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Acronyms that contain the term bay city
What does bay city mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: bay city.
Term | Definition | Rating |
C | City | |
NYC | New York City | |
SLC | Salt Lake City | |
OKC | Oklahoma City | |
646 | New York City, New York - Manhattan island overlay | |
KC | Kansas City | |
845 | New York - Hudson Valley outside New York City | |
KC | Kansas City Chiefs | |
COV | City of Villains | |
RWC | Redwood City | |
HCMC | Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) | |
289 | Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, excluding the City of Toronto | |
385 | Utah - North Central (Salt Lake City) | |
WGC | Welwyn Garden City | |
WVC | West Valley City | |
AC | Atlantic City | |
917 | New York City | |
NKC | North Kansas City | |
QC | Quebec City | |
OC | Ocean City | |
VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) | |
QC | Quebec City | |
CO | City Ordinance | |
VC | Vice City | |
379 | Vatican City | |
DC | Dodge City | |
SC | Silver City | |
OCU | Oklahoma City University | |
NYCDOE | New York City Department of Education | |
CC | Carson City | |
CC | Carson City, Nevada (mint mark on United States coins) | |
SC | Second City | |
LIC | Long Island City, New York | |
MEX | Mexico City, Mexico | |
MC | Motor City | |
UMKC | University of Missouri, Kansas City | |
COL | City Of London | |
KCPLL | Kansas City Power & Light Company | |
KLT | Kansas City Power & Light Company | |
SLC | Salt Lake City International Airport | |
QC | Quezon City | |
DC | Daly City | |
PTY | Panama City, Panama | |
CUNY | City University Of New York | |
SATC | Sex And The City | |
TC | Traverse City, Michigan | |
JC | Johnson City | |
QC | Quad City | |
DC | Detroit City | |
CC | Circuit City Stores, Inc. | |
ACBJ | American City Business Journals, Incorporated | |
ACBJ | American City Business Journals, Inc. | |
ACBJ | American City Business Journals, Incorporated | |
PC | Panama City, Florida | |
KCI | Kansas City International Airport | |
LBCC | Long Beach City College | |
COH | City Of Hope | |
KCK | Kansas City, Kansas USA | |
MCI | Kansas City International Airport | |
NYCTA | New York City Transit Authority | |
CS | City Street | |
DCP | Department of City Planning | |
EC | Elizabeth City | |
COLA | City Of Los Angeles | |
NYCT | New York City Transit | |
NCC | National City Corporation | |
ECSU | Elizabeth City State University | |
KCR | Kansas City Royals | |
JC | Jersey City | |
CLC | City Learning Centre | |
WCL | Wellington City Libraries | |
DIC | Dubai Internet City | |
RCJ | Rapid City Journal | |
KCBT | Kansas City Board of Trade | |
KCBT | Kansas City Board of Trade | |
NTY | Sun City, South Africa | |
QC | Queen City | |
PPNYC | Planned Parenthood of New York City | |
VC | Virginia City | |
COA | City Of Austin | |
CCC | Christian City Church | |
KCC | Kansas City Chiefs | |
BC | Baguio City | |
GUA | Guatemala City, Guatemala | |
CTC | City Technology College | |
CSZ | City, State, and Zip code | |
CPS | City Public Service | |
PCB | Panama City Beach | |
CC | Charm City | |
COL | City Of Light | |
CYN | City National Corporation | |
CCBG | Capital City Bank Group, Inc. | |
BCCC | Baltimore City Community College | |
WJCC | Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools | |
LCC | Leicester City Council | |
KCS | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
LIC | Long Island City | |
VCF | Value City Furniture | |
UWNYC | United Way of New York City | |
FDNY | Fire Department of the City of New York | |
CHCO | City Holding Company | |
DMC | Dubai Media City | |
DMC | Dubai Media City | |
ICSD | Ithaca City School District | |
SDC | Silver Dollar City | |
RJ | City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | |
MCO | Motor City Online | |
SLCPL | Salt Lake City Public Library | |
LA | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
CG | City Gate | |
IC | Inter-City | |
ICO | Inner City Outings | |
AC | Attack City | |
CC | City Central | |
ICE | Inter-City Express | |
OC | Oregon City | |
BC | Bayou City | |
TCK | True City Kings | |
OCC | One City Challenge | |
KCA | Kansas City Athletics | |
COI | City Of Industry | |
ICE | Inner City Experience | |
QCW | Quaker City Wheelmen | |
CF | City Financial | |
LCC | London City Council | |
RCB | River City Beemers | |
GC | Garden City | |
SCW | Sun City West | |
VCM | Vice City Mod | |
CDG | City District Government | |
COB | City Of Brass | |
WCFB | Webster City Federal Bancorp | |
NCFC | Norwich City Football Club | |
KCCA | Karachi City Cricket Association | |
VCM | Vermont City Marathon | |
CY | City Young | |
ICS | Infinite City Sprawl | |
WCAA | Windy City Athletic Association | |
RCW | Roc City Wrestling | |
GCCN | Grove City Church of the Nazarene | |
KCK | Kansas City Kings | |
JC | Junction City, Kansas | |
TWIN | Twin City Bancorp, Inc. | |
CIC | Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway | |
NYCERS | New York City Employees Retirement System | |
SCTV | Second City Television | |
KSU | Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. | |
DC | Deserted City | |
GC | Granite City | |
ICP | Inner City Posse | |
KMX | Circuit City Stores, Inc. | |
DHCC | Dubai Healthcare City | |
CHC | City Harvest Church | |
BCR | The Bay City Rollers | |
COS | City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport | |
QCBC | Quaker City Bancorp, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
COS | City Of Stirling | |
ELC | Electric City Corporation | |
COD | City Of Dreams | |
FRBKC | Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City | |
KCLI | Kansas City Life Insurance Company | |
CS | City Sport | |
KCY | Kansas CitY | |
QCR | Quaker City Raceway | |
QCR | Quaker City Raceway | |
HCFC | Home City Financial Corporation | |
KC | Kansas City Field Office | |
RCW | Richmond City Watch | |
CSZ | City, State, and Zip code | |
AFC | America's Finest City | |
WCPW | Windy City Pro Wrestling | |
DC | Dysfunctional City | |
PCC | Pseudo City Code | |
WCRT | Windy City Round Table | |
ICS | Infinite City Sleaze | |
WNYW | What New Yorkers Watch (TV-5, New York City) | |
LCC | Launceston City Council | |
HACA | Housing Authority of the City of Austin | |
MCEC | Motor City Electro Company | |
CW | City Walk | |
CSF | City Service Firm | |
ELK | Elk City, Oklahoma USA | |
WCLX | Windy City Lindy eXchange | |
WCG | Wollongong City Gallery | |
CiG | City Information Group | |
GCCT | Gladwin City/County Transit | |
NJC | New Jack City | |
DC | Damp City | |
QCW | Queen City Wheels | |
COP | City Of Prineville Railway | |
CID | City Improvement District | |
QCW | Queen City Wheels | |
FCIN | Flour City International | |
CCW | Capital City Wrestling | |
ACMC | Atlantic City Medical Center | |
ICY | Inner City Youth | |
416 | Ontario - City of Toronto | |
MBS | Midland, Bay City, Saginaw | |
SR | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
CWOS | City Wide Open Studios | |
CDEVY | City Developments, LTD. | |
CFCI | Christ For The City International | |
NCP | Nashville City Paper | |
ICCF | Inner City Christian Federation | |
ICF | Inner City Firm | |
SC | Shutter City | |
BCYA | Baltimore City Yacht Association | |
TACT | Tel Aviv City Team | |
FNCB | First National City Bank | |
WCKG | Windy City Knitting Guild | |
SL | Salt Lake City Southern Railroad | |
YPC | Young People's Chorus of New York City | |
KCM | Kansas City Monarchs | |
RCRC | River City Rowing Club | |
VCD | Value City Department Stores, Inc. | |
YFM | Big City Radio, Inc. | |
WCFB | Webster City Fed Bancorp | |
CS | City Spec | |
NCBE | National City Bancshares | |
QCDG | Quad-City Development Group | |
BCM | Bay City, Michigan | |
NYW | New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority | |
MOD | Modesto City-County Airport, Harry Sham Field, Modesto, California USA | |
CCFF | Cream City Feathered Friends | |
NYCHVS | New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey | |
SOC | Solo City, Indonesia | |
GCCC | Garden City Community College | |
MCM | Music City Miracle | |
SCT | Sioux City Terminal Railway | |
ECFC | Emerald City Football Club | |
SUU | Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah | |
USLS | University of St. La Salle - Bacolod City, Philippines | |
DCPL | Dodge City Public Library | |
ICP | Inner City Players | |
GCW | Green City Wageningen | |
RCV | River City Vineyard | |
TMAS | TicketMaster Online City | |
GCW | Garden City Western Railway Company | |
CCAC | Centre City Advisory Committee | |
DCC | Detroit City Council | |
WCMA | Wisconsin City/County Management Association | |
RCSD | Rye City School District | |
FCBD | Forest City Behavior & Development | |
WCPD | Windy City/ Patriot Diving | |
TCTY | Talk City, Inc. | |
WPD | City of Wichita Police Department | |
WTTC | Welcome To The City | |
TCT | Texas City Terminal Railway Company | |
JCRA | Junction City Rodeo Association | |
LAKX | City of Lakeland | |
CCE | Crystal City Evening Toastmasters Club | |
WCMG | Windy City Media Group | |
RAP | Rapid City, South Dakota USA | |
NLI | New York City/ Long Island | |
UPK | United Park City Mines Company | |
QCK | Queen City Kinsmen | |
SCTP | Steel City Products, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
BNI | Benin City, Nigeria | |
BCPS | Bay City Public Schools | |
TMC | Tokyo Media City | |
CICS | Center for Inner City Studies | |
DC | Dork City | |
VII | Vinh City, Viet Nam | |
WWC | Wild West City | |
OC | Osawatomie City, Kansas | |
NCBM | National City Bancorp | |
BCL | Beyond City Limits | |
OCNM | Oklahoma City National Memorial | |
QCG | Queen City Gymnastics | |
COD | City Of Deland | |
QCG | Queen City Gymnastics | |
CPD | City Package Deal | |
WCGC | Windy City Gay Chorus | |
AWCP | Austin Wireless City Project | |
PCC | Pasadena City College | |
RCRC | Rocket City Radio Controllers | |
DCPD | Daly City Police Department | |
QCB | Quad City Bonsai | |
SATX | City Public Service Board of San Antonio Texas | |
BCCC | Bay City Country Club | |
ACRM | Atlantic City Rescue Mission | |
WVCP | West Valley City Poseidons | |
QCJ | Queen City Jazz | |
SLC | Salt Lick City | |
ANTEN | Atlantic City Electric Company | |
ACFD | Atlantic City Fire Department | |
QCB | Queen City Balladeers | |
QCHI | Quad City Holdings, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
TCC | Twin City Cyclists | |
YCS | Youngstown City Schools | |
CCR | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
CCMS | California City Middle School | |
TCF | Twin City Fan and Blower | |
CDGL | City District Government of Lahore | |
KICK | Karate Inspires City Kids | |
NWK | Kansas City District, US Army Corps of Engineers | |
NWK | Kansas City District, US Army Corps of Engineers | |
QNS | Queens, New York City | |
ECCC | Electric City Corporation | |
TVC | Traverse City, Michigan USA | |
RXS | Roxas City, Philippines | |
CCBI | City/County Bureau of Investigation | |
SCQ | Steel City Quartet | |
PCP | Paper City Pub | |
GCCB | Glenorchy City Concert Brass | |
KCLX | Kansas City Power and Light Company | |
CCAF | Capital City AIDS Fund | |
CCMS | Cass City Middle School | |
HSOC | Humane Society of Ocean City | |
HSOC | Humane Society of Ocean City | |
ORC | Osaka Resort City | |
QCS | Queen City Sound | |
CCC | City Conference Crew | |
GNFX | City of Gainesville Florida | |
CIR | City of Rochelle Illinois | |
WPD | City of Wichita Police Department | |
VDCT | Video City, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
VCV | Virtual City Visions | |
SU | Salt Lake City Field Office | |
05F | City-County Airport, Gatesville, Texas USA | |
WCK | Windy City Kings | |
WCZC | Windy City Z Club | |
CUCF | City University Construction Fund | |
MSRC | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
RCRC | River City Rock Crawlers | |
LCF | Little City Foundation | |
ACRN | Australian City And Regional Network | |
CSUX | City of Colorado Springs Department of Electric Generation | |
PFN | Panama City, Florida USA | |
COED | City Of Exacerbated Difference | |
KCSZ | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
FCB | Freeport City Bank | |
GWCR | GateWay City Radio | |
PCFO | Panama City Field Office | |
COED | City Of Exacerbated Difference | |
FCEA | Forest City Enterprises, Inc. Class A | |
CREST | City Resources Employing Students Today | |
OCE | Ocean City, Maryland USA | |
BCB | Brick City Bhangra | |
QNZ | Queens ( New York City) | |
GNA | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
AIY | Atlantic City, New Jersey USA | |
MDR | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
OZC | Ozamis City, Philippines | |
RCRA | Rocket City Robot Assault | |
GMSR | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
TCTX | Tube City Incorporated | |
CYCY | Crystal City Railroad Incorporated | |
ACDC | Armagh City And District Council | |
KCSU | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
ICU | Inner City Underground | |
ICC | Inner City Circle | |
CEC | Crescent City, California USA | |
LNY | Lanai City, Hawaii USA | |
TCR | Tile City Rural | |
FCEB | Forest City Enterprises, Inc. Class B | |
WICM | Winnipeg Inner City Missions | |
QCT | Quad-City Times newspaper | |
BCEA | Bay City Education Association | |
QCT | Quad-City Times newspaper | |
DC | Deadlock City | |
QCR | Queen City Reprographics | |
CMPA | Madison Railroad Division of City of Madison Port Authority | |
DC | Desperation City | |
SUX | Sioux City, Iowa USA | |
BCT | Bay City Times Newspaper | |
MKC | Kansas City, Missouri USA | |
QCJ | Quezon City Jail | |
QCJ | Quezon City Jail | |
MCAS | Mound City Archaeological Society | |
CPI | City Property Involved | |
TNR | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
MRCC | Missouri Registered City Clerk | |
CCRZ | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
MCW | Mason City, Iowa USA | |
ICF | Inner City Front | |
WTTC | Welcome To The City, Inc. | |
QCX | Quad-City Times | |
CCRY | Charles City Rail Lines Incorporated | |
CTIE | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
021 | Karachi City Code | |
PINC | Planet City Corporation | |
FCIND | Flour City International | |
NLG | Kansas City Southern Railway Company | |
CCR | Chicago City Railway | |
CID | Cedar Rapids/ Iowa City, Iowa USA | |
QKW | Kanazawa City, Japan | |
ACGI | Associate of the City and Guilds Institute | |
CBR | City Bike Race | |
WCYP | Windy City Young Professionals | |
BCH | Bay City Handy High School | |
WCCT | Webster City Community Theatre | |
COSA | City Of Saint Augustine | |
TCC | Talk City Crew | |
QCP | Queen City Police | |
OCL | Outside City Limits | |
COB | City Of Bayside | |
CAO | City Administration Officer | |
QCF | Queen City Founders Toastmasters Club | |
CCEG | Capital City Bank Group | |
FRTX | Farm-City Transport Incorporated | |
SNBL | Sioux City and New Orleans Barge Line | |
NACR | Nashville and Ashland City Railroad | |
SVC | Grant County Airport, Silver City, New Mexico USA | |
OCL | Orange City Locals | |
MC | Mexico City | |
HII | Lake Havasu City, Arizona USA | |
ICBC | Inter City Bowling Congress | |
OCNMT | Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust | |
WCZM | White City Zoning Map | |
CCC | Capitol City Center | |
WYBP | Wayne City Bank & Trust Company of Pennsylvania | |
YBE | Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada | |
DDC | Dodge City, Kansas USA | |
YDA | Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada | |
MLS | Miles City, Montana USA | |
DCPD | Del City Police Department | |
NYCTAT | New York City Tax Appeals Tribunal | |
HVR | Havre City-County Airport, Havre, Montana USA | |
BRSB | City of Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board | |
RCQ | River City Quilts | |
RCY | Rain City Yoga | |
TNC | Tin City, Alaska USA | |
SCY | Salem City Maintenance Yard | |
WCP | Web City Profiles | |
CMP | City Muffler and Performance | |
NCD | Non-City Delivery office | |
ICS | Inner City Sleeping | |
KCP | Kansas City Playerz | |
MCI | Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, Missouri USA | |
SLC | Salt Lake City International Airport, Salt Lake City, Utah USA | |
OZC | Ozamiz City | |
CCS | Crescent City Soda | |
BRNX | The Bronx ( New York City) | |
BCTC | Bay City Taxicab Company | |
CSN | Carson City Airport, Carson City, Nevada USA | |
PNC | Ponca City, Oklahoma USA | |
NCL | Nail City Lantern | |
KCFA | Kansas City Football Association | |
CCT | Crystal City Talkers Toastmasters Club | |
CCTC | Crescent City Town Criers Toastmasters | |
IFP | Bullhead City, Arizona USA | |
FEIX | Farmers Elevator Incorporated of Grace City | |
CHCOP | City Holding Company Preferred | |
VMANYC | Veterinary Medical Association of New York City, Inc. | |
3CM | James Clements Airport, Bay City, Michigan USA | |
RCF | Rocket City Furmeet | |
VKC | Vegetarians of Kansas City | |
WCWT | Wilmington City Wage Tax | |
RCR | Royal City Rockers | |
CBM | City Business Media | |
CCCC | Calvert City Church of Christ | |
CDC | Christ Delivers the City | |
KCM | Kansas City's Murray | |
TCF | Twin City Flat | |
CNVLZ | City Investing Company Liquidation Trust | |
FXY | Forest City, Iowa USA | |
3GN | Grundman Airport, Nebraska City, Nebraska USA | |
DCFB | Dodge City Ford and Bucklin Railroad Company Incorporated | |
HLC | Hill City, Kansas USA | |
RCH | Rockville City Hospital | |
KIC | King City, California USA | |
CCN | Crystal City North Toastmasters Club | |
TEQ | KTEQ Rapid City student radio station | |
CLEAR | City Life Education Action for Refugees | |
KCM | Kansas City's Murray | |
HCR | Horse City Related | |
ECGC | Elm City Girls' Choir | |
BOENYC | Board of Elections in the City of New York | |
WBCBC | West Bay City Brewing Company | |
NCBEP | National City Bancshares Capital Trust I | |
WCWW | Walnut City Wine Works | |
ZRNX | Erie City Energy Division- Zurn Industries Incorporated | |
RBF | Big Bear City Airport, Big Bear, California USA | |
WCWW | Walnut City Wine Works | |
FCY | Forrest City, Arkansas USA | |
ACY | Atlantic City International Airport, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA | |
ICBM | Inter- City Beer Missile | |
YTZ | Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, Toronto, Ontario, Canada | |
3GV | East Kansas City Airport, Grain Valley, Missouri USA | |
CCY | Charles City, Iowa USA | |
CWH | City WithHolding Tax | |
WCP | Worship City Praise | |
JHC | Garden City, New York USA | |
WCC | Wilmington City Council | |
CVR | Culver City, California USA | |
CWH | City WithHolding Tax | |
SWU | Su Won City, Republic Of Korea | |
NCRE | Nevada City Real Estate | |
A09 | Eagle Airpark Airport, Bullhead City, Arizona USA | |
ZKC | Kansas City, Missouri, Air Route Traffic Control Center USA | |
WCWG | Windy City Web Group | |
KATT | FM-100.5, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | |
OKC | Will Rogers Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA | |
CTY | Cross City, Florida USA | |
A20 | Sun Valley Airport, Bullhead City, Arizona USA | |
CMCC | City Mission Cadet Corps | |
VOH | Voice of Ho Chi Minh city People | |
A34 | Dayton Valley Airpark Airport, Dayton/ Carson City, Nevada USA | |
MDJ | Madras City-County Municipal Airport, Madras, Oregon USA | |
CCPO-CC | Consolidated Civilian Personnel Office - Crystal City | |
Y15 | Cheboygan City- County Airport, Cheboygan, Michigan USA | |
K26 | Carrollton City Airport, Carrollton, Missouri USA | |
SCOTTY | The Star City Organization Of Terrific Temple Youth | |
53M | Silver City Airpark Airport, Alpena, Michigan USA | |
BCZ | Brown City Zoo | |
CCPO-CC | Consolidated Civilian Personnel Office - Crystal City | |
5K0 | Bressler Field, Bird City, Kansas USA | |
53K | Osage City Municipal Airport, Osage City, Kansas USA | |
WCWH | Winning City Winter Haven | |
Y83 | Sandusky City Airport, Sandusky, Michigan USA | |
5J9 | Twin City Airport, Loris, South Carolina USA | |
ABCU | Alliance Bank of Culver City | |
ICH | Inner-City Hustler | |
50K | Pawnee City Municipal Airport, Pawnee City, Nebraska USA | |
KATL | AM-770, Miles City, Montana | |
CDC | Cedar City, Iowa USA | |
WABC | TV-7, AM-770, New York City, New York | |
MCM | Motor City Murderers | |
PCC | Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Incorporated | |
HACB | Housing Authority of the City of Beaumont | |
WABD | Former TV-5, New York City, New York | |
WADB | AM-1310, Ocean City, New Jersey | |
DCP | Derry City Productions | |
KCFB | King City Federal Savings Bank | |
CORE | City of Orlando Reading Excellence | |
WHVS | City of Wayne Handi-Van Service | |
64F | Alvie Cole Ranch Airport, Sterling City, Texas USA | |
61K | Sedan City Airport, Sedan, Kansas USA | |
48K | Ness City Municipal Airport, Ness City, Kansas USA | |
76G | Marine City Airport, Marine City, Michigan USA | |
EZWN | Sage Branch Library, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
5F8 | Thackers Airport, Oil City, Louisiana USA | |
67R | Starr County Airport, Rio Grande City, Texas USA | |
PDNY | Police Department, City of New York | |
5W8 | Siler City Municipal Airport, Siler City, North Carolina USA | |
61B | Boulder City Municipal Airport, Boulder City, Nevada USA | |
47G | Mayes Airport, Carson City, Michigan USA | |
4MO | Montgomery-Wehrman Airport, Montgomery City, Missouri USA | |
45K | Minneapolis City County Airport, Minneapolis, Kansas USA | |
51J | Lake City Municipal City Airport/ Evans Field Airport, Lake City, South Carolina USA | |
C91 | City of Dowagiac Municipal Airport, Dowagiac, Michigan USA | |
6N4 | Pan Am Metroport Heliport, New York City, New York USA | |
4M0 | Lake Ann Airway Estates Airport, Traverse City, Michigan USA | |
CYXP | City Xpress.Com Corporation | |
ACBJI | American City Business Journals, Inc. | |
BJC | Baltimore Junior College (now Baltimore City Community College) | |
WBHN | AM-1590, Bryson City, North Carolina | |
64C | Vincent Airport, Genoa City, Wisconsin USA | |
74N | Bendigo Airport, Tower City, Pennsylvania USA | |
6C8 | Nichols Airport, La Porte City, Iowa USA | |
KCI | Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, Kansas USA | |
ACWD | Alameda County Water District (Newark, Fremont, and Union City, California) | |
BHD | Belfast City Airport, Northern Ireland, UK | |
YGN | Yangon (capital city of Burma/Myanmar) | |
KAH | City Hall, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | |
KDKL | FM-88.3, King City/ Coalinga, California | |
6N6 | Evers Seaplane Base, New York City, New York USA | |
EPCOT | Environmental Prototype City Of Tomorrow | |
MCG | McGrath City Airport, McGrath, Alaska USA | |
ECH | European City Hopper | |
CT | City of Columbia - Columbia Terminal | |
JBT | City Land Airport, Bethel, Alaska USA | |
WCNC | AM-1240, Elizabeth City, North Carolina | |
COPP | City Of Port Phillip, Australia | |
WAIR | FM-104.9, Lake City, Michigan | |
ICARE | Iowa City Aids Resources And Education | |
8K6 | Cawker City Airport, Cawker City, Kansas USA | |
WJHG | TV-7, Panama City, Florida | |
7V9 | City and County Airport, Las Animas, Colorado USA | |
BZE | Goldson International Airport, Belize City, Belize | |
QZWB | Brown City Public Library, Brown City, Michigan Library code | |
CTBK | City Bank of Washington | |
JP1 | Jefferson Plaza 1 (Crystal City) | |
W36BJ | LPTV-36, Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
94Z | Nome City Field Airport, Nome, Alaska USA | |
6D8 | Barnes County Municipal Airport, Valley City, North Dakota USA | |
7K7 | Graham Field Airport, North Sioux City, South Dakota USA | |
RCVIE | Rock City Ventures, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
WRHT | FM-96.3, Morehead City, North Carolina | |
KNRS | AM-570, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah | |
KXTR | AM-1250, Kansas City, Missouri | |
6A4 | Johnson County Airport, Mountain City, Tennessee USA | |
6N5 | East 34th Street Heliport, New York City, New York USA | |
87I | Yazoo County Airport, Yazoo City, MIssissippi USA | |
EZWD | Bay City Branch Library, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
92N | Steel Pier Taj Mahal Heliport, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA | |
94E | Whiskey Creek Airport, Silver City, New Mexico USA | |
KUTE | AM-1620, Salt Lake City, Utah | |
EZW5 | Bay County Library System, Bookmobile, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
W60CX | LPTV-60, Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
718 | New York - New York City (except Manhattan) | |
80G | West Lafayette Tri-City Airport, West Lafayette, Ohio USA | |
NYC | New York City airports, New York USA | |
55M | Star City Municipal Airport, Star City, Arkansas USA | |
SNIDE | Sun City Industries, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
CJJ | Cheong Ju City, Republic of Korea | |
BCMDA | Bay City Milk Dealers' Association | |
KTOK | AM-1000, Oklahoma City,Oklahoma | |
9K1 | Wilroads Gardens Airport, Dodge City, Kansas USA | |
7K8 | Martin Field Airport, South Sioux City, Nebraska USA | |
IND | Independent Subway System (New York City) | |
TZA | Municipal Airport, Belize City, Belize | |
JCI | Industrial Airport, Kansas City, Missouri USA | |
WMBB | TV-13, Panama City, Florida | |
JP2 | Jefferson Plaza 2 (Crystal City) | |
EZWG | South Side Branch Library, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
7F9 | Comanche County-City Airport, Comanche, Texas USA | |
TCB | Twin City Bank-North Little Rock Arkansas | |
EPB | Bay Regional Medical Center Library, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
TCY | Traverse City YMCA | |
DDI | Daydream City, Queensland, Australia | |
CCRC | City-County Recreation Committee | |
HMA | City Hovercraft Station, Malmo, Sweden | |
BCS | Bay City (Michigan) Schools | |
WBLC | AM-1360, Lenoir City, Tennessee | |
NMC | Nearest Metro City | |
TGY | AM-580, Guatemala City, Guatemala | |
WCC | World City College | |
WIFN | AM-1590, Marine City, Michigan | |
ICF | Inter City Fairies | |
QTV | Quality TeleVision (WDCQ-TV, TV-19, RF-15, Bay City, Michigan) | |
TVF | Thief City Falls, Minnesota USA | |
WAJM | FM-88.9, Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
TCHC | Twin City Hardcore | |
GCK | Garden City Regional Airport, Garden City, Kansas USA | |
ZRA | Atlantic City Railway Station, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA | |
DLU | Dali City, Mainland China | |
SCF | Steel City's Finest | |
CCL | Centralia City Light | |
TLC | The League City Toastmasters Club | |
CORONA | City Of Repugnant Odorous Native Animals | |
WBMB | FM-89.7, Baruch College, New York City, New York | |
KLT PD | Kansas City Power & Light Company Preferred D | |
KLT PE | Kansas City Power & Light Company Preferred E | |
KLT PT | Kansas City Power & Light Company Financing I | |
WBBZ | AM-1230, Ponca City, Oklahoma | |
WBEY | FM-97.9, Pocomoke City, Maryland | |
HRO-CC | Human Resources Office - Crystal City | |
HRO-CC | Human Resources Office - Crystal City | |
EZW4 | Bay County Library System, Administrative Office, Bay City, Michigan Library code | |
WGTU | TV-29, Traverse City, Michigan | |
CQP PA | Quad City Holdings Capital Trust I | |
WBAI | FM-99.5, New York City, New York | |
WAUQ | FM-89.7, Charles City, Virginia | |
LJG | Jijiang City, Mainland China | |
KLT PA | Kansas City Power & Light Company Preferred A | |
KPPF | Tri-City Airport, Parsons, Kansas USA | |
WJGH | TV-7, Panama City Beach, Florida | |
WJHL | TV-11, Johnson City, Tennessee | |
WMGM | TV-40, Linwood, New Jersey; FM-103.7 Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
WLLZ | LPTV-12, Traverse City, Michigan | |
WFPG | TV-46, AM-1450, FM-96.9, Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
347 | New York City, New York (not in Manhattan) | |
WBGY | FM-102.3, Everglades City/ Naples, Florida | |
WBBR | AM-1130, New York City, New York | |
HSSC | Home Savings Bank of Siler City (delisted) | |
WBLS | FM-107.5, Where Black Listerners Stay tuned, New York City, New York | |
90D | Pine City Municipal Airport, Pine City, Minnesota USA | |
93Y | David City Municipal Airport, David City, Nebraska USA | |
KSU P | Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc., Preferred | |
WBIK | FM-92.1, Pleasant City, Ohio | |
WDSR | AM-1340, Lake City, Florida | |
EVU | City of Maryville Airport, Maryville, Missouri USA | |
WLJT | TV-11, Johnson City, Tennessee | |
WKOB | LPTV-53, New York City | |
WDCP | TV-19, PBS, Delta College, Bay City, Michigan | |
CMFD | City of Moraine Fire Department | |
WASJ | FM-105.1, Panama City, Florida | |
WAYV | FM-95.1, Atlantic City, New Jersey | |
CIVIC | Committee of Interested Volunteers Incorporating a City | |
WBAR | FM-87.9, Barnard College, New York City, New York | |
WAZF | AM-1230, Yazoo City, Mississippi | |
WDCF | AM-1350, Dade City, Florida | |
WDAF | TV-4, FM-106.5, Kansas City, Missouri | |
5G2 | Indian Lake Airport, Central City, Pennsylvania USA | |
JFK | John F. Kennedy Internationnal Airport, New York City, New York USA | |
PZQ | Rogers City Airport, Rogers City, Michigan USA | |
LGA | La Guardia Airport, New York City, New York USA | |
OC | Oleander City (nick-name of Galveston, Texas) | |
HPN | Westchester County, New York City, New York USA | |
EPCOT | Enviromental Prototype City Of Tomorrow | |
ICU | Iowa City Unstubbables | |
WAXQ | FM-104.3, New York City, New York | |
WAPK | LPTV-36, Johnson City/ Kingsport, Tennessee | |
HCP | Hurricane City Punks | |
MGC | Michigan City Municipal Airport, Michigan City, Indiana USA | |
DET | Detroit City Airport, Detroit, Michigan USA | |
JSL | Steel P, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA | |
COS | City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport, Colorado Springs, Colorado USA | |
SBY | Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport, Salisbury, Maryland USA | |
UBC | Ultimate Babe City | |
OXB | The Bay Club, Ocean City, Maryland | |
OJC | Executive Airport, Kansas City, Missouri USA | |
WAHI | Washington Heights and Inwood (two districts of New York City) | |
WBCM | FM-93.5, Boyne City, Michigan (formerly AM-1440, FM-96.1, Bay City, Michigan) | |
TQK | Scott City, Kansas USA | |
SBT | Tri- City Airport, San Bernardino, California USA | |
WHCR | FM-90.3, West Harlem Community Radio, New York City, New York | |
SCUM | Steel City Underground Metal | |
TSCA | Tri-State College of Acupuncture, New York City | |
TRI | Municipal Tri-City Airport, Bristol/ Johnson City/ Kingsport, Tennessee USA | |
FES | Festus City Airport, Festus City Airport, Missouri USA | |
RGN | Retired Guys Network of Kansas City | |
WEMT | TV-39, Johnson City, Tennessee | |
WCCW | FM-92.1, Traverse City, Michigan | |
WRWA | Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | |
WRWA | Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | |
WBAS | AM-1330, Crescent City, Florida | |
LCY | London City Airport, London, England, UK | |
WCBS | TV-2, AM-880, FM-101.1, New York City, New York | |
SZD | Sheffield City Airport, Sheffield, England, UK | |
WINS | AM-1010, News station, New York City, New York | |
PTN | Morgan City/ Patterson, Louisiana USA | |
WWUC | FM-105.7, Union City, Tennessee | |
ICBM | Inter- City Beer Missile | |
ICBM | Inter- City Beer Missile | |
WPBN | TV-7, Traverse City, Michigan | |
IMPACT | In Ministry Partnership Advancing City Transformation | |
KCA | Kansas City Argentine Community Center | |
UCY | Everett Stewart Airport, Union City, Tennessee USA | |
ICF | Inner City Family | |
CTID | City Till I Die | |
CCPO | Capital City Police Officer | |
CCPD | Central City Police Department | |
LCY | London City Airport | |
RCOCI | Regional Cooperation Office for City Informatization | |
SCIENCE | Summer Camps Investigating Ecology in Neighborhood and City Environments | |
COLD | City Of Lost Dreams | |
POLICE | Please Obey Life In City Environment | |
KCMO | Kansas City Mo | |
CESET | City Environmental Sanitation Enforcement Team | |
POLICE | Police Officer Lurking In City Environment | |
GCPD | Gotham City Police Department | |
LCPD | Logan City Police Department | |
ZUCC | Zhejiang University City College | |
NECTA | New England City and Town Area | |
NYCO | New York City Opera | |
NYCS | New York City Subway | |
TCLY | The City Loves You | |
73103 | Oklahoma City, OK | |
ICNHS | Iligan City National High School | |
SCUF | Shriram City Union Finance | |
CWYC | City Wide Youth Connection | |
COLD | City Of London Distillery | |
KLCC | Kuala Lumpur City Centre | |
CCSF | City College of San Francisco | |
ACHCR | Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resources | |
RENO | Biggest Little City in the World | |
ECTO | Esch City Tourist Office | |
ACCF | Animal Crossing City Folk | |
2CC | Second City Crossing | |
TARC | Transit Authority of River City | |
RCRD | Richter City Roller Derby | |
MCFC | Manchester City Football Club | |
TMKC | Trauma Matters Kansas City | |
KCO | Kansas City Omaha | |
CROL | City Record On Line | |
SKC | Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd | |
KCMO | Kansas City, Missouri | |
BCCOC | Baku City Circuit Operations Company | |
CGLTP | City Girls Love Their Phones | |
WHYM | AM-1260, Lake City, South Carolina | |
NYCFC | New York City Football Club | |
BCFD | Baltimore City Fire Department | |
RLIC | Ras Laffan Industrial City | |
LCPD | Liberty City Police Department | |
COMPTON | City Of Mexicams Pulling Triggers On Ni | |
ECS | Emerald City Supporters | |
TCD | Team City of Dearborn | |
FTC | Free The City | |
BC | Bay City | |
COLT | City Of London Telecommunications | |
DCPO | DAVAO CITY Police Office | |
SCH | School City of Hammond | |
JESSICA | Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas | |
BIU | Benson Idahosa University,Benin City | |
MCMIC | Modern City Montessori Intermediate College | |
RCCB | Reno Carson City Bowlers | |
CANDI | City AND Islington College | |
SPIC | Sexiest Person In my City | |
ROCK | Real Options for City Kids | |
021 | City of Cape Town, refers to dialing code. | |
COH | City of Houston | |
IWTC | International Wholesale Trade City | |
PASSION | People Achieving Significant Success In Our New City | |
NCCC | New City Commercial Corporation | |
GKC | Greater Kansas City | |
KCS | Kansas City Southern | |
AFC | Art Fair City | |
KCMO | Kansas City Management Office | |
WFAN | AM-660, New York City, New York | |
WHST | FM-106.1, Tawas City, Michigan | |
ICPL | Iowa City Public Library | |
OTNC | Old Town National City | |
BCDTC | Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court | |
MYEC | Muslim Youth in Education City | |
KCPS | Kansas City Public Schools | |
DSNY | Department of Sanitation, New York City | |
COFL | City of Fort Lauderdale | |
ACRIS | Automated City Register Information System | |
NYCHA | New York City Housing Authority | |
CTWD | City Till We Die | |
ACPS | Alexandria City Public Schools | |
SCSD | Syracuse City School District | |
CLHD | City of Laredo Health Department | |
CUE | City University Energy-saver | |
ACCEM | Ada City County Emergency Management | |
FCTB | Foster City Tournament Baseball | |
CCPO | Cebu City Police Office | |
AKCB | Another Kansas City Blog | |
NCCG | Nairobi City County Government | |
OGK | Original Gangsta Killas (gang, operated within the City of Albany) | |
QCST | Queen City Steel Treating | |
QCM | Queen City Marathon | |
SCRATCH | Southampton City and Region Action to Combat Hardship | |
BCCD | Brillion City Community Drive | |
ICOG | In the City Off the Grid | |
CAPIC | Community Action Programs Inter City | |
DCAF | Druid City Arts Festival | |
MPCS | Manassas Park City Schools | |
PAKC | Psychiatry Associates of Kansas City | |
BCATS | Bay City Area Transportation Study | |
PAKC | Psychiatry Associates Ks City | |
KOCC | Kickball of Crescent City | |
ICNHS | Iloilo City National High School | |
OCMU | Orange City Municipal Utilities | |
BCW | Bayou City Wings | |
TCED | Tell City Electric Department | |
SCLH | Sun City Lincoln Hills | |
VAN | the City of Vancouver | |
YCDC | Yangon City Development Committee | |
ICBB | Iowa City Boys Baseball | |
CWPS | City Wide Protection Services | |
INSECT | Information Network Social Electric City Transporter | |
BCW | Bombing City Walls | |
OC | Oklahoma City | |
BCR | Bay City Rollers | |
WNET | TV-13, PBS, New York City, New York/ Newark, New Jersey | |
BCO | Bayou City Outdoors | |
WTCM | AM-580, FM-103.5, Traverse City, Michigan | |
SCG | Star City Games | |
ACBC | Alphabet City Brewing Company | |
AUC | Ab Urbe Condita (From the founding of the city (Rome) in 753 BC) | |
LCS | Liberty City Stories | |
CCDC | Capital City Development Corporation | |
MWC | MidWest City | |
CDRC | City of Dallas Regional Center | |
JEC | Jazan Economic City | |
WWDJ | AM-970, New York City, New York | |
QCMS | Quad City Montessori School | |
CGLI | City and Guilds of London Institute | |
WFSY | FM-98.5, Panama City, Florida | |
IDBC | Interstate Division for Baltimore City | |
SLICK | Super Lastic Incredible City Killers | |
UCP | Unlimited City Project | |
NKCE | North Kansas City Electric | |
RCRD | ROC City Roller Derby | |
CUB | City Union Bank | |
DCWB | Dublin City Workingman's Band | |
33845 | Haines City, FL | |
WFUV | FM-90.7, Fordham University, New York City, New York | |
SITC | Summer in the City | |
COAH | City on a Hill | |
WC | Whittlesea City | |
BGC | Bonifacio Global City | |
CCTP | Capital City Traffic Police | |
BCEC | Bordentown City Environmental Commission | |
TUC | The Underestimated City | |
COLP | City Of London Police | |
CCPT | Crescent City Physical Therapy | |
AHJC | American House Johnson City | |
MCTR | Mute City Twist Road | |
MCFF | Magic City Fly Fishers | |
KC | Kansas City | |
BCVP | Bull City Venture Partners | |
PCM | Ponce City Market | |
PLACE | People Leading Across City Environments | |
HCS | Hampton City Schools | |
SLC | Salt Lake City | |
HTCC | Hotel Tucson City Center | |
FCMB | First City Monument Bank | |
CNGA | City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy | |
84102 | Salt Lake City, UT | |
MCPL | Mason City Public Library | |
BCSW | Big City Small World | |
KKMC | King Khalid Military City | |
MCNO | Mid City Neighborhood Organization | |
73122 | Oklahoma City, OK | |
ICAG | Inner City Avant Garde | |
DNC | Deadblast NewYork City | |
PCMR | Park City Mountain Resort | |
WHYT | FM-89.1, Imlay City, Michigan | |
CNB | City National Bank | |
MCR | Mona City Raceway | |
CCTR | Capital City | |
WNYW | TV-5, New York City, New York | |
FCHG | Falls City Hospitality Group | |
CCB | Cigar City Brewing | |
KFCS | Klamath Falls City Schools | |
CDVEC | City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee | |
SCCAG | Stratford City Consultative Access Group | |
KCFT | Kansas City Federation of Teachers | |
WBQC | Whiz Bang Quick City | |
RCSCW | Recreation Centers of Sun City West | |
NYCSL | New York City Soccer League | |
ESSENCE | European Sustainable Solutions for Existing and New City Environments | |
KCNG | Kansas City Networking Group | |
6GSW | 6 Gates City's Social Welfare | |
CTOO | City Tourism Operations Office | |
WCEB | Waterford City Enterprise Board | |
CWSP | City Wide Safety Patrol (Brooklyn NY) | |
FCOK | Fallen City of Karez | |
SCUSD | Sacramento City Unified School District | |
BCBB | Bull City Burger and Brewery | |
ALC | Austin City Limits | |
EMCSD | El Monte City School District | |
IF | Ironforge (World of Warcraft city) | |
WTC | World Trade City | |
SLC | Salt Lake City | |
CXC | Culver City, CA, U.S.A. | |
CIDCO | City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra | |
OCHS | Oregon City High School | |
LCPDFR | Liberty City Police Department: First Response | |
KTIK | Oklahoma City Tinker Air Force, USA - OK | |
CBSO | City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra | |
CDGK | City District Government Karachi | |
LCTO | Luxembourg City Tourist Office | |
OCMAR | Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors | |
OCMAR | Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors | |
2DT | Downtown Airpark Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA | |
KACARE | King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy | |
COH | City Of Heroes | |
KCFO | Kansas City Field Office | |
SCTW | Steel City Tool Works | |
KCSM | Kansas City Southern de Mexico | |
HLBY | Holby City | |
HLCN | Helsinki Literature and the City Network | |
DOCP | Department of City Planning | |
CWYS | City Wide Yard Sale | |
ACFX | Atlantic City Fan Xpo | |
JCMO | Jefferson City MO | |
LAFACE | Los Angeles Filipino Association of City Employees | |
LAFACE | Los Angeles Filipino Association of City Employees | |
SVGCA | Scottish Veterans Garden City Association | |
75156 | Gun Barrel City, TX | |
KCCQ | Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire | |
WTOC | Welcome To Our City | |
CKL | City of Kawartha Lakes | |
CCNY | City College of New York | |
SSTEC | Sino Singapore Tianjin Eco city | |
71172 | Bossier City, LA | |
YHCF | Yayasan Hardcore City Family | |
KCBR | Krypton City Blues Revue | |
CLWU | City of Lake Worth Utilities | |
PCFSD | Park City Fire Service District | |
NCSAT | Naga City School of Arts and Trades | |
OTBC | On The Ball, City | |
NYCSCS | New York City School and Community Services | |
NYCSCS | New York City School and Community Services | |
CONDA | City Of Newcastle Drama Awards | |
COPIT | City Of Palms Invitational Tournament | |
QCRSHS | Quezon City Regional Science High School | |
QCRSHS | Quezon City Regional Science High School | |
QCRSHS | Quezon City Regional Science High School | |
VCLF | Vice City the Leftovers Fix | |
ICNG | Inter City New Generation | |
KCSG | Kansas City Scott Gallagher | |
HACP | Housing Authority City of Pleasantville | |
ACSK | Allied City States of Korak | |
RCR | River City Regiment | |
07K | Central City Municipal Airport, Central City, Nebraska USA | |
RCFU | River City Fashion Uprising | |
FACOR | Fresh Anointing City Of Refuge | |
SITC | Sex In The City | |
17K | Boise City Airport, Boise City, Oklahoma USA | |
MCW | Melbourne City Wredtling | |
CPML | City Professional Management Limited | |
WWWO | FM-93.5, Hartford City, Indiana | |
WPIX | TV-11, New York City, New York | |
OCPD | Ocean City Police Department | |
PCSD | Parma City School District | |
ACMB | Alamo City Moms Blog | |
UCPC | United City Planning Committee | |
CBJ | City and Borough of Juneau | |
RCSD | Rochester City School District | |
NOCA | Nanaimo Old City Association | |
CCCU | Community College of City University | |
GCNS | Garden City Nursery School | |
KCI | Kansas City International | |
GCNA | Golden City Netball Association | |
OCDF | Open City Documentary Festival | |
ACPL | Ark City Public Library | |
CORI | City On The Rise Intercessors | |
NCCS | Newton Conover City Schools | |
CULA | City University Los Angeles | |
CRPT | City Resilience Profiling Tool | |
CCBC | Cathedral City Boys Club | |
CWN | City Women Network | |
BCPO | Bacolod City Police Office |
What does bay city mean?
- Bay City
- Bay City is a city in Bay County, Michigan, located near the base of the Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 34,932, and is the principal city of the Bay City Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Saginaw-Bay City-Saginaw Township North Combined Statistical Area. The city, along with nearby Midland and Saginaw, form the "Tri-Cities" region, which has more recently been called the "Great Lakes Bay" region. The city is geographically divided by the Saginaw River, and travel between the east and west sides of the city is made possible by four modern drawbridges; Liberty Bridge, Veterans Memorial Bridge, Independence Bridge, and Lafayette Avenue Bridge, which allow large ships to travel easily down the river. The city is served by MBS International Airport, located in nearby Freeland, and James Clements Municipal Airport.
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"bay city." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 14 Jan. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/bay%20city>.
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