We've got 1,512 shorthands for ground fir »
Acronyms that contain the term ground fir
What does ground fir mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: ground fir.
Term | Definition | Rating |
GND | Ground | |
GND | Ground | |
GND | Ground | |
GND | Ground | |
GND | Ground | |
GS | Ground State | |
GS | Ground State | |
GW | Ground Water | |
GPR | Ground Penetrating Radar | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter | |
MCG | Melbourne Cricket Ground | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
MAGTF | Marine Air-Ground Task Force | |
MAGTF | Marine Air-Ground Task Force | |
PGA | Peak Ground Acceleration | |
GBD | Ground | |
GS | Ground Station | |
AG | Air-Ground | |
GS | Ground Support | |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System | |
AST | Above-ground Storage Tank | |
HG | High Ground | |
PGV | Peak Ground Velocity | |
GS | Ground System | |
GMD | Ground-based Midcourse Defense | |
SCG | Sydney Cricket Ground | |
CG | Cloud To Ground | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupter | |
UGV | Unmanned Ground Vehicle | |
FOG | Feet On the Ground | |
UG | Under Ground | |
WIG | Wing In Ground | |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground | |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground | |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground | |
GF | Ground Fault | |
SOG | Speed Over Ground | |
GCS | Ground Control Station | |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach | |
NGIC | National Ground Intelligence Center | |
GC | Ground Cover | |
GMTI | Ground Moving Target Indicator | |
BGM | Back Ground Music | |
A/G | Air-To-Ground | |
GF | Ground Floor | |
GBI | Ground-Based Interceptor | |
AGM | Air to Ground Missile | |
GS | Ground Start | |
CGS | Common Ground Station | |
GCE | Ground Combat Element | |
IG | Isolated Ground | |
WIG | Wing In Ground-effect | |
WIG | Wing In Ground-effect | |
WIG | Wing In Ground-effect | |
EGSE | Electrical Ground Support Equipment | |
GZ | Ground Zero | |
GBR | Ground-Based Radar | |
GWEN | Ground Wave Emergency Network | |
GWEN | Ground Wave Emergency Network | |
SFCG | Search For Common Ground | |
AGE | Aerospace Ground Equipment | |
GCP | Ground Control Point | |
LGP | Low Ground Pressure | |
LGP | Low Ground Pressure | |
LGP | Low Ground Pressure | |
FROG | Free Rocket Over Ground | |
OTG | Off The Ground | |
BGA | Battle Ground Academy | |
TUGV | Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicle | |
SAGE | Semi Automated Ground Environment | |
AST | Above-ground Storage Tank | |
SOG | Speed Over the Ground | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interruption | |
AGM | Air Ground Missile | |
PASGT | Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops | |
GCAS | Ground Collision Avoidance System | |
GDP | Ground Delay Program | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupt | |
LG | Lower Ground | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupters | |
GCC | Ground Calcium Carbonate | |
UGS | Unattended Ground Sensor | |
UGS | Unattended Ground Sensor | |
UGS | Unattended Ground Sensor | |
DG | Deep Ground | |
JGSDF | Japan Ground Self Defense Force | |
FG | Fore Ground | |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach | |
GL | Ground Light | |
UG | Upper Ground | |
DGS | Defected Ground Structure | |
GUR | Ground Under Repair | |
GSM | Ground Station Module | |
GN | Ground Network | |
ROG | Rise Off Ground | |
EPG | Electronic Proving Ground | |
AGSE | Aviation Ground Support Equipment | |
GSR | Ground Surveillance Radar | |
HSGT | High-Speed Ground Transportation | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interruption | |
MSTP | MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Staff Training Program | |
GCI | Ground-Controlled Intercept | |
GLO | Ground Liaison Officer | |
GICB | Ground Initiated Communications, channel B | |
VPG | Virtual Proving Ground | |
GBS | Ground-Based Sensor | |
FGU | From The Ground Up | |
MOG | Maximum On Ground | |
GND | Ground (voltage level) | |
VKG | Ground Floor Vent Kit | |
AGE | Associated Ground Equipment | |
FG | The Frame Ground | |
WSGT | White Sands Ground Terminal | |
WSGT | White Sands Ground Terminal | |
GTA | Ground Test Accelerator | |
GOB | Ground Order of Battle | |
AAGS | Army Air-Ground System | |
ABGD | Air Base Ground Defense | |
GCF | Ground Communications Facility | |
AGI | Advanced Ground Instructor | |
WGWA | Wisconsin Ground Water Association | |
GCM | Ground Control Manual | |
FOG | Feet On Ground | |
GSO | Ground Safety Office | |
GAG | Ground Air Ground | |
GMF | Ground Mobile Force | |
GDT | Ground Data Terminal | |
MTWS | MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Tactical Warfare Simulation | |
GD | Ground Design | |
GPM | Ground Precautionary Message | |
G/VLLD | Ground Vehicular Laser Locator Designator | |
GLO | Ground Logistics Operations | |
FROG | Flies Right Off the Ground | |
GSIE | Ground Systems Industrial Enterprise | |
GEM | Ground Electronics Maintenance | |
AGES | Air-Ground Engagement System | |
GC | Ground Clutter | |
GCC | Ground Component Commander | |
GEMSS | Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System | |
PGS | Primary Ground Station | |
NGT | NASA Ground Terminal | |
STGT | Second TDRSS Ground Terminal | |
GOAL | Ground Operations Aerospace Language | |
NGT | NASA Ground Terminal | |
RCAG | Remote Communications Air/Ground Facility | |
STGT | Second TDRSS Ground Terminal | |
GEP | Ground Entry Point | |
GSD | Ground Systems Division | |
GR | Ground Representation | |
GSD | Ground Systems Division | |
HGH | Higher Ground for Humanity | |
MAGIS | Marine Air Ground Intelligence System | |
GNDA | Analog Ground pin | |
AEGIS | Airborne Early Warning/Ground Environment Integration Segment | |
AGMS | Air-to-Ground Missile System | |
GMT | Ground Moving Target | |
GSTS | Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System | |
OGW | USGS Office of Ground Water | |
GCE | Ground Control Equipment | |
GCU | Ground Control Unit | |
GCU | Ground Control Unit | |
GC | Ground Compensation | |
RGZ | Radio Ground Zero | |
GBDL | Ground Based Data Link | |
GPF | Ground Processing Facility | |
SARGE | Surveillance And Reconnaissance Ground Equipment | |
AGS | Aeronautical Ground Station | |
LGSM | Light Ground Station Module | |
SGS | Secondary Ground Station | |
GRC | Ground Radio Communications | |
GSM | Ground Support Module | |
GMFSC | Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications | |
RG | Radial Ground | |
ADGE | Air Defense Ground Environment | |
MGS | Mission Ground Station | |
AGSS | Attitude Ground Support System | |
ATB | Above-ground Telecommunications Backbone | |
MAGIC | Mondial Antenna Ground Isolation Circuit | |
GAC | Ground Assault Convoy | |
ATB | Above-ground Telecommunications Backbone | |
DRGS | Direct readout ground stations | |
GT | Ground Treatment | |
GRWSIM | Ground Warfare Simulation | |
GEMD | Ground Electronics Maintenance Division | |
AGT | AEELS (Automated ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) Emitter Location System) Ground Terminal | |
GDE | Ground Demonstration Engine | |
MOG | Maximum On The Ground | |
GACC | Ground Attack Control Center | |
GCA | Ground Control Airborne | |
TGIF | Transportable Ground Interface Facility | |
AGSG | Aircraft Ground Service Guide | |
AGSG | Aircraft Ground Service Guide | |
TIGER | Tactical Interactive Ground Equipment | |
AGT | Above Ground Test | |
TGU | The Ground Up | |
AGSG | Aircraft Ground Service Guide | |
GITIS | Ground Integrated Target Identification System | |
JTGS | Joint Tactical Ground Station | |
GNDCP | Ground Command Post | |
GST | Ground Support Terminal | |
GSE | Ground Support Electronics | |
GCP | Ground Control Position | |
GLLD | Ground Laser Location Designator | |
WHBG | Warhammer Battle Ground | |
GCP | Ground Control Planning | |
RGT | Remote Ground Terminal | |
GCN | Ground Control Network | |
GCN | Ground Control Network | |
UGW | UMTRA Ground Water | |
CGS | Common Ground Sanctuary | |
GTU | Ground Transportation Unit | |
GLOB | Ground Loving Old Bastard | |
GTS | Ground Transportation Services | |
AGO | Santiago Ground Station | |
LRGS | Local Readout Ground Station | |
RGC | Radar Ground Clutter | |
RGC | Radar Ground Clutter | |
RGC | Radar Ground Clutter | |
RGC | Radar Ground Clutter | |
RGC | Radar Ground Clutter | |
EGW | Equipment Ground Wire | |
GD | Ground Duty | |
GBR-T | Ground-Based Radar Terminal | |
GIC | Ground Induced Current | |
FGEP | Fixed Ground Entry Point | |
GNDD | Digital Ground pin | |
JTAGS | Joint Tactical Air to Ground Station | |
USAEPG | United States Army Electronic Proving Ground | |
FGM | Fertile Ground Music | |
ROG | Rocket Over Ground | |
HGSS | Hellfire Ground Support System | |
DGDT | Downsized Ground Data Terminal | |
GSM/CGS | Ground Station Module/Common Ground Station | |
LGE | Loop- or Ground-start Exchange | |
GSF | Ground System of the Future | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
GBU | Ground Based Unit | |
GDT | Ground Defense Training | |
WCIG | Winter Cover for In Ground Pool | |
BUG | Bucharest Under Ground | |
GTAM | Ground To Air Missile | |
UAV-GCS | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Ground Control Station | |
GZD | Ground Zero Damage | |
BAGSE | Boresight Assembly Ground Support Equipment | |
NGP | Nymphalid Ground Plan | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
GSIRD | Ground Data System Information Requirements Document | |
DGCS | Downsized Ground Control Station | |
GSC | Ground Slope Category | |
AGH | Above Ground Housing | |
IGSM | Interim Ground Support Module | |
UGF | Under- Ground Facility | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
LGS | Loop- or Ground-start Subscriber | |
GAG | Go Around Ground | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
GNDO | Output Ground pin | |
GSU | Ground Staff Office | |
AGOS | Air-Ground Operation School | |
GOP | Ground Out Privacy | |
UGF | Under-Ground Facility | |
ESPD | Enhanced SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System) Packet Data | |
PASGT | Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops | |
GDSIRD | Ground Data System Information Requirements Document | |
EAGLE | Emergency Air Ground Life Express | |
GEMB | Ground Electronics Maintenance Building | |
GBCS | Ground-Based Common Sensors | |
GSC | Ground State Crossover | |
GCG | Ground Control Group | |
GEADGE | German Air Defense Ground Environment System | |
MAGIIC | Mobile Ground Imagery Interpretation Center | |
IDGS | Interim Deployable Ground Station | |
EGSM | Enhanced Ground Station Module | |
GDS | Ground Data System | |
GRA | Ground Relay Action | |
GBRS | Ground-Based Radar System | |
GCO | Ground Control Operator | |
NCG | No Common Ground | |
GCO | Ground Control Operator | |
SGI | Solid Ground, Inc. | |
GIA | Ground Isolation Assault | |
ECS-G | Engagement Control Station - Ground | |
SMDG | Standoff Mine Detection Ground | |
GLASS | Ground Level Alien Strike Simulator | |
UGR | Under- Ground Railroad | |
AGS | Aviation Ground Station | |
GNDI | Interface Ground | |
TPG | Twisted Pair Ground | |
RUGGIERO | Ranging Under Ground Gearing In Entry on Remote Ocean | |
EGRU | EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System) Ground Reference Unit | |
DGS-1 | Deployable Ground Station-1 | |
UGR | Under- Ground Railroad | |
FROG | Front and Rear On Ground | |
GPR | Ground Piercing Radar | |
CGS/GSM | Common Ground Station/Ground Station module | |
QUR3 | Have survivors been been reached by ground rescue party? | |
1Y7 | Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, Arizona USA | |
GSMM | Ground Systems Material Management | |
LBG | Left Bulkhead Ground | |
TOG | Thrown On the Ground | |
UGG | Under Ground Gamerz | |
GNDQ | Output Buffer Ground pin | |
S&GSLCMC | Soldier and Ground Systems Life Cycle Management Command | |
GNDP | PLL Ground signal line | |
COC-GE | Combat Operations Center-Ground Element | |
GNDC | Chassis Ground pin | |
GMRS | Ground Mobile Radio Service | |
GNDM | Mechanical Ground pin | |
IGO | Input Ground Output | |
GBCS-H | Ground-Based Common Sensors (Heavy) | |
GTMVC | Ground Target Modeling and Validation Conference | |
GBCS-L | Ground-Based Common Sensors (Light) | |
GTMVC | Ground Target Modeling and Validation Conference | |
GBS/CGS | Ground-Based Sensor Common Ground Station | |
GSMMO | Ground Systems Material Management Office | |
ROG | Right Off Ground | |
TGT | Target Ground Truth | |
HSSGT | High-Speed Guided Ground Transportation | |
SVG | Sky Vs. Ground | |
MOG | Material On The Ground | |
VGP | Variable Ground Pressure | |
JBCG | Junction Box, Current Relay, Ground fault protection | |
GNDI | Internal Ground pin | |
WOG | Wheels On Ground | |
QGW | Quality of Ground Water | |
MUGV | Manpackable Unmanned Ground Vehicle | |
SRIS-GS | Surface Reach Imaging System - Ground Station | |
SINCGARS | Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System | |
MOBSTR | MOBile STRetch (SIGINT/IMINT Ground Relay Station for U-2) | |
GCP | Ground Control Processor (w/in CARS) | |
DGIF | Deployable Ground Intercept Facility (w/in CARS) | |
TGD | Transient Ground Deformation | |
GWR | Ground Water Recovery | |
GTE | Ground That Electricity | |
FAAD GBS | Forward Area Air Defense Ground Based Sensor | |
GRCS GPF | GuardRail Common Sensor Ground Processing Facility | |
UAV-C GSC | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Close Range - Ground Control Station | |
EPG FLFO | Electronic Proving Ground Fort Lewis Field Office | |
TRIGS | TR1 (Tactical Reconnaissance 1 aircraft) Ground Station | |
BGM | Back Ground Midis | |
TRQ-36 | Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System Ground Station | |
NUG | Negro Under Ground | |
TKQ | UHF- FM ground terminal | |
EGP | Enhanced Ground Plane | |
UGA | Under- Ground Aces | |
BOTG | Boots on the Ground | |
GND | GrouND | |
GLR | Ground Level Reservoir | |
SONG | Southerners On New Ground | |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach | |
GWVC | Ground Water Volatilization Criteria | |
ROGA | Rising Off Ground Aeroplane | |
GREAT | Ground breaking, Remembered, Events , Affected and Terrifying | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter | |
AGST | Above Ground Storage Tank | |
GPRS | Ground Penetrating Radar Services | |
GET | Ground Engaging Tools | |
FGL | Finish Ground Level | |
GRUNT | Ground Roving Unit Network Terminator | |
GCV | Ground Combat Vehicle | |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach | |
GSX | Ground Storm X | |
FGL | Finished Ground Level | |
GIDP | Ground Into Double Play (Baseball Hitting) | |
MTGR | Micro Tactical Ground Robot | |
GRUNT | GRound Unit Not Trained | |
HSGT | High Speed Ground Transportation | |
OPGW | Optical Ground Wire | |
HITG | Hole In The Ground | |
GTI | Ground Test Instrumentation | |
SGHA | Standard Ground Handling Agreement | |
GPU | Ground Power Unit | |
BGM | Multiple Launch Environment (B) Surface/Ground Attack (G) Guided Missile (M) | |
GGBF | Ground Granulated Blast Furnace | |
JAGUAR | Joint Air Ground Unified Adaptive Replanning | |
TGF | The Ground Floor | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
GC | Ground Control | |
GWTR | Ground Waste Tire Rubber | |
GMPE | Ground Motion Prediction Equation | |
RIG | Running In Ground | |
NAGA | North American Ground Ape | |
AGZ | Actual Ground Zero | |
RGF | Rebel Ground Forces | |
GSD | Ground Sample Distance | |
GTM | Ground Time Method | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters | |
GOPD | Ground Operations Processing Database | |
ISAGO | IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations | |
TUGS | Tactical Unattended Ground Sensors | |
CONG | Covert Operations Navigational Ground | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interuptor | |
CGWA | Central Ground Water Authority | |
GAU | Ground Assault Unit | |
GSAT | Ground to Space Attack Transport | |
OGW | Over Ground Worker | |
GCR | Ground Controlled Radar | |
GFF | Ground Floor Flat | |
DTFG | Depth To Frozen Ground | |
GGBS | Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag | |
RBG | Rated Battle Ground | |
LGF | LAAS Ground Facility | |
DGTS | Dynamic Ground Target Simulator | |
AotG | Action on the Ground | |
GSO | Ground Support Operations | |
Grd | Ground | |
AGCS | Air Ground Communications Systems | |
ISAGO | Iata Safety Audits For Ground Operations | |
PGR | Spacelab Planning and Ground Rule | |
HTG | Hit the Ground | |
TGSI | Tactile Ground Surface Indicators | |
EGL | Existing Ground Level | |
GLD | Ground Logistics Division | |
GFL | Ground Floor Level | |
GLLD | Ground Laser Locator Designator | |
SFG | Synthetic Ground Facility | |
RGM | Round Ground Metals | |
GWD | Ground Water Division | |
GBD | Ground Branch Director | |
GHE | Ground Handling Equipment | |
AGR | Autonomous Ground Robot | |
TGIF | Tactical Ground Intercept Facility | |
AGF | Army Ground Forces | |
CCBGC | Central Canadian Barren Ground Caribou | |
OTCG | On the Common Ground | |
GWR | Ground Water Rule | |
GMTT | Ground Moving Target Track | |
AGTP | Additional Ground Training Period | |
APG | Aberdeen Proving Ground | |
GEB | Ground Elimination Balance | |
GET | Ground Elapsed Time | |
OPGW | Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire | |
DPG | Dugway Proving Ground | |
LEAPFROG | Lunar Entry and Approach Platform for Research on the Ground | |
LEAPFROG | Lunar Entry and Approach Platform for Research on Ground | |
MOBG | Machine on Black Ground | |
GSDE | Ground Systems Development Environment | |
FGA | Fighter Ground Attack | |
BGDH | Below Ground Demon Holocaust | |
GBE | Ground Breaking Events | |
EGPWS | Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System | |
GWTU | Ground Water Treatment Unit | |
SHOTGUN | Space Hardware Optimization Technology Ground Users' Network | |
DCGS | Distributed Common Ground System | |
GBT | Ground Based Tower | |
Vmcg | Minimum Control Velocity on the Ground | |
GIE | Ground Instrumentation Equipment | |
GLOW | Ground Lift-Off Weight | |
MGVT | Mated Ground Vibration Test | |
PGOR | Payload Ground Operation Requirements | |
VGVT | Vertical Ground Vibration Test | |
DGZ | Desired Ground Zero | |
GLTD | Ground Laser Target Designator | |
SINCGARS | Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System | |
SPMAGTF | Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force | |
FEGP | Fixed Electrical Ground Power | |
WOTG | Wheels On The Ground | |
BGL | Below Ground Level | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
GREECE | Ground to Rocket Electrodynamics Electrons Correlative Experiment | |
BUGV | Ballistic Unmanned Ground Vehicle | |
GRGT | Guam Remote Ground Terminal | |
CGWB | Central Ground Water Board | |
ANGL | Arrow Nationwide Ground Logistics | |
GOQA | Ground Operations Quality Assurance | |
RFHGC | Reaching for Higher Ground Consulting | |
GBP | Ground Bearing Pressure | |
CIGGT | Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport | |
CIGGT | Canadian Institute of Guided Ground Transport | |
GBTE | Ground Based Training Equipment | |
IGOM | IATA Ground Operations Manual | |
WIBG | Wooden Indian Burial Ground | |
BGSR | Battle Ground Summer Rec | |
GRND | Ground | |
GWTT | Ground Water Travel Time | |
VGHE | Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger | |
SNUG | Students Nestled Under Ground | |
GWPC | Ground Water Protection Council | |
HGLL | Higher Ground Legendary Level | |
AGAE | Air Ground Applications Engineering | |
MAGWA | Metro Area Ground Water Alliance | |
MAGST | Mean Annual Ground Surface Temperature | |
GOSSIP | Ground Observation Special Support Intelligence Program | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrup | |
GOC | Ground Observer Corps | |
GSPN | Ground Support Pneumatics and | |
ROTG | Rolling on the Ground | |
SWG | Southern Wintering Ground | |
CGHC | Common Ground Health Clinic | |
OGM | Ordinary Ground Motion | |
A/G | Air to Ground | |
GLOC | Ground Lines of Communication | |
CGBS | Cargo Ground Buildup System | |
SGFI | Secondary Ground Fault Interruption | |
GOM | Ground Operations Manager | |
GTM | Ground Team Manager | |
NEGDF | Naval Emergency Ground Defense Force | |
BGS | Below Ground Surface | |
AGVC | Autonomous Ground Vehicle Competition | |
DGSN | Distributed Ground Station Network | |
FRGT | Flight Review Ground Training | |
AGFB | Army Ground Forces Band | |
NGL | Natural ground level | |
GMSV | Ground Motion Simulation Validation | |
HGR | Hit the Ground Running | |
AGX | Air Ground Xpress | |
UGFP | UPS Ground with Freight Pricing | |
ETGT | Extended TDRS Ground Terminal | |
AGPL | Actual Ground Position Line | |
GOAR | Ground Observer Aircraft Recognition | |
GBSD | Ground Based Strategic Deterrent | |
OVGR | Over Voltage Ground Relay | |
GURU | Ground Understand Revise Use | |
GBP | Ground Breaking Procedure | |
GRSP | Ground Range Sustainment Program | |
OPGW | Overhead Power Ground Wire | |
PING | Precipitation Identification Near the Ground | |
GSX | Ground Services X | |
BGBC | Battle Ground Bible Church | |
AGL | Aerodrome Ground Lighting | |
GLD | Ground Lift Dumping | |
AOG | Aircraft On The Ground | |
GWCB | Ground Waste Clay Bricks | |
OGM | Open Ground Members | |
AGE | Automatic Ground Environment | |
GOB | Ground Order Battle | |
OTG | On the Ground | |
GASC | Ground Air Support Command | |
AGT | Advanced Ground Topology | |
GSW | Ground Saucer Watch | |
GWS | Ground Water Storage | |
TGS | Turkish Ground Services | |
GFST | Ground Fuel Start Tank | |
TGT | TDRSS Ground Terminal | |
GLE | Ground Level Enhancement | |
SINCGARS-SIP | Single Channel Ground and Air(borne) Radio System - System Improvement Program | |
LGE | Lower Ground E | |
GWTF | Ground Water Task Force | |
EGT | Estimated Ground Time | |
GCN | Ground Control Network | |
GET | Ground Elapsed Time | |
TAGS | Theater Air-Ground System | |
GO | Ground Out | |
FGS | Fire Ground Survival | |
GBR | Ground Based Radio | |
HAGA | Heavy Armored Ground Ambulance | |
GTFL | Ground Tackle Force Load | |
EGADS | Electronic Ground Automatic Destruct Sequencer | |
AGRT | Adjusted Ground Receipt Time | |
NMG | No Middle Ground | |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground | |
PGOC | Payload Ground Operations Contractor | |
SPGA | Swedish Proving Ground Association | |
LGPR | Localizing Ground Penetrating Radar | |
BTCG | Bridges To Common Ground | |
GIDP | Ground into Double Play | |
GGO | Ground glass opacity | |
GUSS | Ground Unmanned Support Surrogate | |
EPGSS | Exportable Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems | |
BGLL | Battle Ground Little League | |
DSGT | Deployable Satellite Ground Terminal | |
GZI | Ground Zero Indicator | |
HSPG | High Score Performance Ground | |
FGSE | Fluid Ground Support Equipment | |
GSDO | Ground Systems Development and Operations | |
GSEL | Ground Support Engineering Limited | |
BFMG | Battle For Middle Ground | |
GWUI | Ground Water Under the Influence | |
AGDS | Acoustic Ground Discrimination System | |
GWTR | Ground Water Treatment Rule | |
MUGI | Mini Unattended Ground Imager | |
MAGT | Mean Annual Ground Temperature | |
LOGOS | Lights Out Ground Operations System | |
WIGE | Wing In Ground Effect | |
GAIB | Ground Accident Investigation Board | |
HAG | Height Above Ground | |
MGCS | Main Ground Combat System | |
NADGE | NATO Air Defense Ground Environment | |
HIGE | Hover In Ground Effect | |
EPGSS | Entity Pro Ground Stand Single | |
FTTG | Fibre To The Ground | |
IGOR | Intercept Ground Optical Re | |
A2G | Air to Ground | |
PASGT | Personnel Armored System Ground Troops | |
USAFAGOS | United States Air Force Ground Operations System | |
GFCI | Ground Finding Current Instantly | |
GS | Ground Station | |
CGA | Common Ground Architecture | |
GV | Ground Veroes | |
SMG | Stand My Ground | |
SGSS | Space/Ground System Solutions | |
GMPE | Ground Motion Prediction Equations | |
DCG | Diversity Common Ground | |
GGSS | GEONS Ground System Software | |
DGS | Defected Ground Structures | |
PGOC | Payload Ground Operations Contract | |
AHG | Accessing Higher Ground | |
GPK | Ground Plane Kit | |
IGOR | Intercept Ground Optical Recorder | |
NGV | New Ground Ventures | |
GOSM | Ground Operations Safety Manual | |
GWPI | Ground Water Potential Index | |
GCT | Ground Contact Time | |
STG | Shake The Ground | |
GBL | Ground Based Laser | |
FG | Firm Ground | |
GFRS | Ground Facility Recording System | |
GMPE | Ground Motion Predictive Equation | |
TANGO | Tactical Air Naval Ground Operations | |
GB | Ground Ball | |
OGRE | Open Ground Reconnaissance Endeavors | |
ATG | Air To Ground | |
GPR | Ground Probing Radar | |
GSB | Ground State Band | |
AGIS | Advanced Ground Information Systems | |
AGS | Alliance Ground Surveillance | |
GAGE | Ground Avoidance Ground Escape | |
GCI | Ground-Controlled Intercept | |
GOE | Ground Operating Equipment | |
MGT | Major Ground Test | |
RCAG | Remote Control Air-Ground | |
ROG | Rolling On the Ground | |
G/W | Ground Wave | |
AGWA | Association of Ground Water Agencies | |
TGWH | Transient Ground Water Hydraulics | |
AGOS | Air Ground Operations School | |
HAGL | Height Above Ground Level | |
GSOV | Ground Segment Overall Validation | |
PGSS | Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems | |
OGAP | Operation Ground And Pound | |
VEGA | Vehicle Equipment for Ground Applications | |
CGWC | Colorado Ground Water Commission | |
GBAD | Ground Based Air Defence | |
GBAD | Ground Based Air Defense | |
GSHP | Ground Source Heat Pumps | |
GFCB | Ground Fault Circuit Breaker | |
GEWS | Ground Extruded Whole Soybeans | |
GTSA | Ground Transportation Staging Area | |
SAGE | Semi-Automatic Ground Environment | |
EGEM | Enterprise Ground Equipment Management | |
LMPG | Learn Move Play Ground | |
AGE | Auxiliary Ground Equipment | |
GRUNT | Ground Replacements Ussually Not Trained | |
GSCT | Ground Space Communications Terminal | |
GT | Ground Transmission | |
VEPG | Virtual Electronic Proving Ground | |
SGDT | Satellite Ground Data Terminal | |
GRFI | Ground reaction force impact | |
DAWGS | Disaster And Wilderness Ground Searchers | |
UGS | Unattended Ground Sensors | |
PAIGE | Plucky Antarctic Ice Ground Explorer | |
MAGE | Mechanical Aerospace Ground Equipment | |
AGAR | Army Ground Accident Report | |
STGL | Space To Ground Link | |
GUCA | Ground Umbilical Carrier Assembly | |
AGCU | Air Ground Cooling Unit | |
EGMM | Empirical Ground Motion Model | |
NTGV | Neutral To Ground Voltage | |
IGMT | Interleaved Ground Moving Target | |
GATOR | Ground Air Task Oriented Radar | |
FAGV | Fully Autonomous Ground Vehicle | |
SAGG | Seeker Aided Ground Guidance | |
HGFF | Holy Ground Family Fellowship | |
GLSL | Ground Level Scissor Lift | |
AGWB | Above Ground Woody Biomass | |
MPGF | Multi Point Ground Flares | |
CIGAR | Covered In Ground Anaerobic Reactor | |
KG | Kommon Ground | |
GTLF | Ground Transportation Linear Features | |
GRD | Ground Range Detected | |
AGZ | Actual Ground Zone | |
GRADS | Ground Radar Aerial Delivery System | |
GRAF | Ground Replay and Analysis Facility | |
PGLT | Passenger Ground Logistics Technologies | |
PGLT | Passenger Ground Logistics Technologies | |
GFCT | Ground Fault Current Transformer | |
GFPD | Ground Fault Protection Device | |
PFTG | Pound For The Ground | |
GMSM | Ground Motion Selection Modification | |
LFGC | Last Frame of Ground Contact | |
MPGT | Militant Pillar and Ground of Truth | |
RGPH | Reproductive Ground Plan Hypothesis | |
WFGP | Wholesale Fresh Ground Pork | |
DBGM | Design Basis Ground Motion | |
FTTG | Flying Towards The Ground | |
PGRD | Permanent Ground Residual Displacement | |
GSG | Ground Signal Ground | |
RLGM | Remote Loop Ground Multiplexer | |
MMP | MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Master Plan | |
GWAC | Ground Water Advisory Committee | |
OGS | Optical Ground Station | |
PGST | Persistent Ground Surveillance Towers | |
IGW | Impact to Ground Water | |
WWBG | Westmill Woodland Burial Ground | |
BOG | Best on Ground | |
FGO | Flat Ground Only | |
IGZ | Isolated Ground Zone | |
CGHC | Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative | |
GLF | Ground Level Fall | |
GSSG | Ground Signal Signal Ground | |
TGD | Temporary Ground Displacement | |
GDSD | Ground Data Systems Division | |
GPS | Ground Processing Simulation | |
GVT | Ground Vibration Test | |
RTG | Slant Range To Ground | |
GWA | Ground When Armed | |
GPG | Green Proving Ground | |
FGP | Fresh Ground Pepper | |
ODG | Off Da Ground | |
GRAB | Ground Retractable Automobile Barrier | |
GCI | Ground Circuit Interrupter | |
GWD | Ground Water | |
GPRS | Ground Penetrating Radar System | |
LGM | Large Ground Mount | |
GTTC | Ground Testing Technical Committee | |
LGSP | Lufthansa Ground Services Portugal | |
ECCG | European Centre for Common Ground | |
GHF | Ground Heat Flux | |
GERS | Ground Expedient Refueling System | |
GMFT | Ground Multiple Formations Tracking | |
GTV | Ground Test Vehicle | |
YPG | Yuma Proving Ground | |
SPG | Shibetsu Proving Ground | |
CGA | Common Ground Alliance | |
GTG | Go To Ground | |
GSDE | Ground System Development Environment | |
GCE | Ground Communications Equipment | |
GCO | Ground Communications Outlets | |
GCO | Ground communication outlet | |
SG | Soft Ground | |
GGZ | Gaming Ground Zero | |
RBGM | Real Beam Ground Map | |
GICB | Ground Initiated Comm B | |
TGS | Turkish Ground | |
MCG | Melbourne country ground | |
GRAT | Ground Risk Assessment Tool | |
GTS | Ground Targeting Skills | |
RTGC | Radiative Transfer Ground Calibrated | |
GWD | Ground Will Dictate | |
WMRG | War Memorial Recreation Ground | |
GGM | Green Ground Market | |
GSL | Ground Symmetrical Loop | |
GOC | Ground Operations Command | |
TGIL | The Ground Is Lava | |
GWAP | Ground Water Assessment Program | |
GATR | Ground to Air Transmit and Receive | |
GCP | Ground Control Points | |
OTGS | On The Ground these | |
GSWC | Ground and Surface Water Conservation | |
GVS | Ground Voltage and Signal | |
GVS | Ground Voltage Signal | |
GFTD | Ground Facilities and Testing Directorate | |
PPCG | Predominately Positive Cloud To Ground | |
CGWA | Controlled Ground Water Area | |
CGWA | Colorado Ground Water Association | |
GEAC | Ground Environment Action Committee | |
CCGI | Catholic Common Ground Initiative | |
GP | Ground Planes | |
CGHC | China Ground Handling Conference | |
NWG | Northern Wintering Ground | |
GBOT | Ground Based Observing Team | |
GRD | Ground Resolution Distance | |
GTMS | Ground Transportation Management System | |
GTMS | Ground Transportation Management System | |
FGCS | Forward Ground Control Station | |
AGEEE | Above ground Electrical and Electronic Enclosure | |
KGE | Keller Ground Engineering | |
GFCI | Ground Fault Ciruit Interrupter | |
LGM | Large Ground Mole | |
GCA | Ground Control Approach | |
SGLS | Space to Ground Link Subsystem | |
SNG | Securing New Ground | |
AGB | Above Ground Biomass | |
GGFR | Ground Government Flight Representative | |
RPBG | Reverse Polarity Bootleg Ground | |
IGFC | Iraqi Ground Forces Command | |
CGRC | Common Ground Resource Center | |
CGRE | Common Ground Real Estate | |
FOMG | Friends of the Memorial Ground | |
GTM | Ground Team Member | |
BGAA | Battle Ground Art Alliance | |
TGP | Thermal Ground Plane | |
GBA | Ground Based Average | |
GMT | Ground Maintenance Technics | |
HGP | Hollow Ground Productions | |
GPR | Ground Penetration RADAR | |
SMG | Swedish on Multilingual Ground | |
GSM | Ground Station Modules | |
OGN | On The Ground News | |
BGHS | Battle Ground High School | |
GWPS | Ground Wave Prediction System | |
GRE | Ground Replay Equipment | |
GRE | Ground Runup Enclosure | |
MOG | Movement On Ground | |
GFT | Ground Fixed Tilt | |
GBT | Ground Based Transceiver | |
GBT | Ground based Test | |
BGPS | Battle Ground Public Schools | |
IDBG | Islamic Development Bank Ground | |
IDBG | Islamic Development Bank Ground | |
ARGUS | Air Reconnaissance Ground Unit Support | |
ARGUS | Aerial Reconnaissance Ground Unit Support | |
AOG | Airplane on the Ground | |
FGDC | Frozen Ground Data Center | |
FGC | Fire Ground Command | |
GATR | Ground Antenna Transmit And Receive | |
GBCS | Ground Based Common Sensor | |
GLCP | Ground Lease Capital Partners | |
GRRC | Ground Robotics Reliability Center | |
GRRC | Ground Robotics Research Center | |
GRRC | Ground Robotics Research Center | |
GSE | Ground Service Equipment | |
GSDO | Ground System Development Operations | |
GSEL | Ground Support Engineering Ltd | |
GSEL | Ground Support Engineering Ltd | |
RCAG | Radio Communication Air to Ground | |
GFD | Ground Fault Detection | |
MCGA | Manitoba Common Ground Alliance | |
NG | Natural Ground | |
GVD | Ground Verification Data | |
GBTS | Ground Based Training Solution | |
GBTS | Ground Based Training Systems | |
GST | Ground Storage Tank | |
MGSS | Multimission Ground System and Services | |
HGF | Higher Ground Foundation | |
GM | Ground Mapping | |
SLG | Single Line to Ground fault current | |
PGSE | Portable Ground Support Equipment | |
SGS | SAS Ground Service | |
DGPR | Deep Ground Penetrating Radar | |
GBI | Ground based Interceptor | |
GSO | Ground Staff Office | |
BG | Battle Ground | |
MGT | Mobile Ground Terminal | |
FHAG | Fixed Height Above Ground | |
GSOP | Ground State Oxidation Potential | |
GSSO | Ground Support Systems Optimisation | |
OGSN | Optical ground station network | |
GPG | GSA Proving Ground | |
GUI | Ground Up Initiative | |
GT | Ground Truth | |
GBA | Ground Based Aver | |
GPES | Ground Proximity Extraction System | |
DGIF | Deployable Ground Intercept Facility | |
AGAR | Abbreviated Ground Accident Report | |
GERB | Ground Equipment Review Board | |
FORGE | Future Operationally Resilient Ground Evolution | |
MHG | Moral High Ground | |
MRGS | Master Remote Ground Station | |
GWSW | Ground Water and Surface Water | |
GLE | Ground Level Event | |
AGFA | Army Ground Forces Association | |
AGFA | Army Ground Forces Association | |
AGA | Air Ground Air | |
AGMS | Armored Ground Mobility System | |
GOB | Ground Of Blood | |
NGR | Neutral Ground Resistor | |
GRU | Ground Refrigeration Unit | |
OPG | Operations Proving Ground | |
GSERD | Ground Support Equipment Recommendation Data | |
GSERD | Ground Support Equipment Recommendations Data | |
GTW | Ground The World | |
GCO | Ground Communications Outlet | |
GCO | Ground Control Officer | |
PGSE | Peculiar Ground Support Equipment | |
CPGA | Critical Peak Ground Acceleration | |
GLLD | Ground Locator Laser Designator | |
GLLD | Ground Laser Locater Designator | |
GWF | Ground Wireless Fitter | |
GCI | Ground Control Intercept | |
GCI | Ground Controlled Interception | |
GBRS | Ground Based Radar System | |
WCIG | Winter Cover for In Ground | |
PGM | Permanent Ground Marker | |
GFC | Ground Floor Coverage | |
GITA | Ground Instructional Training Aircraft | |
LGN | Landsat Ground Network | |
GCPS | Ground Control Points Step | |
GSD | Ground Sampling Distance | |
GDA | Ground Defence Area | |
DGW | Discharge to Ground Water | |
GES | Ground Earth Station | |
UGE | United Ground Express | |
GWC | Ground Water Contamination | |
GMV | Ground Mobility Vehicle | |
GMV | Ground Motion Visualization | |
GCS | Ground Control Stations | |
PGBS | Precision Ground Ball Screws | |
GLO | Ground Level Ozone | |
GVL | Ground Vegetation and Litter | |
GSOF | Ground Station Of the Future | |
GBM | Ground Breaking Music | |
GFT | Ground Fault Test | |
AGES | Air Ground Engagement System | |
AGES | Advanced Ground Exploitation System | |
AGES | Aerospace Ground Equipment Schedule | |
GLG | General Local Ground | |
LGC | Low Ground Clearance | |
GFCU | Ground Filter Communication Unit | |
MGV | Manned Ground Vehicles | |
MGV | Mobile Ground Verification | |
SGBA | Sikorsky Ground Based Application | |
GFM | Ground Force Method | |
BGS | Beijing Ground Services | |
AGSR | Air to Ground Surveillance and Reconnaissance | |
AGSR | Airborne Ground Surveillance and Reconnaissance | |
BGHS | Bare Ground Handheld Spreader | |
SLG | Satellite Landing Ground | |
SLG | Single Line to Ground | |
SSGS | Spacecraft Support Ground System | |
SGLS | Satellite to Ground Link Simulator | |
SGLS | Space Ground Link Subsystem | |
HGIC | Higher Ground Interdenominational Church | |
HGL | Hydraulic Ground Lift | |
GFC | Ground Forces Command | |
LCCG | Lusignan Community Centre Ground | |
PGWG | Pacific Ground Water Group | |
ATGM | Air To Ground Missile | |
GUTS | Ground Up Training System | |
SLGR | Small Lightweight Ground Receiver | |
GRF | Ground Relay Facility | |
GWCP | Ground Water Characterization Program | |
GWCP | Ground Whole Cotton Plant | |
GWCP | Ground Waste Concrete Powder | |
SGS | Svalbard Ground Station | |
GMAW | Ground Metal Arc Welding | |
GWRM | Ground Water Resource Management | |
KGS | Knots Ground Speed | |
GOSS | Ground Operational Support Systems | |
GMC | Ground Movement Control | |
EGOM | EATC Ground Operations Manual | |
GRCP | Ground Refuel Control Panel | |
GLSS | Ground Launch Support System | |
EGH | Executive Ground Handlers | |
GSOP | Ground System Operations Project | |
GGO | Ground Glass Opacification | |
GGO | Ground Glass Opacities | |
CGCS | Common Ground Control System | |
GFMR | Ground Floor Meeting Room | |
AAGS | Army Air Ground System | |
GSR | Ground Service Relay | |
GFT | Ground Force Torque | |
GTE | Ground Time Elapsed | |
MTGR | Micro Tactical Ground Robots | |
OGC | Organic Ground Cover | |
EGSE | Electronic Ground Support Equipment | |
EGSE | Electric Ground Support Equipment | |
EGSE | Electronical Ground Segment Equipment | |
EGSE | Electrical Ground Segment Equipment | |
EGSE | Electric Ground Service Equipment | |
TGE | Thunderstorm Ground Enhancement | |
GFC | Ground Force Commander | |
EGV | Electric Ground Vehicle | |
EGV | Electric Ground Vehicle | |
UGS | Unmanned Ground System | |
AVG | Air Vessel Ground | |
SOG | Snow On the Ground | |
SGOG | Smart Growth On the Ground | |
GBNA | Ground Based Navigation Aid | |
GSS | Ground Support Services | |
PGR | Power Ground Racing | |
RGF | Russian Ground Forces | |
RGF | Russian Ground Forces | |
EGC | Experiments Ground Compute | |
BGV | Back Ground Visual | |
UGL | Under Ground Lab | |
GDA | Ground Defense Area | |
LGF | Lower Ground Floor | |
GDV | Ground Data Voltage | |
OGE | Operational Ground Equipment | |
GRD | Ground Resolved Distance | |
AGI | Alliance Ground International | |
AGI | Alliance Ground International | |
GSCT | Ground State Charge Transfer | |
GHA | Ground Handling Agents | |
GSSC | Ground Subsystems Support Contract | |
PGV | Peak Ground Velocities | |
GDD | Ground Data Distributor | |
GEMP | Ground Equipment Maintenance Program | |
LGS | Landsat Ground Station | |
FGU | Fantasy Ground Unity | |
CGC | Common Ground Collaborative | |
PGCS | Portable Ground Control Station | |
GGN | Ground Glass Nodules | |
GTMS | Ground Truth Measurement System | |
GSC | Ground Security Coordinator | |
GCK | Ground Combat Knives | |
SCG | Search for Common Ground | |
LCGS | Low Cost Ground Surveillance | |
MOG | Mission On the Ground | |
TGP | Turned Ground and Polished | |
HGTC | Hypersonic Ground Test Center | |
BOG | Boots On Ground | |
ACAG | Austin Cricket Association Ground | |
ACAG | Austin Cricket Association Ground |
What does ground fir mean?
- ground fir, princess pine, tree clubmoss, Lycopodium obscurum(noun)
- a variety of club moss
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