We've got 694 shorthands for express »
Acronyms that contain the term express
What does express mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: express.
Possible matching categories:
Term | Definition | Rating |
PWX | Phone & Wireless Message Express | |
PCIe | Peripheral Component Interface Express | |
PCIe | Peripheral Component Interface Express | |
OE | Outlook Express | |
FEDEX | Federal Express | |
AMEX | American Express Company | |
NME | New Musical Express | |
EMS | Express Mail Service | |
EN | Express Network | |
CEF | Cisco Express Forwarding | |
AXP | American Express Company | |
ESRX | Express Scripts, Inc. | |
GE | Global Express | |
VRE | Virginia Railway Express | |
ROAD | Roadway Express, Inc. | |
RER | Réseau Express Régional | |
OEH | Orient- Express Hotels | |
OEH | Orient- Express Hotels | |
RER | Reseau Express Regional | |
DIVX | Digital Video Express | |
HTLD | Heartland Express, Inc. | |
AACE | ACE Cash Express, Inc. | |
USXP | Universal Express, Inc. | |
PXF | Parallel Express Forwarding | |
PXF | Parallel Express Forwarding | |
TRE | Trinity Railway Express | |
FFEX | Frozen Food Express Industries | |
AE | Action Express | |
DCEF | Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding | |
DCEF | Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding | |
ICE | Inter-City Express | |
EY | Express Yourself | |
KEP | Kurier Express Paket | |
ADX | Adams Express Company | |
EYC | Express Yourself Clearly | |
GPX | Greyhound Package Express | |
XCE | XML Content Express | |
AE | ASCII Express | |
MNX | MidNite Express | |
QCE | QuickCam Express | |
AEI | Air Express International | |
OTR | Otr Express Inc | |
NME | New Music Express | |
BEV | Bell Express Vu | |
WAE | Western Air Express | |
NXS | Net-Express | |
HEXS | Health Express | |
FFE | Frozen Food Express | |
CONEX | Container Express | |
QEC | Quicksilver Express Courier | |
QEC | Quicksilver Express Courier | |
NTE | North Tarrant Express | |
WXPG | Web Express Guide | |
EMMS | Express Mail Military Service | |
AB | Cannon Express, Inc. | |
NWX | NorthWest Express | |
VIRGY | Virgin Express Holdings, P. L. C. | |
AE | Asian Express | |
PWX | Pro Wrestling Express | |
EPS | Express Print Station | |
WWX | Worldwide Express | |
EPD | Express Publisher Publication | |
EMS | Express Mail International Service | |
SEMS | SIP Express Media Server | |
TZX | TurboZIP Express | |
ARBX | Air Brook Airport Express | |
MEI | Message Express Internet | |
UEX | Ultimate EXpress | |
STE | Star Track Express | |
LSE | Luxury Super Express | |
EWD | Document (Express Publisher for Windows) | |
BCVX | West Coast Express | |
CEP | Courier, Express, and Parcel | |
TLE | Tire and Lube Express | |
WCCE | Washington County Commuter Express | |
HAPY | Happiness Express, Inc. | |
LXE | Lightguide eXpress Entry | |
EBF | Express Bug Fix | |
WPX | Western Parcel Express | |
BVCX | West Coast Express | |
PNX | Pacific North Express | |
IELZ | Iran Express Lines | |
RDWZ | Roadway Express Incorporated | |
SCXF | South Central Florida Express | |
NELU | New England Express Lines | |
FGMX | Fruit Growers Express Company | |
OLX | Off Line Express | |
WASX | Websphere Application Server Express | |
IIEDS | Individual Investor Express Delivery Service | |
WCIE | West Coast Industrial Express | |
FGEX | Fruit Growers Express Company | |
TDX | Tech Data Express | |
EXP | Express schema (STEP) | |
AMXU | Americas Marine Express Incorporated | |
TTOZ | Totem Ocean Trailer Express Incorporated | |
FTMZ | Fruit Growers Express Company | |
IMXZ | Intermodal Express Incorporated | |
EXMX | Express Marco Incorporated | |
QCE | Quality Color Express | |
MIA | Message Express Internet | |
NAX | North American Express Transportation | |
VINE | Valley Intercity Neighborhood Express | |
EYE | Express Yourself Everyone | |
MMXZ | Murphy Motor Express Inc | |
NME | New Morrissey Express | |
NAVE | Navajo Express Incorporated | |
NAX | North American Express Transportation | |
EVA | Express Value Account | |
EVA | Express Value Account | |
ATOX | Air Tasking Order Express | |
QJX | Qingdao Japan Express | |
QJX | Qingdao Japan Express | |
MEDEX | Medical Air Express | |
TANZ | Intermodal Express Incorporated | |
VKE | Voice Keyer Express | |
QLE | Qualified-Leads Express | |
TDX | TransDominion Express passenger train | |
EPO | Express Payment Option | |
BEP | Business Express Program | |
MWX | Midweek Express Service | |
EAGLE | Emergency Air Ground Life Express | |
VHE | Virtual Herbarium Express | |
NZX | New Zealand Express Service | |
NZX | New Zealand Express Service | |
EXAM | Express America Holding Corporation | |
WWXP | Westway Express | |
VED | Value Express Designs | |
ESP | Express Stock Position | |
WIXC | Wireless Internet eXpress Connection | |
RPX | Republik Express Airlines | |
WIXC | Wireless Internet eXpress Connection | |
WGYX | WeGuardYou eXpress | |
DESC | Describe Express Specify And Consequences | |
DESC | Describe Express Specific Consequences | |
NXP | Newton Express Productions | |
QCE | Quick Carrier Express | |
KE | Kagayama Express | |
QXB | Quark Express Books | |
WIAE | West Indies Aerial Express | |
WTX | West Tennessee Express, Inc. | |
EWGM | Express Web Gallery Maker | |
EVA | For Express Value Account | |
WTXE | West Texas Express | |
QCE | Quick Carrier Express | |
AVXC | Auers Van and Express Company | |
IPTX | Internet Protocol Telephony Express | |
OWX | Other World eXpress | |
QHK | Heartland Express, Inc. options | |
GME | Group Mind Express | |
SJX | Small Job Express | |
WIXD | Wireless Internet eXpress Data Connection | |
WIXD | Wireless Internet eXpress Data Connection | |
WAGN | West Anglia Great Northern Railroad (National Express Group) | |
AXP PA | American Express Company Capital Trust I | |
IPTX 2.0 | Internet Protocol Telephony Express version 2.0 | |
DEAR | Describe Express Assert And Reinforce | |
LASER | List, Ask, Summarize, Express, Rate | |
IDEA | Ignatians Determined to Express Art | |
ME | Memory Express (Company) | |
MEAN | MongoDB, Express, AngularJs, and Node | |
OLX | On Line eXpress | |
UGH | Used to express disappointment and disgust | |
TNSETC | Tamil Nadu State Express Transport Corporation | |
AMEX | American Express | |
1MX | First Men's Express Shirt | |
NIKE | Newly Invented Killing Express | |
TX | Toledo Express Airport | |
NIOE | Nostalgie Istanbul Orient Express | |
KWE | Kintetsu World Express | |
MERN | MongoDB, Express, React, and Node | |
TTE | The Trust Express | |
UCCX | Unified Contact Center Express | |
NVME | Non Volatile Memory Express | |
GPE | Golden Panther Express | |
CCAX | American Express Credit Card | |
REA | Railway Express Agency | |
DELI | Delta Express Like Illusion | |
ESCORP | Express Sales CORPoration | |
AEBT | American Express Business Travel | |
6EX | EXplore, EXperiment, EXpress, EXpand, EXport, EXhale | |
AEFA | American Express Financial Advisors | |
FGE | Fruit Growers Express | |
AMEO | Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra | |
OEH | Orient Express Hotels | |
EL | Express Letters | |
EEH | Eastern Express Highway | |
ESI | Express Scripts Inc | |
BVE | Boso View Express | |
DESC | Describe Express Specify Consequences | |
OECL | Overseas Express Container Lines | |
UEMS | University Express Mail Services | |
PERN | Postgres Express React NodeJS | |
LINX | Listen, Involve, Negotiate, eXpress | |
NEX | Nat.express | |
W00T | Express happiness or excitement | |
IZE | Image Zone Express (HP) | |
PDEN | Phoenix Downtown Express Network | |
SETC | State Express Transport Corporation | |
CAX | China Australia Express | |
PCIEX | PCI Express | |
WWEF | World Wheelchair Express Foundation | |
AEFOE | Attachment Extractor for Outlook Express | |
EQRF | Express Quote Request Form | |
ALX | Active Line Express | |
RTEN | Reno Tahoe Express Network | |
WEKR | Wacom Express Key Remote | |
SARIE | Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express | |
FGMR | Fruit Growers Express | |
BEAN | Bootstrap Express AngularJS Node | |
GIFTED | Giving Individuals Freedom to Express Diversity | |
LWEN | Leading Women Express Network | |
ONE | Ocean Network Express | |
CLCSE | Cisco Life Cycle Services Express | |
ETR | Express Toll Route | |
SER | SIP Express Router | |
AE | American Express | |
CSX | Chicken S*** Express | |
GXG | Global Express Guaranteed | |
ERL | Express Rail Link | |
EPI | Encapsulated PostScript (text and graphics) (Express Publisher) | |
SETC | State Express Transport Corporation | |
CSX | Chesapeake System Express | |
PCIE | Peripheral Component Interconnect Express | |
AECB | American Express Centurion Bank | |
PCIe | PCI Express | |
TNIE | The New Indian Express | |
TOTE | tem Ocean Trailer Express | |
MEO | Miclyn Express Offshore | |
CUE | Cisco Unity Express | |
SECC | Symposium Express Call Center | |
ICE | Independent Communications Express | |
BJE | Beloit Janesville Express | |
CEP | Courier Express Parcel | |
WMCE | West Mililani Commuter Express | |
SQE | Stock Quotes Express | |
MME | Midwest Motor Express | |
RER | Reseau Express Régionale | |
PEEL | Planet Express Employee Lounge | |
TOTE | Totem Ocean Trailer Express | |
AAE | Australian Air Express | |
RCEN | River City Express Network | |
IEMO | International Express Money Order | |
GORE | Gothenburg Oslo Rail Express | |
AOER | Advanced Outlook Express Repair | |
EICI | Express Industry Council of India | |
REWK | Rad Express Wege Koln | |
SEAN | Sequelize Express AngularJS and Node | |
TTOZ | Totem Ocean Trailer Express | |
TEJV | Transport Express Joint Venture | |
TIAE | Teaching Innovations Academy Express | |
TEMU | Transcontinental Express Maritime United | |
COMEX | IEICE Communications Express | |
AETI | American Express Travel Insurance | |
WTTE | Woodside Travel - Travel Express | |
PLE | Primary Longman Express | |
ACE | Altamont Corridor Express | |
PAE | Pacific Asia Express | |
OEH | Orient Express | |
KCE | Kelly Clarkson Express | |
FCE | Final Cut Express | |
ESPD | Express Service to Popular Destinations | |
AAE | American Asian Express | |
AETI | American Express Travel Insurance | |
TER | Transport express régional | |
SLAE | Squid Log Analyzer Express | |
GEA | Global Express Association | |
WCE | West Coast Express | |
ACE | Cash Express | |
MERS | Mongoose Express Rest Service | |
EDT | Express Deployment Tool | |
BOE | Biomedical Optics Express | |
AAE | American Asia Express | |
PEG | PCI Express Graphics | |
OEEE | Outlook Express Email Extractor | |
BERT | Bio4Gas Express Reactor Technology | |
APME | akkadian Provisioning Manager Express | |
CAPEC | Conference of Asia Pacific Express Carriers | |
AHCE | American Home Care Express | |
HKE | Hong Kong Express | |
ALCE | A la carte Express | |
UE | United Express | |
GAGE | Great American Gymnastic Express | |
IVES | Income Verification Express Service | |
ELMP | Express Lanes Master Plan | |
MERN | MongoDB Express React Node | |
LEDS | Library Express Delivery Service | |
AMWX | American Express | |
TOL | Toledo Express Airport, Toledo, Ohio USA | |
TEI | Truckers Express, Inc. | |
CME | Colorado Mountain Express | |
RETC | Revolution Express Track Club | |
TEG | Think Express and Grow | |
WES | Westside Express Service | |
EMMS | Express Mail Military Service | |
EPR | Express Press Release | |
HIE | Holiday Inn Express | |
NICE | Nassau Inter County Express | |
MEPS | Multipurpose Express Pallet System | |
HTE | Heart Throb Express | |
AEME | American Express Middle East | |
EMIS | Express Mail International Service | |
REX | Regional Express Holdings Ltd | |
HCE | Hawaii Compliance Express | |
FE | Financial Express | |
EBC | Express Business Center | |
SAEN | San Antonio Express News | |
EVC | Express Visual Check | |
EPB | Express Printing Business | |
NEM | Network Express Module | |
NPE | Nickel Plate Express | |
IME | IPS Manager Express | |
ERE | Electronic Records Express | |
GFE | Granola Funk Express | |
ECA | Express Carriers Association | |
NME | Noel Musical Express | |
YSE | York Simcoe Express | |
IEL | Integrity Express Logistics | |
BOE | Bakken Oil Express | |
IESG | In Express Sisters Group | |
SEI | Service Express Inc | |
ECI | Express Courier International | |
TER | Train Express Regional | |
EMPS | Express Merchant Processing Solutions | |
MVE | Mountain Valley Express | |
FFE | Frozen Foods Express | |
MAEI | Morningstar Air Express Inc | |
CACE | CALEA Accreditation Compliance Express | |
EWC | Express Written Consent | |
GEBC | Global Express Business Center | |
EDAS | Express Document Authentication Service | |
EES | Eastern Express System | |
LWE | Logistics Worldwide Express | |
EBW | Express Bike Works | |
OEL | Orient Express Lines | |
FTPE | First Trans Pennine Express | |
SAEL | South African Express Line | |
UPX | Union Pearson Express | |
AAE | Australia Air Express | |
IEO | Import Express Online | |
DNE | Daily News Express | |
CEI | Components Express Inc | |
EESC | Eagle Express Soccer Club | |
EESC | Eagle Express Soccer Club | |
HBE | Hawaii Business Express | |
WEAN | Webkit Express Angular and Node | |
MPES | Military Postal Express Service | |
ICE | Inter City Express | |
EFS | Express Freight Solutions | |
LWE | Logistic Worldwide Express | |
VSE | Vault Super Express | |
BNFE | Burlington Northern Fruit Express | |
EEA | European Express Association | |
EEA | European Express Association | |
AEIS | American Express Incentive Service | |
EE | Express Entry | |
EE | Express Edition | |
ETU | Express Treatment Unit | |
HHE | Hankyu Hanshin Express | |
EPT | Express Pro Tools | |
AEIS | American Express Incentive Services | |
DHE | Dependable Highway Express | |
CME | Communications Manager Express | |
MERN | MongoDB Express React and NodeJS | |
MERN | MongoDB Express ReactJS NodeJS | |
MERN | Mongo Express React and NodeJS | |
EOT | Express Online Training | |
AEAM | American Express Asset Management | |
GES | Globe Express Services | |
KCE | Kencana Cargo Express | |
GAGE | Great American Gymnastics Express | |
TGE | Toll Global Express | |
GCEA | Greater Covina Express Access | |
MEP | Midcontinent Express Pipeline | |
PCET | Parcel Cargo Express Train | |
IVES | Income Verification Express System | |
UGE | United Ground Express | |
AEL | Africa Express Line | |
PETS | Peterson Express Transport Service | |
MMDE | Mango Mango Dance Express | |
TEEM | Trans Europ Express Marchandises | |
ERTP | Express Reconnect Transition Program | |
EHT | Express Heal Triumph | |
AEB | American Express Bank | |
MEAN | MongoDB Express AngularJS and Node | |
EBL | Express Bridge Loan | |
TSE | Trade Stats Express | |
EBK | Express Banking Kiosk | |
WEH | Western Express Highway | |
AEIOU | Acknowledge Express Identify Outline Understand | |
TLE | Tire Lube Express | |
MEH | Midwest Express Holdings | |
EOI | Express Of Interest | |
EME | Eastern Metro Express | |
EMI | Express Manufacturing Inc | |
EMI | Express Manufacturing Inc | |
MERN | Mongo Express React Node | |
DPE | Delivery Perfect Express | |
TWE | Trans World Express | |
NTE | Note Taking Express | |
ECS | Express Consolidation Systems | |
MBE | Maryland Business Express | |
ERS | Express Replacement Service | |
CEP | Courier Express and Parcel | |
EMMS | Express Military Mail Service | |
JETT | Jordan Express Tourist Transportation | |
JETT | Jordan Express Tourist Transportation | |
EPL | Express Products List | |
ELE | Express Lane Eligibility | |
TEE | Trans European Express | |
CEI | Certified Express Inc | |
CEI | Certified Express Inc | |
BECC | BPI Express Credit Card | |
TPE | The Polar Express | |
CCE | Custom Caps Express | |
ELRS | Express Long Range System | |
YAPE | Your Autonomous Pony Express | |
CEI | Concrete Express Inc | |
EEBC | Express Entry British Columbia | |
HKE | Hong Kong Express | |
EBO | Express Blow Out | |
JNX | Joyful Noise eXpress | |
EC | Express Checkout | |
ACE | American Cheer Express | |
MVE | Midwest Vocal Express | |
MIO | Miclyn Express Offshore Limited | |
AES | All Express Service | |
FEDEX | Federal Express | |
NEDB | Nippon Express do Brasil | |
IPCX | Cisco IP Contact center eXpress | |
XRL | Express Rail Link (Hong Kong) | |
IOLX | Indian Online Express | |
AREX | Airport Express | |
EMI | Express Mail International | |
BBE | Business Banking Express | |
AEL | Airport Express Line | |
XRL | Express Rail Link | |
EMS | Express Mail Service | |
FedEx | Federal Express | |
HLX | Hapag-Lloyd Express | |
TTE | Trans Time Express | |
BAX | Burlington Air Express | |
EW | Express Ways | |
PCI-E | Peripheral Component Interface Express | |
PETT | Punjab Express Trave & Tours | |
RER | Regional Express Rail | |
IEP | Intercity Express Program | |
HOPE | Hop On People Express | |
DIVX | Digital Video Express | |
AAE | Arabian American Express | |
AMXU | Americas Marine Express | |
AOEX | American Orient Express Railway | |
AWXU | Alaska West Express | |
AXXZ | Agricultural Express of America | |
BRZU | Container Express Corporation | |
BVCX | Burgie Vinegar (West Coast Express) | |
EXMX | Express Marco Transportation | |
FEXZ | Florida Express Carriers | |
FFEZ | Frozen Food Express | |
FGER | Fruit Growers Express | |
FGEX | Fruit Growers Express | |
FTMZ | Fruit Growers Express | |
IMXZ | Intermodal Express | |
MMXZ | Murphy Motor Express | |
NAVE | Navajo Express | |
NRBX | Fruit Growers Express (Merchants Despatch Transportation Corporation) | |
PFE | Pacific Fruit Express (Union Pacific Railroad) | |
RBNX | Fruit Growers Express | |
RBWX | Western Fruit Express | |
RDWZ | Roadway Express | |
RWTZ | Satellite Intermodal Express | |
SCFE | South Central Florida Express | |
SPFE | Pacific Fruit Express (Union Pacific Railroad) | |
TANZ | Intermodal Express | |
UPFE | Pacific Fruit Express (Union Pacific Railroad) | |
UPRX | Union Pacific Fruit Express | |
VREX | Virginia Railway Express | |
WCE | West Coast Express | |
WFE | Western Fruit Express (BNSF Railway) | |
WREX | Western Refrigerator Express | |
EZ | Express Zone | |
APEX | Oracle Application Express | |
UO | HK Express | |
UO | HK Express | |
UO | HK Express | |
JEKO | Jerusalem Express Klezmer Orchestra | |
JEKO | Jerusalem Express Klezmer Orchestra | |
JEKO | Jerusalem Express Klezmer Orchestra | |
ICYE | Inter City Yearly Express | |
AREC | American Railway Express Company | |
CGEA | Compagnie des Grands Express Aériens | |
EPEG | Europe-Persia Express Gateway | |
NEEC | National Express East Coast | |
SAEN | San Antonio Express-News | |
SCFE | South Central Florida Express, | |
SETC | State Express Transport Corporation | |
TANE | The All Night Express | |
VSOE | Venice-Simplon Orient Express | |
DX | Delivery Express | |
MME | Masri Money Express | |
MME | Masri Money Express | |
MME | Masri Money Express | |
MME | Masri Money Express | |
NXEA | National Express East Anglia | |
NXEC | National Express East Coast | |
IET | Intercity Express Train | |
NERDS | Node.js, Express.js, React, and Databases using SQL | |
NERDS | Node.js, Express.js, React, and Databases using SQL | |
CDPE | Continental Daily Parcels Express | |
YZR | Yangtze River Express Airlines, China (ICAO Code) | |
EXPR | Express, Inc. | |
EXPR | Express, Inc. | |
FMT | Fremont Station (Altamont Commuter Express - AMTK) | |
FBG | Fredricksburg Station (Virginia Railway Express - AMTK) | |
MSS | Manassas Station (Virginia Railway Express- AMTK) | |
AECOTY | Auto Express Car Of The Year | |
AEDF | Arctic Express Diesel Fuel | |
BEST | Bridge Express Shuttle Transit | |
CCE | Chevrolet City Express | |
CODEX | Coalition of Operators Drivers Employees Express | |
CXP | City Express | |
DHE | Dependable Highway Express | |
DOX | Dealer Office Express | |
E4L | Express 4wd Luxury | |
EBP | Express Body and Paint | |
EC2 | Express Commercial Cutaway | |
EDV | Express Delivery Vehicle | |
EDV | Express Delivery Van | |
EE2 | Express Extended 4x2 | |
EEH | Eastern Express Highway | |
ELW | Express Limited Warranty | |
EOC | Express Oil Change | |
EXP | Express | |
LRE | Lil' Red Express | |
MEC | Mopar Express Care | |
MME | Midwest Motor Express | |
MOE | Mobil Oil Express | |
NES | Nissan Express Service | |
REEX | Renault Express | |
REL | Reversible Express Lanes | |
SSE | Sensuous Sport Express | |
TEOC | Talbot Express Owners Club | |
TLE | Tire and Lube Express | |
TXM | Toyota Express Maintenance | |
VEC | Valvoline Express Care | |
WEH | Western Express Highway | |
XBL | Express Bus Lane | |
AAE | Apple Airport Express | |
AEG | Asus Express Gate | |
APEX | Application Express | |
ARE | Adobe Raster Express | |
ARX | Auto Route Express | |
AWE | Adwords Express | |
AWX | Adwords Express | |
AXIOM | Advanced Express Input Output Module | |
BOE | Built On Express | |
BTOBE | Bay to Bay Express | |
CCME | Cisco Call Manager Express | |
CEF | Cisco Express Forwarding | |
CEP | Canon Express Protocol | |
CEX | Crypto Express | |
CFX | Crossfire Express | |
CME | Call Manager Express | |
CME | Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express | |
CUCME | Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express | |
CUCME | Cisco Unified Call Manager Express | |
CUE | Cisco Unity Express | |
CWE | Crossword Express | |
DBXE | Data Base Express Edition | |
DCEF | Distributed Cisco Express Forwarding | |
DCEF | Accelerated Cisco Express Forwarding | |
DIVX | Digital Video Express | |
DMX | Digital Media Express | |
DPE | Data Protector Express | |
DPX | Data Protector Express | |
DXI | Digital Express International | |
EAZ | Express Assist File | |
EMC | Express Mini Card | |
EML | Express Mail | |
EMS | Express Mail Service | |
EMSS | Express Managed Security Services | |
EPD | Express Publisher Document | |
EPI | Express Publisher | |
ESF | Express Services Forwarding | |
EWD | Express Publisher for Windows Document | |
EWF | Express Web Framework | |
EXP | Express File | |
FBR | Flashback Express Recorder | |
FXDB | File Express Data Base | |
GBX | Gigabit Express | |
GSE | Google Shopping Express | |
GSX | Google Shopping Express | |
HCE | Hybrid Cloud Express | |
ICX | Intelligence Express | |
IEA | Ibm Express Advantage | |
IPCX | Ip Contact Center Express | |
IPCXAM | Ip Communications Express Account Manager | |
ITE | Integrated Technology Express | |
IZE | Image Zone Express | |
LCSE | Life Cycle Services Express | |
LXE | Lightguide Express Entry | |
MEAN | Mongodb Express Angular Node | |
MEEE | Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition | |
MERN | Mongodb Express React Node | |
MFE | Micro Focus Mainframe Express | |
MFNE | Micro Focus Net Express | |
MOE | Microsoft Outlook Express | |
MOVIE | Mobile Video Express | |
MPE | Meeting Place Express | |
MSEE | Microsoft Sql Server Express Engine | |
MSOE | Microsoft Outlook Express | |
MXE | Macro Express | |
MXM | Mobile Pci Express Module | |
NEX | Network Express | |
NVME | Non Volatile Memory Express | |
OAE | Oracle Application Express | |
ODXE | Oracle Database Express Edition | |
OEMIG | Outlook Express Migration | |
OERES | Outlook Express Resources | |
OERT | Outlook Express Run Time | |
OLX | Off Line Express | |
OLX | on Line Express | |
OXE | Oracle Express Edition | |
PAE | Passport Advantage Express | |
PCIE | Pci Express | |
PCIX | Pci Express | |
PCX | Pci Express | |
PEG | Pci Express Graphics | |
PEX | Pci Express | |
PXF | Parallel Express Forwarding | |
QCE | Quick Cam Express | |
QXB | Quark Express Book | |
QXD | Quark Express Document | |
QXL | Quark Express Element Library | |
QXP | Quark Express Project | |
QXT | Quark Express Template | |
RPMXF | Route Processor Module Express Forwarding | |
RTGSE | Rtgs Express | |
SBE | Solutions Builder Express | |
SDE | Service Desk Express | |
SSE | Search Submit Express | |
SSMSE | Sql Server Management Studio Express | |
SXCE | Solaris Express Community Edition | |
SXDE | Solaris Express Developer Edition | |
TALES | Tal Express Syntax | |
TARGET | Trans European Automated Realtime Gross Settlement Express Transfer | |
TPE | Trans Pacific Express | |
TSE | Taiwan Strait Express | |
UCCX | Unified Contact Center Express | |
UPX | Ulead Photo Express | |
VSE | Visual Studio Express | |
VSX | Visual Studio Express | |
VVE | Volo View Express | |
WEL | Web Express Logon | |
WSE | Workplace Services Express | |
WWX | World Wide Express | |
XDV | Express Dv | |
XPO | Express Persistent Objects | |
XPR | Express Request | |
XQF | Express Quick Form | |
XTP | Express Transport Protocol | |
XTP | Express Transfer Protocol | |
XXT | Quark Express Extension | |
TGXU | Tiger Cool Express | |
AMXZ | Americas Marine Express Incorporated | |
AMXZ | Americas Marine Express | |
TGXZ | Tiger Cool Express | |
LUBVE | London Underground for Boso View Express | |
TGXU | Tiger Cool Express LLC | |
TGXU | Tiger Cool Express LLC | |
TGXZ | Tiger Cool Express LLC | |
TGXZ | Tiger Cool Express LLC | |
ONEU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
ONEU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
ONEU | Ocean Network Express | |
UETU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
UETU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
UETU | Ocean Network Express (formerly UES International) | |
UETU | Ocean Network Express (formerly UES International) | |
GCXU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
GCXU | Ocean Network Express Holdings Ltd | |
GCXU | Ocean Network Express | |
YX | Midwest Express (airline IATA code) | |
YX | Midwest Express (airline IATA code) | |
PCIE | Peripheral Component Interconnect Express | |
XSI | Express Ship Interface | |
RE | Rating Express | |
OHHHH | It is a common slang writing way to express some kind of surprise. | |
OHHHH | It is a common slang writing way to express some kind of surprise. | |
QDE | Queen's Discovery Express | |
REM | Réseau Express Métropolitain | |
REM | Réseau Express Métropolitain | |
SHIT | Solidified Human Intestinal Tract Secretion S.H.I.T's {plural} It takes the vulgarity from saying it. And adds a bit of humor mixed with what medicine might dignify. And it gives the moments when we tend to express situations in life that makes us say this, quite frankly, the best relativity imaginable. | |
SHIT | Solidified Human Intestinal Tract Secretion S.H.I.T's {plural} It takes the vulgarity from saying it. And adds a bit of humor mixed with what medicine might dignify. And it gives the moments when we tend to express situations in life that makes us say this, quite frankly, the best relativity imaginable. | |
HCE | Hawai'i Compliance Express |
What does express mean?
- express, express mail(noun)
- mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
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"express." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/express>.
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