
SFTJ | Students for a Free Tibet Japan | |
SFGI | Students for Genital Integrity | |
STAMP | Students Taking Action and Making Progress | |
ASPD | Associated Students of Planning and Development | |
QSA | Queer Students Alliance | |
WHSS | World Healthcare Students Symposium | |
ISSO | International Scholars and Students Office | |
ISAL | Indian Students Association of Leuven | |
EDSA | European Dental Students Association | |
MHSA | Malta Health Students' Association | |
CMSF | Cutchi Memon Students Federation | |
ASUP | Associated Students of the University of Portland | |
STORM | Students Taking On Righteous Missions | |
SUCCESS | Students Understanding Communities and Cherishing Every Student's Service | |
FFIS | Friendship Foundation for International Students | |
SPICE | Students Particularly Interested in Culinary Excellence | |
STARS | Students Teaching About Relationship and Success | |
SEARCH | Students Experiencing Appropriate Research Creative Happenings | |
SEDS | Students for the Exploration and Development of Space | |
POMS | Premedical Organization for Minority Students | |
IRSA | International Relations Students Association | |
BOAST | Building Opportunities for all Students and Teachers | |
IGSC | Indigenous Graduate Students Council | |
AAGS | Association of all graduate students | |
BSYA | Baloch Students and Youth Association | |
ISF | International Students Festival | |
ABMSU | All BTC Minority Students Union | |
ABMSU | All Bodo Minority Students Union | |
MATHS | Mentally Abused Teachers Harassing Students | |
CBGS | Council of Biomedical Graduate Students | |
STRIVE | Students Taking Responsibility for Important Values of Excellence | |
GSO | Gay Students Organization | |
MATHS | Mental Abuse To Harmless Students | |
ABFSU | All Burma Federations of Students Union | |
RECESS | Recreation and Enrichment for Christian Educated Super Students | |
NFCS | Nigeria Federation Of Catholic Students | |
SLSJ | Students for Law and Social Justice | |
SAGE | Students for Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship | |
SGR | Students Global Relocation | |
ASWC | Associated Students of Westminster College | |
SWBAT | Students will be able to | |
KANS | Kentucky Association of Nursing Students | |
VESA | Volunteer Eco Students Abroad | |
GCRS | Global Confederation of Romanian Students | |
SSWD | Services to Students with Disabilities | |
ASSP | Associated Students School of Pharmacy | |
EDSA | English Department Students Association | |
SCRAP | Students Challenging Regulatory Agency Proceedings | |
ISU | International Students Union | |
CLAPS | Coalition of Left And Progressive Students | |
SSMU | Students’ Society of McGill University | |
AAMSU | All Assam Minorities Students Union | |
WUSSA | Waikato University Science Students Association | |
APAAS | Alternative Program for Academically Advanced Students | |
AAMSU | All Assam Moran Students Union | |
DREAMS | Devoted to Reaching Expectations and Mentoring Students | |
ACSES | Association of Computational Science and Engineering Students | |
NUSS | National Union of Syrian Students | |
ASUA | Associated Students of The University of Arizona | |
GASA | Graduate Astronomy Students Association | |
KANS | Kansas Association of Nursing Students | |
SOLAR | Students On Line Atmospheric Research | |
ISSB | International Students Speakers Bureau | |
PSSA | Political Science Students Association | |
UMASS | University of Manchester Aspiring Students Society | |
FAMSA | Federation Of African Medical Students Associations | |
ASUO | Associated Students of the University of Oregon | |
CAMPUS | Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students | |
GAOSA | Geidam Academy Old Students Association | |
GAOSA | Geidam Academy Old Students Association | |
DOSO | Dean of Students Office | |
GAOSA | Geidam Academy Old Students Association | |
NSJP | National Students for Justice in Palestine | |
NAGS | National Association of Geography Students | |
NSJP | National Students for Justice in Palestine | |
STAHR | Students in Training in Academia Health and Research | |
STAHR | Students in Training in Academia Health and Research | |
HEFAS | Higher Education for AB540 Students | |
STAHR | Students in Training in Academia Health and Research | |
KONS | Konoha Orientation for New Students | |
HEFAS | Higher Education for AB540 Students | |
AUSIA | Australian University Students of INTEC Association | |
BSIF | Bocconi Students Investment Fund | |
AUSIA | Australian University Students of INTEC Association | |
PRESTO | Personal Records for Employees and STudents at Oberlin | |
PRESTO | Personal Records for Employees and STudents at Oberlin | |
AUSIA | Australian University Students of INTEC Association | |
AUSIA | Australian University Students of INTEC Association | |
SURE | Students United for Rape Elimination | |
NUGAS | National Union of Greek Australian Students | |
SNUG | Students Nestled Under Ground | |
MASSA | Malaysian And Singaporean Students Association | |
NUGAS | National Union of Greek Australian Students | |
MASSA | Malaysian And Singaporean Students Association | |
SESSIONS | STEM Exploration Successfully Supplementing Integral Opportunities Navigating Students | |
STRUT | Students Towards Realizing a United Tomorrow | |
HASAN | Harvard African Students Alumni Network | |
ASSAD | Australian School Students Alcohol and Drugs | |
ESWB | Engineering Students Without Borders | |
ASSAD | Australian School Students Alcohol and Drugs | |
NUGAS | National Union of Greek Australian Students | |
ASSAD | Australian School Students Alcohol and Drugs | |
ASSAD | Australian School Students Alcohol and Drugs | |
NUGAS | National Union of Greek Australian Students | |
ASVF | Asian Students Venture Forum | |
ASVF | Asian Students Venture Forum | |
PAUMS | Parents Association of Ukraine MBBS Students | |
PAUMS | Parents Association of Ukraine MBBS Students | |
NASELS | National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies | |
ASIRA | Academics and Students Interested in Religious Anarchism | |
NASELS | National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies | |
SAKS | Students Against Keith Sinclair | |
NASELS | National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies | |
SHOP | Students Helping Our Peers | |
SNAPSHOT | Students Nurses and Parents Seeking Healthy Options Together | |
SNAPSHOT | Students Nurses and Parents Seeking Healthy Options Together | |
ASSU | Arts and Science Students Union | |
ASSU | Arts and Science Students Union | |
BALSA | Black American Law Students Association | |
BALSA | Black American Law Students Association | |
ASVF | Asian Students Venture Forum | |
BALSA | Black American Law Students Association | |
ASSN | Associated Students of the School of Nursing | |
WUSSA | Waikato University Science Students Association | |
WUSSA | Waikato University Science Students Association | |
ETDS | European Tournament for Dancing Students | |
ASVF | Asian Students' Venture Forum | |
NECES | Network of Electronics and Communications Engineering Students | |
NECES | Network of Electronics and Communications Engineering Students | |
NECES | Network of Electronics and Communications Engineering Students | |
APMSO | All Pakistan Muttahidda Students Organization | |
CAPAS | Center for Asian Pacific American Students | |
COISA | Committee On International Students Affairs | |
SJED | Students Journal of Education and Development | |
MASSUE | Malaysian And Singaporean Students Union of Edinburgh | |
SJED | Students Journal of Education and Development | |
COISA | Committee On International Students Affairs | |
MASSUE | Malaysian And Singaporean Students Union of Edinburgh | |
TOOTS | Tech Out Of Town Students | |
BSWD | Bursary for Students With Disabilities | |
ASUA | Associated Students of The University of Arizona | |
IACES | International Association of Civil Engineering Students | |
BSWD | Bursary for Students With Disabilities | |
COISA | Committee On International Students Affairs | |
HASAN | Harvard African Students Alumni Network | |
SJED | Students Journal of Education and Development | |
SwDs | Students with Disabilities | |
YUPSS | Yangon University Psychology Students Society | |
YUPSS | Yangon University Psychology Students Society | |
SHRUBS | Students Helping Restore Unique Biomes Said | |
SWINE | Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything | |
PSUPT | Pochury Students Union Phek Town | |
SJED | Students Journal of Education and Development | |
SHRUB | Students Helping Restore Unique Biomes | |
SCALES | Supreme Court Advancing Legal Education for Students | |
NUKS | National Union of Kuwaiti Students | |
FAMSA | Federation Of African Medical Students Associations | |
SCALES | Supreme Court Advancing Legal Education for Students | |
SCALES | Supreme Court Advancing Legal Education for Students | |
NUKS | National Union of Kuwaiti Students | |
DALSA | Disability Allied Law Students Association | |
PSUPT | Pochury Students Union Phek Town | |
FARMS | Free And Reduced Meal Students | |
FAMSA | Federation Of African Medical Students Associations | |
SSF | Sunni Students' Federation | |
NURSU | National University of Rwanda Students Union | |
NURSU | National University of Rwanda Students Union | |
IAMUS | International Association of Maritime Universities Students | |
NURSU | National University of Rwanda Students Union | |
TSUTSU | Tarleton State University Transfer Students United | |
ASWI | Associated Students for Women's Issues | |
IAMUS | International Association of Maritime Universities Students | |
DALSA | Disability Allied Law Students Association | |
MANOS | Mentoring and Nurturing Our Students | |
AMAIS | ACER Mathematics Assessment for Incoming Students | |
DALSA | Disability Allied Law Students Association | |
KGSP | KAUST Gifted Students Program | |
BASTARD | Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research Development | |
DALSA | Disability Allied Law Students Association | |
IAMUS | International Association of Maritime Universities Students | |
AMAIS | ACER Mathematics Assessment for Incoming Students | |
SNUS | Swaziland National Unions of Students | |
SRLA | Students Run Los Angeles | |
PUSU | Panjab University Students Union | |
SEMIS | Students Ending Mental Illness Stigmas | |
GATES | Greater Alternatives To Educating Students | |
WUSSA | Waikato University Science Students Association | |
IAMUS | International Association of Maritime Universities Students | |
SAAKI | Students Academic Administration of Krishna Institute | |
SUMMIT | Students Uniting to Make Meaningful Influences Together | |
MISIC | Members Impacting Students Improving Curriculum | |
SKSSF | Smastha Kerala Sunni Students Federation | |
SNUS | Swaziland National Unions of Students | |
FAMSA | Federation Of African Medical Students Associations | |
YUPSS | Yangon University Psychology Students Society | |
SAAKI | Students Academic Administration of Krishna Institute | |
HASAN | Harvard African Students Alumni Network | |
EASA | European Architecture Students Assembly | |
AFCS | Associate Fellowship of Christian Students | |
SAAKI | Students Academic Administration of Krishna Institute | |
SRC | Students Representative Council | |
YUPSS | Yangon University Psychology Students Society | |
IAPSRS | Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society | |
IAPSRS | Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society | |
BSYA | Baloch Students and Youth Association | |
APAAS | Alternative Program for Academically Accelerated Students | |
BSYA | Baloch Students and Youth Association | |
RISEN | Reaching International Students in Every Nation | |
YEGS | Young Exceptionally Gifted Students | |
RISEN | Reaching International Students in Every Nation | |
LOCUS | Laurier Off Campus University Students | |
LOCUS | Laurier Off Campus University Students | |
FYC SSMU | First Year Council of the Students’ Society of McGill University | |
TESTA | Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment | |
SHARE | Students Helping And Relating to Each other | |
LOCUS | Laurier Off Campus University Students | |
SSVI | Services for Students with Visual Impairments | |
SUIE | Students United for Immigrant Equality | |
SUIE | Students United for Immigrant Equality | |
SUFS | Step Up For Students | |
NEST | Nurture Every Students Talents | |
PTS | Parents Teachers and Students | |
SUG | Students Union Government | |
LIPS | Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students | |
BEST | Better Educated Students for Tomorrow | |
ASUW | Associated Students of the University of Wyoming | |
STATS | Students Teaching AIDS to Students | |
NDSO | Nigerian Diaspora Students Organization | |
ABMSU | All Bodo Minority Students Union | |
ASEI | Activity Students Experiment Improvisation | |
BOOST | Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today | |
POSA | Pre-Optometry Students' Association | |
COSD | Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities | |
ASAB | Associated Students Activites Board | |
SALS | Students About Life Saving | |
SAIA | Students Against Israeli Apartheid | |
NRSU | Nepal Revolutionary Students Union | |
IMSAK | Inter Muslim students' Association of Kampala | |
SSET | Support for Students Exposed to Trauma | |
CASOR | Christ Ambassadors Students' Out-Reach | |
SAMS | Students Academic Management System | |
NERDS | Native Education Raising Dedicated Students | |
ECOS | Eckerd College Organization of Students | |
SAAC | Students and Alumni Advisory Council | |
SIO | Students Islamic Organization of India | |
SMAS | Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students | |
DASA | Direct Admission to Students Abroad | |
COPS | Council of Progressive Students | |
AASAA | All Adivasi Students Association Of Asaam | |
ABBS | Association of Bicol Business Students | |
FBSP | Fernand Baudin Students Publications | |
COSMOS | ChuyênNguyễnHuệ-Oriented Science and Mathematics Organization for Students | |
FASG | Florida Association of Students of German | |
UKS | United Khmer Students | |
GPSU | Graduate Philosophy Students Union | |
SYEF | Students and Youths Empowerment Forum | |
AISA | Alliance of International Students and Alumni | |
HISO | Health Informatics Students Organization | |
USLR | University Students Leaving Relationships | |
HISO | Health Informatics Students Organization | |
USLR | University Students Leaving Relationships | |
SYEF | Students and Youths Empowerment Forum | |
SSFT | Siena Students for Fair Trade | |
EYES | Encourage Young Engineering Students | |
NALSA | Native American Law Students Association |
What does Students mean?
- students
- A student is a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution.In the United Kingdom and most commonwealth countries, a "student" attends a secondary school or higher (e.g., college or university); those in primary or elementary schools are "pupils".
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"Students." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 26 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/Students>.
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