Editorial »
Junior Editor
A member of the Abbreviations.com vibrant community of passionate editors.
September 2012
10 years ago
Latest Entries: 30 total
AGR | AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) Guidelines and Recommendations | |
FNOL | Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc | |
IAIB | Institut für Angewandte Informatik im Bauwesen | |
IAIB | International Association of Internet Broadcasters | |
NCGA | National Corn Growers Association | |
GUMBO | Games Uniting Mind and BOdy | |
ESV | Ecosystem Service Valuation | |
GUMBO | Global Unified Metamodel of the Biosphere | |
VREF | Voltage Reference | |
FNOL | First Notice of Loss | |
VREF | Volvo Research and Educational Foundation | |
VREF | Volvo Research and Education Foundation | |
WOTUS | Waters of the United States | |
WWII | World War Two | |
WWI | World War One | |
IAIB | International Association of Investment Bankers | |
DADD | Dads Against Drunk Driving | |
MADD | Moms Against Drunk Driving |
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