We've got 3,051 shorthands for Football »
Acronyms that contain the term Football
What does Football mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Football.
Possible matching categories:
Term | Definition | Rating |
F | Football | |
WEFC | Windsor & Eton Football Club | |
FC | Football Club | |
MNF | Monday Night Football | |
FT | Football Team | |
NFL | National Football League | |
FA | Football Association | |
RFC | Rugby Football Club | |
FF | Fantasy Football | |
CFL | Canadian Football League | |
RFU | Rugby Football Union | |
AFL | Arena Football League | |
AFL | Australian Football League | |
LFC | Liverpool Football Club | |
AFC | Arsenal Football Club | |
AFC | American Football Conference | |
NFC | National Football Conference | |
AFL | American Football League | |
JFL | Junior Football League | |
MUFC | Manchester United Football Club | |
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association | |
FFA | Football Federation Australia | |
WCCF | World Club Champion Football | |
CAF | Confederation of African Football | |
CAF | Confederation of African Football | |
UEFA | Union of European Football Associations | |
FAI | Football Association of Ireland | |
AFC | Association Football Club | |
USFL | United States Football League | |
SFL | Scottish Football League | |
KFA | Korea Football Association | |
RFC | Rangers Football Club | |
RSFC | Rec Sport Football College | |
OFC | Oceania Football Confederation | |
PNE | Preston North End Football Club | |
CFC | Chelsea Football Club | |
IRFU | Irish Rugby Football Union | |
FWAA | Football Writers Association of America | |
GFA | Ghana Football Association | |
NFL | New Football League | |
CONCACAF | Confederation Of North Central American And Caribbean Association Football | |
WFL | World Football League | |
FUSA | K2 Licensing & Promotions (formerly Football U S A, Inc.) | |
FT | Fred Taylor, football player | |
PFRA | Professional Football Researchers Association | |
FSI | Football Streaming Information | |
AFL | Amateur Football League | |
AFC | Amateur Football Club | |
XFL | eXtreme Football League | |
WFC | Women's Football Club | |
TFN | The Football Network | |
JFL | Japan Football League | |
WIFU | Western Interprovincial Football Union | |
NCFC | Norwich City Football Club | |
CAFC | Charlton Athletic Football Club | |
OVFL | Ontario Varsity Football League | |
CFC | Celtic Football Club | |
PFC | Portsmouth Football Club | |
WRFL | Western Region Football League | |
GFA | Gambia Football Association | |
WAFL | Western Australian Football League | |
MLF | Major League Football | |
PFF | Pure Fantasy Football | |
BFA | Bermuda Football Association | |
TFO | Touch Football Ontario | |
IFA | Internet Football Association | |
MFL | Madden Football League | |
MCC | Matthew McChesney, football player | |
FU | Football United | |
UFWC | Unofficial Football World Championships | |
BFA | Botswana Football Association | |
MSFA | Mid-States Football Association | |
WFCA | Wisconsin Football Coaches Association | |
PFL | Paper Football League | |
BFA | Bahamas Football Association | |
JAFA | Japan Australian Football Association | |
FCB | Football Club Basel | |
BFA | Barbados Football Association | |
WSFL | Western States Football League | |
AVFC | Aston Villa Football Club | |
WPFL | Women's Professional Football League | |
WFC | Watford Football Club | |
FB | Franz Beckenbauer, German football player and coach | |
UFL | Ultimate Football League | |
WAFL | Women's American Football League | |
WRFC | Worcester Rugby Football Club | |
WLAF | World League of American Football | |
WFMP | Wheaton Football Ministry Partnership | |
WFMP | Wheaton Football Ministry Partnership | |
MF | Main Football | |
WCFA | West Coast Football Association | |
NFA | National Football Alliance | |
WBFC | Whitley Bay Football Club | |
WFC | Wimbledon Football Club | |
WAFU | West African Football Union | |
BFL | Backyard Football League | |
BCF | Black College Football | |
SFZ | Slovak Football Association | |
WFF | World Football Foundation | |
TFNK | The Football Network | |
GF | Girls Football | |
WKFL | Western Kansas Football League | |
XMF | Xtreme Math Football | |
EB | Eddie Brown, football player | |
WUFC | Woodford United Football Club | |
YFF | Youth Football Fund | |
WRFC | Wellingborough Rugby Football Club | |
SYF | Stanwood Youth Football | |
ECFC | Emerald City Football Club | |
DVYFC | Diablo Valley Youth Football Conference | |
CFC | Colorado Football Conference | |
WEFS | Weekly Electronic Football Simulation | |
GSH | George S. Halas, football coach, Chicago Bears | |
WAFC | Women's Affiliated Football Conference | |
FIFA | The Union des Associations Européennes de Football | |
AFL | Australian Football League | |
FBO | Football Banning Order | |
SAFC | Sunderland Association Football Club | |
IBFL | Inter-Bank Football League | |
MFL | Mcadoo Football League | |
NFIU | National Football Intelligence Unit | |
WCFF | Walter Camp Football Foundation | |
FBOA | Football Banning Order Authority | |
DP | Dave Parks, football player | |
FIFA | Football Is For All | |
SCFL | South County Football League | |
MTFL | Middle Tennessee Football League | |
PFM | Premier Football Management | |
FLO | Football Liaison Officer | |
BEFC | Bellin Elite Football Combine | |
AFFA | Associated Football Franchises of America | |
WAFC | Women's American Football Council | |
WWFL | Wagon Wheel Football League | |
NRMFA | Niagara Regional Minor Football Association | |
TFB | Touch FootBall | |
PFL | Pass Football League | |
WJF | Washtenaw Junior Football | |
VKP | Varsity Football Knee Pad | |
EFL | Extreme Football League | |
WYFA | Western Youth Football Association | |
COMFL | Central Ontario Minor Football League | |
VFL | Virginia Football League | |
WCYF | Walnut Creek Youth Football | |
WBFL | West Babylon Football League | |
CPFL | Couch Potato Football League | |
MFL | Maui Football Links | |
NHB | North Huntington Beach Football Club | |
IBFC | Illini-Badger Football Conference | |
WT | Willie Taggart, football coach | |
WIFB | Wisconsin Football | |
WIFL | Western Intercollegiate Football League | |
NFL | Neighborhood Football League | |
TYF | Tigard Youth Football | |
PMF | Premier Management Football | |
MFL | Metroplex Flag Football League | |
AFC | Adelaide Football Corporation | |
LFAI | Ladies Football Association Of Ireland | |
WWFL | World Wide Football League | |
NCFL | No Cowdogs Football League | |
LFF | Latvian Football Federation | |
WJF | Woodinville Junior Football | |
WYF | Westfield Youth Football | |
TEFA | The English Football Archive | |
AVF | Abbey Villa Football | |
WTYF | Warren Township Youth Football | |
CFL | Campbell Football League | |
POF | Professional Offensive Football | |
RFL | Rebel Football League | |
USFB | Upper School Football | |
MB | Malcolm Blight, Australian rules football player and coach | |
KCFA | Kansas City Football Association | |
WFC | Weaker Football Conference | |
GFC | Gampang Football Club | |
NFL | The Northern Football League | |
BVFL | Blue Valley Football League | |
MFFL | Metroplex Flag Football League | |
OFL | Off-season Football League | |
WBFL | WannaBe Football League | |
HFCC | Hurling Football And Camogie Club | |
NYD | New York Dragons Arena Football League Team | |
VYF | Visalia Youth Football | |
ITFL | Internet Tecmo Football League | |
EFL | Everquest Football League | |
OHA | Old Hobartians Association football club | |
WYFL | Whiteford Youth Football League | |
QKS | Quickstrike Football | |
WUFC | Worthing United Football Club | |
DMC | Dave McCann, Canadian Football League player and coach | |
ZTYF | Zane Trace Youth Football | |
USVFB | Upper School Varsity Football | |
MFF | Metroplex Flag Football | |
WPU | West Papua United Football Club | |
RFL | Robot Football League | |
WFPA | Wildcat Football Parents Association | |
PFC | Potential Football Club | |
WTFA | Women's Tackle Football Association | |
SYU | Santa Ynez United Football Club | |
NCFF | Nooch's College Fantasy Football | |
WJFA | Woodinville Junior Football Association | |
WLFB | West Linn Football | |
WBFCA | Whitley Bay Football Club Academy | |
WVPW | Willamette Valley Pop Warner Football League | |
BAYFL | Bay Area Youth Football League | |
WCPS | West Coast Passing School for Football | |
TVF | Total Violence Football | |
WCPS | West Coast Passing School for Football | |
WBFF | West Babylon Football Field | |
WGFL | Wilkes Greenway Football League | |
WBFC | Wadham Boys Football Club | |
AGBDF | All Good Boys Deserve Football | |
NFC | Next Football Champion | |
GIFC | Geylang International Football Club | |
FFN | Fantasy Football North | |
FC | Football Christians | |
RFL | Rossbrook Football League | |
WNYCFO | Western New York Certified Football Officials Association | |
WTFL | Women's Tackle Football League | |
JFRA | Jamaica Football Referees Association | |
RAFT | Rams Against Football Troublemakers | |
FSU | Football Suspensions U | |
WWOF | Wonderful World of Football | |
WLGF | World League of Gator Football | |
FIFA | Forget Irish Football Altogether | |
LE FOOT | Le Football | |
WPUFC | West Papua United Football Club | |
OFL | Official Football League (Fantasy Football) | |
MUFL | Mid Ulster Football league | |
FSIA | Football Supporters Internet Association | |
FSU | Football School Unlimited | |
BOZ | Brian Bosworth, football player | |
FIFA | Federal International Football Association | |
FIFA | Football Is Freaking Awesome | |
FIFA | International Federation Association of Football | |
XFL | Xtreme Football League | |
FCB | Football Club Barcelona | |
UEFA | Union of European Football Association | |
JFF | Jamaica Football Federation | |
MILF | Man I Love Football | |
NCAAF | National Collegiate Athletic Association Football | |
FIFA | Fairplay In Football Administration | |
NCAAF | NCAA Football | |
WDFC | Worcestershire Disability Football Club | |
SKNFA | St Kitts Nevis Football Association | |
FUFA | Federation of Uganda Football Associations | |
NFA | Nigeria Football Association | |
CFFB | CrossFit Football | |
KSAFA | Kingston and St Andrew Football Association | |
FCSB | Football Club Steaua Bucuresti | |
UEFA | United European Football Association | |
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association | |
CONCACAF | Confederation Of North Central America And Caribbean Association Football | |
WWYF | Wayland Weston Youth Football | |
CFP | College Football Playoff | |
FTBL | Football | |
AFL | Australian Football League | |
THFC | Tottenham Hotspur Football Club | |
PFM | Peyton F**** Manning (football player) | |
FMRD | Football Match Result Database | |
FIFA | Football Is Funding Athletics | |
HHFC | Hartstown Huntstown Football Club | |
LFL | Legends Football League | |
WWFO | Waterloo Wellington Football Officials | |
SPFL | Scottish Professional Football League | |
OPRK | in fantasy football = Opponent rank | |
NBFFL | New Brunswick Flag Football League | |
LFP | Liga de Football Professionel | |
FIFI | Federation of International Football Independents | |
SNF | Sunday Night Football | |
FIFA | Federation International Football Association | |
YFL | Youth Football League | |
EKFC | East Kilbride Football Club | |
EFCO | European Football Children Organization | |
BBFS | Bhaichung Bhutia Football Schools | |
UFL | United Football League | |
FCS | Football Championship Series | |
MCFC | Manchester City Football Club | |
DKFL | Die Kevin Football League | |
PFOA | Peninsula Football Officials Association | |
KFL | Kids Football League | |
DWFA | Dubai Women's Football Association | |
FSDL | Football sports development limited | |
MANUFC | Manchester United Football Club | |
LFFL | Lee Franconia Football League | |
EFL | English Football League | |
ANFA | All Nepal Football Association | |
AIFF | All India Football Federation | |
BHA | Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club | |
AFC | Asian Football Confederation | |
FOMOF | Fear Of Missing Out on Football | |
FIFA | Farcical International Football Ajudication | |
HUF | Heads Up Football | |
FNFP | Friday Night Football Patrol | |
MFFL | Mobile Fantasy Football League | |
GCFC | Gregson Centre Football Club | |
IFAB | International Football Association Board | |
NFLPA | National Football League Players Association | |
TTFA | Trinidad and Tobago Football Association | |
FEFA | Federation Electronic Football Association | |
NYCFC | New York City Football Club | |
JFA | Japan Football Association | |
LGFA | Ladies Gaelic Football Association | |
CFU | Caribbean Football Union | |
FBS | Football Bowl Subdivision | |
DAFC | Dunfermline Athletic Football Club | |
RFL | Rugby Football League | |
FIFA | Federation Internationale de Football Association | |
NFF | Nigeria Football Federation | |
NFFC | Nottingham Forest Football Club | |
IRFU | Irish Rugby Football Union | |
WTFA | Western Tasmanian Football Association | |
TYFA | Texas Youth Football Association | |
TCIFA | Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association | |
COSAFA | Council of Southern Africa Football Associations | |
THIF | The Home of Indian Football | |
BAFL | Belgian American Football League | |
FBS | Football Bowl Subdivision | |
KSAFA | Kingston St Andrew Football Association | |
Ba FC | Ba Football Club | |
AYF | American Youth Football | |
4FC | Forever Football Consulting | |
AIFA | American Indoor Football Association | |
FFV | Football Federation Victoria | |
SFC | Senior Football Championship | |
AFLPA | Australian Football League Players Association | |
FFSA | Football Federation South Australia | |
UCFB | University College of Football Business | |
BPFC | Botev Plovdiv Football Club | |
GBDFA | Great Britain Disability Football Association | |
KNFL | Korea National Football League | |
FIFA | Federation International De Football Association | |
TOFL | tally Offensive Football League | |
BFL | Bridgewater Football League | |
EFFC | East Fremantle Football Club | |
GIFA | Great Indian Football Action | |
WIFL | Women's Indoor Football League | |
FFF | Fédération Française de Football | |
MFC | Middlesbrough Football Club | |
WSMFP | Western Sydney Multicultural Football Program | |
BAFL | Border Amateur Football League | |
IFFA | International Federation of Football Association | |
STFA | Scottish Table Football Association | |
AFBC | Association Of Football Badge Collectors | |
LFOA | Lakeshore Football Officials Association | |
IFL | Indoor Football League | |
BAFL | British American Football League | |
SKNFA | St Kitts and Nevis Football Association | |
WIFL | World Indoor Football League | |
BMSF | Blanc Mesnil Sport Football | |
WAFF | World Amputee Football Federation | |
JFF | Johnny F***ing Football | |
FAZ | Football Association of Zambia | |
FPI | Football Power Index | |
OUFC | Oxford United Football Club | |
NBFFL | New Brunswick Flag Football | |
LFL | Lingerie Football League | |
ECFC | Eastern Collegiate Football Conference | |
KASAFA | Kingston And St Andrew Football Assocition | |
MDFA | Mumbai District Football Association | |
FIFA | Federation of International Football Associated | |
AIFC | Athletic India Football Club | |
KMFL | Kittatinny Midget Football League | |
AAFC | All-America Football Conference | |
CECAFA | Council of East and Central Africa Football Association | |
BYF | Barrington Youth Football | |
AFFL | Anderson Fundamental Football League | |
NFT | National Football Team | |
DIFA | Deaf International Football Association | |
PFF | Pro Football Focus | |
FRFC | Finance and Revenue Football Club | |
DCFC | Derby County Football Club | |
DFOA | Dallas Football Officials Association | |
PFPO | Professional Football Players Observatory | |
LNFA | Laguna Niguel Football Association | |
FML | Football Manager Live | |
IAFA | Irish American Football Association | |
BYF | Benicia Youth Football | |
BFA | Brookwood Football Association | |
SAFF | South Asian Football Federation | |
KYF | Kauai Youth Football | |
EFL | E Football League | |
THOF | The Home of Football | |
LFOA | Lanier Football Officials Association | |
TNF | Thursday Night Football | |
FFC | Fulham Football Club | |
AFSO | Afghan Football Support Organization | |
SMFC | St Mirren Football Club | |
FBB | Football Beyond Borders | |
FUTT | Football Ultimate Team Trainer | |
FIFA | Football Involving Fraudulent Afairs | |
FCFM | Football-Club Franches-Montagnes | |
CMFG | Chris Marsden Football Genius | |
SPFP | Steve's Professional Football Pool | |
PTFC | Portland Timbers Football Club | |
IFTO | International Football Tournament Organisation | |
TGFL | Toronto Gay Football League | |
FMIA | Football Morning In America | |
KNFL | Korean National Football League | |
AAFC | Association of Australian Football Clubs | |
MDFA | Mumbai District Football Assoctaion | |
TTFA | Town of Tonawanda Football Association | |
LFE | London Football Exchange | |
FRFC | Feyenoord Rotterdam Football Club | |
APFA | American Professional Football Association | |
TFR | The Football Republic | |
DRFP | Damonte Ranch Football Program | |
LUFC | Leeds United Football Club | |
NTFL | North Texas Football League | |
TIFI | Texas Intercity Football Inc | |
PFW | Patriots Football Weekly | |
HMFC | Heart of Midlothian Football Club | |
FURD | Football Unites Racism Divides | |
FNF | Friday Night Football | |
RYFLC | Raider Youth Football Lacrosse and Cheer | |
RYFLC | Raider Youth Football Lacrosse and Cheer | |
RYFLC | Raider Youth Football Lacrosse and Cheer | |
NFAZ | National Football Association of Zimbabwe | |
NFAZ | National Football Association of Zimbabwe | |
SWPFL | South West Peninsula Football League | |
NHYF | North Haven Youth Football | |
NHYF | North Haven Youth Football | |
GMFO | General Manager Football Operations | |
FDFP | First Down Football Products | |
FDFP | First Down Football Products | |
WWFL | Words With Football League | |
TJFA | Teesside Junior Football Alliance | |
TJFA | Teesside Junior Football Alliance | |
FFV | Football Federation of Victoria | |
FCS | Football Championship Subdivision | |
VRFC | Virtual Reality Football Club | |
VRFC | Virtual Reality Football Club | |
TFFG | The Fantasy Football Guys | |
WDFL | World Developmental Football League | |
NUFC | Newcastle United Football Club | |
KASAFA | Kingston And St Andrew Football Association | |
KASAFA | Kingston And St Andrew Football Association | |
FZFA | Federation ZeeZoo de Football Association | |
FZFA | Federation ZeeZoo de Football Association | |
FZFA | Federation ZeeZoo de Football Association | |
FFFFFF | Family Friendly Football Faturday Food Frenzy | |
FFFFFF | Family Friendly Football Faturday Food Frenzy | |
SWAFF | South West Asian Football Federation | |
SWAFF | South West Asian Football Federation | |
SWAFF | South West Asian Football Federation | |
NURFC | Northeastern University Rugby Football Club | |
ENFL | Egyptian National Football League | |
FUTSAL | Football Used Towards Social Advancement and Learning | |
FUTSAL | Football Used Towards Social Advancement and Learning | |
SFWA | Scottish Football Writers' Association | |
NTFL | Northern Tasmanian Football League | |
BRFC | Bangalore Rugby Football Club | |
BNFT | Brazil National Football Team | |
APFC | Albert Park Football Club | |
TYFCA | Texas Youth Football Coaches Association | |
TYFCA | Texas Youth Football Coaches Association | |
TYFCA | Texas Youth Football Coaches Association | |
CGSFL | Central Great Southern Football League | |
RLFC | Rugby League Football Club | |
UNCAF | United Nations of Central American Football | |
UNCAF | United Nations of Central American Football | |
FIFA | Football Is Freaking Amazing | |
LFHF | LIGUE de FOOTBALL des HAUTS de France | |
LFNA | Ligue de Football Nouvelle Aquitaine | |
WTFA | Western Tasmanian Football Association | |
TOFFS | The Old Fashioned Football Shirt | |
IUFT | International Ukrainian Football Tournament | |
YTFC | Yeovil Town Football Club | |
YTFC | Yeovil Town Football Club | |
ESMFA | East Syracuse Minoa Football Association | |
ESMFA | East Syracuse Minoa Football Association | |
EFLI | Elite Football League of India | |
EFCO | European Football Children Organization | |
EDFL | Essendon District Football League | |
XLIF | X League Indoor Football | |
SELAF | Southeastern European League of American Football | |
VYTF | Visalia Youth Tackle Football | |
JFDB | Japan Football Data Bank | |
FNSW | Football NSW | |
WFYF | Westosha Falcon Youth Football | |
WFYF | Westosha Falcon Youth Football | |
FCAX | Football Club Amerey Xertigny | |
SAFPU | South African Football Players Union | |
SAFPU | South African Football Players Union | |
SAFPU | South African Football Players Union | |
TYFH | Thai Youth Football Home | |
TYFH | Thai Youth Football Home | |
TYFH | Thai Youth Football Home | |
FIFI | Federation of International Football Independents | |
UCFB | University College of Football Business | |
UCFB | University College of Football Business | |
UCFB | University College of Football Business | |
TOFH | The Official Football Handbook | |
ELAF | Egyptian League of American Football | |
MDFL | Mason Dixon Football league | |
AFF | Asean Football Federation | |
WFA | Women's Football Alliance | |
FAW | Football Association of Wales | |
FAI | Football Association Ireland | |
MFFL | Modar Fantasy Football League | |
VFL | Victorian Football League | |
FNLA | Football Night in Los Angeles | |
MIFA | Manchester International Football Academy | |
FCBP | Football Club de Bourg Péronnas | |
UNAF | Union of North African Football | |
FCLM | Football Club Loisirs Malpasse | |
SFFA | Scottish Flag Football Association | |
FFFA | Fédération française de football américain | |
OAFA | Orkney Amateur Football Association | |
ABFA | African Brothers Football Academy | |
BYFC | Bristol Youth Football and Cheer | |
YFM | Youth Football Management | |
FLOF | Football League O Fun | |
ACFG | AC Football Group | |
JFC | Jaipur Football Club | |
FIFL | Falkland Islands Football League | |
LFJ | London Football Journeys | |
WWLF | World Wide League of Football | |
YBFC | Young Boys Football Club | |
YBFC | Young Boys Football Club | |
LFF | Lithuanian Football Federation | |
EAFF | East Asian Football Federation | |
LFMO | Ligue de Football Mineur de l'Outaouais | |
WYFL | Winnemucca Youth Football League | |
WYFL | Winnemucca Youth Football League | |
SDFC | Sydney Dream Football Club | |
NFF | National Football Foundation | |
IFAF | International Federation of American Football | |
IFAF | International Federation of American Football | |
IFAF | International Federation of American Football | |
YFI | Youth Football International | |
FCFL | Fan Controlled Football League | |
NFPU | Namibia Football Players Union | |
NFPU | Namibia Football Players Union | |
FYFA | Focus on Youth Football Alcohol | |
FYFA | Focus on Youth Football Alcohol | |
WFYF | Westosha Falcons Youth Football | |
WFYF | Westosha Falcons Youth Football | |
FSDL | Football Sports Development Limited | |
FSDL | Football sports development limited | |
SAYF | Southern Arizona Youth Football | |
FFSL | Football Federation of Sri Lanka | |
FFSL | Football Federation of Sri Lanka | |
SEAFL | South Eastern Australian Football League | |
HUFC | Hartlepool United Football Club | |
HUFC | Hartlepool United Football Club | |
LFFB | Lille Football Faubourg de Bethune | |
TLFG | The London Football Guide | |
AAFA | American Amateur Football Association | |
FKF | Football Kenya Federation | |
GTRFC | Georgia Tech Rugby Football Club | |
NPFL | Nigeria Professional Football League | |
UNFL | United National Football League | |
FRFC | Freeport Rugby Football Club | |
WFP | World Football Performance | |
FAW | Football | |
BAFC | Burton Albion Football Club | |
AFCA | American Football Coaches Association… | |
FAM | Football Association Malaysia | |
CAF | Confederation Africaine de Football | |
FFE | Fantasy Football Evolution | |
MTFL | Mississauga Touch Football League | |
PTFC | Partick Thistle Football Club | |
IFFC | International Friendship Football Club | |
KIFA | Kiribati Islands Football Association | |
AFLPA | Arena Football League Players Association | |
OOFC | Old Oundelian Football Club | |
CECAFA | Council for East and Central African Football Associations | |
LFC | Ladies Football Club | |
HCFC | Hull City Football Club | |
DDFT | Deusto Donostia Football Team | |
AAFC | All America Football Conference | |
ACFC | All Canadian Football Club | |
ADFL | American Developmental Football League | |
EFL | Eastern Football League | |
INFC | Indian Nations Football Conference | |
TOFL | Totally Offensive Football League | |
PAFC | Port Adelaide Football Club | |
ABFA | Antigua and Barbuda Football Association | |
RMFC | Reggie McKenzie Football Clinic | |
WNYCFOA | Western New York Certified Football Officals Association | |
WVFA | Washita Valley Football Asssociation | |
MNC | Mythical National College football | |
DYF | Dragon Youth Football | |
HPFC | Henwood Park Football Club | |
AJFL | Andover Junior Football League | |
HMFL | Hurricane Midget Football League | |
BYFC | Buckeye Youth Football Conference | |
FCLM | Football Club Lokomotiv Moscow | |
BFRA | Bathurst Football Referees Association | |
FF | for in footbalL | |
OAFC | Ormond Amateur Football Club | |
LCF | Ligue canadienne de football | |
GFA | Greek football Association | |
ECFC | Eastern Collegiate Football | |
ASFC | Accrington Stanley Football Club | |
GEFA | Great Eastern Football Association | |
GFA | Ghana Football Authority or Ghana Football Association | |
PDFA | Pune District Football Association | |
PDFA | Pune District Football Association | |
WEFP | World's Easiest Football Pool | |
CFI | Canadian Football for Idiots | |
RMFF | Reggie McKenzie Football Foundation | |
WOFF | World Of French Football | |
OVFL | Ohio Valley Football League | |
ECFL | English Colleges Football League | |
AFVH | American Football Verband Hessen | |
IEFF | International Esport Football Federation | |
IEFF | International Esport Football Federation | |
IEFF | International Esport Football Federation | |
ACFC | Aston Clinton Football Club | |
DFWF | Dementia Friendly Walking Football | |
LT | Ladainian Tomlinson (football player) | |
CFB | College Football | |
CFB | College Football | |
MSYF | Mahomet Seymour Youth Football | |
MSYF | Mahomet Seymour Youth Football | |
KMFC | Krazy Mysore Football Club | |
KMFC | Krazy Mysore Football Club | |
RITFL | Running Into Trees Football League | |
WFLP | Women in Football Leadership Programme | |
WFLP | Women in Football Leadership Programme | |
FCVJ | Football Club Varennes Jarcy | |
FCVJ | Football Club Varennes Jarcy | |
GRFA | Geelong Regional Football Association | |
FA | Football Associations | |
FFW | Football Fanatics Worldwide | |
CFN | College Football News | |
PFK | Poor Football Knowledge | |
DYF | Danvers Youth Football | |
BDFL | Bath and District Football League | |
AFL | American Football | |
PTFC | Piedmont Triad Football Club | |
SBFC | South Bunbury Football Club | |
TFC | Texas Football Club | |
CMFL | Central Midlands Football League | |
CMFL | Central Maine Football League | |
PFDC | Penryn Football Development Centre | |
LFQ | Ligue de Football de Québec | |
LNFA | Ligue nationale du football amateur | |
MFFL | Milton Flag Football League | |
NBFL | North Berks Football League | |
PFN | PA Football News | |
FSF | Faroe Islands Football Association | |
FFU | Football Federation of Ukraine's | |
CFOA | Canadian Football Officials Association | |
WMFC | Writtle Minors Football Club | |
BDFA | Bournemouth Divisional Football Association | |
TYF | tal Youth Football | |
NMFF | Nauru Mini Football Federation | |
OPFC | Old Parmiterians Football Club | |
DCFC | Detroit City Football Club | |
WBFL | Western Border Football League | |
NLFC | North Launceston Football Club | |
CFFB | CrossFit Football's | |
FA | Football Assotiation | |
FFAS | Football Federation American Samoa | |
LCYF | Lake County Youth Football | |
LCYF | Lake County Youth Football | |
LCYF | Lake County Youth Football | |
SMFC | Streetsville Meadowvale Football Club | |
UGFC | United Glasgow Football Club | |
AFDP | Asian Football Development Project | |
UGFC | United Glasgow Football Club | |
HOMF | Heart Of Midlothian Football | |
EFOA | Edmonton Football Officials Association | |
EFOA | Edmonton Football Officials Association | |
FFSA | Football Federation South Australia | |
FFSA | Football Federation South Australia | |
FFFL | Florida Flag Football League | |
GRFU | Guyana Rugby Football Union | |
IAFL | Irish American Football League | |
BAYFL | Brunswick Area Youth Football League | |
BAYFL | Brunswick Area Youth Football League | |
LFFN | London Female Football Network | |
LAFC | Los Angeles Football Club | |
NTFL | Northern Territory Football League | |
TSFP | The Spanish Football Podcast | |
TSFP | The Spanish Football Podcast | |
FCPB | Football Club Patriote Blendecques | |
FCPB | Football Club Patriote Blendecques | |
SCFL | South Central Football League | |
SDFL | South Dublin Football League | |
INFC | Indian Nations Football Conference | |
MHSFA | Michigan High School Football Association | |
INFC | Indian Nation Football Conference | |
INFC | Indian Nation Football Conference | |
WPFA | Wellington Phoenix Football Academy | |
GIFL | Gaston Ironman Football League | |
ASFH | All Sports Football Hotlist | |
ASFH | All Sports Football Hotlist | |
QHF | Quick Hit Football | |
SYFL | Sierra Youth Football League | |
WWFV | Western Washington Football Valhalla | |
LFFL | Leominster Flag Football League | |
AFF | Auckland Football Federation | |
LVG | Louis van Gaal (Dutch football manager) | |
SAFF | South Asia Football Federation | |
WLAF | What a Laugh! Football | |
TTFC | Thamesmead Town Football Club | |
SAFC | Sunderland Association Football Club | |
MTFL | Metro Touch Football League | |
RFU | Russian Football Union | |
PTFC | Poole Town Football Club | |
FFT | Football Federation Tasmania | |
SBFC | Stevenage Borough Football Club | |
SAFA | Scottish Amateur Football Association | |
CMFL | Canadian Major Football League | |
DIFA | Deaf International Football | |
DFL | Dublin Football League | |
SCFL | Sussex County Football League | |
YFC | Youth Football Club | |
MIFA | Manx International Football Alliance | |
HSFO | High School Football Officials | |
CFC | Connecticut Football Club | |
CFC | Cricket Football Club | |
DLF | Dynasty League Football | |
FC | Football Conference | |
LFA | Lakeville Football Association | |
FCCM | Football Club de la Chapelle des Marais | |
NFA | National Football Academies | |
BYFC | Bassingbourn Youth Football Club | |
PFL | Pioneer Football League | |
GGBF | Gauchy Grugies Biette Football | |
FCLM | Football Club La Montagne | |
FSE | Football Supporters Europe | |
KFL | Kingwood Football League | |
CECAFA | Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Association | |
TYF | Turlock Youth Football | |
COFT | CERN Outdoor Football Tournament | |
LUFA | Liga Uruguaya de Football Americano | |
AFCF | American Football Coaches Foundation | |
FF | footbalL Forced | |
OFC | Oklahoma Football Club | |
BFFL | Blackice Fantasy Football League | |
SAFC | South Adelaide Football Club | |
NSFL | Nassau Suffolk Football League | |
FAM | Football Association of Malaysia | |
AAF | Alliance of American Football | |
RFF | Regional Football Federations | |
CYF | Chandler Youth Football | |
EFAA | Eagle Football Alumni Association | |
NAFA | North Atlantic Football Agency | |
FFL | Frisco Football League | |
STFL | Saskatoon Touch Football League | |
ACFC | Angouleme Charente Football Club | |
VFL | Virtual Football League | |
AMFA | Arvada Midget Football Association303 | |
MYF | Missoula Youth Football | |
FCC | Football Charity Cup | |
CVMFA | Cumberland Valley Midget Football Association | |
FQ | Football Quotient | |
KMFL | Kinsmen Minor Football League | |
SSFA | Scottish Schools' Football Association | |
FIFS | Federazione Italiana Football Sala | |
CMFA | Cocalico Midget Football Association | |
OUFC | Ourimbah United Football Club | |
FFD | FOX Football Daily | |
PFPO | Professional Football Players' Observatory | |
TWMF | Together We Make Football | |
CFC | Chattanooga Football Club | |
GTFL | Greater Toronto Football League's | |
WTFG | Women's Tackle Football Group | |
FCCM | Football Club de Chaponnay Marennes | |
IFL | Ironman Football League | |
YFS | Youth Football Scotland | |
TFM | True Football Manager | |
KYFC | Kidlington Youth Football Club | |
SUFA | Sault United Football Academy | |
FAM | Football Association of Maldives | |
FAS | Football Association of Singapore | |
CECAFA | Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
CVFC | Calgary Villains Football Club | |
QFF | Queer Football Fanclubs | |
TYF | Tallmadge Youth Football | |
MFL | Marshalltown Football League | |
OPFC | Old Pauline Football Club | |
USOF | United States of Football | |
GEFL | Groote Eylandt Football | |
FCFG | Football Club Fief Geste | |
UTFA | United Toyland Football Association | |
HPFA | Himachal Pradesh Football Association | |
TCYL | Thurston County Youth Football League | |
FICFA | Federal International Chess Football Association | |
FICFA | Federal International Chess Football Association | |
FICFA | Federal International Chess Football Association | |
FICFA | Federal International Chess Football Association | |
BBFL | Beautiful Bright Football League | |
FAFA | Flag and American Football Association | |
FAFA | Flag and American Football Association | |
FYFA | Friendswood Youth Football Association | |
FYFA | Friendswood Youth Football Association | |
FYFA | Friendswood Youth Football Association | |
FYFA | Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol | |
FYFA | Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol | |
REFF | Register of English Football Facilities | |
REFF | Register of English Football Facilities | |
SYFA | Slidell Youth Football Association | |
SYFA | Slidell Youth Football Association | |
SYFA | Slidell Youth Football Association | |
FOGF | Friends Of Gryphon Football | |
GFDC | Goa Football Development Council | |
GFDC | Goa Football Development Council | |
GFDC | Goa Football Development Council | |
UFPA | United Football Players Association | |
UFPA | United Football Players Association | |
WNFF | Western Nigeria Football Forum | |
WNFF | Western Nigeria Football Forum | |
MIFL | Metropolitan Independent Football League | |
FKD | Football Keyword Dataset | |
FCVG | Football Club Vallee du Graon | |
FCVG | Football Club Vallee du Graon | |
GBFL | Greenwood Bantam Football League | |
WFFA | World Freestyle Football Association | |
WFFA | World Freestyle Football Association | |
AFDP | Association Football Development Programme | |
AFDP | Association Football Development Programme | |
AFDP | Association Football Development Programme | |
ZFT | Zambian Football Teams | |
UFN | Ultimate Football Networks | |
ASCFC | Association Saint Chinian Football Club | |
ASCFC | Association Saint Chinian Football Club | |
ASCFC | Association Saint Chinian Football Club | |
WBBF | Winnipeg Blue Bomber Football | |
DOFO | Director Of Football Operations | |
MJFC | Montmorency Junior Football Club | |
MJFC | Montmorency Junior Football Club | |
GHSF | Georgia High School Football | |
GHSF | Georgia High School Football | |
YMFC | Young Muslim Football Club | |
YMFC | Young Muslim Football Club | |
YMFC | Young Muslim Football Club | |
UIFC | Uniten Indian Football Club | |
UIFC | Uniten Indian Football Club | |
IGLFA | International Gay Lesbian Football Association | |
IGLFA | International Gay Lesbian Football Association | |
IGLFA | International Gay Lesbian Football Association | |
EUFC | Ebbsfleet United Football Club | |
EUFC | Ebbsfleet United Football Club | |
LYFC | Lynnfield Youth Football and Cheerleading | |
LYFC | Lynnfield Youth Football and Cheerleading | |
FCDB | Football Club Dombes Bresse | |
FCDB | Football Club Dombes Bresse | |
GDFRA | Granville District Football Referees Association | |
GDFRA | Granville District Football Referees Association | |
MWFA | Manly Warringah Football Association | |
MWFA | Manly Warringah Football Association | |
FCSB | Football Club Santa Barbara | |
FCSB | Football Club Santa Barbara | |
CRFU | Cheshire Rugby Football Union | |
CRFU | Cheshire Rugby Football Union | |
CRFU | Cheshire Rugby Football Union | |
OMFL | Online Madden Football League | |
OMFL | Ovens Murray Football League | |
WYF | Westonka Youth Football | |
WYF | Westonka Youth Football | |
GRFS | Grass Roots Football Show | |
NFLI | National Football League Italy | |
LYFC | Lakeside Youth Football and Cheer | |
LYFC | Lakeside Youth Football and Cheer | |
IFK | I Football Kant | |
NYPFL | New York Pro Football League | |
FSFB | Fresno State Football Blog | |
FSFB | Fresno State Football Blog | |
EWFC | Earlwood Wanderers Football Club | |
EWFC | Earlwood Wanderers Football Club | |
GDFA | Ghana Deaf Football Association | |
GDFA | Ghana Deaf Football Association | |
GDFA | Ghana Deaf Football Association | |
PFSC | Professional Football Strategy Council | |
PFSC | Professional Football Strategy Council | |
WALF | We All Love Football | |
LFFS | Ligue Francophone de Football en Salle | |
FCGM | Football Club Guipry Messac | |
FCGM | Football Club Guipry Messac | |
WBFL | West Boynton Football League | |
SPFL | Spring Professional Football League | |
PAOK | Panthessaloníkios Athlitikós Ómilos Konstantinoupolitón. Greek football club. | |
WFTE | Walking Football Twente Euregio | |
WDFA | Warwick District Football Association | |
WDFA | Warwick District Football Association | |
JBFA | Japan Blind Football Association | |
JBFA | Japan Blind Football Association | |
GMFC | Guy Mascolo Football Charity | |
GMFC | Guy Mascolo Football Charity | |
MDFA | Mumbai District Football Association | |
AMFL | Adelaide Metropolitan Football League | |
ANFC | Australian National Football Council | |
ANFC | Australian National Football Council | |
ANFC | Australian National Football Council | |
HPFA | Himachal Pradesh Football Association | |
AVFC | Aston Villa football chants | |
LMFC | Larchmont Mamaroneck Football Club | |
LMFC | Larchmont Mamaroneck Football Club | |
LCYF | Lower Columbia Youth Football | |
LCYF | Lower Columbia Youth Football | |
LNFP | Ligue nationale de football professionnel | |
RYF | Ridgefield Youth Football | |
RYF | Ridgefield Youth Football | |
MFPA | Malta Football Players Association | |
MFPA | Malta Football Players Association | |
JWFC | Joondalup Womens Football Club | |
JWFC | Joondalup Womens Football Club | |
GFSN | Gay Football Supporters Network | |
AAFC | All America Football Conference | |
IFBI | International Football Business Institute | |
IFBI | International Football Business Institute | |
IFBI | International Football Business Institute | |
IFBI | International Football Business Institute | |
KYF | Kauai Youth Football | |
CYPF | Can You Play Football | |
CPFC | Crystal Palace Football Club | |
CPFC | Crystal Palace Football Club | |
CMFL | Cumberland Midget Football League | |
CECAFA | Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
CECAFA | Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
CECAFA | Confederation of East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
CBRFC | Colwyn Bay Rugby Football Club | |
CBRFC | Colwyn Bay Rugby Football Club | |
CBRFC | Colwyn Bay Rugby Football Club | |
DRFU | Devon Rugby Football Union | |
DRFU | Devon Rugby Football Union | |
DRFU | Devon Rugby Football Union | |
DAFL | Dubai Amateur Football League | |
BBFL | Belgian Babes Football League | |
HWFC | Heidelberg West Football Club | |
HWFC | Heidelberg West Football Club | |
HUFC | Heidelberg United Football Club | |
HUFC | Heidelberg United Football Club | |
HSFN | High School Football Network | |
HSFN | High School Football Network | |
FCMV | Football Club Moret Veneux | |
FCMV | Football Club Moret Veneux | |
NIFL | National Indoor Football League | |
GRFU | Ghana Rugby Football Union | |
GRFU | Ghana Rugby Football Union | |
GRFU | Ghana Rugby Football Union | |
GRFU | Ghana Rugby Football Union | |
MIFL | Mesquite Indoor Football League | |
MRFU | Malta Rugby Football Union | |
MRFU | Malta Rugby Football Union | |
MRFU | Malta Rugby Football Union | |
MRFU | Midwest Rugby Football Union | |
MRFU | Midwest Rugby Football Union | |
MRFU | Midwest Rugby Football Union | |
MFL | Mutant Football League | |
MPFC | Middle Park Football Club | |
MPFC | Middle Park Football Club | |
MPFC | Middle Park Football Club | |
PPFL | Pakistan Premier Football League | |
FCBP | Football Club Briffons Perpezat | |
FCBP | Football Club Briffons Perpezat | |
FFWC | Fantasy Football World Championships | |
OMFL | Ontario Minor Football League | |
FCDM | Football Club Dompierre Matour | |
FCDM | Football Club Dompierre Matour | |
FCBO | Football Club Brenne Orain | |
FCBO | Football Club Brenne Orain | |
FARE | Football Against Racism Europe | |
FARE | Football Against Racism Europe | |
BRW | Barrow Football Club | |
MFSD | Metropolitan Football Stadium District | |
ESLF | Etoile Sportive Lorguaise Football | |
HHFC | Hartstown Huntstown Football Club | |
SLFC | Shillong Lajong Football Club | |
SLFC | Shillong Lajong Football Club | |
PMFL | Panama Major Football League | |
SAFL | South Antrim Football League | |
SGFA | St George Football Association | |
SGFA | St George Football Association | |
CYFO | Connetquot Youth Football Organization | |
CYFO | Connetquot Youth Football Organization | |
LMFA | Lower Makefield Football Association | |
LMFA | Lower Makefield Football Association | |
LMFA | London Minor Football Association | |
LMFA | London Minor Football Association | |
GRUFC | Glossop Rugby Union Football Club | |
GRUFC | Glossop Rugby Union Football Club | |
GRUFC | Glossop Rugby Union Football Club | |
GRUFC | Glossop Rugby Union Football Club | |
CECAFA | Council of East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
CECAFA | Council of East and Central Africa Football Associations | |
FFK | Football Federation of Kosovo | |
GCFC | German Canadian Football Club | |
GCFC | German Canadian Football Club | |
GCFC | German Canadian Football Club | |
GCFC | German Canadian Football Club | |
MSFL | Middle School Football League | |
TCIFA | Turks Caicos Islands Football Association | |
TNF | Thursday Night Football | |
KFCC | Kilburn Football and Cricket Club | |
NAFU | North American Football Union | |
LMFL | Liga Mexicana de Football Lingerie | |
FCMR | Football Club du Mas Rillier | |
MGFL | Mid Gippsland Football League | |
AFDT | African Football Dream Team | |
CFX | Chargers Football Xtra | |
SYFL | Snoop Youth Football League | |
FAMF | Football Association Marseille Feminin | |
CDFL | Collegiate Development Football League |
What does Football mean?
- football, football game(noun)
- any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
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