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Rugby Abbreviations

Browse 295 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Rugby terminology and jargon.

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15rugby teamRate it:
6NT6 Nations TournamentRate it:
ACGRAssociation Cantonale Genevoise de RugbyRate it:
ACRAAmerican Collegiate Rugby AssociationRate it:
ACTJRUAustralian Capital Territory Junior Rugby UnionRate it:
AORCAnglet Olympique Rugby ClubRate it:
APRUAustralian Police Rugby UnionRate it:
AQRTAmsterdam Quad Rugby TournamentRate it:
ARFCArmy Rugby Football ClubRate it:
ARFUAlberta Rugby Football UnionRate it:
ARFUAuckland Rugby Football UnionRate it:
ARFUAsian Rugby Football UnionRate it:
ARLCAustralian Rugby League CommissionRate it:
ARPNAssociació de Rugby Poble NouRate it:
ARUAustralian Rugby UnionRate it:
ARUArmy Rugby UnionRate it:
AYRAtlanta Youth RugbyRate it:
BACRCBuenos Aires Cricket & Rugby ClubRate it:
BARABritish Asain Rugby AssociationRate it:
BARLABritish Amateur Rugby League AssociationRate it:
BBRUBlue Bulls Rugby UnionRate it:
BCRFCBoston College Rugby Football ClubRate it:
BCRLBritish Columbia Rugby LeagueRate it:
BCRUBritish Columbia Rugby UnionRate it:
BDRBallon de RugbyRate it:

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    "Rugby." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 28 Feb. 2025. <>.

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