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Acronyms that contain the term count up
What does count up mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: count up.
Term | Definition | Rating |
CT | Count | |
DC | Doesn't Count | |
TC | Thread Count | |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | |
WBC | White Blood Cell count | |
WBC | White Blood Cell count | |
BC | Body Count | |
CSB | Count Sub-Block | |
ANC | Absolute Neutrophil Count | |
ANC | Absolute Neutrophil Count | |
WC | Word Count | |
AC | Actual Count | |
SCC | Somatic Cell Count | |
RBC | Red Blood Cell (count) | |
KC | Kids Count | |
FBC | Full Blood Count | |
FBC | Full Blood Count | |
DIFF | Differential Blood Count | |
HC | Head Count | |
WCC | White Cell Count | |
TNTC | Too Numerous To Count | |
MIC | Make It Count | |
IC | Instruction Count | |
LC | Loop Count | |
SPC | Standard Plate Count | |
DNC | Does Not Count | |
TLC | Total Lymphocyte Count | |
CKD | Count Key Data | |
LPC | Low Pin Count | |
RBC | Red Blood Count | |
RC | Ring Count | |
AC | Active Count | |
CEP | Count Enable Parallel | |
CET | Count Enable Trickle | |
CB | Count Basie | |
NC | News Count | |
CB | Count of Bytes | |
FCA | Falls Count Anywhere | |
ICC | I Can Count | |
CBO | Count Basie Orchestra | |
USCV | U.S. Count Votes | |
TVC | Total Viable Count | |
RCC | Red blood Cell Count | |
WBCC | White Blood Cell Count | |
PJC | Pointer Justification Count | |
FC | Field Count | |
CBC | Cell Blood Count | |
ECKD | Extended Count Key Data | |
SLAC | Shipper’s Load And Count | |
BCC | Block Check Count | |
TNC | Too Numerous to Count | |
CBC | National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count | |
EC | End Count | |
WC | Weighted Count | |
WKC | Washington Kids Count | |
TMTC | Too Many To Count | |
LTC | Losing Trick Count | |
LOOP | Loop on Count | |
DMC | Direct Microscopic Count | |
OQC | Operation Quick Count | |
AHC | Automated Head Count | |
CZI | Count Zero Interrupt | |
HC | Hourly Count | |
MAC | Make Activities Count | |
CP | Count Passing | |
EC | Exit Count | |
AGC | Active Group Count | |
FECC-F | Forward Error Correction Count - Fast data | |
UDC | Uniform Document Count | |
ANCN | Absolute Neutrophil Count at the Nadir | |
HCP | Honneur Count Points | |
FECC-I | Forward Error Correction Count - Interleaved data | |
FEBE-I | Far End Block Error count - Interleaved data | |
FEBE-F | Far End Block Error count - Fast data | |
LC | Least Count | |
CBC | Circulating Blood Count | |
OPC | Original Post Count | |
CBC | Cardiopulmonary Blood Count | |
DTMC | Direct Total Microbial Count | |
CDC | Count, Divide, and Compare | |
MAC | Making Activities Count | |
COMPLETE | Count On Making People Lives Easier To Enjoy | |
PCD | Page Count Daemon | |
WCNT | Working Count | |
DCP | Don't Count Points | |
CNT | CouNT | |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | |
ct. | count | |
DLC | Differential Leukocyte Count | |
TNTC | Too Numerous To Count | |
TYMC | Total combined Yeasts & Mould Count | |
BTCT | Bean There Count That | |
CLOC | Count Lines Of Code | |
CPH | Count Per Hour | |
AEC | Absolute Eosinophil Count | |
MEDC | Make Every Day Count | |
TVC | Total Viable Count | |
TLNC | Total Lymph Node Count | |
COBB | Count On Being Busted | |
CBCD | Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential | |
CW | Count Week | |
TAMC | Total Aerobic Microbial Count | |
DFMC | Daily Fetal Movement Count | |
TCDS | Traffic Count Database System | |
RACD | Regression Analysis of Count Data | |
COLTS | Count On Losing The Super | |
NAMC | North American Migration Count | |
CUCC | Circle Understand Count and Check | |
CMC | Count of Monte Cristo | |
FMC | Fewest Move Count | |
TNCC | Total Nucleated Cell Count | |
C | Count | |
SLAC | Shipper's Load And Count | |
COLTS | Count On Losing This Sunday | |
CFO | Count Fingers Only | |
TCOMC | The Count of Monte Cristo | |
LMVCA | Let My Vote Count Alliance | |
ATUTC | All Time Used to Count | |
SYSCO | Service You Shouldnt Count On | |
LLQC | Last Listener Query Count | |
LMQC | Last Member Query Count | |
TFRC | Tal Finger Ridge Count | |
COU | Count Financial Ltd | |
MSC | Motile Sperm Count | |
CBCWD | Complete Blood Count with Differential | |
WBC | White Blood Count | |
OPCR | Orientation Patch Count Rotated | |
SCAT | Stroke Count at Time | |
CBC | Christmas Bird Count | |
NLTC | New Losing Trick Count | |
CCR | Cone Count Racing | |
SECC | Special Education Child Count | |
wc | Word Count | |
TBCR | Transmit Byte Count Register | |
IBC | Iraq Body Count | |
CYLS | Count Your Lucky Stars | |
PCOS | Precinct Count Optical Scanner | |
WC | Wicked Count | |
MROPC | Maximum of Rotated Orientation Patch Count | |
GOTC | Get Out The Count | |
COLTS | Count On a Loss This Sunday | |
TMSC | tal Motile Sperm Count | |
WJDC | Why Johnny Doesn't Count | |
CBC | Count Blood Cell | |
EPC | Effective Pip Count | |
PC | Platelet Count | |
PAMC | Pennsylvania Annual Migration Count | |
CTC | Count the Cost | |
FWEC | Faecal Worm Egg Count | |
OLDC | On location doesnt count | |
CNK | Count Nosferatu Kommando | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
TYMC | Tal Yeast and Mold Count | |
CYLS | Count Your Lucky Stars | |
HBC | The Hydrogen Bond Count | |
CVC | Corpuscular Volume Count | |
HC | Head Count | |
WMC | Weighted Model Count | |
COT | Count on Trouble | |
WCO | Word Count Original | |
COLTS | Count On Losing This Saturday | |
AODC | Acridine orange direct count | |
APC | Absolute Phagocyte Count | |
TLC | Total Leukocyte Count | |
TVC | tal Viable Count | |
FCW | For Count Wrestling | |
TJC | Tender Joint Count | |
NVC | Normalized Vote Count | |
DFTC | Down For The Count | |
LCC | Load Cycle Count | |
CMF | Count My Fingers | |
TTC | Tal Task Count | |
MLNC | Metastatic Lymph Node Count | |
VPC | Voltage Per Count | |
PCV | Platelet Count Value | |
CQR | Count Question Resolution | |
HIC | Housing Inventory Count | |
NDKC | North Dakota Kids Count | |
TBNC | Total Body Nevus Count | |
CNT | Count And The | |
BBBC | Big Biodiversity Butterfly Count | |
APC | Aerobic Plate Count | |
PNC | Polar Neighbor count | |
HPC | High Pin Count | |
TSC | Tal Symptoms Count | |
CLZ | Count Leading Zeroes | |
CBC | Complete Body Count | |
ICC | Imas Count Comparison | |
ISAAC | Indirection Shift Accumulate Add and Count | |
MSWC | Making Social Work Count | |
TLC | tal Leukocyte Count | |
KCPS | Kilo Count Per Second | |
MTVC | mean total Vibrio count | |
CTZ | Count Trailing Zeros | |
PITC | Point in Time Count | |
CTN | Count Transmission Number | |
HCR | Head Count Ratio | |
EMTC | Equivalent Minimum Transistor Count | |
SCD | Small Count Delivery | |
LMC | Low Marble Count | |
OPCR | Official Pitch Count Reporter | |
CLAP | Count Look Attention Play | |
HPC | Heterotrophic Plate Count | |
WCC | Weighted Congestion Count | |
RAPC | Revere Advanced Point Count | |
BCF | Body Count Fighting | |
NC | Needle Count | |
TFTC | Too Few To Count | |
WMC | Weighted Methods Count | |
LOFC | Loss Of Frame Count | |
TAVC | Tal Aerobic Viable Count | |
NKCC | Natural Killer Cell Count | |
LSCC | Low Somatic Cell Count | |
BRC | Batumi Raptor Count | |
DKC | Death Kilometer Count | |
CPS | Count Per Second | |
TBCC | Tal Blood Cell Count | |
ABRC | A B Ridge Count | |
ESCOM | Everyone Should Count On Makala | |
BTSCC | Bull Tank Somatic Cell Count | |
LTC | Low Turn Count | |
TDRC | Tal Digital Ridge Count | |
IPC | Ignore Post Count | |
SCAT | Stroke Count And Timing | |
MPSC | Mean of Page Shot Count | |
FEC | Fecal Egg Count | |
PTC | Post Tetanic Count | |
LMVCA | Let My Votes Count Alliance | |
WCH | Word Count Haskell | |
AACCC | Austin Asian Complete Count Committee | |
AACCC | Austin Asian Complete Count Committee | |
DCMO | Dont Count Me Out | |
ANC | Average Neighbor Count | |
DWCC | Differential White Cell Count | |
OFTC | Out For The Count | |
CMI | Count Me In | |
CT | Count Tips | |
BCCC | Brooklyn Complete Count Committee | |
CACT | Current Attention Count This | |
BMCC | Bulk Milk Cell Count | |
ELPC | Energy Lifetime Packet Count | |
CT | Count in This | |
SUTC | Send Up The Count | |
DMCC | Direct Microscopic Clump Count | |
DNC | Do Not Count | |
MKC | Making Kids Count | |
BFBC | Big Farmland Bird Count | |
FCW | Frequency Count Word | |
BCCD | Blood Cell Count and Detection | |
SLAC | Shipper Load And Count | |
MCME | Manual Count Made Easy | |
MOC | Making Opportunity Count | |
WJDC | Why Johnny Doesnt Count | |
LRCD | Long Range Count Dependence | |
SC | String Count | |
BC | Beginning Count | |
CMK | Count My Kills | |
GAFC | Great American Fish Count | |
GAFC | Great Annual Fish Count | |
TNC | Total Neutrophil Count | |
AMC | Average Match Count | |
LPC | Laboratory Pasteurized Count | |
BMCC | Bulk Milk Somatic Cell Count | |
IUE | Interface Unit Error-count table | |
TAVC | Total Aerobic Viable Count | |
CCI | Corrected Count Increment | |
BCI | Bit Count Integrity | |
COLTS | Count On Losing The Superbowl | |
CAPC | Cap & Count | |
C. | Comitis (count) | |
RBCC | Red Blood Cell Count | |
WBCC | White Blood Cell Count | |
TNTC | Too Numerous To Count | |
TNTC | Too Numerous To Count | |
ABC | Absolute Blast Count | |
ALC | Absolute Lymphocyte Count | |
ARC | Absolute Reticulocyte Count | |
BC | Blood Count | |
CC | Colony Count | |
EC | Eosinophil Count | |
LBC | Lamellar Body Count | |
LDC | Leucocyte Differential Count | |
MPC | Mean Platelet Count | |
MC | Mitotic Count | |
TEC | Total Eosinophil Count | |
CPD | Count Per Day | |
HPC | Heterotrophic Plate Count (microbiology) | |
AC | Actual Count | |
TYMC | Total Yeast and Mold Count | |
SCC | Somatic Cell Count | |
TMTC | Too Many To Count | |
FBC | Full Blood Count | |
ICIL | Indo Count Industries Ltd | |
ANC | Absolute Neutrophil Count | |
MBC | Modified Borda Count | |
ARGC | argument count | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
MECC | Making Every Contact Count | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
HELLP | Haemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome | |
NEUH | Neutropenia white blood cell count. | |
GBBC | Great Backyard Bird Count | |
MLCC | Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar | |
UDCA | Upside Down Count and Attitude | |
GBBC | Great Backyard Bird Count | |
GBBC | Great Backyard Bird Count | |
ATUTC | Actual Time Used To Count | |
CBC | Christmas Bird Count | |
CBC | Christmas Bird Count | |
CBC | Christmas Bird Count | |
MLTC | Modified Losing Trick Count | |
BAC | Blood Alcohol Count | |
CCS | Continuous Count Station | |
MUTT | Multi-Count Uniform Traffic Ticket | |
VOCE | Vehicle Occupancy Count Enumerator | |
BCNT | Byte Count | |
BCR | Byte Count Register | |
CBS | Count Block Sequence | |
CDDT | Count Down Demonstration Test | |
CKD | Count Key Data | |
COAPS | Count of Aps Switchovers | |
CPI | Count Per Inch | |
CTLZ | Count Leading Zero | |
CTPOP | Count Population | |
CTTZ | Count Trailing Zero | |
DCF | Data Count Field | |
ECKD | Extended Count Key Data Device | |
EOC | End Of Count | |
FECR | Frame Error Count Register | |
HCL | Hop Count Limit | |
HEC | Header Error Count | |
IEC | Incoming Error Count | |
ISAAC | Indirection Shift Accumulate Add and Count | |
LPC | Low Pin Count | |
NCB | No Count Block | |
PACNT | Pulse Accumulator Count Register | |
TCA | Touch Count Algorithm | |
TNTC | Too Numerous To Count | |
UDC | Up Down Count | |
UDCS | Up Down Count Status | |
WCR | Watchdog Timer Count Register | |
WCT | Word Count | |
ZCT | Zero Count Table | |
ZLC | Zero Link Count | |
PC | Pitch Count | |
PC | Pitch Count | |
LCVCR | Line Code Violation Count Register | |
SLAC | Shipper’s load and count | |
MYVC | Make Your Vote Count | |
ZPC | Zero Population Count | |
CCD | Charged Count Devices | |
BC | Blood Count | |
666 | The mark of the beast from The Bible, Revelation 13:16-18: (Chapter 13 verses 16 through 18) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. | |
10-94 | CB Lingo: Please give me a long count | |
CCA | Click Count Assist | |
RC | Raster Count | |
RC | Raster Count | |
LSC | Low Sperm Count |
What does count up mean?
- count up(Verb)
- to add to get a total
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"count up." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 19 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/count%20up>.
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