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Acronyms that contain the term Research
What does Research mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Research.
Possible matching categories:
Term | Definition | Rating |
OER | Optical & Electronic Research, Incorporated | |
NICR | National Institute of Chiropractic Research | |
CTRC | Clinical and Translational Research Center | |
CTRC | Canada Technology and Research Centre | |
R&D | Research And Development | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
WQEPRU | Water Quality & Ecological Processes Research Unit | |
KDRL | Knowledge Diffusion Research Laboratory | |
OR | Operations Research | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
RD | Research and Development | |
OR | Operations Research | |
OR | Operations Research | |
OER | Optical & Electronic Research | |
ERDC | Energy Research & Development Corporation | |
RIM | Research In Motion | |
RIM | Research In Motion | |
NBER | National Bureau Of Economic Research | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service | |
PRN | Physicians' Research Network | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service | |
RR | Research Report | |
FHCRC | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center | |
FHCRC | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center | |
CTRE | Center for Teaching and Research Excellence | |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service | |
FHCRC | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center | |
RE | Research And Education | |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer | |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer | |
TRB | Transportation Research Board | |
TRB | Transportation Research Board | |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | |
MRC | Medical Research Council | |
MRC | Medical Research Council | |
MRC | Medical Research Council | |
UCAR | University Corporation For Atmospheric Research | |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
RA | Research Assistant | |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | |
SwRI | Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio, TX) | |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
MRC | Medical Research Council | |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
MRS | Materials Research Society | |
RAD | Research And Development | |
ERS | Economic Research Service | |
UCAR | University Corporation For Atmospheric Research | |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute | |
IR | Industrial Research | |
AERA | American Educational Research Association | |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research | |
RTP | Research Triangle Park | |
ONR | Office of Naval Research | |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research | |
ONR | Office of Naval Research | |
ET | Electronic Research | |
IR | Institutional Research | |
ONR | Office of Naval Research | |
ORD | Office of Research and Development | |
ONR | Office of Naval Research | |
CRA | Clinical Research Associate | |
TIGR | The Institute for Genomic Research | |
TIGR | The Institute for Genomic Research | |
WRI | Wolfram Research, Inc. | |
IDRC | International Development Research Centre | |
CONPACSE | Coordinated Research & Monitoring Program of Marine Contamination in the SE Pacific | |
CRC | Cooperative Research Centre | |
WTNR | Western Technology & Research | |
LTER | Long Term Ecological Research | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
ERA | European Research Area | |
MEMRI | Middle East Media Research Institute | |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research | |
AHCPR | Agency for Health Care Policy and Research | |
AFRL | Air Force Research Laboratory | |
WMRC | Waste Management and Research Center | |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council | |
RIMM | Research In Motion | |
INFORMS | INstitute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences | |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation | |
INFORMS | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | |
ERIM | Erasmus Research Institute of Management | |
ANARE | Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition | |
JDRF | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation | |
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise | |
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise | |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research | |
TR | Transportation Research | |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research | |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research | |
RTI | Research Triangle Institute | |
NHGRI | National Human Genome Research Institute | |
SBIR | Small Business Innovative Research | |
SBIR | Small Business Innovative Research | |
BRE | Building Research Establishment | |
WRRC | Women's Resources & Research Center, U. C. Davis | |
MRSC | Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington | |
FRC | Family Research Council | |
SARE | Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education | |
CSREES | Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service | |
CBER | Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research | |
POR | Public Opinion Research | |
EORTC | European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer | |
EORTC | European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer | |
POR | Public Opinion Research | |
POR | Public Opinion Research | |
SRI | Stanford Research Institute | |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | |
CRO | Contract Research Organization | |
CRO | Contract Research Organization | |
CRO | Contract Research Organization | |
NCHRP | National Cooperative Highway Research Program | |
PIRG | Public Interest Research Group | |
PARC | Palo Alto Research Center | |
DR | Digital Research | |
LRC | Legislative Research Commission | |
ARL | Army Research Laboratory | |
ARL | Army Research Laboratory | |
LRC | Legislative Research Commission | |
REU | Research Experiences For Undergraduates | |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | |
RTD | Research and Technological Development | |
JDR | Journal of Dental Research | |
RLG | Research Libraries Group | |
RLG | Research Libraries Group | |
NCRR | National Center for Research Resources | |
RLG | Research Libraries Group | |
RLG | Research Libraries Group | |
NCRR | National Center for Research Resources | |
UNRISD | United Nations Research Institute for Social Development | |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement | |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement | |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement | |
R/V | Research Vessel | |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement | |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement | |
IPPR | Institute For Public Policy Research | |
CSIR | Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | |
PAR | Participatory Action Research | |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute | |
OERI | Office of Educational Research and Improvement | |
OERI | Office of Educational Research and Improvement | |
GERG | Geochemical and Environmental Research Group | |
RO | Research Organization | |
RS | Research Series | |
RO | Research Organization | |
TIFR | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | |
TRIP | Turning Research Into Practice | |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | |
REU | Research Experience For Undergraduates | |
RA | Research Association | |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | |
REU | Research Experience For Undergraduates | |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute For Training And Research | |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute For Training And Research | |
NIDCR | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation | |
STAR | Science Technology And Research | |
WARC | World Advertising Research Center | |
ACIAR | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research | |
SCAR | Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research | |
ARO | Army Research Office | |
RUO | Research Use Only | |
OIR | Office of Institutional Research | |
JGR | Journal of Geophysical Research | |
NORC | National Opinion Research Center | |
JGR | Journal of Geophysical Research | |
RV | Research Vessel | |
WCRP | World Climate Research Programme | |
HR | Highway Research | |
RD&E | Research, Development, and Engineering | |
MARC | Meat Animal Research Center | |
MARC | Meat Animal Research Center | |
RSPA | Research and Special Programs Administration | |
CRB | Commodity Research Bureau | |
BARC | Bhabha Atomic Research Centre | |
RSPA | Research and Special Programs Administration | |
WARF | Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation | |
RSPA | Research and Special Programs Administration | |
ACER | Australian Council for Educational Research | |
CERA | Cambridge Energy Research Associates | |
MSR | Mountain Safety Research | |
BELNET | Belgian Research Network | |
SHRP | Strategic Highway Research Program | |
NSR | Nitride Semiconductor Research | |
NSR | Nitride Semiconductor Research | |
IADR | International Association for Dental Research | |
TGR | Teton Gravity Research | |
AMFAR | AMerican Foundation for AIDS Research | |
TGR | Teton Gravity Research | |
TRJ | Textile Research Journal | |
SCAR | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | |
RIRDC | Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation | |
GWRDC | Grape and Wine Research & Development Corporation | |
RA | Research Analysis | |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network | |
AMREF | African Medical and Research Foundation | |
CRL | Communications Research Laboratory | |
ORI | Office of Research Integrity | |
ORI | Office of Research Integrity | |
CRC | Clinical Research Center | |
IRIS | Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology | |
ORSA | Operations Research Society of America | |
NERR | National Estuarine Research Reserve | |
CRREL | Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory | |
NRSA | National Research Service Award | |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organization | |
TCRP | Transit Cooperative Research Program | |
CRREL | Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory | |
NREN | National Research and Education Network | |
CRREL | Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory | |
NREN | National Research and Education Network | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
UARS | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite | |
ICRF | Imperial Cancer Research Fund | |
COSPAR | Committee On SPAce Research | |
NCTR | National Center for Toxicological Research | |
CRO | Clinical Research Organization | |
NRR | National Research Register | |
NRR | National Research Register | |
UNIDIR | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | |
RD&A | Research, Development and Acquisition | |
NIOZ | Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | |
SRC | Semiconductor Research Corporation | |
LERC | Lewis Research Center | |
PRI | Population Research Institute | |
AGEH | Hydrofoil Research Ship (Auxiliary, General, Experimental, Hydrofoil) | |
ARE | Association for Research and Enlightenment | |
PRB | Polar Research Board | |
WRRI | Water Resources Research Institute | |
WUR | Wageningen University and Research Centre | |
OER | Office of Extramural Research | |
NERSC | National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center | |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory | |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory | |
PRB | Polar Research Board | |
MISER | Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research | |
AGER | Environmental Research Ship (Auxiliary, General, Environmental Research) | |
WRAIR | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | |
VRP | Vitamin Research Products | |
NJ | National Jewish Medical and Research Center | |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork | |
BER | Biological and Environmental Research | |
FRAC | Food Research and Action Center | |
WEHI | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | |
FORR | Forrester Research, Inc. | |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association | |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association | |
CERL | Construction Engineering Research Laboratory | |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association | |
CRI | Christian Research Institute | |
PEER | Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research | |
ORI | Ocean Research Institute | |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association | |
MRL | Materials Research Laboratory | |
ICR | International Communications Research | |
ARL | Army Research Laboratory | |
PEER | Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research | |
FRDC | Fisheries Research and Development Corporation | |
SRC | Syracuse Research Corporation | |
VPR | Vice President for Research | |
CIRES | Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences | |
ARL | The Association of Research Libraries | |
JFR | Journal of Folklore Research | |
RON | Research Octane Number | |
RON | Research Octane Number | |
REB | Research Ethics Board | |
OMRF | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | |
RTS | Research Training Scheme | |
RTD | Research and Technology Development | |
ERA | Electronic Research Administration | |
NFCR | National Foundation for Cancer Research | |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration | |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration | |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration | |
NFCR | National Foundation for Cancer Research | |
MARC | Minority Access to Research Careers | |
USAMRIID | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases | |
USAMRIID | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases | |
BCRF | Breast Cancer Research Foundation | |
GRL | Geophysical Research Letters | |
GRL | Geophysical Research Letters | |
WCER | Wisconsin Center for Education Research | |
SPRI | Scott Polar Research Institute | |
SERC | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | |
GLERL | Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory | |
RUO | Research Use Only | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RUO | Research Use Only | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
RWP | Research Working Paper | |
IARC | International Arctic Research Center | |
RTO | Research and Technology Organization | |
NWRC | National Wetlands Research Center | |
CRESST | Center for Research on Evaluation Standards and Student Testing | |
CRI | Cancer Research Institute | |
MRI | Meteorological Research Institute | |
WCRF | World Cancer Research Fund | |
AMRI | Albany Molecular Research, Inc. | |
WCRF | World Cancer Research Fund | |
NAAR | National Alliance for Autism Research | |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program | |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program | |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program | |
ARF | Advertising Research Foundation | |
SCOR | Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research | |
AGARD | Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development | |
PERF | Police Executive Research Forum | |
HRD | Hurricane Research Division | |
OR&F | Operations, Research And Facilities | |
SMART | Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool | |
WWRF | Wireless World Research Forum | |
HERO | Higher Education and Research Opportunities | |
HRD | Hurricane Research Division | |
NLANR | National Laboratory for Applied Network Research | |
WWRF | Wireless World Research Forum | |
WRL | Western Research Laboratory | |
IAI | Inter- American Institute for Global Change Research | |
PRI | Pacific Research Institute | |
FDS | Factset Research Systems, Inc. | |
WCRP | World Climate Research Program | |
IJPOR | International Journal of Public Opinion Research | |
IPRA | International Peace Research Association | |
RRQ | Reading Research Quarterly | |
RCN | Research Council of Norway | |
ACRC | Alaskan Climate Research Center | |
UMTRI | University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute | |
RNA | Research Natural Area | |
RRQ | Reading Research Quarterly | |
UMTRI | University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute | |
OAR | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research | |
WHRC | Woods Hole Research Center | |
WHRC | Woods Hole Research Center | |
WHRC | Woods Hole Research Center | |
OAR | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research | |
SDRC | Structural Dynamics Research | |
OAR | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research | |
WERF | Water Environment Research Foundation | |
ANARE | Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition | |
SCRC | Spinal Cord Research Centre | |
RRI | Rowett Research Institute | |
IWPR | Institute for Women's Policy Research | |
ATR | Advanced Telecommunications Research | |
IR | Interregional Research | |
RDA | Research, Development, and Acquisition | |
CARL | Combined Arms Research Library | |
TFHRC | Turner - Fairbank Highway Research Center | |
SFBR | Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research | |
RAW | Research and Analysis Wing | |
PRIM&R | Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research | |
CRS | Creation Research Society | |
GRC | Gulf Research Center | |
RAW | Research and Analysis Wing | |
LRCX | Lam Research Corporation | |
MNP | Micro / Nano Photonics Research Group | |
ICR | Institute For Creation Research | |
SRA | Society Of Research Administrators | |
AHPCRC | Army High Performance Computing Research Center | |
SURF | Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | |
SURF | Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | |
SURF | Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | |
URP | Office of University Research & Planning | |
ARB | Accounting Research Bulletins | |
ARA | Applied Research Associates | |
CIRA | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere | |
NRC | National Research Council | |
OBER | Office of Biological and Environmental Research | |
MORI | Market & Opinion Research International | |
CORE | Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education | |
PARC | Palo Alto Research Center | |
START | Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training | |
AARI | Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute | |
JUR | Journal of Undergraduate Research | |
NURP | National Undersea Research Program | |
MRES | Master of Research | |
TRIS | Transportation Research Information Services | |
SARC | Symantec Antivirus Research Center | |
GR | Glenn Research | |
TRRL | Transport and Road Research Laboratory | |
SERP | Software Engineering Research And Practice | |
CSTR | Centre for Speech Technology Research | |
SARA | Scholarly Articles Research Alerting | |
OLR | Office of Legislative Research | |
PRC | Population Research Center | |
IRRA | Industrial Relations Research Association | |
ORG | Operations Research Group | |
ORG | Operations Research Group | |
ORG | Operations Research Group | |
AIMR | Association for Investment Management and Research | |
WBRO | World Bank Research Observer | |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratory | |
NERRS | National Estuarine Research Reserve System | |
ERIM | Environmental Research Institute of Michigan | |
FRAC | Food Research and Action Center | |
BARC | Beltsville Agricultural Research Center | |
PCR | Prostate Cancer Research | |
SRL | Survival Research Laboratories | |
TARDEC | Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center | |
TFF | Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research | |
SRL | Survival Research Laboratories | |
CARL | Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries | |
CSRC | Conflict Studies Research Centre | |
INQUA | International Union for Quaternary Research | |
EARN | European Academic Research Network | |
ARF | Addiction Research Foundation | |
TBR | Technology Business Research | |
MPRSA | Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act | |
NCRVE | National Center for Research in Vocational Education | |
WERC | Warehousing Education and Research Council | |
SRA | Science Research Associates | |
EACR | European Association for Cancer Research | |
HFR | Hedge Fund Research | |
WRLC | Washington Research Library Consortium | |
ACRIA | AIDS Community Research Initiative of America | |
AIR | Annals of Improbable Research | |
BARB | Broadcasters' Audience Research Board | |
ESRIN | European Space Research Institute | |
ACRP | Association of Clinical Research Professionals | |
REFR | Research Frontiers, Incorporated | |
URP | Undergraduate Research Program | |
HRF | Human Research Facility | |
IR&D | Independent Research and Development | |
WRRC | Water Resources Research Center | |
WRRC | Water Resources Research Center | |
PRC | Packaging Research Center | |
RPB | Research to Prevent Blindness | |
MMRF | Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation | |
EARN | European Academic and Research Network | |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council | |
CARM | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry | |
SBRI | Seattle Biomedical Research Institute | |
CCSR | Center for Climate System Research | |
WCRI | Workers Compensation Research Institute | |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratories | |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratories | |
RBS | Research for Better Schools | |
ORI | Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo | |
MORS | Military Operations Research Society | |
CWR | Centre for Water Research | |
CWR | Centre for Water Research | |
AQR | Association for Qualitative Research | |
RDTE | Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation | |
RDTE | Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation | |
NKI | Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research | |
GARP | Global Atmospheric Research Program | |
RDTE | Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation | |
SAREC | Swedish Agency for REsearch Cooperation with Developing Countries | |
KORDI | Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute | |
RRI | Regional Research Institute | |
RRI | Regional Research Institute | |
CRPF | Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation | |
NURC | National Undersea Research Center | |
DRI | Diabetes Research Institute | |
ORI | Oregon Research Institute | |
CURA | Community-University Research Alliance | |
CURE | Connecticut United for Research Excellence | |
MRC | Medical Research Charities | |
RIS | Research Information System | |
IPRC | International Pacific Research Center | |
RISE | Research Initiative For Scientific Enhancement | |
BWRC | Berkeley Wireless Research Center | |
BWRC | Berkeley Wireless Research Center | |
MPR | Methods Of Psychological Research | |
WMRS | White Mountain Research Station | |
HRT | Arrhythmia Research Technology | |
RLE | Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT | |
RIS | Research Information System | |
IARS | International Anesthesia Research Society | |
RLE | Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT | |
ESTEC | European Space Research and Technology Center | |
ARC | Advanced Research Center | |
HSR | High Speed Research | |
FIRM | Future Information Research Management | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
HBR | HighBeam Research | |
CERL | Consortium of European Research Libraries | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
RSAA | Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
ECTRIMS | European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis | |
RDC | Research and Development Center | |
IR&D | International Research and Development | |
RDC | Research and Development Center | |
RDC | Research and Development Center | |
DRCO | Dynamics Research Corporation | |
MSRC | Marine Sciences Research Center | |
MSRC | Marine Sciences Research Center | |
BPRC | Biomedical Primate Research Centre | |
SPR | State Planning and Research | |
LRF | Lymphoma Research Foundation | |
EFRC | Education Finance Research Consortium | |
URI | University Research Initiative | |
RSP | Research and Sponsored Programs | |
CMRR | Center for Magnetic Recording Research | |
CMRR | Center for Magnetic Recording Research | |
DERT | Division of Extramural Research and Training | |
CRCA | Center for Research in Computing and the Arts | |
WRDS | Wharton Research Data Services | |
VPR | Vice Provost for Research | |
BMRB | British Market Research Bureau | |
VPR | Vice Provost for Research | |
RDC | Research and Development Corporation | |
NABR | National Association for Biomedical Research | |
WGRF | Western Grains Research Foundation | |
WRF | Weather Research And Forecasting Model | |
RVM | Research Virtual Machine | |
RDI | Research, Development, and Innovation | |
ARENA | Applied Research Ethics National Association | |
ACIRRT | Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training | |
IWR | Institute of Water Research | |
CRLI | Circuit Research Labs, Inc. | |
SRG | Systems Research Group | |
ORC | Operations Research Center | |
EHRS | European Hair Research Society | |
CARE | Christian Action Research and Education | |
PRCI | Pipeline Research Council International | |
RDEC | Research Development and Engineering Center | |
EBRI | Employee Benefits Research Institute | |
AFAR | American Federation for Aging Research | |
NEAR | Near Earth Asteroid Research | |
CTR | Council for Tobacco Research | |
URPD | Undergraduate Research Program Director | |
DDR | Deputy Dean of Research | |
LDRD | Laboratory Directed Research And Development | |
MRA | Marketing Research Association | |
CIRA | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere | |
ESR | Environmental Science And Research | |
PERC | Political Economy Research Center | |
RCR | Responsible Conduct of Research | |
MMRF | Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation | |
MIRA | Motor Industry Research Association | |
REI | Research Engineers International | |
CERG | Competitive Earmarked Research Grant | |
LRC | Library Research Center | |
HRMS | Health Research Management System | |
TRIAD | Translating Research Into Action For Diabetes | |
RET | Research Experience for Teachers | |
CDLR | Center for Distance Learning Research | |
AR | Archery Research | |
WSRC | Women's Studies Research Center | |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | |
SYR | Scot Young Research | |
GRG | Gerontology Research Group | |
PARTS | Performing Arts Research And Training Studios | |
AROS | Amiga Research Operating System | |
USRF | Urological Sciences Research Foundation | |
CORD | Center for Occupational Research and Development | |
RDX | Research Department eXplosive | |
PERS | Pacific Estuarine Research Society | |
TRC | Technology Research Corporation | |
WRF | Washington Research Foundation | |
PRRAC | Poverty and Race Research Action Council | |
TWR | Torto Wheaton Research | |
WMTR | Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. | |
WMTR | Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. | |
RRS | Royal Research Ship | |
ANARE | Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition | |
IPRC | Injury Prevention Research Center | |
IPRC | Injury Prevention Research Center | |
RVM | Research Value Mapping | |
WREI | Women's Research and Education Institute | |
WREI | Women's Research and Education Institute | |
LPRF | Little People's Research Fund | |
CRA | Clinical Research Administrator | |
MRM | Mormonism Research Ministry | |
BRL | Ballistics Research Laboratory | |
PGR | Plant Genome Research | |
MRG | Management Research Group | |
MRG | Management Research Group | |
PRDA | Program Research and Development Announcement | |
LVR | Lakeview Research | |
SONX | Sonex Research, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
RCN | Research Coordination Network | |
NRG | National Research Group | |
GR | Gaming Research | |
PCRF | Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation | |
PCRF | Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation | |
SEARCH | Supernatural Entity Anomaly Research & Cryptid Hunters | |
BZYR | Burzynski Research Institute | |
DMRF | Dystonia Medical Research Foundation | |
AHRF | American Hearing Research Foundation | |
OHR | Oak Hills Research | |
UEMRI | Urban Environmental Management Research Initiative | |
UEMRI | Urban Environmental Management Research Initiative | |
CORS | Canadian Operational Research Society | |
CRR | Comp Robotics Research | |
MRI | Mathematical Research Institute | |
EBRA | European Biomedical Research Association | |
WRG | Whitney Research Group | |
ACRI | Acacia Research Corporation | |
RRS | Reaction Research Society | |
CIRF | Converging Industries Research Foundation | |
VSR | Voice Systems Research | |
SORL | Space Optics Research Labs | |
MFRI | Military Family Research Institute | |
APRU | Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit | |
AFR | Air Flow Research | |
ATRS | Air Transport Research Society | |
ATRS | Air Transport Research Society | |
LRCI | Legal Research Center, Inc. | |
DRCRF | Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation | |
AERC | Applied Environmental Research Centre | |
ICRIS | Integrated Crime Research Information System | |
JDRFI | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International | |
KRC | Keweenaw Research Center | |
DEBRA | Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association | |
IAGLR | International Association for Great Lakes Research | |
RSRF | Rett Syndrome Research Foundation | |
ZRL | IBM Zurich Research Laboratory | |
ORION | Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network | |
SRS | Scoliosis Research Society | |
PERC | Physics Education Research Conference | |
RRL | Road Research Laboratory | |
DRF | Deafness Research Foundation | |
RRL | Road Research Laboratory | |
RRL | Road Research Laboratory | |
IRGI | Inveresk Research Group, Inc. | |
PRI | Paleontological Research Institution | |
NRB | National Research Bureau | |
SWHR | Society for Women's Health Research | |
CRDC | Cotton Research and Development Corporation | |
ORA | Office of Research and Applications | |
NRL | National Research Laboratory | |
FERF | Financial Executives Research Foundation | |
WCTR | World Conference on Transport Research | |
GRA | Graduate Research Assistantship | |
CIDR | Center For Instructional Development And Research | |
MERIT | Method To Extend Research In Time | |
WCTR | World Conference on Transport Research | |
LSRC | Learning and Skills Research Centre | |
GRD | Genealogical Research Directory | |
GRD | Genealogical Research Directory | |
FBR | Foundation for Biomedical Research | |
AERN | African Educational Research Network | |
UIR | User Interface Research | |
IMR | Internet Marketing Research | |
PIRATA | Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic | |
RIE | Research In Education | |
WMRC | World Markets Research Centre | |
HARP | High-Altitude Research Program | |
RDS | Research Defence Society | |
ERN | Economics Research Network | |
CRIS | Clinical Research Information System | |
WRI | Western Research Institute | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
D&SCRN | Disaster & Social Crisis Research Network | |
AOR | Advanced Orthomolecular Research | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
FRU | Force Research Unit | |
DREN | Defense Research and Engineering Network | |
SARA | Security Auditor's Research Assistant | |
PCRI | Prostate Cancer Research Institute | |
QR | Quality Research | |
ORIF | Orthopaedic Research and Innovation Foundation | |
OBERF | Out of Body Experience Research Foundation | |
WRS | Wilson Research Strategies | |
BARQA | British Association of Research Quality Assurance | |
ERWDA | Environmental Research And Wildlife Development Agency | |
SRED | Scientific Research And Experimental Development | |
CORD | Center for Occupational Research and Development | |
DRWF | Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation | |
ORU | Organized Research Unit | |
AERC | Adult Education Research Conference | |
WCRL | Western Cotton Research Laboratory | |
ARL | Arctic Research Laboratory | |
WCRL | Western Cotton Research Laboratory | |
CTRC | Cancer Therapy and Research Center | |
RSI | The Research Science Institute | |
CCAR | Center for Astrodynamics Research | |
ATRA | Arizona Tax Research Association | |
IAR | Institute of Audio Research | |
WERU | Wind Erosion Research Unit | |
RITA | Research Initiative / Treatment Action | |
ORSA | Operations Research Society of America | |
TRIS | Transportation Research Information Service | |
ORPRC | Oregon Regional Primate Research Center | |
HERO | Health Enhancement Research Organization | |
CARM | Christian Apologetics Research Ministry | |
SPEAR | Social Policy Evaluation And Research | |
BACR | British Association for Cancer Research | |
SPEAR | Social Policy Evaluation And Research | |
OCRF | Ovarian Cancer Research Fund | |
BACR | British Association for Cancer Research | |
OCRF | Ovarian Cancer Research Fund | |
ACRP | Airport Cooperative Research Program | |
USAMRMC | United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | |
TTR | Tesla Technology Research | |
GCRP | Global Change Research Program | |
ESRO | European Space Research Organisation | |
PRAC | Petroleum Research Atlantic Canada | |
PORAC | Peace Officers Research Association of California | |
CR | Collection Research | |
RDD | Research and Development Division | |
CERDEC | Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center | |
CAR | Cooperative Automotive Research | |
APH | ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) Protocol Handbook | |
DMRD | Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division | |
ARP | Advanced Research Program | |
PRR | Policy Research Report | |
RP | Research Path | |
FRF | Field Research Facility | |
FRF | Field Research Facility | |
PRR | Policy Research Report | |
ERC | Endometriosis Research Center | |
WRR | Water Resources Research | |
EAPR | European Association for Potato Research | |
SPARK | Students Promoting Awareness of Research Knowledge | |
OAR | Organization for Autism Research | |
INBRE | IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence | |
ISHR | International Society for Heart Research | |
NRJ | Newspaper Research Journal | |
MCRC | Malicious Code Research Center | |
YORK | York Research Corporation | |
TTT | Translation Research Group | |
CORA | COlorado Research Associates | |
SVRI | Silicon Valley Research, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
ARAI | Automotive Research Association of India | |
RRF | Retirement Research Foundation | |
ORA | Operations Research Analyst | |
USWRP | United States Weather Research Program | |
HRI | Horticulture Research Institute | |
NRDEC | Natick Research, Development, & Engineering Center | |
NURP | NOAA Undersea Research Program | |
HARP | High Altitude Research Project | |
NJMRC | National Jewish Medical and Research Center | |
PRC | Planning Research Corporation | |
ANZCCART | Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching | |
CRDA | Cooperative Research and Development Agreement | |
RWU | Research Work Unit | |
RWU | Research Work Unit | |
EURESCO | European Research Conferences | |
OFR | Optics For Research | |
RWU | Research Work Unit | |
RWU | Research Work Unit | |
NRCI | National Research Corporation | |
TRC | Thermodynamics Research Center | |
TRL | Telstra Research Laboratories | |
SDADE | S H Research & Development Corporation | |
SMRB | Simmons Market Research Bureau | |
WPRI | Wisconsin Policy Research Institute | |
GSR | Government Social Research | |
RERC | Real Estate Research Corporation | |
CTRF | Gateway for Cancer Research (previously Cancer Treatment Research Foundation) | |
ARF | Animal Research Foundation | |
SMART | Small Missions For Advanced Research And Technology | |
RERC | Real Estate Research Corporation | |
RIN | Research Information Network | |
ORWRP | Olentangy River Wetland Research Park | |
AIRMON | Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network | |
GARNET | Global Applied Research Network | |
QSR | Qualitative Solutions and Research | |
WWRP | World Weather Research Programme | |
RITM | Research Institute for Tropical Medicine | |
AIRA | Aircraft Icing Research Alliance | |
VMR | Vehicle Market Research International | |
CIFAR | Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research | |
GRF | Glaucoma Research Foundation | |
RPG | Research Project Grant | |
ITRI | Interconnection Technology Research Institute | |
LRF | Laogai Research Foundation | |
PRIM&R | Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research | |
CRD | Cooperative Research and Development | |
CRD | Cooperative Research and Development | |
CRD | Cooperative Research and Development | |
AIR | American Institute for Research | |
JIMAR | Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research | |
CRD | Cooperative Research and Development | |
IDRBT | Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology | |
USRP | Undergraduate Student Research Program | |
PRB | Policy Research Bureau | |
WURC | Wood Ultrastructure Research Centre | |
TRL | Tokyo Research Laboratory | |
RER | Regional Economic Research, Inc. | |
ERDEC | Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center | |
JYRA | Jyra Research, Inc. | |
SROP | Summer Research Opportunities Program | |
RASCAL | Research And Special Collections Available Locally | |
SRF | Scleroderma Research Foundation | |
CRF | Cancer Research Foundation | |
BDSRA | Batten Disease Support and Research Association | |
ACRI | Association of Crown Research Institutes | |
TIARA | The Irish Ancestral Research Association | |
RSR | Rotordynamics- Seal Research | |
SCORE | Standing Committee On Research Exchange | |
BRIT | Botanical Research Institute of Texas | |
OIO | Onderzoeker In Opleiding (PhD student; Research worker in training) | |
SIRI | Sustainable Investment Research International | |
ANRF | Arthritis National Research Foundation | |
PFR | Pacific Financial Research | |
NWRA | NorthWest Research Associates | |
URI | University Research Institute | |
WRF | Work Research Foundation | |
RSRG | Reusable Software Research Group | |
RSRG | Reusable Software Research Group | |
MRP | Major Research Paper | |
WRG | World Research Group | |
SJCRH | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | |
ORTA | Office of Research and Technology Applications | |
CRC | Coleman Research Corporation | |
CRA | Cooperative Research Agreement | |
VSR | Vereniging Schoonmaak Research | |
CRA | Cooperative Research Agreement | |
CRA | Cooperative Research Agreement | |
CRA | Cooperative Research Agreement | |
RANN | Research Applied to National Needs | |
ORTA | Office of Research and Technology Applications | |
URM | Urban Research Monitor | |
ERA | Environmental Research Aircraft | |
URO | Undergraduate Research Opportunities | |
MRC | Mathematics Research Center | |
WSRP | West Semitic Research Project | |
WSRP | West Semitic Research Project | |
ORL | Olivetti Research Laboratory | |
OHER | Office of Health and Environmental Research | |
FERRET | Federal Electronic Research and Review Extraction Tool | |
RCI | Research Centre Imarat | |
SRA | Systems Research and Applications | |
PRB | Philosophy Research Base | |
WRPRC | Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center | |
WFBR | Worcester Foundation For Biomedical Research | |
LSR | Life Science Research | |
WHRC | Women's Health Research Center | |
PEER | Promoting European Education And Research | |
AARL | African American Research Library | |
GERS | Gulf Estuarine Research Society | |
HRDC | Horticultural Research and Development Corporation | |
ACRN | Asthma Clinical Research Network | |
ACRN | Asthma Clinical Research Network | |
SRO | Sponsored Research Office | |
CRA | Certified Research Administrator | |
ARC | Area Research Center | |
CRCA | Cooperative Research Centres Association | |
ARINI | Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland | |
ERF | Engineering Research Facility | |
RCB | Research Contracts Branch | |
URA | Universities Research Association, Inc. | |
TRIO | Telecommunications Research Institute Of Ontario | |
HRIS | Highway Research Information Service | |
PERF | Petroleum Environmental Research Forum | |
ERIC | Educational Research Information Center | |
URA | Universities Research Association, Inc. | |
REESE | Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering | |
WFRC | Western Fisheries Research Center | |
AARL | Auburn Avenue Research Library | |
CDR | Cognitive Drug Research | |
JHM | John H. Macklin Research & Development, Inc. | |
CRFA | Cancer Research Foundation of America | |
AARD | Agency for Agricultural Research and Development | |
ORW | Olentangy River Wetland Research Park | |
WSRI | Wood Supply Research Institute | |
ORW | Olentangy River Wetland Research Park | |
ERB | Economic Research Bureau | |
TRCI | Technology Research Corporation | |
MER | Materials And Electrochemical Research | |
AARL | Australian Academic And Research Libraries | |
NERA | Nordic Educational Research Association | |
STAR | Strategically Targeted Academic Research | |
CERI | Center for Environmental Research Information | |
WIBR | Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research | |
PMRC | Proctor Maple Research Center | |
WIBR | Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research | |
RRF | Raptor Research Foundation | |
WERC | USGS Western Ecological Research Center | |
EARTH | Environmental Applied Research Technology House | |
RTF | Research Task Force | |
FERA | Fire and Environmental Research Applications | |
HERO | Higher Education and Research Opportunities | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | |
CRL | Computer Research Laboratory | |
NORA | National Oil heat Research Alliance | |
WFRC | Western Fisheries Research Center | |
PERC | Propane Education Research Council | |
NCTRP | National Cooperative Transit Research and Development Program | |
EAR | Esoteric Audio Research | |
IARC | International Agricultural Research Center | |
ITRE | International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education | |
EHRS | European Histamine Research Society | |
RSPA | Research and Special Projects Administration | |
ASN(RDA) | Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition) | |
CCRMA | Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics | |
CK | Component Research | |
NRB | New Research Building | |
DCRT | Division of Computer Research and Technology | |
LRW | Lieberman Research Worldwide | |
LMER | Land Margin Ecosystem Research | |
DAREF | Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation | |
SCRC | Strong Children's Research Center | |
USPIRG | United States Public Interest Research Group | |
NRAD | Naval Research and Development | |
MISMR | Michigan Society for Medical Research | |
PORT | Patient Outcome Research Team | |
MDR | Medical Doctors Research | |
DRIF | Diabetes Research Institute Foundation | |
ESPRIT | European Strategic Programme for Research and development in Information Technology | |
RDT&E | Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation | |
IRIS | Instruction Research and Information Services | |
RDT&E | Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation | |
REE | Research Extension And Education | |
SRF | Scientific Research Foundation | |
MSMR | Massachusetts Society for Medical Research | |
BDRC | Birth Defect Research for Children | |
PERC | Private Enterprise Research Center | |
ARA | Action Research Arm | |
RA | Research Airplane | |
WCTRS | World Conference on Transport Research Society | |
WHRU | Wound Healing Research Unit | |
WHRU | Wound Healing Research Unit | |
PERC | Performance Evaluation Research Center | |
RADIUS | Research And Development In The United States | |
PERC | Performance Evaluation Research Center | |
MIR | Microgravity Interdisciplinary Research | |
ERR | Engineering Research Report | |
ERR | Engineering Research Report | |
ERR | Engineering Research Report | |
ORB | Opinion Research Business | |
KDRC | Korea Development Research Center | |
OIR | Optima Investment Research | |
WCTRS | World Conference on Transport Research Society | |
CRPRC | California Regional Primate Research Center | |
SRA | Science Research Association | |
RDE | Research, Development, and Engineering | |
WCTRS | World Conference on Transport Research Society | |
RDE | Research, Development, and Engineering | |
CARF | Canadian Advertising Research Foundation | |
RDE | Research, Development, and Engineering | |
LRF | Leukemia Research Fund | |
RWG | Research Working Group | |
LRF | Leukemia Research Fund | |
RWG | Research Working Group | |
PRDA | Program Research and Development Announcement | |
SRG | Software Research Group | |
ERG | Electronics Research Group | |
FRD | Field Research Division | |
CSLR | Center for Spoken Language Research | |
SARA | Symantec Antivirus Research Automation | |
TRA | Targeted Research Action | |
PCSIR | Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | |
FRD | Field Research Division | |
SCRI | Sustainable Civilization Research Institute | |
MARC | Michigan Aeronautical Research Center | |
JFR | Journal of Financial Research | |
RNF | Research Network Forum | |
WRF | World Research Foundation | |
CILER | Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research | |
AMR | Advanced Market Research | |
NWABR | Northwest Association for Biomedical Research | |
LSRA | Landing Systems Research Aircraft | |
RP | Research Package | |
PARC | The Performing Arts Research Coalition | |
CIRA | Community Informatics Research and Applications | |
MERF | Mensa Education Research Foundation | |
FEDRIP | Federal Research in Progress Database | |
ERGO | Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization | |
CAR | Computer-Aided Research | |
CRCA | Clinical Research Curriculum Award | |
CRCD | Combined Research and Curriculum Development | |
GRA | Graduate Research Associate | |
TOTL | Total Research Corporation | |
CFDR | Center for Family and Demographic Research | |
CRJ | Chiropractic Research Journal | |
RMG | Research Management Group | |
RMG | Research Management Group | |
ACRES | Audubon Center For Research Of Endangered Species | |
CRQ | Centre for Research into Quality | |
CLR | Center for Landscape Research | |
PRQ | Political Research Quarterly | |
AERL | Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory | |
PERF | Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation | |
VRF | Visiting Research Fellow | |
VRF | Visiting Research Fellow | |
AASRP | African American Studies and Research Program | |
NACHGR | National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research | |
CMR | Center for Music Research | |
VRF | Visiting Research Fellow | |
VRF | Visiting Research Fellow |
What does Research mean?
- research(noun)
- systematic investigation to establish facts
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