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Acronyms that contain the term paper
What does paper mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: paper.
Term | Definition | Rating |
WP | White Paper | |
WP | White Paper | |
XPS | XML Paper Specification | |
PRSP | Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper | |
PP | Pulp and Paper | |
PC | Paper Copy | |
CP | Commercial Paper | |
TP | Toilet Paper | |
TP | Toilet Paper | |
PC | Paper Clip | |
PC | Paper Cassette | |
PAP | Asia Pulp & Paper, LTD. | |
RPS | Rock Paper Scissors | |
IP | International Paper Company | |
PB | Paper Based | |
ECP | Euro-Commercial Paper | |
ABCP | Asset-Backed Commercial Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
WPA | Working Paper Archive | |
WPA | Working Paper Archive | |
PC | Paper Carrier | |
CRP | Conference Room Paper | |
CP | Coated Paper | |
AIP | American Israeli Paper Mills, LTD. | |
NP | No Paper | |
PIO | Paper In Oil | |
PAP | Plastic Animation Paper | |
PIMP | Paper In My Pocket | |
GP | General Paper | |
PRS | Paper Rock Scissors | |
PFU | Paper Feed Unit | |
RP | Response Paper | |
TPB | Trade Paper Back | |
PFL | Paper Football League | |
BPMI | Badger Paper Mills, Inc. | |
FP | Final Paper | |
NPB | Nagel Paper & Box Company | |
TP | Textile Paper | |
ROP | Run Of Paper | |
UPM | United Paper Mills | |
DPC | Dirty Paper Coding | |
MRP | Major Research Paper | |
DCP | Development Concept Paper | |
WMO | Wausau- Mosinee Paper Corporation | |
STEP | Sixth Term Examination Paper | |
STEP | Sixth Term Examination Paper | |
API | American Paper Institute | |
NCP | Nashville City Paper | |
DCP | Decision Coordinating Paper | |
PSB | Paper Sticker Binder | |
SPC | Student Paper Competition | |
SPC | Student Paper Competition | |
JP | Junior Paper | |
IPT | Ignite Paper Tape | |
GPA | Greatest Paper Airplanes | |
ACP | Area Coordination Paper | |
VPB | Video Paper Builder | |
TWP | Technical White Paper | |
TWP | Technical White Paper | |
PWHS | Paper Warehouse, Inc. | |
IPCX | International Paper Company | |
WPG | Wisconsin Paper Group | |
HPAX | International Paper Company | |
MAP | Major Area Paper | |
DOP | Development Options Paper | |
SOAP | State Of the Art Paper | |
BPP | Borneo Pulp and Paper | |
PTA | Paper Trade Associates | |
SCP | System Concept Paper | |
PCP | Paper City Pub | |
OOPS | Out Of Paper Sensor | |
FOPC | False Out-of-Paper Condition | |
GILX | Gilman Paper Company | |
EURX | Eurocan Pulp and Paper Company | |
PPA | Pencil And Paper Arithmetic | |
LPG | Liquid Paper Graph | |
PJP | Penn Jersey Paper Company | |
STP | Straight To Paper | |
PLT | Page Magic 2.0 Paper format | |
PIW | Paper Industry Warehouse | |
MOSX | Mosinee Paper Corporation | |
PPP | Poster Printer Paper | |
DSP | Degree Stopping Paper | |
FTP | Free Toilet Paper | |
CPR | Confidential Paper Recycling | |
VPT | Verified Paper Trails | |
HTP | High Temperature Paper | |
AMPP | American Pad and Paper Company | |
GAPP | Glass Aluminium Paper And Plastic | |
GSP | Glue, Scissors, Paper | |
GSP | Glue, Scissors, Paper | |
BPC | Burrows Paper Corporation | |
WUPO | Wad Up Paper Output | |
WOFP | White Office Paper | |
PSP | Poly Styrene Paper | |
IPM | Intense Paper Management | |
PACE | Paper Allied Chemical Energy | |
PPE | Pen and Paper Exercises | |
PPC | Parsons Paper Company | |
DCPCF | Dransfield China Paper Company | |
VPP | Voluntary Pulp Paper | |
APOP | Annual Piece Of Paper | |
PPE | Pen and Paper Exercise | |
TPC | Toilet Paper Control | |
TPT | Toilet Paper Test | |
FLP | Fletcher Challenge Paper Division | |
PPP | Physics for Paper and Print | |
WGP | Working Group Paper | |
DPPS | Dicom Paper Print Solution | |
IPP | International Paper Capital Trust I | |
TPS | Toilet Paper Standard | |
SPN | Special Paper Number | |
VIP | Volunteers of International Paper | |
WLCP | World Language Curriculum Paper | |
DCFP | Draft Concept Formulation Paper | |
MCOP | Mechanics Corrections On Paper | |
LPNI | Less Paper Now, Incorporated | |
LTP | Licking Toilet Paper | |
DOPE | Development Options Paper, Experimental | |
PEG | Paper Exchange Group | |
QOP | Questions on Paper | |
WPB | The Wet Paper Bag | |
GMP | Give Me Paper | |
QOP | Questions on Paper | |
CPA | Contact Paper Anonymous | |
PUC | Paper Under Consideration | |
VPNP | Virtual Pen and Paper | |
XXP | XX Paper | |
OTP | Out of Toilet Paper | |
MCIPP | Mid Cycle Implementation Progress Paper | |
URPC | UTP Research Paper Conference | |
PM | Paper Mario | |
JPOP | Just a Piece of Paper | |
PILC | Paper-Insulated Lead Cable | |
ITBOOTP | In The Bathroom Out Of Toilet Paper | |
SPD | Super Paper Dimentio | |
PCMC | Paper Converting Machine Company | |
MEPE | Mutual Examination Paper Exemption | |
PBT | Paper Based Tests | |
PBT | Paper based Test | |
VVPAT | Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail | |
STRX | St. Regis Paper | |
MPHW | Matte Paper Heavy Weight | |
SCRAP | School Communities Recycling All Paper | |
QPV | Question Paper Validator | |
IPST | Institute of Paper Science and Technology | |
A0 | international paper sizes | |
UTPP | Undergraduate Thesis and Professional Paper | |
BPB | Brown Paper Bag | |
PITA | Paper Industry Technical Association | |
RPMR | Recycle Paper Mill Residue | |
WPPF | Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation | |
RSPCC | Remittance Strategy for Paper Check Conversion | |
SGPA | Solvent Glossy Paper with Adhesive | |
BIP | Behavior Improvement Paper | |
LPP | Little Paper Planes | |
PMG | Paper Money Guaranty | |
TPG | Taylor Paper-Glass | |
TPE | Toilet Paper Engineering | |
PPM | Paper Products Marketing | |
PRASA | Paper Recycling Association of South Africa | |
ABCP | Asset backed commercial paper | |
WPB | Waste Paper Basket | |
EPP | English Paper Piecing | |
BSPA | Best Student Paper Award | |
MMPB | Mass Market Paper Back | |
RAPP | Riau Andalan Pulp Paper | |
SPM | Super Paper Mario | |
PAPI | Paper-Assisted Personal Interviewing | |
TP | Toilet Paper | |
PMSS | Paper Mario Sticker Star | |
PRS | Paper Rock Scissors | |
PPQ | Premium Paper Quality | |
INAPER | In Paper | |
SRBP | Synthetic Resin Bonded Paper | |
OXPS | Open XML Paper Specification | |
SPSSP | Social Protection Sector Strategy Paper | |
PMCS | Paper Mario: Color Splash | |
PMTTYD | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door | |
MSPCI | Michael Scott Paper Co. Inc. | |
RPSLS | Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock | |
IP | International Paper | |
PWBP | Pass with Back Paper | |
POP | Prototyping on Paper | |
PTOS | Paper Tape Operating System | |
PIDA | Paper Industry Dealers Association | |
PP | Paper Piecing | |
PHE | Paper Handling Equipment | |
VVPT | Voter Verifiable Paper Trail | |
PPER | Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations | |
SAPPI | South African Pulp and Paper Industries | |
PPOP | Plain Paper Optimized Printing | |
APES | Automatic Paper Ejector and Stacker | |
PPC | Preparative Paper Chromatography | |
BPBT | Brown Paper Bag Test | |
TWERPS | The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series | |
TWERPS | The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series | |
SPCA | Student Paper Competition Award | |
SPCA | Student Paper Competition Award | |
XXP | XX Paper | |
RGPT | Reinforced Gummed Paper Tape | |
MPM | Monadnock Paper Manufacturing Company | |
APP | Asia Pulp and Paper | |
IPMC | International Paper Modelers Convention | |
BPT | Brown Paper Tickets | |
HDPC | High Density Paper Composite | |
CEPI | Confederation of European Paper Industries | |
SAPPI | South African Pulp and Paper In | |
PSSP | Paper Surface Science Program | |
MNCCP | MnO2 Nanowire CNT Composite Paper | |
APPI | Australian Pulp and Paper Institute | |
SLOP | Sign Language On Paper | |
HSPP | Howe Sound Pulp And Paper | |
CPPP | Caribbean Paper & Printed Products | |
PIMP | Player Is Making Paper | |
PPB | Paper Print and Binding | |
DPCL | Dujodwala Paper Chemicals Ltd | |
JOP | Junk On Paper | |
MPM | Monadnock Paper Mills | |
APE | Art Paper Editions | |
NCPR | Northern California Paper Recyclers | |
PINO | Paper Is No Option | |
QPDC | Question Paper Distribution Centre | |
PFFC | Paper Film Foil CONVERTER | |
EPML | Emami Paper Mills Ltd | |
IPST | Institute of Paper Science and Technology | |
EPNA | Excellent Paper In Neuroscience Award | |
CPFF | Commercial Paper Funding Facility | |
APT | All Purpose Toilet paper | |
TPS | Toilet Paper Surprise | |
FPU | Filter Paper Unit | |
PBD | Paper Bag Donuts | |
TPL | Transparent Paper Ltd | |
IPB | Ingersoll Paper Box | |
ERPC | European Recovered Paper Council | |
PPCM | Premier Paper Converting Machinery | |
LPD | Longlasting Paper Developer | |
PPI | Pulp and Paper International | |
HPO | Handle Paper Once | |
EPQ | Exceptional Paper Quality | |
VVPT | Voter Verifiable Paper Trial | |
PBE | Paper and Bioprocess Engineering | |
IPF | Individual Paper Fiber | |
SWOP | Stop Wasting Our Paper | |
OXB | Office Xerolith Bond paper | |
APES | Automatic Paper Ejector Stacker | |
CASP | Country Analysis Strategy Paper | |
PPTF | Position Paper Task Force | |
WPL | Write Paper l | |
IPS | Integrated Paper Services | |
POP | Piece Of Paper | |
NPD | No Paper Doll | |
PTI | Paper Transport Inc | |
TPH | Toilet Paper Handgun | |
RPS | Rock Paper Shotgun | |
VSP | Very Short Paper | |
OPP | Oriental Paper Products | |
GTPS | Get That Paper Son | |
PSPI | Potsdam Specialty Paper Inc | |
PJP | Penn Jersey Paper | |
MPFB | Minnesota Paper Form Board | |
EPDN | Electric Paper Developer Network | |
SPBL | Seshasayee Paper Boards Limited | |
NBFP | National Budget Framework Paper | |
NFCP | Non financial Commercial Paper | |
VVPT | Voter Verified Paper Trail | |
PCTN | Paper Cup Telephone Network | |
VVPAT | Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail | |
PBOE | Paper Based Order Entry | |
RALPH | Rapid And Logical Paper Handler | |
WPPW | Western Pulp and Paper Workers | |
QPDS | Question Paper Delivery System | |
KPPM | Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill | |
NFTP | Non Fungible Toilet Paper | |
PHTR | Paper Hands Taxation Rewards | |
PTP | Port Townsend Paper | |
PACT | Paper Auxillary Color And Tabs | |
WFFP | Wisconsin Fly Fishing Paper | |
TPC | Toliet Paper Club | |
PTP | Paper Tape Perforator | |
PTP | Paper Tape Punch | |
PPB | Paper Printing and Binding | |
YPP | Your Paper Pantry | |
BRPA | British Recovered Paper Association | |
NPTA | National Paper Trade Association | |
LPD | Lushes Paper Developer | |
WCP | Washington City Paper | |
FPP | Foundation Paper Piecing | |
PPQ | Permium Paper Quality | |
PIPO | Paper In Paper Out | |
APP | Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. | |
TCMP | Thermo-Chemical Mechanical Pulping (pulp & paper industry) | |
MLIP | My Life In Paper | |
PMG | Paper money grading | |
IPW | International Paper World | |
CBPA | Center for Book and Paper Arts | |
TNP | The New Paper | |
CPFP | Commercial Paper Funding Program | |
POB | Paper Over Board | |
EPCI | Environmental Paper Company Index | |
FPF | Funny Paper Furniture | |
LPT | Lincoln Paper and Tissue | |
PPIC | Pulp and Paper Industry Committee | |
GPP | Graph paper application | |
PPP | Perfect Paper Passwords | |
NOPG | Night Owl Paper Goods | |
TWOP | Test Well on Paper | |
MSPC | Michael Scott Paper Company | |
OSPA | Outstanding Student Paper Awards | |
NCPP | Normalized citation per paper | |
PPLP | Properties of Polypropylene Laminated Paper | |
POWC | Paper and Other Web Coating | |
AFPA | American Forest and Paper Association | |
ERPA | European Recovered Paper Association | |
DCP | Decision Coordination Paper | |
BFPG | Big Face Paper Gang | |
EPW | European Paper Week | |
PCSI | Paper Cone Spray Ionization | |
ASPI | Association of Suppliers to the Paper Industry | |
GTP | Good Toilet Paper | |
PCC | Paper Check Conversion | |
VPM | Volga Paper Mill | |
POPP | Printer Online Paper Processing | |
DPTC | Dirty Paper Trellis Codes | |
NPC | News Paper Commity | |
SPMC | Society of Paper Money Collectors | |
DP | Discussion Paper | |
PPR | Post Paper Review | |
RPSS | Rock Paper Safety Scissors | |
SBP | Security Backing Paper | |
EPPB | El Paso Paper Box | |
PPT | Paper Pencil Test | |
NAPM | National Association of Paper Merchants | |
CWP | Chambersburg Waste Paper | |
EETP | Education and Experience Test Paper | |
JTP | Just Toilet Paper | |
HVPE | High voltage paper electrophoresis | |
UPEC | Universal Paper Export Co | |
PPCF | Passionate Paper Creations and Friends | |
PPI | Pulp Paper International | |
BAPH | British Association of Paper Historians | |
CWP | Community White Paper | |
CWP | Clearfield Wholesale Paper | |
CEPI | Confederation Of European Paper | |
CPG | California Paper Goods | |
FFEP | Front Free End Paper | |
JPPS | Journal of Pulp and Paper Science | |
JPPS | Journal of Pulp and Paper Science | |
PBI | Paper and Book Intensive | |
OPQ | Optimal Paper Quality | |
TPG | Textile Paper Green | |
CLAP | Carleton Literary Association Paper | |
EWP | Erasmus Without Paper | |
FPBC | Federal Paper Board Company | |
PPI | Pulp and Paper Industry | |
VVPAT | Verified Voters Paper Audit Trail | |
PIDA | Paper Industry Dealer Association | |
PTPC | Port Townsend Paper Company | |
BSPA | Best Student Paper Award | |
OP | Occasional Paper | |
PSEF | Paper Science and Engineering Foundation | |
PSEF | Paper Science and Engineering Foundation | |
PSEF | Paper Science and Engineering Foundation | |
PTG | Paper Towel Guy | |
PDI | Paper Document Indicator | |
PRA | Paper Reduction Act | |
APSC | Automatic Paper Stretch Compensation | |
PYLCV | Paper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus | |
TWP | Technical Working Paper | |
UPT | Used Paper Towel | |
PTPR | Paper Tape Punch Reader | |
PBOR | Paper B Online Resources | |
AAPR | Automatic Academic Paper Rating | |
FPBC | Filter Paper Blood Clots | |
PTSC | Paper Toilet Seat Cover | |
PPMS | Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge | |
SFPE | Sappi Fine Paper Europe | |
PBT | Paper Based Testing | |
BPBM | Brown Paper Bag Movement | |
PIRA | Paper Industry Research Association | |
PIRA | Paper Industry Research Association | |
IPH | International Paper Historians | |
PPSA | Pulp and Paper Safety Association | |
PPFT | Paper and Printing Federation of Thailand | |
MQP | Multiple Question Paper | |
LLP | Loose Leaf Paper | |
OPIL | Orient Paper Industries Ltd | |
OPIL | Orient Paper Industries Limited | |
PBOD | Paper Based On Demand | |
LWOP | Logging Well On Paper | |
PPD | Photo Paper Direct | |
PBP | Paper Bag Pretty | |
APPA | American Paper and Pulp Association | |
MOTP | Mclogan Opaque Transfer Paper | |
WMP | Waste Management Paper | |
WMP | Waste Management Paper | |
TPD | Toilet Paper Dispenser | |
SWOP | Small Works On Paper | |
PPFL | Plus Paper Foodpac Ltd | |
FPU | Filter Paper Units | |
OBP | Old Brown Paper | |
PPT | Paper and Pencil Tests | |
NEWP | Natural Environment White Paper | |
BPG | Book and Paper Group | |
RPD | Rolling Paper Depot | |
OOP | Out Of Paper | |
WPMF | World Paper Money Fair | |
SPPC | Student Poster Paper Competition | |
OOTP | Out Of Toilet Paper | |
NPB | News Paper Branch | |
SPM | Semua Paper Mati | |
POB | Paper On Board | |
RPSLS | Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Splock | |
APG | Amazing Paper Grace | |
SRPS | Student Research Paper Series | |
SRPS | Student Research Paper Series | |
EPAT | Environmental Paper Assessment Tool | |
PMCL | Paper Map Copying Licence | |
GSPC | Graduate Student Paper Contest | |
POPO | Paper Out Parity Odd | |
SQP | Sample Question Paper | |
FCPP | Fractional Citations Per Paper | |
PGE | Paper Gang Empire | |
ISCP | International Seminar and Call for Paper | |
PAPG | Pencil And Paper Games | |
SPC | Student Paper Contests | |
BATP | Biologic Active Tissue Paper | |
EPPA | European Paper Packaging Alliance | |
EPPA | European Paper Packaging Alliance | |
EPN | Environmental Paper Network | |
PLCT | Paper Line Clear Ticket | |
PNP | Pen and Paper | |
KPPL | Kerala Paper Products Limited | |
KPPL | Kerala Paper Products Ltd | |
KPPL | Kerala Paper Products Ltd | |
DMPC | Dunder Mifflin Paper Company | |
DPE | Digital Paper Edit | |
PSE | Paper Science Engineering | |
PSE | Paper Science Engineering | |
PBT | Paper Biased Test | |
RPST | Rock Paper Scissors Token | |
SPPF | Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation | |
PRAGA | Paper Recycling Action Group of Australia | |
PRAGA | Paper Recycling Action Group of Australia | |
Paper bag | Looking for quality and affordable brown kraft paper bags? Artpaper.Com.Sg provides paper bags, customised gift box, Stationary printing service, sticker label printing, custom paper bags in Singapore. | |
PPCP | Plain Paper Copier Paper | |
FPBX | Federal Paper Board (International Paper Corporation) | |
HPAX | Hammermill Paper (International Paper) | |
EIOP | European Integration Online Paper | |
PPA | Perfect Paper Adhesive | |
IBFP | Immobilon Blotting Filter Paper | |
RPS | Rock, Paper, Scissors | |
ASDP | Abbreviated System Decision Paper | |
ESPP | Education Sector Policy Paper | |
APA | Association of Paper Archivists | |
PP | Patterned Paper | |
CRAP | Crawdads Rip Apart Paper | |
IPC | International Paper Company | |
IPCZ | International Paper Company | |
XCP | Extendable Commercial Paper | |
PAPCON | Pulp and PAPer Industry Technical CONference | |
ITSPA | IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award | |
ITSPA | IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award | |
WCPM | West Coast Paper Mills | |
PQV | Paper Qualified Vision Company | |
BOP | Boy's Own Paper | |
PTPC | Port Townsend Paper Corporation | |
BPA | Best Paper Award | |
JPA | Joint Paper Award | |
TenP | Potter & Pilkington's Phantastic Phile of Precision Pellet Paper Punching Paraphenalia & Phacts | |
RPS | Research Paper Spot | |
PPBA | Phosphocellulose Paper Binding Assay | |
APPM | Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills, LTD. | |
APPM | Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill | |
BOLTOP | Better On Lips Than On Paper | |
OINP | Over Issue News Paper | |
PW | Paper Wrapped | |
PPA | Prize Paper Award | |
ITSPA | Information Theory Society Paper Award | |
JOPA | Rudolph J. Joenk, Jr., Outstanding Paper Award | |
KPPA | Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award | |
FPPA | Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award | |
CTL | Catalyst Paper Corporation | |
FTP | Fortress Paper LTD. Class A | |
UFX | Domtar Canada Paper, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
AATP | All About The Paper | |
OTTOOTP | On The Toilet Out Of Toilet Paper | |
PPIC | Pulp and Paper Industry Conference | |
ITTOOTP | In The Toilet Out Of Toilet Paper | |
PAA | Paper Aeronautics Association | |
GP | Green Paper | |
PC | Paper Chromatography | |
PMR | Paper Medical Record | |
RARP | Resource Allocation Resource Paper | |
RPT | Rushing Paper Time | |
PB | paper-back [book] | |
PB | paper-back [book] | |
VIP | Value Issue Paper | |
CP | Commercial Paper | |
TAPPI | Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry | |
SPM | Sirpur Paper Mills Limited | |
INFSP | Informatik Student Paper Master | |
SPB | Seshasayee Paper & Boards Limited | |
PICOP | Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines | |
IPH | International Association of Paper Historians | |
BAHP | British Association of Paper Historians | |
WCP | White Cultural Paper | |
BSI PAS 105 | Recovered paper sourcing and quality for UK end markets | |
XPS | XML Paper Specification | |
PUC | Paper Under Consideration | |
EURX | EuroCan Pulp and Paper | |
GILX | Gilman Paper | |
IPCX | International Paper | |
KLL | Klickitat Log and Lumber (St. Regis Paper Co.) | |
MAIX | Macon Iron and Paper Stock | |
SFPP | Spruce Fall Power and Paper | |
TMAX | Tennessee River Pulp and Paper | |
TPPX | Thilmany Pulp and Paper | |
WWPX | Willimantic Waste Paper | |
PUC | Paper Under Consideration | |
CSTPCD | Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database | |
CSTPCD | Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database | |
CSTPCD | Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database | |
BOLTOP | Better On Lips Than On Paper | |
IPVW | Intricate Paper Virtue Walls | |
URPS | Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors | |
ABCP | Asset-Backed Commercial Paper | |
FCCP | Financial Company Commercial Paper | |
BMPP | Big Monster Piece of Paper | |
YPST | Yellow Paper Sticky Trap | |
PAP | PAPER binding | |
ETPH | Easy Toilet Paper Holder | |
YPC | Young Paper Chaser | |
PP&S | Pens, Paper, and Stationary | |
AFPA | American Forest & Paper Association | |
AFPA | American Forest & Paper Association | |
AWPC | American Writing Paper Company | |
CPMS | Canadian Paper Money Society | |
CPMS | Canadian Paper Money Society | |
GPMU | Graphical, Paper and Media Union | |
NPTA | National Paper Trade Association | |
NTPM | Nibong Tebal Paper Mill | |
PPWF | Pulp and Paper Workers Federation | |
PPWF | Pulp and Paper Workers Federation | |
VVPAT | Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail | |
KPM | Karnaphuli Paper Mills | |
SPM | Super Paper Mario | |
GСTPP | Great Coronavirus Toilet Paper Panic | |
TPX | Textile Paper Xtend | |
PT | Paper Towel | |
PABIAC | Paper And Board Industry Advisory Committee | |
JWPAC | Joint Waste Paper Advisory Council | |
CPPA | Canadian Pulp and Paper Association | |
CPPA | Canadian Pulp and Paper Association | |
APPITA | Australian Pulp and Paper Industries Technical Association | |
APPITA | Australian Pulp and Paper Industries Technical Association | |
PCFL | Paper Champions Fantasy League | |
SMP | Super Mario Paper | |
OPDAG | Original Paper Doll Artists Guild | |
OPDAG | Original Paper Doll Artists Guild | |
OPDAG | Original Paper Doll Artists Guild (Kingfield, ME) | |
OPDAG | Original Paper Doll Artists Guild (Kingfield, ME) | |
RPR | Rock Paper Reality | |
BSP | Blank Sheet of Paper | |
PAJS | Problem-Oriented Approach to Journal Selection (academic paper) | |
PAJS | Problem-Oriented Approach to Journal Selection (academic paper) | |
PFE | Paper Filtering Elements | |
APS | Automatic Paper Selection | |
C1S | Coated One Sided Paper | |
DTP | Direct Thermal Paper | |
EPD | Electronic Paper Display | |
IFWP | International Forum on the White Paper | |
MFP | Macromedia Flash Paper | |
PAP | Plastic Animation Paper | |
POUT | Paper Out | |
PPOP | Plain Paper Optimized Printing | |
PTS | Paper Technology Specialists | |
TTP | Thermal Transfer Paper | |
XPS | Xml Paper Specification | |
PVYSC | Paper Valley Youth Soccer Club (Neenah, WI) | |
PVYSC | Paper Valley Youth Soccer Club (Neenah, WI) | |
PVYSC | Paper Valley Youth Soccer Club (Neenah, WI) | |
WP | Wall Paper | |
ITBNTP | In The Bathroom Need Toilet Paper | |
FLPCC | Fiber-Loaded Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (paper production) | |
MWPI | The abbreviation for Mazandaran Wood and Paper Industries | |
RP | Research Paper | |
ITBROOTP | In the bathroom, out of toilet paper | |
RFWP | Request For White Paper | |
CPI | Commercial Paper Index | |
RP | Rolling Paper | |
TP | Tissue-Paper | |
TTP | Tissued Tissue -Paper | |
ICP | Insane Children Playing, Irregular Crazy Port, Interesting Car Part, Irresistible Cracker Penis, Inside Cloud Possibility, Inside Cranky Places, Iron Chicken Project, Insane Crazy People, Irresistible Cock Piece. I am able to think up many different abbreviations for the ICP letters and I apologize for some of the abbreviations that came up in my head seriously lol but honestly I think it's all hilarious and funny and nothing wrong with having humar in life. I'll continue writing down on paper random words and come up with abbreviations for them later. Whoop Whoop | |
OPH | Online Paper Help |
What does paper mean?
- paper(noun)
- a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses
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"paper." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 26 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/paper>.
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