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Acronyms that contain the term act+superior
What does act+superior mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: act+superior.
Term | Definition | Rating |
S | Superior | |
SUP | Superior | |
SUP | Superior | |
SUP | Superior | |
SUP | Superior | |
CSIC | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | |
CSIC | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | |
SP | Superior Performance | |
LSSU | Lake Superior State University | |
SVC | Superior Vena Cava | |
SIORE | Superior Oil & Gas Company | |
VS | Very Superior | |
STS | Superior Temporal Sulcus | |
ESIC | Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing | |
SPN | Superior Energy Services, Inc. | |
MST | Medial Superior Temporal | |
ESADE | Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección | |
SVCS | Superior Vena Cava Syndrome | |
VSOP | Very Superior Old Pale | |
SUP | Superior Industries International, Incorporated | |
BSN | Baloncesto Superior Nacional | |
UWS | University of Wisconsin - Superior | |
CESID | Centro Superior de Información de la Defensa | |
SD | Superior Defender | |
SEED | Superior Evolutionary Element Destined | |
SLAP | Superior, Labrum, Anterior, Posterior | |
SUFI | Superior Financial Corporation | |
VSO | Very Superior Old | |
CSS | Central Superior Services | |
SUT | Superior Telecom, Inc. | |
SE | Superior Experience | |
RSPV | Right Superior Pulmonary Vein | |
SLAP | Superior Labral Anterior Posterior | |
TSA | Tribunal Superior Agrario | |
ESE | Escuela Superior del Ejército | |
SCJ | Superior Court of Justice | |
SCJ | Superior Court of Justice | |
SESI | Superior Energy Services, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
ESE | Escola Superior De Enfermagem | |
FOMES | FOndo para la Modernización de la Educación Superior | |
ANUIES | Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Institutos de Enseñanza Superior | |
CESEDEN | Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional | |
SST | Superior Sound Technology | |
SF | Superior Feel | |
SEED | Superior Evident Evolutionary Destined | |
SR | Superior Resolution | |
HOMES | Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior | |
HOMES | Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior | |
RSVC | Right Superior Vena Cava | |
SUG | Superior Uniform Group | |
SNTL | Superior National Insurance Group, Inc. | |
SPSU | Superior Supplements, Inc. | |
CONPES | COordinación Nacional para la Planeación de la Educación Superior | |
SLAP | Superior Labrum Anterior To Posterior | |
SLAP | Superior, Labrum, Anterior, and Posterior | |
PS | Positively Superior | |
CONAEVA | COmisión NAcional de EVAluación de la Educación Superior | |
SCOMIS | Superior Court Management Information System | |
SMT | Superior Metal Technology | |
DSD | Dayton Superior Corporation | |
ASS | Anterior superior spine | |
SCW | Superior Championship Wrestling | |
SRA | Superior Rights Amendment | |
NSU | Northern Superior Uplands | |
WDS | Working Dog Superior | |
ESO | Equipment Superior To Operator | |
ISIT | Instituto Superior de Intérpretes y Traductores | |
IPS | Instrucción Premilitar Superior | |
COEPES | COmisión Estatal de Planeación de la Educación Superior | |
SMG | Superior Moisture Grip | |
VSOP | Very Superior Old And Pale | |
LSSC | Lake Superior State College | |
SSO | Superior Soap Opera | |
LRIX | Lake Superior Eastern Rail Industries | |
SC | Superior Cutlery | |
CSP | Cuerpo Superior de Policía | |
CSJM | Consejo Superior de Justicia Militar | |
ROSE | Recognition Of Superior Effort | |
SPG | Superior Pack Group | |
STFU | Superior Tactical Fragging Unit | |
SWAT | Superior Winning Attitude Team | |
SBI | Superior Business Intelligence | |
SGW | Superior Glove Works, LTD. | |
MSN | My Superior Network | |
JSP | Junta Superior de Precios | |
SHM | Superior Highwall Miners, Inc. | |
SBN | Superior Business Network | |
ELS | Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad Company | |
TSP | Totally Superior Product | |
SUPC | Superior Consultant Holding Corporation | |
CONPPEMS | COordinación Nacional para la Planeación y Programación de la Educación Media Superior | |
ASH | Affordable Superior Housing | |
SVO | Superior Vehicle Output | |
SBW | Superior Boiler Works, Inc. | |
SAF | Superior Anticlog Formulation | |
LSI | Lake Superior and Ishpeming Railroad Company | |
SEA | Superior Engineering Associates | |
SWIM | Superior Warehouse Inventory Management | |
SEC | Superior Economic Compensation | |
PROIDES | PROgrama Integral del Desarrollo de la Educación Superior | |
SEMI | Superior Electric Maintenance Interior | |
SUWL | Superior Wireless Communications, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
COSSIES | COmisión Coordinadora del Servicio Social de las Instituciones de Educación Superior | |
SMID | Superior Mccaslin Interchange District | |
SPS | Superior Pool Structures | |
SCOMIS | Superior Court On-line Management Information System | |
SMV | Superior Mesentric Vein | |
SSE | Superior Subcutaneous Epidermis | |
STC | Superior Total Commitment | |
STARS | Superior Technology Advancement Of Rural Students | |
CORPES | COnsejo Regional de Planeación del Educación Superior | |
SDS | Superior Detection Systems | |
SVR | Superior Vision Of Reality | |
SEB | Superior Education Bore | |
MPR | Superior Court Mental Proceedings Rules (court rules) | |
CSU | Consejo Superior Universitario | |
COREDIAL | COnvenion Regional de Convalidación de Estudios, Títulos y DIplomas de la Educación Superior para América Latina y el Caribe | |
CREST | Courteous, Reliable, Empathetic, Superior, And Timely | |
MAR | Superior Court Mandatory Arbitration Rules | |
CREST | Courteous Reliable Empathetic Superior And Timely | |
9S4 | Mineral County Airport, Superior, Montana USA | |
CR | Civil Rules of the Superior Court | |
SON | Superior Oriental Nova | |
SSI | Superior Support Individual | |
IST | Instituto Superior Tcnico (Technical Superior Institute) | |
ISCA | Institutio Superior De Ciencas Agropecuaria | |
SPR | Superior Court Special Proceedings Rules ( Court Rules) | |
DSD P | Dayton Superior Corporation Preferred | |
SUT PA | Superior Trust I | |
SCA | Superior Cardiac Attrition | |
CRR | Superior Court Criminal Rules | |
SUW | Richard Ira Bong Airfield, Superior, Wisconsin USA | |
SEAI | Superior Engineering Associates, Inc. | |
CSS | Central Superior Services | |
HOMES | Huron Ontario Michigan Erie Superior | |
TSJM | Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid | |
HOMES | Huron Ontario Michigan Erie and Superior | |
STUPID | Superior Television Understanding Per Intelligent Deductions | |
LSVC | Left Superior Vena Cava | |
SOIL | Superior Office Interiors Limited | |
LOSER | Lodge Of Superior Entities (that) Rendered | |
ASAB | Academia Superior De Artes De Bogot | |
SCHOOL | Superior Chaos Hell Oneself's Obstacles of Lifelessness | |
SQSS | Superior Quality Shetland Salmon | |
LSPR | Lake Superior Performance Rally | |
HSAM | Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory | |
JSC | Judge of the Superior Court | |
ASIS | Anterior Superior Iliac Spine | |
SKO | Superior Kerosene Oil | |
sup | superior | |
CSLM | Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas | |
SEAL | Superior Epithelial Arcuate Lesion | |
EEES | Espai Europeu d'Ensenyament Superior | |
SAIS | Superior Access Insurance Services | |
LVSF | Liga de Voleibol Superior Femenino | |
SSCD | Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence | |
SAFA | Superior American Fire Alarm | |
SUPOL | Superior Police Officer | |
AR | Administrative Rules of the Superior Court | |
PSIS | Postero-Superior Iliac Spine | |
SUP | SUPerior | |
LSH | Lake Superior Hall | |
EEES | Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior | |
SIES | Servicio de Información de Educación Superior | |
12K | Superior Municipal Airport, Superior, Nebraska USA | |
ICSE | Instituto Canario Superior de Estudios | |
SHT | Superior Hiking Trail | |
SLIME | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs | |
SCS | Superior Credit Services | |
SVG | Superior Value Guarantee | |
SSR | Superior Support Resources | |
SQSS | Superior Quality Slip Sheet | |
SLN | Superior Laryngeal Nerve | |
SMV | Superior Mesenteric Vein | |
SO | Superior Olive | |
ESTG | Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão | |
ISPTA | Instituto Superior Politecnico Tocoista De Angola | |
SMA | Superior Mesenteric Artery | |
STFJ | Superior Tib Fib Joint | |
IENS | Instituto Especializado de Nivel Superior | |
BSNF | Baloncesto Superior Nacional Femenino | |
SHCN | Superior Highly Composite Number | |
LSTP | Lake Superior Trading Post | |
ISMT | Instituto Superior Miguel Torga | |
TSSV | Tecnicatura Superior en Seguridad Vial | |
VS | V Superior | |
SSG | Superior Sliding Gear | |
SON | Superior Ovarian Nerve | |
SLIME | Superior Lisp Interactive Mode for Emacs | |
ISQ | IBP Superior Qualification | |
LSC | Lake Superior College | |
SYO | Superior Youth Organization | |
ISD | Innovative Superior and Dependable | |
CSIP | Centro Superior de Inteligencia y Poligrafia | |
CSVB | Club Superior VolleyBall | |
SOP | Superior Oblique Paresis | |
SCCU | Superior Choice Credit Union | |
SNB | Superior National Bank | |
ESPM | Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing | |
SBC | Superior Battery Charging | |
AHSTS | Algoma Huron Superior Transportation Services | |
IASIS | Ipsilateral Anterior Superior Iliac Spine | |
SESIW | Superior Energy Services, Incorporated Warrants (de-listed) | |
SPAM | Superior Products Are More | |
SADI | Superior Achievement in Design and Imaging | |
ISEL | Instituto Superior de Economía Local | |
LUS | Lineamiento Universal Superior | |
SPARK | Superior Performance Attitude and Remarkable Kindness | |
ISPB | Instituto Superior Politécnico de Benguela | |
ITSR | Instituto Tecnológico Superior de los Ríos | |
SIR | Superior Information Robot | |
SMLN | Superior Mesenteric Lymph Node | |
LSVC | Left Superior Vein Cava | |
SLAP | Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior | |
WDSM | AM-710, Superior, Wisconsin | |
SNB | Superior National Bank ( Hancock - Houghton - Calumet - Baraga - Lake Linden - Mohawk) | |
WITC-S | Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College - Superior Campus | |
SWR | Superior Workmanship Reliability | |
SAG | Superior Attitude Guild | |
STQ | Superior Temporal Quadrant | |
SDPI | Superior Drilling Products Inc | |
SVCH | Superior Vena Caval Hypertension | |
EEES | Espazo Europeo de Educación Superior | |
EEES | Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior | |
SEP | Superior Energy Performance | |
ESAN | Escola Superior Aveiro Norte | |
SABRE | Superior Achievement in Branding Reputation Engagement | |
LSTE | Lake Superior Test Equipment | |
ESFE | Escuela Superior Franciscana Especializada | |
LSPV | Left Superior Pulmonary Vein | |
ESEL | Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa | |
SMPV | Superior Mesenteric Portal Vein | |
SQ | Superior Quality | |
SLPB | Superior Lithium Polymer Battery | |
SHTA | Superior Hiking Trail Association | |
SHTA | Superior Hiking Trail Association | |
SOGO | Superior Orchid Growers Organization | |
ASTRAL | Aesthetically Superior Totally Radical Anthropomorphic Lifeform | |
SUK | Superior Unreal Killers | |
SLK | Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis | |
SCOTTY | Superior Corporal Of The Tall Yettis | |
SOLS | State Of Lake Superior | |
LSTG | Left Superior Temporal Gyrus | |
SGC | Superior Uniform, Inc., of Florida | |
WSCD | FM-92.9, Duluth, Minnesota/ Superior, Wisconsin | |
SEI | Superior Estimation Index | |
NOSF | North of Superior Flyers | |
ISEL | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa | |
FESE | Fundación Educación Superior-Empresa | |
CSMP | Conselho Superior do Ministério Público | |
ISCR | Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas | |
ISEC | Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências | |
STJ | Superior Tribunal de Justiça | |
SBN | Superior Business Network | |
ENSN | Escuela Normal Superior de Nayarit | |
SCA | Superior Cerebellar Artery | |
SMCS | Superior Mining Company Superior | |
ASIS | Anterior Superior Inferior Superior | |
SVCO | Superior Vena Cava Obstruction | |
SLAPs | superior labrum anterior-posterior tear(s) | |
TSJ | Tribunal Superior de Justicia | |
DSSA | Duluth Superior Sailing Association | |
COSC | Clerk of the Superior Court | |
ISEC | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | |
SIAS | Spina iliaca anterior superior | |
SCED | Superior California Economic Development | |
UWS | University of Wisconsin Superior | |
DSAC | Duluth/Superior Alpine Club | |
ESAP | Escuela Superior de Administración Pública | |
TSE | Tribunal Superior Eleitoral | |
IST | Instituto Superior Técnico | |
ASIS | Anterior Superior Illiac Spine | |
ISJC | Instituto Superior Juan Cinotto | |
SHT | Superior Hiking | |
ETSA | Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | |
SMIS | Superior Mobile Insurance Solutions | |
SLAP | Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior | |
SNIC | Superior National Insurance Company | |
SLIME | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode Extended | |
ISDI | Instituto Superior para el Desarrollo de Internet | |
LSCT | Lake Superior Circle Tour | |
LSCT | Lake Superior Community Theatre | |
SVC | Superior Vena Caval | |
LSSA | Lake Superior Steelhead Association | |
LSSC | Lake Superior Swim Club | |
SME | Superior Medical Equipment | |
SABRE | Superior Achievement in Branding and Reputation Edlund | |
ESAP | Escola Superior Artistica Do Porto | |
LSGA | Lateral Superior Genicular Artery | |
PSVC | Persistent Superior Vena Cava | |
ESTF | Escola Superior de Tecnologias de Fafe | |
LSRI | Lake Superior Research Institute | |
LSRI | Lake Superior Research Institute | |
SDC | Superior Dental Care | |
ENSF | Escuela Nacional Superior de Folklore | |
SCD | Superior canal dehiscence | |
ESAD | Escola Superior de Artes e Design | |
ESTH | Escola Superior de Turismo e Hotelaria | |
VCSS | Vena cava superior Syndrom | |
SBL | Superior Bridging Leaflet | |
HDTS | Hemorragia Digestiva del Tracto Superior | |
KPS | Kings Point Superior | |
LSCP | Lake Superior Community Partnership | |
IBES | Instituto Baiano de Ensino Superior | |
IIES | Instituto Itapetiningano de Ensino Superior | |
ISAG | Instituto Superior de Administracao e Gestao | |
ISBB | Instituto Superior Bissaya Barreto | |
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto | |
ISIT | Instituto Superior de Interpretes y Traductores | |
FST | Fit Superior Traction | |
ENSB | Escuela Normal Superior de Bucaramanga | |
ESMN | Escuela Superior de Musica de Neuquen | |
ESTB | Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Barreiro | |
SFMS | Superior Facilities Management Services | |
SLOB | Superior Lateral Outrcopping Bone | |
SCB | Superior Colonial Bank | |
SAIL | Superior Alliance for Independent Living | |
SMPV | Superior Mesenteric Portal Venous | |
SCN | Superior Courts Network | |
ISCET | Instituto Superior de Ciencias Empresariais e de Turismo | |
LVSF | Liga de Voleibol Superior Femenina | |
DSTA | Duluth Superior Transportation Association | |
DSTA | Duluth Superior Transportation Association | |
ASBP | Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position | |
ESEP | Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto | |
SES | Superior Environmental Solutions | |
ISLB | Instituto Superior de Liturgia de Barcelona | |
PSCM | Pharyngeal Superior Constrictor Muscle | |
SGC | Superior Group of Companies | |
SRP | Superior Radiant Products | |
SFSM | Superior Fashion School of Montreal | |
SFSM | Superior Fashion School of Montreal | |
SST | Superior Spreadsheet Technology | |
LACSC | LA County Superior Court | |
SSSC | Superior Shoulder Suspensory Complex | |
ASCR | Arthroscopic Superior Capsule Reconstruction | |
LSCC | Lake Superior Christian Church | |
LSCC | Lake Superior Christian Church | |
ISTN | Inferior Superior Temporal and Nasal | |
SM | Superior Maknaes | |
LSLA | Lake Superior Leadership Academy | |
LSLA | Lake Superior Leadership Academy | |
LSSD | Lake Superior School District | |
SLPV | Superior Left Pulmonary Vein | |
SRPS | Superior Rehabilitation and Professional Services | |
SCR | Superior Capsule Reconstruction | |
SAF | Superior Articular Facet | |
SFE | Superior Fuel Efficiency | |
SMAF | Superior Mesenteric Artery Flow | |
BOOST | Broadening Opportunities to Obtain Superior Thinking | |
SEMAK | Superior Export Marketing Alliance and Knowledge | |
SEMAK | Superior Export Marketing Alliance and Knowledge | |
SVCF | Superior Vena Cava Flow | |
LSAP | Lifetime Superior Achievement Program | |
ESTT | Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Tomar | |
SOF | Superior Orbital Fissure | |
SPANK | Superior Paddlers And Notorius Kayakers | |
DSCE | Duluth Superior Car Enthusiasts | |
SBO | Superior Belly Of | |
KSSI | Kansas Superior Select Inc | |
RSDB | Right Superior Divisional Block | |
SLSI | Superior Laboratory Services Inc | |
SLSI | Superior Laboratory Services Inc | |
AHSTS | Algoma and Huron Superior Transportation Services | |
SDSC | San Diego Superior Court | |
TISH | Tedious Intellectually Superior Haughtiness | |
SH | Superior Handling | |
LSMP | Lake Superior Management Plan | |
SHF | Superior Health Foundation | |
SHF | Superior Health Foundation | |
KOSS | Kids Of Superior Status | |
ASIS | Anterior Superior Iliac Spines | |
CSCJ | Council of Superior Court Judges | |
CSCJ | Council of Superior Court Judges | |
STC | Superior Technical Ceramics | |
STM | Superior Training Method | |
SCG | Superior Court of Guam | |
SPR | Superior Plant Rentals | |
LSGS | Lake Superior Gravity Series | |
ASTG | Anterior Superior Temporal Gyrus | |
SBSC | San Bernardino Superior Court | |
SLF | Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus | |
SE | Superior Edition | |
STSG | Superior Turnkey Solutions Group | |
SCT | Superior Continuous Torque | |
SBS | Superior Brokerage Services | |
LSBC | Lake Superior Board of Control | |
IESI | Instituto de Ensino Superior de Itapira | |
ESAI | Escola Superior de Actividades Imobiliárias | |
CSSP | Consejo Superior de Salud P | |
SWK | Superior Wells Kitchen | |
ESAT | Escuela Superior Argentina De Taekwondo | |
BOSS | Businesses Of Superior Standards | |
SVCP | Superior Vena Cava Pressure | |
CSVC | Curtiss Superior Valve Company | |
DSPD | Demonstrably Superior and Pleasingly Different | |
SSW | Superior Software for Windows, Consultants | |
51363 | Superior, IA | |
54880 | Superior, WI | |
59872 | Superior, MT | |
68978 | Superior, NE | |
82945 | Superior, WY | |
85273 | Superior, AZ | |
SOA | Superior Officers Association | |
SMA | Superior Mesenteric Artery | |
SCDS | Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome | |
ISPA | Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada | |
DSSM | Defense Superior Service Medal | |
SPB | Superior Plus Corporation | |
SPQ | Superior Resources Ltd | |
ISCRA | Instituto Superior de Ciências Religiosas | |
ISCRA | Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas Asidonense | |
ESEN | Escuela Superior de EconomÃa y Negocios en El Salvador, Central America | |
SGAP | Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator | |
DSC | Deep Superior Colliculus | |
SCG | Superior Cervical Ganglion | |
SCG | Superior Cervical Ganglionectomy | |
SC | Superior Colliculus | |
SMAS | Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome | |
SO | Superior Oblique | |
SPL | Superior Parietal Lobe | |
SPS | Superior Petrosal Sinus | |
SPC | Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor | |
SR | Superior Rectus | |
SSC | Superior Semicircular Canal | |
SSA | Superior Septal Approach | |
ST | Superior Temporal | |
STR | Superior Temporal Region | |
STA | Superior Thyroid Artery | |
SI | Superior/Inferior | |
RSO | Right superior oblique | |
SR | Superior rectus (of eye) | |
SCDS | Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome | |
SMA | Superior Mesenteric Artery | |
CSP | Central Superior Services | |
SHTA | (Lake) Superior Hiking Trail Association (Minnesota) | |
DSSO | Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra | |
◯ | superior | |
CSS | Central Superior Services | |
SSN | Superior Salivary Nucleus | |
STSS | Superior Tanker Shuttle Service | |
CSS | Civil Superior Service | |
SML | Superior Malleal Ligament | |
SLAP | Superior Labrum anterior-posterior | |
ASIC | Anterior Superior Iliac Crest | |
BNGU | Superior International Imports | |
ELS | Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad | |
LSI | Lake Superior and Ishpeming Railroad | |
LSRX | Lake Superior Railroad Museum | |
LSTT | Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway | |
NCAN | Incan Superior | |
DSSA | Duluth Superior Sailing Association | |
DSSA | Duluth Superior Sailing Association | |
EPSC | Escola Politècnica Superior de Castelldefels | |
ESAC | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra | |
ESDI | Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial | |
IEMS | Instituto de Educación Media Superior | |
ISCE | Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas | |
ISIC | Immediate Superior In Command | |
ISPE | Instituto Superior Parque de España | |
ITSA | Instituto Tecnológico Superior Aeronáutico | |
LNSV | Liga Nacional Superior de Voleibol | |
LSSR | Lake Superior Scottish Regiment | |
LVSM | Liga de Voleibol Superior Masculino | |
PSIS | Posterior Superior Iliac Spine | |
SCDS | Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome | |
SMAS | Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome | |
SVCS | Superior Vena Cava Syndrome | |
ESCCP | Escuela Superior de Comercio Carlos Pellegrini | |
PLSVC | Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava | |
SIJHL | Superior International Junior Hockey League | |
SIJHL | Superior International Junior Hockey League | |
SOHEM | Lake Superior, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Michigans | |
SNOM | Superior Neutral Ominous Mother-nature. | |
SESDJ | Superior Entertainment solutions Dj | |
CSDMA | Conservatorio Superior de Danza María de Ávila | |
D4S | Direct Injection Four Stroke Superior Version | |
ESTEC | Economy with Superior Thermal Efficiency | |
LSPR | Lake Superior Performance Rally | |
PMS | Punct Mort Superior | |
SFE | Superior Fuel Economy | |
SPRV | Superior Recreational Vehicle | |
SUPE | Superior Motorhome | |
SUPR | Superior | |
TRS | Tres Rapid Superior | |
TRS | Tres Rich Superior | |
VSOC | Very Superior Old Cars | |
SIE | Superior Image Enhancement | |
SLIME | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode Extended | |
SLS | Superior Line Source | |
SSW | Superior Software for Windows | |
SWAP | Superior Wireless Application | |
DSDI | Deceiving Superior and Defrauding Intorior | |
TWUSS | Travel With Upekon Superior Seniors | |
JESUS | Judge Eligible Superior Unique Saviour | |
ILSBC | International Lake Superior Board of Control | |
ILSBC | International Lake Superior Board of Control | |
ILSBC | International Lake Superior Board of Control | |
ILSBC | International Lake Superior Board of Control | |
ILSBC | International Lake Superior Board of Control | |
HSAM | Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory |
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