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Acronyms that contain the term YEARS
What does YEARS mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: YEARS.
Term | Definition | Rating |
Y | Years | |
MY | Many Years | |
YRS | Years | |
YO | Years old | |
MY | Million Years | |
SYW | Seven Years War | |
SYW | Seven Years War | |
SYW | Seven Years War | |
Y/A | Years of age | |
MYP | Middle Years Programme | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
MYA | Million Years Ago | |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program | |
LY | Light Years | |
MYP | Middle Years Program | |
PYP | Primary Years Program | |
UEY | Understanding the Early Years | |
TYA | Ten Years After | |
UEY | Understanding the Early Years | |
YBP | Years Before Present | |
TYA | Thousand Years Ago | |
MYA | Millions of Years Ago | |
TYW | Thirty Years War | |
TWY | The Wonder Years! | |
CYP | Couple Years of Protection | |
LYA | Light Years Away | |
TYG | Ten Years Gone | |
TCY | The College Years | |
TCY | The College Years | |
LYA | Light Years Ahead | |
YHL | Years of Healthy Life | |
KIDD | The First Years, Inc. | |
HYE | Healthy Years Equivalent | |
SYD | Sum-of-the-Years'- Digits | |
YOL | Years Of Life | |
BYA | Billions Of Years Ago | |
XYZ | Xtra Years Of Zest | |
FYR | Fifty Years of Ridicule | |
CRAFTY | Calculus Reform And The First Two Years | |
CITY | Conference In Two Years | |
NYP | New Years Party | |
TLY | The Lost Years | |
EYC | Early Years Centres | |
TYD | Three Years Down | |
NYG | Next Years Game | |
AHOY | Add Health to Our Years | |
GYM | Glowing Years Ministry | |
RFY | Remaining Fiscal Years | |
TYS | Total Years Service | |
TYS | Total Years Service | |
TYS | Total Years Service | |
TYS | Total Years Service | |
FLY | Foundation Learning Years | |
FYT | First Years Type | |
REALITY | Real Experience Appropriate Learning In Teenage Years | |
NIMBY | Not In a Million Billion Years | |
YIL | Years In League | |
NIFTY | Natural Investigations For Toddler Years | |
WYRS | Work Years | |
WYRS | Work Years | |
WYRS | Work Years | |
YPS | Years of Pensionable Service | |
WYRS | Work Years | |
SYWAJ | Seven Years War Association Journal | |
YTG | Years To Grow Day School | |
MJO | Meer Jarig Onderhoud (Multiple Years Maintenance) | |
TWO+TWO | Two Years Secondary Plus Two Years Postsecondary Education | |
PFY | Private For Years | |
BNY | Blue New Years | |
TIY | The Instamatic Years | |
PTPY | Per Thousand Patient Years | |
IY | Irken Years | |
HWY | Hundred Woman Years | |
KYA | Thousand Years Ago | |
HALY | Health Adjusted Life Years | |
NYE | New Years Eve | |
HORNY | Happy on Reaching New Years | |
FRAY | Freshly Rising Alternative Years | |
TYY | Ten Years Younger | |
IMYC | International Middle Years Curriculum | |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program | |
HLY | Healthy Life Years | |
LILY | Lifeforce in Later Years | |
FFYF | First Five Years Fund | |
MYAT | Middle Years Ability Test | |
YOA | Years of Age | |
TBY | The Best Years | |
TWY | The Wonder Years | |
BYA | Billion Years Ago | |
YA | Years Ago | |
YOLD | Years Of Living Dangerously | |
LYFT | Life Years after Transplantation | |
GYR | Gigayear (1 billion years) | |
GY | Gigayear (1 billion years) | |
YTQ | Years To Quitting | |
YOE | Years of Experience | |
MMYTC | Many More Years To Come | |
EYP | Early Years Practitioner | |
YSM | Years Since Migration | |
PYP | Primary Years Programme | |
BY | Billion Years | |
LYFT | Life Years From Transplant | |
HEY | Healthy Early Years | |
PYAR | Person Years At Risk | |
FYL | Five Years Later (World Food Summit) | |
EYE | Early Years Educator | |
YOGA | Years Of Growing Agile | |
FYL | Five Years Later | |
4YFN | 4 Years From Now | |
DEY | Defending the Early Years | |
YOLL | Years Of Life Lost | |
YTG | Years to Gow | |
CY | Comet Years | |
FIFY | Fit in a few years | |
MYA | Million of Years Ago | |
MY | Middle Years | |
HNY | Happy New Years | |
PY | Person Years | |
EYD | Early Years Directorate | |
TRACY | Tobacco Reduction and Childbearing Years | |
MYA | Middle Years Alternative | |
EYT | Early Years Teacher | |
YPPL | Years Of Potential Productivity Lost | |
MYS | Mean Years Of Schooling | |
DALY | Disability Adjusted Live Years | |
IEYS | Integrated Early Years Services | |
MARILYN | Manning and Recruiting in the Lean Years of the Nineties | |
COYD | Combined Over Years Distinctness | |
YPLL | Years of Potential Life Lost | |
WYFU | Women Years of Follow Up | |
MYRP | Middle Years Reform Program | |
MYO | Million Years Old | |
UIPY | Unrecovered Interest of Previous years | |
CRAFTY | Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years | |
ALLY | Active Living in Later Years | |
FHY | Five Hundred Years | |
Y | Year or years | |
GIFFY | Gay In Five F***ing Years | |
HYW | Hundred Years War | |
WTIT | WTIT is a Tape Radio station in CT for over 50 years. The TIT stands for "tales in tape" | |
YTEOL | Years To End Of Life | |
HEARTY | Health Energy And Resilience Through the Years | |
HEARTY | Health Energy And Resilience Through the Years | |
EYE | Early Years Education | |
MLY | Mega Light Years | |
ZGY | Zoom Golden Years | |
IEYS | Integrated Early Years Service | |
SWTTY | Six Weeks To Twelve Years | |
GYY | Gentle Years Yoga | |
GY | Giga Years | |
HEYA | Healthy Early Years Award | |
WY | Woman Years | |
FYIR | Foundation Years Information and Research | |
FYDP | Future Years Development Program | |
EFPY | Effective Full Power Years | |
EYES | Early Years Education Stewards | |
FYSD | Fifty Years of Singapore Design | |
FY | Future Years | |
TFY | The First Years | |
PACEY | Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years | |
EYPD | Early Years Professional Development | |
WALY | Welfare Adjusted Life Years | |
PY | Patient Years | |
WPY | Water Person Years | |
IEY | Institute for Early Years | |
DSY | Design Summer Years | |
EYNTO | Early Years National Training Organisations | |
EYNTO | Early Years National Training Organisation | |
LYG | Life Years Gained | |
SPRY | Seniors Preparing for Rainbow Years | |
NMY | Nelson Middle Years | |
ATY | Across The Years | |
SWEY | South West Early Years | |
EYCD | Early Years Community Development | |
EYCD | Early Years Community Development | |
y/o | Years Old | |
SYPD | Simulated Years Per Day | |
LAYS | Learning Adjusted Years of Schooling | |
DALYS | Disability Adjusted Life Years Simply | |
DALYS | Disability Adjusted Life Years Source | |
IEY | International Early Years | |
EYDCP | Early Years Developmentand Childcare Partnership | |
SYW | Seven Years' War | |
PYP | Primary the Years Programme | |
SYOA | Sixteen Years Of Alcohol | |
EYDCP | Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership | |
EYNTO | Early Years National Training Organization | |
EYFD | Early Years Foundation Degree | |
WHII.10 | World History II - Between the War Years | |
NYO | N years old | |
YRP | Years Return Period | |
PYP | Primary Years Programs | |
IBY | It's Been Years | |
WYLC | Wonder Years Learning Center | |
RFY | Radio's Forgotten Years | |
NYD | New Years Day | |
TTYT | The Thirty Years Tour | |
EYT | Early Years Toolbox | |
FYUP | Four Years Undergraduate Programme | |
PY | Program Years | |
ECY | Earned Car Years | |
ISEY | Inclusion support early years | |
EYAC | Early Years Advisory Committee | |
EYAC | Early Years Advisory Committee | |
EYM | Early Years Management | |
SY | Scientist Years | |
TYBA | Taxable Years Beginning After | |
AEY | African Equivalent Years | |
TYDI | Twenty Years of Deep Inference | |
OTY | Once in Ten Years | |
TDY | The Dark Years | |
YTR | Years Till Retirement | |
FYIB | Forty Years In Brazil | |
TYFA | Ten Years For Agroecology | |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Years | |
CYAR | Cat Years At Risk | |
EYDCP | Early Years Development Childcare Partnership | |
EY | Early Years | |
FTTY | Forty Two Thousand Years | |
EYS | Early Years Service | |
PYA | Primary Years Academy | |
EYMS | Early Years Music School | |
EYM | Early Years of Marriage | |
YBB | years before Bronys | |
HLY | Happy Life Years | |
NYDD | New Years Day Dash | |
SYD | Six Years in Debt | |
YOC | Years Of Coverage | |
TYA | Ten Years Ago | |
NYD | New Years Double | |
NYD | New Years | |
EDY | Effective Degradation Years | |
EYCS | Early Years and Childcare Service | |
VY | Various Years | |
GYIP | Golden Years Income Plan | |
SPRY | Setting Priorities for Retirement Years | |
SPRY | Setting Priority for Retirement Years | |
AYCE | Average Years Of Continuous Employment | |
EYT | Early Years Teachers | |
YOS | Years Of Silence | |
NYRE | New Years Rockin Eve | |
FTFY | For The Fun Years | |
YOS | Years of Service | |
EYF | Early Years Funding | |
TGY | The Growing Years | |
IMYC | International Middle Years Curriculums | |
DALY | Disability Adjusted Life Years | |
FFY | First Five Years | |
IPY | International Polar Years | |
IEY | Indigenous Early Years | |
SSY | Short School Years | |
NYA | New Years Association | |
TPY | Two Preceding Years | |
TYME | Thirty Years MSX Event | |
EYP | Early Years Programme | |
EYP | Early Years Professional | |
IEY | Ignatius Early Years | |
YBM | Years Before Meme | |
AWY | All the Water Years | |
NYE | New Years EXPERIENCE | |
YSA | Years Since Arrival | |
NYG | New Years Greetings | |
SYD | Sum of Years Digits | |
MYA | Millions of Years AgoGeologic | |
SY | Sordid Years | |
BOTY | Battle Of The Years | |
YSD | Years Since Diagnosis | |
DY | Dunk Years | |
YOS | Years Of Services | |
FYT | Formative Years Training | |
YCS | Years of Credited Service | |
MYA | Millions Years Ago | |
PPYL | Period Person Years Lived | |
BYA | Billion of Years Ago | |
SYPP | Seniors Years Preparation Program | |
PYQ | Previous Years Questions | |
TYFB | The Years Flash By | |
WY | Water Years | |
QALY | Quality Adjusted Life Years | |
YSP | Years Since Planting | |
MOY | Millions Of Years | |
WALY | Wellbeing Adjusted Life Years | |
AY | Academic Years | |
KYA | Kilo-Years Ago | |
HY | Human Years | |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Plan; Future Years Defense Program | |
DALY = YLL + YLD | Disability-Adjusted Life Year = Years of Life Lost + Years Lost Due to Disability | |
DALY = YLL + YLD | Disability-Adjusted Life Year = Years of Life Lost + Years Lost Due to Disability | |
DALY = YLL + YLD | Disability-Adjusted Life Year = Years of Life Lost + Years Lost Due to Disability | |
DALY = YLL + YLD | Disability-Adjusted Life Year = Years of Life Lost + Years Lost Due to Disability | |
DALY = YLL + YLD | Disability-Adjusted Life Year = Years of Life Lost + Years Lost Due to Disability | |
OIFY | Once in five years (a once-in-five-years political transition) | |
OIFY | Once in five years (a once-in-five-years political transition) | |
PYLS | Potential Years Of Life Saved | |
AHOY | Adding Health To Our Years | |
MSYA | My School Years Album | |
ARM 3/1 | Adjustable Rate Mortgage, 3 years overall, adjustable every 1 year | |
NIAMY | Never In A Million Years | |
YO | Years Old | |
QALY | Quality-Adjusted Life Years | |
LYS | Life Years Saved | |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage | |
QALY | Quality-Adjusted Life Years | |
QALYs | Quality Adjusted Life Years | |
EYLF | Early Years Learning Framework | |
YAL | Years At Level | |
SYA | Seven Years Association | |
YO | Years Old | |
FYP | Future Years Program | |
N2Y | Next Two Years | |
YB2K | Years before the year 2000 AD | |
RCBP | Radio Carbon years Before Present | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YPLL | Years of Potential Life Lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YPLL | Years of potential life lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
YLL | Years of Life Lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
PYLL | Potential years of life lost | |
EYTS | Early Years Teacher Status | |
EYTS | Early Years Teacher Status | |
EYTS | Early Years Teacher Status | |
EYTS | Early Years Teacher Status | |
EYITT | Early Years Initial Teacher Training | |
EYITT | Early Years Initial Teacher Training | |
EYITT | Early Years Initial Teacher Training | |
EYITT | Early Years Initial Teacher Training | |
EYTS | Early Years Teacher Status | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLL | Years of life lost | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
YLD | Years lost due to disability | |
AMMY | All-Makes-Models-Years | |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage | |
EYLF | Early Years Learning Framework | |
EYPS | Early Years Professional Status | |
BYO | Billion Years Old | |
YORAS | Years Of Rice And Salt | |
FYI | Five Years of Isolation | |
PRC 10 | Predicted Reciprocal Creatinine at Age 10 Years | |
IR2 | Immediate Relative visa (unmarried children under 21 years old of a US citizen) | |
IR-2 | Immediate Relative visa (unmarried children under 21 years old of a US citizen) | |
IR5 | Parent US citizens who are at least 21 years old | |
EW3 | Worker with fewer than 2 years of experience | |
EW-3 | Worker with fewer than 2 years of experience | |
SATY | Silent All These Years | |
CCY | Clarkson's Car Years | |
MYs | Model Years | |
ROTY | Race Of a Thousand Years | |
VN100 | Vision Next 100 Years | |
YDE | Years of Driving Experience | |
YIS | Years In Service | |
YSL | Years in Service Life | |
SYD | Sum-of-Years Digits | |
PPYLL | Potentially Productive Years of Life Lost | |
ECY | Evaluated Clinical Years | |
FOYT | FOYT (Found on YouTube) is a acronym i came up with because I found some young male singers who's music albums weren't sold in this country from YouTube back in 2007 while playing my ipod touch and now a few years later I was able to buy their music from Amazon or another website. The young male singers are, leandro moldes and declan galbraith | |
14TN | fourteen years 14tn | |
HJLL22W23 | All New version Goodyear years | |
E.Ph.D. | Doctorate granted by a U.S. university which is granted by an ecclesiastical university. It is equal to a Ph.D. from a non-ecclesiastical university. Prerequisite is a Masters degree from an non-ecclesiastical or ecclesiastical college and scientific research work for at least four (4) years. | |
E.Ph.D. | Doctorate granted by a U.S. university which is granted by an ecclesiastical university. It is equal to a Ph.D. from a non-ecclesiastical university. Prerequisite is a Masters degree from an non-ecclesiastical or ecclesiastical college and scientific research work for at least four (4) years. | |
E.Ph.D. | Doctorate granted by a U.S. university which is granted by an ecclesiastical university. It is equal to a Ph.D. from a non-ecclesiastical university. Prerequisite is a Masters degree from an non-ecclesiastical or ecclesiastical college and scientific research work for at least four (4) years. | |
DR. ECCL. | An orderly doctorate (4 years of research work) from a ecclesiastical university. | |
DR. ECCL. | An orderly doctorate (4 years of research work) from a ecclesiastical university. | |
GUTTO | Fifty years ago in rural Queensland, I recall my relatives using "Gutto" as a colloquialism to describe a person as "gutless","spineless" or behaving in a cowardly fashion. | |
DALY | Disability-Adjusted Life Years | |
DALY | Disability-Adjusted Life Years | |
DALY | Disability-Adjusted Life Years | |
DALY | Disability-Adjusted Life Years | |
MPM Maximum Permitted Miles | Years ago this stipulated the maximum mileage that an airline ticket would permit, without paying extra. |
What does YEARS mean?
- old age, years, age, eld, geezerhood(noun)
- a late time of life
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"YEARS." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 18 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/YEARS>.
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