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Acronyms that contain the term rice rat
What does rice rat mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: rice rat.
Term | Definition | Rating |
R | Rice | |
WCSR | Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC | |
WCSR | Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge, & Rice, P.L.L.C. | |
Condi | Condoleezza Rice | |
RU | Rice University | |
ERB | Edgar Rice Burroughs | |
MOB | Rice University Marching Owl Band | |
MOB | Rice University Marching Owl Band | |
SRG | Sterling- Rice Group | |
RGP | Rice Genome Sequencing Project | |
BRAT | Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast | |
BRAT | Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast | |
RSVP | Rice Student Volunteer Program | |
SRI | System of Rice Intensification | |
AR | Added Rice | |
RIT | Rice Inverse Transliterator | |
ZR | Zhang Rice | |
FRB | Fresh Rice Breakers | |
RMJ | Rice, Michels, & Johnson | |
RMJ | Rice, Michels, & Johnson | |
RUF | Rice Unix Facility | |
RUF | Rice Unix Facility | |
RQI | Rice Quantum Institute | |
RTS | Rice Transliteration Scheme | |
RBJ | Rice Bowl Journal | |
RB | Rice Boy | |
RTS | Rice Transliteration Standard | |
CRCE | Chicago Rice and Cotton Exchange | |
TRIM | Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant | |
KFR | Kentucky Fried Rice | |
RVC | Rice Vegetarian Club | |
TRIM | Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutants | |
WMRF | Wet Milled Rice Flour | |
RNT | Rice N Tofu | |
RQQ | Rice Queen Quotient | |
RIE | Rice Lake, Wisconsin USA | |
SFR | San Francisco Rice | |
CRAP | Cheese, Rice, And Potatoes | |
NRRP | National Rice Research Program | |
WAQE | FM-97.7, Rice Lake, Wisconsin | |
HART | Had Any Rice Today | |
MRE | Mit Rice Engineers | |
CRRI | Central Rice Research Institute | |
BRRI | Bangladesh Rice Research Institute | |
DORB | De Oiled Rice Bran | |
RSVP | Rice & Stew Very Plenty | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
BRAT | Bananas Rice Applesauce and Toast | |
EREA | Edmund Rice Education Australia | |
JASHER | Jake And Samy Hate Eat Rice | |
ACURA | Another Car Using Rice Additives | |
RAVA | Rice Alumni Volunteers for Admission | |
ABBR | Angry Beaver Brought Rice | |
GRMMA | Guyana Rice Milling Marketing Authority | |
RGSV | Rice Grassy Stunt Virus | |
PRINCE | it is a therapy given to treat injuries just like other like, PRICE, RICE. it stands for Protection Rest Ice Nsaid's Compression and Elevation. here Nsaid's stand for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. | |
RKT | Rice Krispie Treats | |
ARGM | African Rice Gall Midge | |
TMRH | Thermally Modified Rice Husk | |
TRIA | Texas Rice Improvement Association | |
RKT | Rice Krispy Treats | |
ERST | Edmund Rice Schools Trust | |
RUSP | Rice Undergraduate Scholars Program | |
HRDC | Hybrid Rice Development Consortium | |
REA | Rice Engineering Alumni | |
BRAT | Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast | |
TRBO | The Rice Bran Oil | |
EMRV | Early Maturing Rice Variety | |
GRDB | Guyana Rice Development Board | |
BRATT | Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast And Tea | |
ADIR | Allende Dark Inclusion Rice | |
PRIN | Predicted Rice Interactome Network | |
BLR | Burn Like Rice | |
RUASA | Rice University Automated Sediment Analyser | |
BRATY | Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast and Yogurt | |
WRICE | Waterfowl Rice Incentive Conservation Enhancement | |
LOSER | Lots Of Salsa and Extra Rice | |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | A Big Cat Destroys Every Fallen Giraffe, However I Jailed Kitty Like Mice Near Orange People, Quickly. Rice Soup Tastes Umami Very Wet, Xtremely Yellow Zombies. | |
RYD | Rice Yellow Dwarf | |
RYR | Red Yeast Rice | |
RVCD | Rice Value Chain Development | |
DORB | De Oil Rice Bran | |
NP | Nancy's Port-O-Let Rice-A-Roni | |
RBPE | Rice Bran Protein Extract | |
RBEE | Rice bran enzymatic extract | |
PGBR | Pre germinated brown rice | |
RSAE | Rice Society of Automotive Engineers | |
SRP | Sustainable Rice Platform | |
PGBR | Parboiled germinated brown rice | |
RCA | Rice and Corn Administration | |
BRC | Beans Rice Cheese | |
LRF | Lewis, Rice, Fingersh, L. L. C. | |
RAB | Rice Applesauce And Bannana | |
RGA | Rice Graduate Apartments | |
ERCM | Edmund Rice Centre Mirrabooka | |
JR | Jerry Rice | |
IRRC | Irrigated Rice Research Consortium | |
RFLT | Rice Firsts Leadership Team | |
RBPC | Rice Business Plan Competition | |
EMRV | Early Maturing Rice Varieties | |
AORMA | All Odisha Rice Millers Association | |
RSVD | Rice stripe virus disease | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Association | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Association | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Association | |
WDSR | Wet Direct Seeded Rice | |
RFND | Rice Fight Never Dies | |
RICES | Rice Import Consulting Export Services | |
WJMC | AM-1240, Rice Lake, Wisconsin | |
WJR | Dr. William J. Rice, chiropractic | |
OREC | Organisation of Rice Exporting Countries | |
BRC | Beans Rice and Cheese | |
BRAT | Banana Rice Applesauce And Toast | |
IRBC | International Rice Blast Conference | |
RTEC | Rice Technology Education Center | |
RDA | Rice Design Alliance | |
RMPL | Rice Membrane Protein Library | |
RKS | Rice Kern and Smith | |
IYR | International Year of Rice | |
RSSP | Rice Sector Support Project | |
SRG | Sterling Rice Group | |
FERM | Federation of European Rice Millers | |
RRK | Rice Ramsperger Kassel | |
CARI | Competitive African Rice Initiative | |
RKR | Ritchie Knott Rice | |
ROARS | Rice Outcomes Assessment Reporting System | |
ARGM | Asian rice gall midge | |
ARGM | Annual Rice Group Meeting | |
RBK | Rice and Beans for Kids | |
MIRE | Merauke Integrated Rice Estate | |
KRPL | Kittery Rice Public Library | |
PLBR | Peace Love and Brown Rice | |
IRY | International Rice Yield | |
IRESS | Industry Rice Earth Science Symposia | |
RRBO | Refined Rice Bran Oil | |
RWGR | Rural Women Growing Rice | |
WRWD | Wild Rice Watershed District | |
SRI | System for Rice Intensification | |
RPC | Rice Program Council | |
JR | Johnny Rice (surfboard products) | |
FreeRice | Free Rice | |
DRS | Dakota Rice Scott | |
CRAM | Cereal Rice Applesauce and Milk | |
RKB | Rice Knowledge Bank | |
RCT | Rice Crispy Treats | |
NRVC | Nutritious Rice Value Chain | |
RFPC | Rice Financial Products Company | |
RGAP | Rice Genome Annotation Project | |
RFR | Rice Francis Ritchie | |
RBO | Rice Bran Oil | |
RDV | Rice Dwarf Virus | |
RUPD | Rice University Police Department | |
RICD | Rice Indica cDNA Database | |
BRBA | Brother Rice Business Alliance | |
DRTF | Database of Rice Transcription Factor | |
RMP | Rice Midstream Partners | |
IRBC | International Rice Blast Conference | |
NLR | Nice Like Rice | |
TRCL | The RICE Company Limited | |
BRAT | Bananas Rice Apples And Toast | |
SLWR | Shoal Lake Wild Rice | |
RCM | Rice Crop Manager | |
RBSA | Rice Bowl Startup Awards | |
RLSD | Rice Lake School District | |
RLED | Rice Lake Economic Development | |
RWT | Rice Wavelet Toolbox | |
RGA | Rice Gum Army | |
BRF | Brown Rice Flour | |
BRBI | Bill Rice Bible Institute | |
BRBI | Bill Rice Bible Institute | |
IRIC | International Rice Informatics Consortium | |
RRR | Rice Reinforced Rolls | |
CSTAR | Computer Science Teaching at Rice | |
CSTAR | Computer Science Teaching at Rice | |
MRDA | Mandy Rice Davies Applies | |
SRB | Stabilized Rice Bran | |
ERFA | Edmund Rice Foundation Australia | |
ERFA | Edmund Rice Foundation Australia | |
RAP | Rice Annotation Project | |
ICRR | Indonesian Center for Rice Research | |
ICRR | Indonesian Center for Rice Research | |
CRIA | California Rice Industry Association | |
PRRI | Philippine Rice Research Institute | |
PRRI | Philippine Rice Research Institute | |
RB | Rice Bran | |
RTFC | Rice Terraces Farmers Cooperative | |
BRTF | Br Rice Team First | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Agency | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Agency | |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Agency | |
WARDA | West African Rice Development Association | |
WARDA | West African Rice Development Association | |
WARDA | West African Rice Development Association | |
RUSP | Rice University Scholars Program | |
RSTW | Rice Sangalis Toole and Wilson | |
CRBF | Cooper Rice Brading Foundation | |
RASR | Rice Asian Studies Review | |
WRC | Will Rice College | |
HRSP | Hybrid Rice Seed Production | |
ICRRS | International Conference on Rice Research Strategies | |
ICRRS | International Conference on Rice Research Strategies | |
ICRRS | International Conference on Rice Research Strategies | |
RLOS | Rice Light Opera Society | |
RCBP | Rice Cadmium Binding Protein | |
GRB | Guyana Rice Board | |
ISAR | Indian Students At RICE | |
CRRN | Caribbean Rice Research Network | |
LRE | Leonard Rice Engineers | |
FJR | Feed Just Rice | |
WFBR | Wax Free Brown Rice | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institution | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institution | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institution | |
RMD | Rice Mutant Database | |
WMR | Well Milled Rice | |
TRF | The Rice Factory | |
PWRF | Pregelatinized Waxy Rice Flour | |
SRB | Sticky Rice Ball | |
MRHS | Maligaya Rice Hull Stove | |
SGR | Stay Green Rice | |
RCCF | Rice County Community Foundation | |
RCCF | Rice County Community Foundation | |
RCCF | Rice County Community Foundation | |
RLH | Rice Leaf Hopper | |
TRFA | Targeting Rice Fallow Areas | |
SCRAM | Spinach Carrot Rice Avocado and Mushroom | |
RSRD | Rice Spikelet Rot Disease | |
JFR | Jerk Fried Rice | |
RHA | Rice Husk Ash | |
RPP | Rice Production Program | |
RIAA | Rice Is Always Available | |
RVG | Rice VandenBerg Gomes | |
KTRH | K The Rice Hotel | |
CHAKRI | Fried Savoury And Crunchy Rice Swirls | |
CHAKRI | Spiral Shaped Crispy Indian Rice Snacks | |
CHAKRI | A Crispy Spiral Snack Made From Rice Flour | |
RDSA | Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (Rice University; Houston, TX) | |
ROTA | Rice On The Axel | |
RSCL | Rice Straw Chicken Litter | |
RK | Rice Krispy | |
ARBN | Asian Rice Biotechnology Network | |
23966 | Rice, VA | |
54868 | Rice Lake, WI | |
56367 | Rice, MN | |
75155 | Rice, TX | |
99167 | Rice, WA | |
SGRS | Soluble Glutinous Rice Starch | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
PEER | People Enjoy Eating Rice | |
PREEFR | People Really Enjoy Eating Fried Rice | |
RAFSI | Rice Annual Fund Student Initiative | |
IVRDP | Inland Valleys Rice Development Project | |
CORRA | Council for Partnership on Rice Research in Asia | |
LRI | Live Rice Index | |
HAZWOPER | Heavy Americans Zosteriform While Other People Eat Rice | |
BRATTT | Bananas Rice Applesauce Tea Toast Turkey | |
BRAT | bananas, rice, applesauce, toast (helps digestion in some GI disorders) | |
BRATY | Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, Yogurt | |
RRGM | Rama Rice & General Mills | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRON | International Rice Observational Nursery | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
GRiSP | Global Rice Science Partnership | |
RPFM | Rice Powered F***ing Machine | |
BRRI | Bangladesh Rice Research Institute | |
IRRC | Irrigated Rice Research Consortium | |
IRRC | Irrigated Rice Research Consortium | |
YORAS | Years Of Rice And Salt | |
BRAT | Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast | |
IDRYN | International Deepwater Rice Yield Nursery | |
PRINCE | it is a therapy given to treat injuries just like other like, PRICE, RICE. it stands for Protection Rest Ice Nsaid's Compression and Elevation. here Nsaid's stand for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. | |
RSVP | Rice and Stew Very Plenty | |
CLRRI | Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (Vietnam) | |
CLRRI | Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (Vietnam) | |
REV | Rice Electric Vehicle | |
RLS | Rice Lake Speedway | |
WBR | The best Rice | |
OJRPG | Organic Jasmine Rice Producer Group (Thailand) | |
BBFR | Broke Boy Fried Rice | |
SRVC | Sustainable Rice Value Chain | |
SRP | Sustainable Rice Production | |
SRVCD | Sustainable Rice Value Chain Development | |
SRVCD | Sustainable Rice Value Chain Development | |
LOTR | Lots Of Terrible Rice | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
BRB | Burrito Rice Bowl | |
IRRI | International Rice Research Institute | |
CSR | Climate Smart Rice | |
MRT | Mass Rice Train | |
CRAP | Cotton, Rice, Alfalfa, and Pasture |
What does rice rat mean?
- rice rat, Oryzomys palustris(noun)
- hardy agile rat of grassy marshes of Mexico and the southeastern United States
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"rice rat." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 26 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/rice%20rat>.
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