We've got 1,841 shorthands for eco-house »
Acronyms that contain the term eco-house
What does eco-house mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: eco-house.
Term | Definition | Rating |
CPO | Corel Print House File | |
AHWV | American House Westland Venoy | |
IYH | In Your House | |
HOB | House Of Blues | |
HSE | House | |
HB | House Bill | |
HR | House of Representatives | |
WH | White House | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | |
IH | In House | |
HR | House Resolution | |
HOP | House Of Pain | |
RMHC | Ronald McDonald House Charities | |
OH | Open House | |
CH | Court House | |
HCR | House Concurrent Resolution | |
HJ | House Journal | |
CH | Council House | |
TOH | This Old House | |
HL | House of Lords | |
HF | House File | |
PH | Public House | |
IHOP | International House Of Pancakes | |
IHOP | International House Of Pancakes | |
TOH | This Old House | |
ROH | Royal Opera House | |
SHO | Senior House Officer | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | |
HUAC | House Un-American Activities Committee | |
HUAC | House Un-American Activities Committee | |
NACHA | National Automated Clearing House Association | |
HMO | House in Multiple Occupation | |
HS | House Show | |
HD | House District | |
HASC | House Armed Services Committee | |
ECHO | Electronic Clearing House | |
HHH | Hash House Harriers | |
CCH | Commerce Clearing House | |
TH | Trinity House | |
WHIG | White House Iraq Group | |
RMH | Ronald Mcdonald House | |
GH | Green House | |
RMH | Ronald Mcdonald House | |
MH | Meeting House | |
PCH | Publishers Clearing House | |
ROH | Run Of House | |
DH | Dwelling House | |
NPH | Nazarene Publishing House | |
HOG | House Of God | |
HP | House of Parliament | |
BH | Boarding House | |
IHOP | International House Of Prayer | |
HOB | House Office Building | |
MOTH | Man Of The House | |
LCH | London Clearing House | |
GH | Guest House | |
FOH | Front Of House | |
HA | House Arrest | |
OH | Out House | |
HK | House Keeper | |
SHO | Station House Officer | |
ROH | Run Of The House | |
HOQ | House Of Quality | |
HOQ | House Of Quality | |
HD | House Doctor | |
NHBC | National House Building Council | |
SOH | Sydney Opera House | |
HAC | House Appropriations Committee | |
UHJ | Universal House of Justice | |
WPH | Wesleyan Publishing House | |
WPH | Wesleyan Publishing House | |
PH | Power House | |
DH | Dog House | |
AH | Auction House | |
HP | House Points | |
HOW | House Of Whack | |
HH | Hard House | |
DH | Deep House | |
HP | House Point | |
HM | House Mate | |
HOP | House Of Prayer | |
MASH | Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House | |
MASH | Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House | |
HOG | House Of Guitars | |
GH | Gryffindor House | |
HOS | House Of Spades | |
HOP | House Of Pancakes | |
HC | House Church | |
BOH | Back Of the House | |
BOH | Back Of the House | |
HOP | House Of Pleasure | |
OHJ | Old-house Journal | |
H/H | House to House | |
HOB | House Of Balsa | |
YH | Yellow House | |
SHR | School House Rock | |
WAHO | WAffle HOuse | |
MTH | Mikes Train House | |
WHS | Windsor House School | |
AHPP | American House Park Place | |
ISH | International Students House | |
RHM | Restoration House Ministries | |
WHMO | White house Military Office | |
WHMO | White house Military Office | |
HRA | House Rent Allowance | |
NH | Nut House | |
SIH | Soros International House | |
MTH | Magic Tree House | |
HUAC | House Un-American Activities Committee | |
HOM | House Of Milan | |
RSH | Royal Sporting House | |
WHCCAMP | White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy | |
CH | Children's House | |
HK | House Of Keys | |
HAWB | House Air Waybill | |
WHCA | White House Communications Agency | |
FOH | Front Of the House | |
HTP | House Tree Person | |
ICCH | International Commodities Clearing House | |
WHCD | White House Correspondents Dinner | |
WHCD | White House Correspondents Dinner | |
OEH | Osaka English House | |
MPH | Mennonite Publishing House | |
MH | Music House | |
HOH | Head Of House | |
FTTH | Fiber To The House | |
NHD | Newbury House Dictionary | |
WHSE | White House | |
WHSE | White House | |
CHAPS | Clearing House Automated Payment System | |
CHIPS | Clearing House Interbank Payments System | |
HH | Haven House | |
PPH | Pentecostal Publishing House | |
KH | Keeping House | |
HG | House Guest | |
IHC | Intelligent House Control | |
CHM | A Clearing House Mechanism | |
WHF | White House Fellow | |
WHCA | White House Correspondents Association | |
NRH | Newark Renaissance House, Inc. | |
FHRI | Full House Resorts, Inc. | |
CHESS | Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System | |
WHFA | White House Fellows Association | |
HNSC | House National Security Committee | |
OH | Ozone House | |
TPH | Theosophical Publishing House | |
TGH | The Gyro House | |
IMH | In My House | |
WWMH | W. W. Mayo House | |
TGH | The Gyro House | |
EARTH | Environmental Applied Research Technology House | |
RCH | Railway Clearing House | |
FH | Fisher House | |
GBH | Great British House | |
WHHA | White House Historical Association | |
MPH | Methodist Publishing House | |
TCH | Transportation Clearing House | |
HC | House Copy | |
DH | Dads House | |
FFBH | First Financial Brokerage House | |
BCH | Brokers Clearing House | |
WHWG | White House Writers Group | |
WHWG | White House Writers Group | |
CHB | Custom House Broker | |
FISH | Fighting In Someone's House | |
CDCH | Christie Downs Community House | |
HCE | House Construction Enterprises, L.L.C. | |
CHT | Chart House Enterprises, Inc. | |
WHCF | White House Central Files | |
HOK | House Of Kangaroo | |
AHN | Assigned House Number | |
WHIO | White House in Orbit | |
HLCS | House of Legal Consultancy & Services, LTD. | |
SFECH | Sydney Futures Exchange Clearing House | |
HCUA | House Committee on Un-American Activities | |
HVAC | House Veterans' Affairs Committee | |
HOB | House Of Bugs | |
WISH | Women In The Senate And House | |
WHPB | White House Press Briefing | |
WHPB | White House Press Briefing | |
WHPB | White House Press Briefing | |
WHPB | White House Press Briefing | |
HOT | House Of Tofu | |
YNH | Your New House | |
WHI | White House Initiative | |
JH | Junior House | |
HM | House Money | |
WHC | White House Commission | |
WHS | White House Staff | |
TH | Temperance House | |
HOT | House Of Thrills | |
ACH | Account Clearing House | |
HOS | House Of Shadows | |
WTH | William Temple House | |
WHSR | White House Situation Room | |
QPH | Queens Pride House | |
NCH | Nielsen Clearing House | |
FHF | Fisher House Foundation | |
VSH | Verity Software House, Inc. | |
DH | Damn House | |
FH | Frat House | |
IHOP | Internation House Of Pancakes | |
APHH | Angel's Pediatric Heart House | |
HHM | Hope House Ministries | |
WDH | Web Design House | |
OFH | Old Fire House | |
WHCS | Welsh House Condition Survey | |
TXLC | Texas Land and Cattle Steak House | |
WHS | White House Spokesman | |
JFRH | Joan's Fancy Ragdoll House | |
WHRS | Wisconsin House Rabbit Society | |
BHRA | British House Rabbit Association | |
HOME | House Of Modification Examples | |
MASH | Mansion Apartment Shack Or House | |
OWH | Open World House | |
H/P | House to Pier | |
WFTA | World Federation of Trading House Associations | |
AH | Americana House | |
HISC | House Internal Security Committee | |
UBH | Upward Bound House | |
DBHF | DACOR Bacon House Foundation | |
WBH | Weeks Brick House | |
THOS | The House of Synergy | |
RPH | Raised Pilot House | |
HOTL | House of The Lord | |
PTH | Pagan Tea House | |
WHWC | Wright House Wellness Center | |
MFH | My Friend's House | |
WHVC | White House Visitor Center | |
WHVC | White House Visitor Center | |
PHWC | Potter's House Worship Center | |
WHMU | White House Medical Unit | |
WHMU | White House Medical Unit | |
HC | House Capitol | |
TNN | Two-House News Network | |
QMH | Quaker Meeting House | |
DHN | Dog House News | |
WHBS | Whole House Building Supply | |
HOPE | House Of Prayer for Everyone | |
SEARCH | Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House | |
TRH | The Riddle House | |
ACH | Automatic Clearing House | |
APHB | American Printing House for the Blind | |
KGH | Kevin Guest House | |
RCH | Recognized Clearing House | |
HM | House Monkey | |
RMH-AA | Ronald McDonald House of Ann Arbor | |
THOMAS | The House Open Multimedia Access System | |
VBH | Virtual Business House | |
WHFCU | White House Federal Credit Union | |
PHR | Power House Racing | |
HID | House In Disorder | |
MHI | Media House International | |
MHI | Media House International | |
BH | Buggy House | |
ILIR | Independent Laboratory In house Research | |
ECH | Equity Clearing House | |
UTH | Universal Travel House | |
BHF | Bacon House Foundation | |
KNH | Kew Neighbourhood House | |
NH | Nominated House | |
WISH | Women In Senate And House | |
WOH | Wintergreen/ Orchard House | |
HONS | House Of Noodle Soup | |
SHR | School House Road | |
HH | Hydrolysis House | |
OHC | Open House Church | |
MASH | Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House | |
RH | Respective House | |
WHMU | White House Medical Unit | |
CCHD | Central Clearing House and Depository | |
GCH | Gilt Clearing House | |
WHTP | White House Transition Project | |
WHTP | White House Transition Project | |
JBCH | Jane Boyd Community House | |
WHIP | White House Invasion Prayer | |
RLH | Pearson Reid London House | |
PH | Punishment House | |
WWFH | Ward Wells Field House | |
WWFH | Ward Wells Field House | |
NHH | Niles Haunted House | |
NHH | Niles Haunted House | |
SMH | Small Mammal House | |
PBH | Povolotski's Brokerage House | |
CHIPS | Clearing House Interbank Payment Service | |
HMC | House Master Cam | |
HOG | House Of Graphics | |
FDHL | First Discount House Limited | |
BHNCF | Bright House Networks Central Florida | |
WHDG | Waffle House Drinking Game | |
FHD | Federal House of Detention | |
BHNCF | Bright House Networks Central Florida | |
VTH | Virtual Trader House | |
WGCH | Washington Growers Clearing House | |
CHIPS | The Clearing House Interbank Payments Systems | |
RHBCS | Randall House Bible Commentary Series | |
MHP | My House Pet | |
RHB | Ross House Books | |
ECS | Economic Consultancy House | |
TRCH | Tye Rock Country House | |
MPH | Malaysian Publishing House | |
CHT | Carriage House Talks | |
YH | Yuma House | |
SHJ | School House Journal | |
CHAPS | Clearing House Automated Payments Service | |
WSHH | William Shakespeare's Haunted House | |
PRSH | Pittsburgh Radio Supply House | |
HYY | The House Of Yin Yang | |
WHHB | Wellington Hash House Bikers | |
PRSH | Pittsburgh Radio Supply House | |
WHIP | White House Intercessory Prayers | |
AHE | American House Elmwood | |
WPH | Westside Production House | |
WFHA | Whitchurch Folk House Association | |
HOSO | House Officer Sign Out | |
HMO | House of Multiple Occupants | |
WHV | Whole House Ventilator | |
WHSR | White House Security Review | |
WHSR | White House Security Review | |
WHSR | White House Security Review | |
ZHH | Zagreb Hash House | |
WHIP | White House Intercessory Prayer | |
NHP | Net House Profit | |
SIH | Seafarers and International House | |
WHPO | White House Post Office | |
HELP | House Emergency, Love, and Peace | |
WHPO | White House Post Office | |
MHP | Marlar House Productions | |
IHS | In House Specification | |
NHH | Normandy House Hunters | |
WHCV | White House Cryogenic Vault | |
IHOP | International House Of Pork | |
SBH | Syracuse Brick House Community Residences | |
WHH | Wexner Heritage House | |
THT | Town House Tours | |
KRTH | Kivi Rocks the House | |
I23 | Fayette County Airport, Washington Court House, Ohio USA | |
AHFH | American House Farmington Hills | |
BHG | Burns House Group | |
RHB | Randall House Bible | |
VHH | Virtual House Hunter | |
WHDB | White House DataBase | |
WHHI | White House Home Inspections, Inc. | |
HOP | House Of Pita, L.L.C. | |
SHK | Slaughter House Kids | |
HOO | House Of Order | |
WHNP | White House News Photographer | |
WHNP | White House News Photographer | |
WHOC | World House Of Commons | |
CHJH | Children's House at John Hopkins | |
AHHP | American House Hamilton Place | |
HMMFC | House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee | |
TVH | The Value House | |
CHJH | Children's House at Johns Hopkins | |
IHP | IHOP Corporation ( International House Of Pancakes) | |
TVH | The Value House | |
MGH | Matsubara Guest House | |
WHDP | Wood House Dental Practice | |
BYH | Bridgemont Youth House | |
IHT | In House Tourney | |
YNE | Norway House Airport, Norway House, Manitoba, Canada | |
AHBT | American House Bartlett Tennessee | |
HOH | House Of Hobie | |
IHDC | Indiana House Democratic Caucus | |
ZPO | Pine House, Saskatchewan, Canada | |
HOC | House Of Characters | |
YLH | Lansdowne House Airport, Lansdowne House, Ontario, Canada | |
YOH | Oxford House Airport, Oxford House, Manitoba, Canada | |
NRH | Newark Rennaissance House, Inc. | |
HOLA | House Of Living Arts | |
YGR | House Harbour Airport, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec, Canada | |
WWGH | Wishing Well Guest House | |
OHF | Open House Financial | |
FISH | Friends In Someone's House | |
THC | Theo's House of Celery | |
LHK | Lubricated House Killer | |
HOQA | House Of Quality Assessment | |
WQHLH | West Quoddy Head Light House | |
HFABW | House of Fabrics, Inc. Warrants | |
HOSS | House Of Spirit Seekers | |
HOQR | House Of Quality Roof | |
OHD | Open House Design | |
CHESS | Clearance House Electronic Subregister System | |
TDH | Team Dan's House | |
HOI | House Of Intelligence | |
YRM | Rocky Mountain House Airport, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada | |
HOD | House Of Dorks | |
QHI | Quality House, Inc. | |
SMJ | Shelton- McMurphey- Johnson Historical House, Eugene Oregon | |
CHAPS | Clearing House Account Payment System | |
HWB | House of Watch Bands | |
WIHL | Women's In-House Hockey League | |
HOQM | House Of Quality Matrix | |
CASH | Chibi Aisha Sprites House | |
EH | Expage House | |
CHAV | Council House-Associated Vermin (UK) | |
SCHOOL | Study Center House Of Organised Learning | |
UPDH | U.P. Drug House Pvt. Ltd. | |
CHAV | Council House And Violence | |
HOSPITAL | House Of Sick Peoples In Trauma And Labor | |
HOSPITAL | House Of Sick People Including Treatment And Labour | |
KLBH | Kuala Lumpur Bullion House | |
SCHOOL | Small Citizens House Of Official Learning | |
HOR | House Of Representatives | |
CHURCH | Christians Have Utmost Respect for Christ's House | |
HHY | Hot House Yoga | |
GACHA | Georgia Automated Clearing House | |
HOME | House Of Many Emotions | |
BHIM | Bank House Investment Management | |
CHAV | Council House And Voilence | |
HBL | House Bill of Lading | |
NACH | National Automated Clearing House | |
CHA | Customs House Agent | |
RDH | Regal Drug House | |
SCHOOL | Study Center House Of Organized Learning | |
WHO | White House Office | |
IHOP | International House Of Pancake | |
CHEF | Chapter House Endowment Fund | |
NTTH | Next to the House | |
HPSCI | House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence | |
MPGH | Mamta Paying Guest House | |
GHK | Good House keeping | |
HSE | House | |
GHG | Green House gas | |
CHAV | Counsil House Adult Vermin | |
THW | This House Would | |
MRCH | Medical and Rehabilitation Consultancy House | |
PCH | Proposed Common House | |
HOD | House of Dereon | |
NTH | National Test House | |
SCHOOL | Study Centre House Of Organised Learning | |
USGH | Union Street Guest House | |
RDH | Regal Drug House | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | |
MHR | member of House of Representatives | |
BOH | Back of House | |
AHCP | American House Coconut Point | |
CHGS | Cambridge House Grammar School | |
CHAV | Council House Associated Vermin | |
CHGS | Croft House Grant Scheme | |
IHB | Individual House Builders | |
OCMH | Oneida Community Mansion House | |
SMH | St. Michael's House | |
HOC | House of Commons | |
SHOs | Station House Officers (Pakistan) | |
WHIG | White House Information Group | |
HOH | House Of Hades | |
UMPH | United Methodist Publishing House | |
MITCH | Mastering Innovation Technology Creativity House | |
WHARF | Ware House At River Front | |
HOV | House Of Variables | |
AHWK | American House West Knoxville | |
SCHOOL | School Center House Of Organized Learning | |
AHH | American House Holland | |
OPH | Original Pancake House | |
WHCOA | White House Conference on Aging | |
AHLT | A House Like This | |
HOH | House Of Hardcore | |
HOK | House of Kolor | |
TOH | The Owl House | |
CHESS | Clearing House Electronic Subregister System | |
YFH | Your Friends House | |
UMPH | United Methodist Publishing House | |
AHSH | American House Sterling Heights | |
CHAV | Council House And Violent | |
SMH | St Michael's House | |
WHP | White House Project | |
AHBB | American House Bluewater Bay | |
CHAV | Council House Average Vermin | |
AHSS | American House Sarasota | |
CHAV | Council House And Van | |
GHE | Green House Effect | |
HSE | House Springs Elementary | |
WACH | West African Clearing House | |
KWH | Kelly Writers House | |
FDH | Foundations Developmental House | |
BIGHA | Bath Independent Guest House Association | |
WHPR | White House Press Room | |
CMCH | Cape May Court House | |
FWPH | Fire Water Pump House | |
HBA | House Building Advance | |
EHOT | Emergency House Operations Team | |
GHMC | Gloucester House Medical Centre | |
HHA | Hard House An | |
NIMH | Not In My House | |
SIH | Satellite Instrument House | |
WHG | White House Guardianships | |
AHB | American House Bristol | |
EOH | Engineering Open House | |
UGH | Ultimate Gaming House | |
OHJ | Old House | |
HOI | House Of Intuition | |
LEH | Low Energy House | |
SPHH | Sarah Powell Huntington House | |
GEH | George Eastman House | |
GFH | Gulf Finance House | |
NFH | National Finance House | |
DHOP | Durham House Of Pizza | |
HPI | House Price Index | |
HOD | House of Detention | |
BYOH | Build Your Own House | |
AHR | American House Riverview | |
HOPE | House Of Practical English | |
ICH | Information Clearing House | |
PHH | Power House High | |
TMBH | The Montauk Beach House | |
BOTH | Back of the House | |
HPSI | House Price Sentiment Index | |
IBH | International Bible House | |
RTH | Regency Town House | |
DWH | Dave's Wear House | |
AHWH | American House Westland Hunter | |
HJC | House Judiciary Committee | |
HOH | Heart of House | |
TMOH | Taichung Metropolitan Opera House | |
ODCH | Open Door Community House | |
HDCC | House Democratic Campaign Committee | |
BKAH | Brew Kitchen Ale House | |
THB | This House Believes | |
CHAV | Council House Alcohol Violence | |
AHCH | American House CHarlevoix | |
AHGP | American House Grosse Pointe | |
RHA | Research House of Asia | |
SMDH | Santa Maria Design House | |
HOF | House of Fun | |
HOA | House Of Asian | |
AHM | American House Milford | |
LIGHT | Ladies In Gods House Together | |
HOC | House of Correction | |
AHD | American House Dearborn | |
FLIGHT | Families Learning In God's House Together | |
NSHA | Nasarawa State House of Assembly | |
THA | Tobago House of Assembly | |
AHBT | American House Brentwood Tennessee | |
SHM | Swedish House Mafia | |
DSHL | Detailers Supply House Ltd | |
AHST | American House Southland Taylor | |
HOPR | House of Prime Rib | |
OSHA | Office Of Shiat House Authority | |
SHO | Senior House Officer | |
AHLT | American House Lebanon Tennessee | |
KHDC | Kent House Dental Clinic | |
AHT | American House Troy | |
WSOH | Western Sydney Open House | |
DPMH | Dame Pattie Menzies House | |
QFH | Queensland Finance House | |
HSBC | House Small Business Committee | |
AHL | American House Livonia | |
RMHT | Ronald McDonald House of Toronto | |
NPH | Northwestern Publishing House | |
BHK | Bedroom House Kitchen | |
HIGH | Highly Insulated Green House | |
HYY | House of Yin Yang | |
HAN | House Area Network | |
AHS | American House Stone | |
AHSM | American House Sterling Meadows | |
SCHOOL | Study Centre House Of Organized Learning | |
GRCH | Gippsland Rotary Centenary House | |
FRTH | Falling Rock Tap House | |
RHQ | Refrigeration House of Queensland | |
PCCH | Purdue Christian Campus House | |
OHTC | Opera House Theatre Company | |
AHWJ | American House Westland Joy | |
AHJC | American House Johnson City | |
AHJ | American House Jennison | |
AHWB | American House West Bloomfield | |
AHZ | American House Zephyrhills | |
OHC | Open House Chicago | |
WISH | Waseda International Student House | |
STBH | St Tropez Beach House | |
AHGB | American House Grand Blanc | |
GTSH | Gator Tech Smart House | |
HPN | House of Public Notice | |
OHH | Our Hen House | |
TNMH | Take Note Music House | |
FH | Full House | |
NCH | National Clearing House | |
HRCC | House Republican Campaign Committee | |
AHOP | American House Oak Park | |
AHBS | American House Bonita Springs | |
AHC | American House Carpenter | |
HOS | House of Sun | |
AHP | American House Petosky | |
AHSL | American House Spring Lake | |
OHE | Our House East | |
AHSP | American House St. Petersburg | |
PHI | Passive House Institute | |
FCH | Financial Clearing House | |
WOTH | Women Of The House | |
AHFM | American House Fort Myers | |
AHEI | American House East I | |
AHEII | American House East II | |
MFH | My Friends House | |
AHWW | American House WildWood | |
AHVR | American House Village of Rochester | |
IHB | In House Bank | |
AHSF | American House Shallowford | |
AHVB | American House Village at Blomfield | |
AH | American House | |
AHK | American House Kingsport | |
TWNHSE | Town House | |
CLS | Celsius House Trust merger with MOF | |
HOC | House Of Corrections | |
BDH | British Drug House | |
SHO | A junior doctor in the pre Modernising Medical Careers era (pre-2007) of training in the UK, in the 2nd post-graduate year–i.e., immediately after the PRHO–pre-registration house officer year, which is now designated Foundation Year 1–FY1. SHOs are now called FY-2. Some SHO posts still exist and are taken as a prelude to certain specialities–e.g., surgery, but are no longer a standard year in training schemes for junior doctors in the UK. | |
WTOH | Welcome To Our House | |
WHBM | White House Black Market | |
NHISA | Narrabundah House Indigenous Supported Accommodation | |
WHPC | White House Press Corps | |
GETH | Global Environment Theme House | |
OIHH | Okeechobee Intensive Halfway House | |
RHOB | Rayburn House Office Building | |
RHCSE | Random House Children's Screen Entertainment | |
TTHU | Tear the House Up | |
PHOH | Public Hearing Open House | |
LGHC | Leader of the Government in the House of Commons | |
IHHL | Individual House Hold Latrines | |
BHBM | Brick House Box Mods | |
IUAH | Inter Urban Art House | |
PNCH | Push Notification Clearing House | |
ADARSH | Agricultural Development and Research Super House | |
ADARSH | Agricultural Development and Research Super House | |
HOM | House Of Memories | |
HHFB | Hart House Film Board | |
PAACH | Pan Asian American Community House | |
PAACH | Pan Asian American Community House | |
CTHW | Cridge Transition House for Women | |
AHMT | American House Murfreesboro Tennessee | |
WHF | Whole House Fan | |
BHMG | Brunswick House Medical Group | |
AHHH | Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House | |
PIOH | Public Information Open House | |
FDLH | Fred De La House | |
SHR | Speaker House Representatives | |
HAWBS | House Air Waybills | |
BAHHH | Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers | |
WHLD | White House Leadership Development | |
HOEO | House of Esther Organization | |
HIPM | House of Intercessory Prayer Ministries | |
HLCH | High Line Car House | |
BHZ | Barrel House Z | |
ASTH | All sales Trade House | |
GHASA | Guest House Accommodation of South Africa | |
GITH | Girls In The House | |
HOQI | House of Quality Indonesia | |
WFNH | West Footscray Neighbourhood House | |
HOIF | House of the Immediate Future | |
SCTH | Success Center Transitional House | |
THOUT | The House of Unwritten Tales | |
SCHOT | South China House Of Technology | |
IHOB | International House of Breakfast | |
IHOB | International House of Bruschetta | |
HOL | House Of Lords | |
PRHO | Pre Registration House Officer | |
FCFH | Farm Crops Field House | |
HORE | House Of Reading and Education | |
CTH | Chapo Trap House | |
MNTH | Mazeikiu Nafta Trading House | |
WHOUP | White House Office of Urban Policy | |
IHHL | Individual House Hold Latrine | |
RHP | Red House Painters | |
OTPH | Old Town Public House | |
USHOR | United States House Of Representatives | |
SAECH | Swaziland Automated Electronic Clearing House | |
THANL | Transition House Association of Newfoundland and Labrador | |
SNITCH | Six Nine In The Court House | |
MWHT | Muslim Welfare House Trust | |
PILCH | Public Interest Law Clearing House | |
BOTH | Baby Of The House | |
HOER | House Of Eternal Return | |
IHOP | International House Of Priuses | |
RHOS | Random House Of Soul | |
LHOB | Longworth House Office Building | |
CHOB | Christian House Of Bread | |
IHND | International House North Denmark | |
THBT | This House Believes That | |
THRG | Techno House Research Group | |
BGGH | Blk Girls Green House | |
HOWB | House Of White Birches | |
WHCH | West Haven Community House | |
AHL | American House Lakeshore | |
WHUD | White House Utility District | |
DACH | Drug and Alcohol Clearing House | |
EHMER | former chief executive of Waffle House | |
ZEH | Zero Energy House | |
HCSH | Holy Cow Steak House | |
RHD | Ranch House Designs | |
TTH | The Technology House | |
VTH | Village Trader House | |
HGSB | House of God in San Bruno | |
GFH | Ghetto Fighters' House | |
OHM | Only House Music | |
LPH | Litres Per House | |
RHDEL | Random House Dictionary of the English Language | |
WHBS | White House Business Solution | |
WHP | Ware House Project | |
DHOH | Daniea's House of Hair | |
HMR | House of Marketing Research | |
SFCH | St Francis Country House | |
WHCP | Wickham House Compounding Pharmacy | |
SHI | Software House International | |
CACH | Central Applications Clearing House | |
BHHB | Bangkok Hash House Bikers | |
CHAV | Council House And Vape | |
CHAV | Council House Affiliated Vermin | |
BSH | Boston S*** House | |
TPH | The Phone House | |
HBA | House and Beauty Aid | |
AHSW | American House Sterling Woods | |
WHVS | Whole House Ventilation Systems | |
LTBH | Let There Be House | |
TNMH | True North Media House | |
DHOC | Design House of Colour | |
HOSB | House of St Barnabas | |
MHMO | Micro House Music Only | |
BHBM | Brick House Box Modz | |
KHH | Knockranny House Hotel | |
YNH | Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House | |
TPHCC | The Potters House Community Church | |
TPHCC | The Potters House Community Church | |
SCHOOL | Study Centre House Of Organised Learning | |
WONH | Women Of Nashotah House | |
OOTH | Out Of The House | |
CHCSS | Cliff House Community Support Services | |
FOTH | Front Of The House | |
HOJ | House of Jewellery | |
CPH | Concordia Publishing House | |
BHC | Big House Crew | |
WHYS | White House Youth Soccer | |
YHR | York House Recordings | |
WTHU | What The House Used | |
DHOP | Dedham House of Pizza | |
BHBH | Big House Big Heart | |
GMFH | Grown Man Frat House | |
VYH | Valley Youth House | |
UTOH | United Tracks Of House | |
CHQ | Custom House Quay | |
YHE | Yellow House English | |
KISH | Kids In the Scout House | |
ADHH | Automated Dog House Heater | |
PPH | Priority Public House | |
DMCH | Devil Mountain Coffee House | |
MASH | Modern American Steak House | |
RHI | Rainbow House Internation Adoptions | |
ETH | Electric Tree House | |
RHL | Rheaumes House of Lettering | |
THUG | The House of Urban Grooves | |
PHCP | Passive House Cost Project | |
BHN | Bright House Networks | |
DHOH | Dan's House of Hope | |
DHO | Dunster House Opera | |
HOF | House of Fraser | |
IPHA | International Passive House Association | |
SMHHF | Skull Mountain Haunted House and Forest | |
HJM | House Joint Memorial | |
OHAC | Own House And Car | |
HWM | House Ways and Means | |
HBC | House Building Construction | |
HEI | House Ear Institute | |
HOFA | House of Fine Art | |
GHE | Green House Effectin | |
DHI | Decor House Interiors | |
HVS | House Of Versatile Styles | |
GFH | Ghetto Fighters House | |
WHCC | White House Custom Color | |
FHG | Faversham House Group | |
KFH | Kuok Foundation House | |
HOH | House of Hell | |
HHI | House Hold Income | |
PSHA | Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts | |
CCHP | Cambodian Children's House of Peace | |
WHD | White House Down | |
HOQ | House of Quake | |
QFH | Qatar Finance House | |
WSSH | Women's Shelter Saakaate House | |
WWBH | Wellington Women's Boarding House | |
WMVH | Winchester Mt Vernon House | |
SFH | Single Family House | |
WHCOA | White House Conferences on Aging | |
GHR | Ghetto House Radio | |
SRSH | Scott's Run Settlement House | |
HOB | House of Bishops | |
VH | Victoria House | |
MHMS | Meeting House Montessori School | |
QGH | Quality Graphic House | |
WHTO | Wholesale House Tobacco Outlet | |
PHHH | Princeton Hash House Harriers | |
ADHH | Automatic Dog House Heater | |
UHMP | Underground House Music Promotions | |
HRSS | House Rabbit Society Singapore | |
LLH | Little Light House | |
LRBH | Little Red Brick House | |
HONR | House of Natural Resources | |
ATTH | All Through the House | |
HOWIE | House On Wheels Includes Everything | |
WHOP | Waterville House of Pizza | |
RANH | Rochester Area Neighborhood House | |
NQH | Narrow Quay House | |
BHIM | Butcher House In the Mountains | |
EAGH | East Airport Guest House | |
HKU | House Keeping Unit | |
TLH | The Loud House | |
WBHG | Weeks Brick House Gardens | |
DOBH | Dr Oliver Bronson House | |
CATDH | Christmas at the Devils House | |
GASH | Good Address Small House | |
THOF | The House of Finland | |
FROTH | First Round on the House | |
FOTH | Fish of the House | |
ITHL | International Travel House Ltd | |
ITHL | International Travel House Ltd | |
ITHL | International Travel House Ltd | |
CHI | Cheque House Interface | |
FORH | Friends of Radnor House | |
ZHH | Zurich Heart House | |
CHO | Country House Outdoor | |
EHCS | English House Condition Survey | |
SHBD | Sugar House Business District | |
IHOP | International House Of P*ssy | |
GMSH | Green Mountain Sugar House | |
PJBH | Pulse Jet Bag House | |
GPOH | Graduate Programs Open House | |
OPPH | Orange Park Power House | |
BHAZ | Black House Autonomous Zone | |
GATH | Guiding At The House | |
HBOL | House Bill Of Lading | |
KHG | Kyle House Group | |
PHOC | Phoenix House Orange County | |
DOFH | Defending Our Fathers House | |
HJR | House Joint Resolution | |
ASFH | Aku Shika Fashion House | |
PCCH | Pediatric Critical Care House | |
LGTH | Little Green Tree House | |
WH | Waffle House | |
WHDP | Wedgwood House Dental Practice | |
JLMH | Joel Lane Museum House | |
SMEH | Scientific and Medical Equipment House | |
HOD | House of Delegates | |
HOE | House of Elder | |
WSOH | Winter Season Open House | |
GOH | Grand Opera House | |
SPHH | South Peninsula Haven House | |
SZK | Sigurna Zenska Kuca ( Women's Safe House) | |
NCHS | National Coalition of House Staffs | |
FISH | Fellowship In Someones House | |
WVIH | Westview/ Island House | |
FDCH | Federal Document Clearing House | |
THBB | Thorburn House Bed and Breakfast | |
OPH | Old Parliament House | |
GHT | George House Trust | |
DHS | Dominican House of Studies | |
DDH | Disciples Divinity House | |
JCH | Jewish Community House | |
BSHOP | Bridge Street House Of Prayer | |
ACCH | Anti Corruption Clearing House | |
PCH | Packet Clearing House | |
HFA | House Fiscal Agency | |
YIH | Yusof Ishak House | |
ECCH | European Case Clearing House | |
APH | American Printing House | |
DHP | Discovery House | |
HMC | House Master C | |
LRH | Lady Rape House | |
HNS | House of Neighborly Service | |
GPH | Gospel Publishing House | |
IDH | Independent Design House | |
NCSH | North County Serenity House | |
PBH | Peter Behrens House | |
HOTT | House of Tomorrow Today | |
CSOH | Court of Session Outer House | |
SHAB | Sustainability House At Barrett | |
IWH | Icers Web House | |
HS | House Specialty | |
WCHO | FM-105.5, Washington Court House, Ohio | |
WVNU | FM-97.5, Greenfield/ Washington Court House, Ohio | |
SLBPH | Srisailam Left Bank Power House | |
NYCH | North York Community House | |
KGH | Kathmandu Guest House | |
CPH | Cleveland Play House | |
HRN | House Rabbit Network | |
SFH | Southern Fashion House | |
CHA | Committee on House Administration | |
HEAT | House of Energy and Training | |
HOK | House of Krazees | |
EPH | Educational Publishing House | |
HCH | Hypnosis Clearing House | |
FCCH | Filipino Canadian Community House | |
YMH | Your Melbourne House | |
LPH | Lloyds Proving House | |
CHM | Clearing House Mechanism | |
CHOW | Church House On Wednesdays | |
THK | The House Keepers | |
BHC | Block House Creek | |
WHBS | White House Black Shutters | |
OHJ | Old House Journal | |
DHOP | Durham House of Prayer | |
DHOP | Downtown House of Prayer | |
HOPA | House of Pure Aloha | |
NRH | Newark Renaissance House | |
EBH | Electric Bounce House | |
BTH | Boba Tea House | |
HD | House of Delegates | |
FHV | Flock House Virus | |
GHG | Green House Gases | |
RWHT | Ray White House Team | |
CHAC | Civic House Associates Coalition | |
JOH | Jerusalem Open House | |
SHOB | Stratford House Of Blessing | |
HOP | House of Payne | |
SLBH | St Louis Boarding House | |
NIHCS | Northern Ireland House Condition Survey | |
CHMR | Cyrenian House and Milliya Rumurra | |
HODC | House of Dernier Cri | |
WSCH | West Side Community House | |
OIMH | Old Indian Meeting House | |
BAMH | Brent Aguilar Media House | |
FGCH | Finkbine Golf Club House | |
RRGH | Royal River Grill House | |
THSG | The House of Solid Gold | |
PLYMOUTH | Please Leave Your Monster Out Under The House | |
GBOH | Green Buildings Open House | |
TMFH | Teddy Moore Fashion House | |
EBH | English Boot House | |
IHLD | In House Loan Documentation | |
SITH | Stuff in the House | |
BSH | Boston S**t House | |
CHRF | College House Research Fellow | |
CHRF | College House Research Fellow | |
AWH | Anna Westin House | |
WMMH | Wangari Muta Maathai House | |
KRH | Kuwait Resources House | |
FRHG | Friends Of Roxburghe House Grampian | |
OHSE | Ohio House of Science and Engineering | |
ECH | Energy Climate House | |
ECH | Energy Climate House | |
PHW | Progressive House Worldwide | |
LPNH | Lincoln Park Noodle House | |
SCHH | Scott County Hospitality House | |
FCHI | First Choice House Inspections | |
KHT | Knox House Trust | |
SFPH | San Francisco Pie House | |
OHMS | Open House Management Solutions | |
SHI | Software House International | |
HDP | House Democracy Partnership | |
STCH | South Tulsa Community House | |
KIH | Khosla International House | |
HSCA | House Select Committee on Assassinations | |
HHEC | Hope House Education Center | |
ISHW | International Student House for Women | |
ISHW | International Student House for Women | |
CPHT | Certified Passive House Tradesperson | |
CWPH | Clear Water Pump House | |
MWHS | Muslim Welfare House Of Sheffield | |
VBFH | Virginia Beach Field House | |
THOC | The House On Cliff | |
THOM | The House of Marketing | |
BBCH | Broad Branch Childrens House | |
KHH | Katharine House Hospice | |
WHYC | Westminster House Youth Club | |
WHYC | Westminster House Youth Club | |
HRGS | House of Representatives Gopher Server | |
HOBO | House Of Blues Orlando | |
ZTH | Zetter Town House | |
NOSH | New Orleans Social House | |
DHSL | Dawg House Student Lounge | |
HOWIE | House On Wheels In Excess | |
RHK | Round House Kick | |
HOFC | House Of Fine Carpentry | |
YHL | Young House Love | |
FOGH | Friends Of the Gamble House | |
DHR | Deep House Radio | |
CHMR | Cyrenian House Milliya Rumurra | |
WTHH | Wells Township Haunted House | |
BITH | Ball In The House | |
HOTN | House Of The Nazarene | |
KCEH | Kings Court English House | |
KCEH | Kings Court English House | |
SOTH | Speaker Of The House | |
BICH | Beckmann Inn and Carriage House | |
DSCH | Duke St Community House | |
NFH | No Footprint House | |
FOHO | Front Of House Organisation | |
KKH | King Keyboard House | |
VTH | Veterans Transition House | |
PHHH | PENANG Hash House Harriers | |
NHHH | Nassau Hash House Harriers | |
NHHH | Newcastle Hash House Harriers | |
HOWM | House Of Worship Montreal | |
HOWM | House Of Worship Ministries | |
IHOF | International House Of Fonts | |
PCOH | Ponderosa Commons Oak House | |
HOSG | House Of Swiss Golf | |
RTOH | Rent To Own House | |
SHZ | Single House Zone | |
TAIH | The Australian Islamic House | |
TAIH | The Australian Islamic House | |
CH | Coffee House | |
RHQ | Refrigeration House Queensland |
What does eco-house mean?
- eco-house(Noun)
- A house that is overtly environmentally friendly.
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"eco-house." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 15 Jan. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/eco-house>.
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