We've got 552 shorthands for oxford »
Acronyms that contain the term oxford
What does oxford mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: oxford.
Term | Definition | Rating |
OUP | Oxford University Press | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
OXF | Oxford | |
OD | Oxford Dictionary | |
OII | Oxford Internet Institute | |
OXM | Oxford Industries, Inc. | |
NOAB | New Oxford Annotated Bible | |
JBOH | J B Oxford Holdings, Inc. | |
OGT | Oxford Gene Technology | |
OOL | Oxford Open Learning | |
OCD | Oxford Classical Dictionary | |
OYA | Oxford Yacht Agency | |
OBF | Oxford Bible Fellowship | |
OGT | Oxford Gene Technology | |
OXF | London Oxford Airport (Kidlington), Oxford, England, United Kingdom | |
OCL | Oxford County Library | |
OHP | Oxford Health Plans, Incorporated | |
OHP | Oxford Health Plans, Incorporated | |
OCA | Oxford Capacity Analysis | |
OXBC | Oxford Bank Corporation | |
OCP | Oxford Concordance Program | |
OGS | Oxford GlycoSciences, P. L. C. | |
OXFAM | Oxford Committee for Famine Relief | |
OEF | Oxford Economic Forecasting, Ltd. | |
OXHP | Oxford Health Plans, Inc. | |
OHF | Oxford Hair Foundation | |
COIN | County of Oxford Integrated Network | |
OUS | Oxford Union Society | |
OCSI | Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion | |
OXG | Oxford Properties Group | |
OXG | Oxford Properties Group | |
UOX | University of Oxford | |
OAR | Oxford Applied Research | |
EMO | Epstein Macintosh Oxford | |
OCSI | Oxford and Cambridge Society of India | |
OCS | Oxford Conception Study | |
VOICE | Vienna Oxford International Corpus Of English | |
OFD | Oxford Fire Department | |
OEF | Oxford Energy Forum | |
CEID | Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease ( Oxford University) | |
OMED | Oxford Modern English Dictionary | |
OTS | Oxford Traffic Strategy | |
OTS | Oxford Traffic Strategy | |
WIOX | Williams College Oxford Programme | |
OGB | Oxford Golden Bears | |
OXF | Oxford Properties Group | |
OQA | Oxford Quilt-lined Award Jacket | |
55K | Oxford Municipal Airport, Oxford, Kansas USA | |
OQY | Oxford Quilt-lined award Youth Jacket | |
43M | Oxford Airport, Oxford, Massachusetts USA | |
OYD | Oxford Youth Development | |
OW | Oxford Weave | |
NRCT | National Registry of Childhood Tumours, CCRG at Oxford | |
OXF | Oxford Industries, Inc. | |
OUP-USA | Oxford University Press - United States of America | |
OUP-USA | Oxford University Press - United States of America | |
WCBQ | AM-1340, Oxford, North Carolina | |
UKCCRG | United Kingdom Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford) | |
YOH | Oxford House Airport, Oxford House, Manitoba, Canada | |
CASOC | Children's Aid Society of Oxford County | |
81B | Oxford County Regional Airport, Oxford, Maine USA | |
NOC | Novosibirsk Oxford Collaboration | |
OXC | Waterbury- Oxford Airport, Oxford, Connecticut USA | |
WMAV | TV-18, FM-90.3, Oxford, Mississippi | |
OXD | Miami University Airport, Oxford, Ohio USA | |
OASIS | Oxford Asylum Seekers Inclusive Support | |
OAWS | Oxford Advisory Welfare Service | |
GOTO | Global Opportunities and Threats Oxford | |
GDBO | God Damn Bloody Oxford | |
NOAD | New Oxford American Dictionary | |
WIMM | Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford | |
DCL | Doctor of Civil Law (Oxford University) | |
OCR | Oxford, Cambridge, and RSA Examinations | |
OUEC | Oxford University Exploration Club | |
OEBI | Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation | |
OHPL | Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language | |
OCR | Oxford Cambridge and RSA | |
OYT | Oxford Youth Theatre | |
ODNB | Oxford Dictionary of National Biography | |
COED | Concise Oxford English Dictionary | |
OAAD | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary | |
SOSL | South Oxford Softball League | |
OUFC | Oxford United Football Club | |
OUO | Oxford University Orchestra | |
OHO | Oxford Handbooks Online | |
OOEC | Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary's | |
OHMS | Oxford Hills Middle School | |
OIMR | Oxford Instruments Magnetic Resonance | |
OLD | Oxford Latin Dictionary | |
NOPS | North Oxford Preparatory School | |
OU | Oxford University | |
OUPAC | Oxford University Pan African Conference | |
OHMD | Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy | |
OQC | Oxford Quantum Circuits | |
OBCP | Oxford Byzantine Ceramics Project | |
OUP | Oxford University Press | |
WOCR | West Oxford Community Renewables | |
OJA | Oxford Journal of Archaeology | |
OUP | Oxford University Press | |
JASSO | Jewellery and Silver Society of Oxford | |
ODLF | Oxford Digital Library for Forestry | |
ODLF | Oxford Digital Library for Forestry | |
OPTIMA | Oxford Project To Investigate Memory and Ageing | |
COWI | Cambridge, Oxford, Warwick, Imperial | |
VIOCS | Vancouver Island Oxford and Cambridge Society | |
OREA | Oxford Real Estate Advisors | |
SAOMC | St Albans and Oxford Ministry Course | |
CNCO | Choir of New College Oxford | |
ORT | Oxford Reading Tree | |
OET | Oxford Expression Technologies | |
OMG | Oxford Metrics | |
OHB | Oxford Hebrew Bible | |
DASO | Domestic Abuse Services Oxford | |
OTSS | Oxford Text Searching System | |
LCON | Low Carbon Oxford North | |
OJLF | Oxford Junior Literary Festival | |
OKQ | Oxford Knee Questionnaire | |
OOSL | Orion Oxford Soccer League | |
OIF | Oxford Industrial Finishers | |
OCSG | Oxford Centre for | |
OTBC | Oxford Terrace Baptist Church | |
OCIS | Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies | |
PPBK | Peoples Bank of Oxford, Pennsylvania (de-listed) | |
UOX | University Airport, Oxford, Mississippi USA | |
WJIF | FM-91.1, Oxford, Alabama | |
YPO | Young Professionals of Oxford | |
OMG | Oxford Metrics Group | |
OSP | Oxford Summer Programme | |
OEE | Oxford Expedition to Egypt | |
WQLJ | FM-93.7, Oxford, Mississippi | |
OAF | Oxford Art Factory | |
OSPS | Oxford Staff Pension Scheme | |
OMLT | Oxford monocle literary tours | |
OMC | Oxford Ministry Course | |
OVST | Oxford Vision Sensor Technology | |
OBO | Oxford Bibliographies Online | |
OSC | Oxford Study Courses | |
MFO | Maison Française d'Oxford | |
OISD | Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development | |
OUH | Oxford University Hospitals | |
OUH | Oxford University Hospitals | |
OSDT | Oxford Studies in Dance Theory | |
TOAD | The Oxford Artisan Distillery | |
OAKC | Oxford Academy Key Club | |
OAKC | Oxford Academy Key Club | |
OPBP | Oxford Pro Bono Publico | |
OCTS | Oxford Center for Teaching and Scholarship | |
OCRN | Oxford Climate Research Network | |
OCRN | Oxford Climate Research Network | |
WPTO | TV-14, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio | |
OSAP | Oxford Study Abroad Programme | |
OTA | Oxford Text Archive | |
OVL | Oxford Vehicle Leasing | |
ORH | Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals | |
OUP | Oxford University Press's | |
OHWM | Oxford History of Western Music | |
OUSSC | Oxford University Ski and Snowboard Club | |
OPC | Oxford Park Commission | |
ODMS | Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang | |
OMGC | Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference | |
OGS | Oxford Graduate School | |
OEP | Oxford Economic Papers | |
OUFC | Oxford University Fencing Club | |
VPO | Virginia Program at Oxford | |
OVG | Oxford Vaccine Group | |
OPM | Oxford Performance Materials | |
OBG | Oxford Business Group | |
WDO | Webster Dudley Oxford | |
OMCS | Oxford Materials Characterisation Services | |
ODBE | Oxford Diocese Board of Education | |
ODBE | Oxford Diocesan Board of Education | |
OSO | Oxford Scholarship Online | |
OSHM | Oxford School of Hospitality Management | |
OUAS | Oxford University Air Squadron | |
OUAS | Oxford University Archaeological Society | |
OHFP | Oxford Hills Family Practice | |
FOGS | Friends of Oxford Gardens School | |
OOEC | Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre | |
OESS | Oxford e Social Science | |
ODRP | Oxford Design Review Panel | |
EMOU | Early Manuscripts at Oxford University | |
OASD | Oxford Area School District | |
OHPE | Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics | |
VON | Vermont Oxford Network | |
TOHC | The Oxford Health Company | |
TOHC | The Oxford Health Company | |
OCEB | Oxford Centre for Environmental Biotechnology | |
OCEB | Oxford Centre for Environmental Biotechnology | |
MUOC | Middle and Upper Oxford Clay | |
OPIL | Oxford Public International Law | |
OPIL | Oxford Public International Law | |
OBBS | Oxford Brookes Business School | |
OBBS | Oxford Brookes Business School | |
OIRO | Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology | |
OIRO | Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology | |
OIAR | Oxford Instruments Asylum Research | |
OHQ | Oxford Happiness Questionnaire | |
OECC | Oxford Environmental Consolidation Cell | |
EOCC | East Oxford Community Centre | |
OCMH | Oxford Centre for Medieval History | |
ODG | Oxford Diocesan Guild | |
OAA | Oxford Aviation Academy | |
OBM | Oxford Benefit Management | |
WMUB | FM-88.5, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (and former TV-14) | |
WOXD | FM-95.5, Oxford, Mississippi | |
WVOK | AM-1580, OXFORD, Alabama | |
FNBO | First National Bank Of Oxford | |
OUHC | Oxford University Hockey Club | |
OMS | Oxford Middle School | |
OIEE | Oxford Institute for Environmental Education | |
BLOC | Bristol Leicester Oxford Colloquium | |
OHDS | Oxford Historical Dance Society | |
OPA | Oxford Preparatory Academy | |
SSHO | St Stephen's House Oxford | |
OICM | Oxford Instruments Coating Measurement | |
OLC | Oxford Language Center | |
OAJ | Oxford Art Journal | |
OUAS | Oxford University Anthropological Society | |
OBA | Oxford Broadcasting Association | |
NODE | New Oxford Dictionary of English | |
OHT | Oxford Historical Treaties | |
OHFP | Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme | |
OCG | Oxford Computer Group | |
OPR | Oxford Psychology Research | |
OCV | Oxford Conservation Volunteers | |
OHC | Oxford House College | |
OCCB | Oxford and Cambridge Club of Beijing | |
OCWG | Oxford Clay Working Group | |
OISP | Oxford Institute of Social Policy | |
OWDS | Oxford Website Design Solutions | |
OMSG | Oxford Medical School Gazette | |
OMSG | Oxford Medical School Gazette | |
OSD | Oxford School District | |
OETC | Oxford Emergent Tuberculosis Consortium | |
OGL | Oxford Global Languages | |
NOBC | North Oxford Baptist Church | |
OPIC | Oxford Particle Imaging Centre | |
OEL | Oxford e Learning | |
ORBA | Oxford Recreational Baseball Association | |
ORBA | Oxford Recreational Baseball Association | |
OUB | Oxford University Bank | |
OUB | Oxford University Bank | |
OCP | Oxford Computer Publishing | |
OIPT | Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology | |
OSI | Oxford Sciences Innovation | |
OYD | Oxford Youth Dance | |
OSEC | Oxford Schools Early College | |
OSEC | Oxford Schools Early College | |
SCIO | Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford | |
OPP | Oxford Psychology Press | |
OPP | Oxford Psychology Press | |
OPP | Oxford Psychology Press | |
IAPO | Introduction to academic practice at Oxford | |
COOC | Cambridge Oxford Owners Club | |
OMEF | Oxford Medical Education Fellows | |
OMEF | Oxford Medical Education Fellows | |
ODCC | Oxford Downs Cricket Club | |
ODCC | Oxford Downs Cricket Club | |
WIOM | Western India Oxford masters | |
OPP | Oxford Psychologists Press | |
OPP | Oxford Psychologists Press | |
OYSA | Oxford Youth Soccer Association | |
OYSA | Oxford Youth Soccer Association | |
OYSA | Oxford Youth Soccer Association | |
OIS | Oxford Intermediate School | |
MOVE | Miami and Oxford Value Exercise | |
OHS | Oxford High School | |
OUP | Oxford Universityrsity Press | |
OMAA | Oxford Martial Arts Academy | |
OMAA | Oxford Martial Arts Academy | |
ODB | Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium | |
OHTS | Oxford Hills Technical School | |
COHC | City of Oxford Hockey Club | |
COHC | City of Oxford Hockey Club | |
NOPD | New Oxford Picture Dictionary | |
OSDT | Oxford Swimming and Diving Team | |
OSDT | Oxford Swimming and Diving Team | |
ODE | Oxford Dictionary of English | |
OTPH | Oxford Textbook of Public Health | |
CVO | Circular Vamp Oxford | |
NOMS | New Oxford Middle School | |
OHPF | Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines | |
OHCC | Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce | |
ORLS | Oxford Record Linkage Study | |
OUS | Oxford Utilitarianism Scale | |
OHI | Oxford Histological Index | |
OSCA | Oxford Spires Creative Arts | |
OVA | Oxford Virtual Academy | |
OCDI | Oxford Communicative Development Inventory | |
OBH | Oxford Brookes Hospitality | |
OPAC | Oxford Performing Arts Center | |
OPAC | Oxford Performing Arts Center | |
OUS | Oxford University School | |
OUS | Oxford University School | |
OBEC | Oxford Business and Economics Conference | |
OBEC | Oxford Business and Economics Conference | |
OBEC | Oxford Business and Economics Conference | |
ORPC | Oxford Region Planning Committee | |
ORPC | Oxford Region Planning Committee | |
OMS | Oxford Medical Simulation | |
OLR | Oxford Lafayette Realty | |
OHSC | Oxford Home Study Center | |
OHSC | Oxford Home Study College | |
OMCR | Oxford Medical Case Reports | |
OCTD | Oxford Centre for Technology and Development | |
OCTD | Oxford Centre for Technology and Development | |
ODCD | Oxford Diocesan Council for the Deaf | |
OCSI | Oxford and Cambridge | |
MOVE | Miami Oxford Value Exercise | |
OAHP | Oxford Academic Health Partners | |
OAHP | Oxford Academic Health Partners | |
COWI | Cambridge Oxford Warwick Imperial | |
OCID | Oxford and Cambridge Information Days | |
ONT | Oxford Nanopore Technology | |
OIPC | Oxford International Pathway College | |
OIPC | Oxford International Pathway College | |
OCCT | Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation | |
OCMC | Oxford Circle Mennonite Church | |
OTPH | Oxford Textbooks in Public Health | |
OOCC | Oxford Open Climate Change | |
OHSP | Oxford High Sports Productions | |
OMSS | Oxford Migration Studies Society | |
OFG | Oxford Falls Grammar | |
OISA | Oxford International Standardized Assessment | |
OEPE | Oxford Endowment for Public Education | |
OEEC | Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference | |
OEEC | Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference | |
NOHS | New Oxford High School | |
OCRG | Oxford Cardiac Research Group | |
WOCA | West Oxford Community Association | |
WOCA | Websitewest Oxford Community Association | |
OCMA | Oxford Centre of Maritime Archaeology | |
OCMA | Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology | |
01537 | North Oxford, MA | |
01540 | Oxford, MA | |
04270 | Oxford, ME | |
06478 | Oxford, CT | |
06748 | Oxford, CT | |
07863 | Oxford, NJ | |
13830 | Oxford, NY | |
17350 | New Oxford, PA | |
19363 | Oxford, PA | |
21654 | Oxford, MD | |
27565 | Oxford, NC | |
30054 | Oxford, GA | |
34484 | Oxford, FL | |
38655 | Oxford, MS | |
45056 | Oxford, OH | |
47671 | Oxford, IN | |
47971 | Oxford, IN | |
48370 | Oxford, MI | |
48371 | Oxford, MI | |
52322 | Oxford, IA | |
52323 | Oxford Junction, IA | |
53952 | Oxford, WI | |
67119 | Oxford, KS | |
68967 | Oxford, NE | |
72565 | Oxford, AR | |
OFCU | Oxford Federal Credit Union | |
OATS | Oxford Air Training School | |
OCSG | Oxford Centre for Spiritual Growth | |
OBI | Oxford Baptist Institute | |
OXFAM-GB | Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, Great Britain | |
OXA | Oxford Adv. | |
OXB | Oxford Biomed. | |
OCG | Oxford Cat. | |
OXIG | Oxford Instrmnt | |
OXP | Oxford Pharm Gp | |
OXT | Oxford Tech.vct | |
EGTK | Oxford-Kidlington, United Kingdom | |
OOPT | Oxford Online Placement Test | |
Oxon. | Oxford (England) [Lat.] | |
OCCB | Oxford and Cambridge Club Beijing | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
OUM | Oxford University Museum | |
OHS | Oxford Hip Score | |
OKS | Oxford Knee Score | |
IPAG | Intellectual Property Advisory Group (University of Oxford) | |
OPPF | Oxford Protein Production Facility | |
BLOU | Bodleian Library, Oxford University | |
UOA | University of Oxford Archives | |
OMCs | Oxford Men's Counselling Service | |
CSAE | Centre for the Study of African Economics (Oxford) | |
OCCA | Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics | |
Acta Physiol Scand | Acta Physiologica Scandinavica (Oxford) | |
Biochem Pharmacol | Biochemical Pharmacology (Oxford) | |
Food Cosmet Toxicol | Food and Cosmetics Toxicology (Oxford) | |
Gen Pharmacol | General Pharmacology (Oxford) | |
OXWASP | Oxford and Warwick Statistics Programme | |
OaOU | Overheard at Oxford University | |
ORLO | Oxford Rheumatology Library Online | |
OJD | Oxford Junior Dictionary | |
OSCOLA | Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities | |
BCL | Bachelor of Civil Law (Oxford) | |
BPhil | Bachelor of Philosophy (Oxford) | |
MJur | Master of Jurisprudence (Law) (Magister Juris at Oxford) | |
ODQ | Oxford Dictionary of Quotations | |
ODQ | Oxford Depression Questionnaire | |
ODQ | Oxford Depression Questionnaire | |
ODQ | Oxford Depression Questionnaire | |
OAHS | Oxford Area High School | |
OALD | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary | |
OCAC | Oxford City Athletic Club | |
OCAC | Oxford City Athletic Club | |
OCDS | Oxford Classical Drama Society | |
OCMS | Oxford Centre for Mission Studies | |
ODID | Oxford Department of International Development | |
ODID | Oxford Department of International Development | |
ODWR | Oxford Dictionary of World Religions | |
OFGS | Oxford Falls Grammar School | |
OHCM | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine | |
OHCM | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine | |
OJLS | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | |
OJLS | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | |
OLIS | Oxford Libraries Information System | |
OREP | Oxford Review of Economic Policy | |
ORHS | Oxford Regional High School | |
ORHS | Oxford Regional High School | |
OSPL | Oxford Student Publications Limited | |
OUAS | Oxford University Archaeological Society | |
OUAS | Oxford University Archaeological Society | |
OUBC | Oxford University Boat Club | |
OUBC | Oxford University Boat Club | |
OUBC | Oxford University Boat Club | |
OUBS | Oxford University Biochemical Society | |
OUBS | Oxford University Biochemical Society | |
OUBS | Oxford University Broadcasting Society | |
OUBS | Oxford University Broadcasting Society | |
OUCA | Oxford University Conservative Association | |
OUCA | Oxford University Conservative Association | |
OUCC | Oxford University Chess Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Chess Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Chess Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cricket Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cricket Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cricket Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cycling Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cycling Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cycling Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cave Club | |
OUCC | Oxford University Cave Club | |
OUCS | Oxford University Computing Services | |
OUCS | Oxford University Computing Services | |
OUDC | Oxford University Dancesport Club | |
OUDC | Oxford University Dancesport Club | |
OUDS | Oxford University Dramatic Society | |
OUDS | Oxford University Dramatic Society | |
OUGC | Oxford University Gliding Club | |
OUGC | Oxford University Gliding Club | |
OUJO | Oxford University Jazz Orchestra | |
OUJO | Oxford University Jazz Orchestra | |
OUJS | Oxford University Jazz Society | |
OUJS | Oxford University Jazz Society | |
OUJS | Oxford University Jazz Society | |
OULC | Oxford University Labour Club | |
OULC | Oxford University Labour Club | |
OULD | Oxford University Liberal Democrats | |
OULD | Oxford University Liberal Democrats | |
OUMC | Oxford University Mountaineering Club | |
OUMC | Oxford University Mountaineering Club | |
OUMS | Oxford University Music Society | |
OUMS | Oxford University Music Society | |
OUMS | Oxford University Music Society | |
OUQC | Oxford University Quidditch Club | |
OUQC | Oxford University Quidditch Club | |
OUSS | Oxford University Scientific Society | |
OUSS | Oxford University Scientific Society | |
OUSU | Oxford University Student Union | |
OUSU | Oxford University Student Union | |
OUSU | Oxford University Student Union | |
SOED | Shorter Oxford English Dictionary | |
HTOED | Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary | |
HTOED | Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary | |
OCCEB | Oxford and Cambridge Catholic Education Board | |
OCCEB | Oxford and Cambridge Catholic Education Board | |
OICCU | Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union | |
OICCU | Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union | |
OUABC | Oxford University Amateur Boxing Club | |
OUABC | Oxford University Amateur Boxing Club | |
OUABC | Oxford University Amateur Boxing Club | |
OUCLJ | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | |
OUCLJ | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | |
OUCLJ | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | |
OUDCE | Oxford University Department for Continuing Education | |
OUDCE | Oxford University Department for Continuing Education | |
OUDSC | Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club | |
OUDSC | Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club | |
OUDSC | Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club | |
OULRC | Oxford University Lightweight Rowing Club | |
OULRC | Oxford University Lightweight Rowing Club | |
OUMNH | Oxford University Museum of Natural History | |
OUMNH | Oxford University Museum of Natural History | |
OUMNH | Oxford University Museum of Natural History | |
OUSCR | Oxford University Society of Change Ringers | |
OUSCR | Oxford University Society of Change Ringers | |
OUSGG | Oxford University Scout and Guide Group | |
OUSGG | Oxford University Scout and Guide Group | |
OUWBC | Oxford University Women's Boat Club | |
OUWBC | Oxford University Women's Boat Club | |
OUWBC | Oxford University Women's Boat Club | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary | |
NOME | New Oxford Modern English | |
NOME | New Oxford Modern English | |
OUAFC | Oxford University Association Football Club | |
OUAFC | Oxford University Association Football Club | |
ChAdOx1 | Chimpanzee Adenovirus-vectored Oxford #1 | |
ChAdOx2 | Chimpanzee Adenovirus-vectored Oxford #2 | |
ChAdOx | Chimpanzee Adenovirus-vectored Oxford | |
PRG | Programming Research Group (Oxford University) | |
PRG | Programming Research Group (Oxford University) | |
PRG | Programming Research Group (Oxford University) | |
PRG | Programming Research Group (Oxford University) | |
FFHA | Foundation Foxtrotter Heritage Association (Oxford, AR) | |
FFHA | Foundation Foxtrotter Heritage Association (Oxford, AR) | |
OLIG | Oxford Libraries Internet Gateway (UK) | |
OLIG | Oxford Libraries Internet Gateway (UK) | |
DODL | Director of Online and Distance Learning (Oxford University; UK) | |
DODL | Director of Online and Distance Learning (Oxford University; UK) | |
DODL | Director of Online and Distance Learning (Oxford University; UK) | |
COOC | Cambridge Oxford Owners Club | |
MCOC | Morris Cowley Oxford Isis Owner's Club | |
OBM | Oxford Bus Museum | |
OUMF | Oxford Universities Motorsport Foundation | |
OXF | Morris Oxford | |
OXMOG | Oxford Morgan Car Club | |
OII | Oxford Internet Institute | |
OUCS | Oxford University Computer Society | |
OUCS | Oxford University Computing Services | |
OWL | Oxford Wireless Lan | |
OXMUG | Oxford Macintosh Users Group | |
OXSWIG | Oxford Semantic Web Interest Group | |
OG | Oxford Graduate | |
OXAC | Oxford Academy and Central | |
OXAC | Oxford Academy and Central | |
OXSQ | Oxford Square Capital Corporation | |
OXSQ | Oxford Square Capital Corporation | |
UMBFS | University of Mississippi Biological Field Station (northeast of Oxford, Mississippi) | |
UMBFS | University of Mississippi Biological Field Station (northeast of Oxford, Mississippi) | |
OIFF | Oxford International Film Festival | |
OIFF | Oxford International Film Festival | |
OEF | Oxford Economic Forecasting | |
OCAO | Oxford Colleges Admissions Office | |
OSCOLA | Oxford Standard for the Citation Of Legal Authorities | |
OSCOLA | Oxford Standard for the Citation Of Legal Authorities | |
OSCOLA | Oxford Standard for the Citation Of Legal Authorities | |
OIEG | Oxford International Education Group | |
OIEG | Oxford International Education Group | |
TOWO | Toys Of Wood Oxford |
What does oxford mean?
- Oxford(noun)
- a city in southern England to the northwest of London; site of Oxford University
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"oxford." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 16 Mar. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/oxford>.
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