We've got 1,604 shorthands for future »
Acronyms that contain the term future
What does future mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: future.
Term | Definition | Rating |
369 | California (future assignment) | |
628 | California - Saan Francisco future overlay - not currently active | |
MISS | Future Wife | |
RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
RFF | Resources For the Future | |
RFF | Resources For the Future | |
FBLA | Future Business Leaders of America | |
FFA | Future Farmers of America | |
FT | Future Technology | |
FCS | Future Combat System | |
FCS | Future Combat System | |
FV | Future Value | |
IF | Inventing The Future | |
WECF | Women in Europe for a Common Future | |
MTF | Monitoring The Future | |
HF | Hockey's Future | |
FP | Future Producers | |
PFF | Preparing Future Faculty | |
WFS | World Future Society | |
EFF | Equipped For the Future | |
UFO | United Future Organization | |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program | |
FFA | Future Farmers of America | |
SFI | Strong Future International | |
TFF | Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research | |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System | |
FS | Future Shock | |
FIRM | Future Information Research Management | |
LFF | Libraries For the Future | |
FHA | Future Homemakers Of America | |
FS | Future System | |
LF | Lexus Future | |
TSFP | TimeSplitters Future Perfect | |
FCW | Future Championship Wrestling | |
FTF | Fight The Future | |
FPS | Future Problem Solving | |
PPF | Past Present And Future | |
WAF | We Are The Future | |
VOF | Vision of the Future | |
AF | Another Future | |
VOF | Vision of the Future | |
TTF | Towards The Future | |
FEA | Future Educators of America | |
FRA | Future Rate Agreement | |
AF | Alternative Future | |
FPS | Future Problem Solvers | |
WOTF | Writers Of The Future | |
CPOF | Command Post Of the Future | |
NFV | Net Future Value | |
FTA | Future Teachers of America | |
WTF | Welcome To the Future | |
FNBDT | Future Narrow-Band Data Terminal | |
FH | Future Husband | |
FOW | Future Of Wrestling | |
FLA | Future Large Aircraft | |
PFM | Progressive Future Music | |
JFRS | Joey: Future Rocket Scientist | |
TSFP | Time Splitters Future Perfect | |
FH | Future Harvest | |
FC | Future Century | |
WMF | Wrestling Marvelous Future | |
FVF | Future Vs. Fantasy | |
RFU | Reserved For Future Usage | |
ACFA | Asian Committee for Future Accelerators | |
NOFC | Notification Of Future Change | |
FU | Future Unit | |
WFSF | World Future Studies Federation | |
TAFE | Texas Association of Future Educators | |
NFA | No Future Ambition | |
FDC | Future Disney Cabinet | |
LIFE | Legislative Incentives for Future Excellence | |
FTA | Future Teachers Association | |
FVB | Future Villain Band | |
FOZ | Future Of Zion | |
FSCS | Future Scout And Cavalry System | |
COF | Classroom Of the Future | |
FFA | For the Future of Agriculture | |
AFFS | Academy For Future Science | |
FFS | For Future Study | |
RFF | Reading For The Future | |
FS | Future Splash | |
FDR | Future Digital Radio | |
FOFI | Future Oriented Financial Information | |
FSCS | Future Scout Cavalry system | |
FMBT | Future Main Battle Tank | |
FU | Future Unity | |
FVA | The Future Value Of An | |
POF | Party Of the Future | |
FAS | Future Administrative Systems | |
FFR | For Future Release | |
ATF | After The Future | |
OFS | Original Future Sounds | |
CBF | Chrome Black Future | |
FUR | Future Utility Rotorcraft | |
FSV | Future Scout Vehicle | |
SIFT | Summer Institute For Future Teachers | |
FSV | Future Scout Vehicle | |
FF | Fatal Future | |
IF | Inventing Future | |
SIFT | Summer Institute For Future Teachers | |
FRA | Future Rockhounds of America | |
FIFV | Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
FIFV | Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
AFA | Architecture of the Future Army | |
MTF | Mark-To-Future framework | |
FTD | Future Techno Designs | |
LIFT | Leading Into the Future Together | |
FDR | Future Data Radio | |
FGX | Future Gaming Xperience | |
WCFS | Winter Camp Future Society | |
SWOF | Scientific Workspaces Of the Future | |
SFI | Sound Future International | |
FBD | Future Baby Daddy | |
SAFE | Southwest Association of Future Educators | |
FF | Fur Future | |
BTF | Backwards To the Future | |
FIO | Future Input/ Output | |
GIFT | Growing Into The Future Together | |
WFSV | World Future Society Venezuela | |
833 | Future Toll-Free Service | |
FBL | Future Battle Laboratory | |
WFAA | Wisconsin Future Alumni Association | |
USFV | Uniform Series Future Value | |
844 | Future Toll-Free Service | |
WPOF | WorkPlace Of the Future | |
822 | Future Toll-Free Service | |
LOFT | Living One Future Together | |
FAAV | Future Air Attack Vehicle | |
NFW | Net Future Worth | |
LOF | Leaders Of The Future | |
GSF | Ground System of the Future | |
DOF | Department Of the Future | |
FFF | Federation For the Future | |
FACT | Future Automation Control Technology | |
FEC | Future Eternal Companion | |
FSB | Future Synergistic Benefits | |
FAPA | Future Airline Pilots of America | |
NFF | National FFA (Future Farmers of America) Foundation | |
JIF | Juniata Instructors of the Future | |
EOF | Engineers Of The Future | |
JIF | Juniata Instructors of the Future | |
SELF | Strong Education For Latinos Future | |
FBS | Future British Sportscar | |
FSC | Future Sailor Cabinet | |
FDE | Future Death Eater | |
OFS | Ohio's Future Stars | |
WAFE | Westwood Association of Future Educators | |
NJE | New Jersey Future | |
FMTKF | Future Media Technology Corporation | |
NFC | No Future Club | |
FBCH | Future Bank Corp Holdings | |
SPFV | Series Payment Future Value | |
OFV | Open Future View | |
FDA | Future Dictators of America | |
FCAT | Future Combined Artillery Team | |
FNBVT | Future Narrow-Band Voice Terminal | |
YFI | Your Future Image, Incorporated | |
WFTI | Winter Future Teacher Institute | |
FSEN | Future Small Extension Node Switches | |
FDC | Future Disney Council | |
FEAR | Future Events Aren't Real | |
NFA | No Future Advancement | |
TFO | The Future Online | |
NAFTA | North American Future Teachers Association | |
SFV | Settled Future View | |
DCOF | Distribution Centers Of the Future | |
AF | Axis Future | |
FIT | Future Infantry Technologies | |
FTI | Future Technologies, Incorporated | |
SFI | Some Future Idea | |
FP | Future Pastime | |
FARV | Future Armored Re-supply Vehicle | |
CCRF | Citizen Concerned for Rudburn's Future | |
FOCUS | Future Opportunities Careers and Ultimate Success | |
STAFF | Students Taking Action For the Future | |
SAFE | Saving A Future Everyday | |
FSR | Future Suspenstion Replacement | |
FK | Future Killer | |
FOCUS | Future Opportunities for Communication Undergraduate Students | |
FACT | Future Alliance Of Communication Technology | |
SYF | Solidify Your Future | |
FTA | Future Terrorists of America | |
FWC | Future Writers Club | |
FFA/HERO | Future Homemakers of America/Home Economics Related Occupations | |
FVAN | Future Value Annuity | |
PPFN | Past Present Future And Never | |
AF | Alternate Future | |
ALB-F | Air-Land Battle Future doctrine | |
FIVE | Future In Venue Entertainment | |
FU | Future's Unpredictable | |
ALFA | Application Laboratory Future Access | |
FBI | Future Basic Investigators | |
FEM | Future Education Methods | |
FEET | Future Employment Enhancement Tools | |
FCM | Future Concept Machine | |
SAFM | Slack Attitude to Future Music | |
FAIL | Future Always Involves Learning | |
HFTF | Heritage for the Future | |
TEFLON | Teaching and Educating Future Leaders of Our Nation | |
FEB | Future Economic Benefit | |
OFWGKTA | Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All | |
FMNL | Future Market Networks Ltd | |
FCCLA | Future Cooking and Cleaning Ladies of America | |
FVNB | Future Vision News Bureau | |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program | |
OF | Odd Future | |
FREEDOM | Future Revascularization Evaluation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Optimal Management of Multivessel Disease | |
OSOF | Our Seas Our Future | |
WAFW | World Academy for the Future of Women | |
GMFV | Guaranteed Minimum Future Value | |
GIFT | Gujranwala Institute of Future Technologies | |
GAFO | Growing a Future Organization | |
PFAF | Plants For A Future | |
SAFT | Simple Agreement for Future Tokens | |
LAFFF | Latin American Foundation for the Future | |
WTTF | Welcome To The Future | |
FFIA | FIRST Future Innovator Award | |
FFM | Family Future Marketing | |
FFR | For Future Reference | |
RUFO | Rights Upon Future Offers | |
EFCY | Expected Future Current Yield | |
FB | Future Babe | |
MFW | My Future Wife | |
FMAP | Future of Marine Animal Populations | |
FTI | Future Technologies Inc | |
FGCS | Future Generation Computer Systems | |
HFTF | Hope for the Future | |
FWC | Future War Cult | |
OOTF | Office Of The Future | |
FMTI | Future Missile Technology Integration | |
FCGA | Future College Golf Association | |
FFFM | Future Faces of Family Medicine | |
FTDI | Future Technology Device International | |
FCCLA | Future Career Comunity Leaders of America | |
FVIFA | Future Value Interest Factor for an Annuity | |
BIFF | Behaviour, Impact of behaviour, own/others Feelings, Future behaviour | |
FYFG | For Your Future Guidance | |
FLBP | Future Lower Back Problems | |
FETC | Future of Education Technology Conference | |
FLSP | Future Leaders Scholarship Program | |
FTG | Future Technologies Group | |
NFNF | No Fear No Future | |
WOTF | Workplace of the Future | |
FLAT | Future Learning and Teaching | |
TFOL | The Future Of Luxury | |
CRAFT | Collective Resources Advancing Future Talent | |
FYG | Future Youth Group | |
AFAA | Alaska Future Aviation Architecture | |
BTTF | Back To The Future | |
SHIFT | Students Heading Into the Future Together | |
EFH | Energy Future Holdings | |
FCAJ | Future Center Alliance Japan | |
WHARF | Wealth, Human Activities, and Revolution for the Future | |
FLAN | Future Lawyers Alliance Network | |
FRLP | Future Research Leaders Program | |
FFID | Future Force Integration Directorate | |
IFLP | Indonesia Future Leaders Program | |
FORF | Future of Russia Foundation | |
TYF | Target Your Future | |
SELF | Safety Emotions Loss and Future | |
FYFF | Fashion Your Future Foundation | |
ASIF | As Seen In the Future | |
FCAS | Future Combat Air System | |
FT | Future Toyota | |
CFGT | Chinese Future Giant Telescope | |
WTOF | Welcome to Our Future | |
FLARE | Future Leader of Aging Research in Europe | |
FFNA | Future Facilities North America | |
BYF | Build Your Future | |
FANTASTIC | Future Air Navigation and Traffic Avoidance Solution Through Integrated CNS | |
FFS | Future Flight Support | |
FSTA | Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft | |
FFEA | Florida Future Educators of America | |
FANS | Future Air Navigation Services | |
FTTE | Future Trends in Technology and Education | |
FTCN | Future Tactical Communication Network | |
FDB | Future Discretionary Benefits | |
ISAIF | Industrial Society And Its Future | |
FAILURE | Future Avoidance In Leaving Undone Realistic Excellence | |
FFYF | Foundations For Your Future | |
BYF | Building Your Future | |
FIA | Future Internet Architecture | |
PFE | Potential Future Exposure | |
FEA | Future Educators Association | |
IOF | Innovator of the Future | |
FUTR | Future | |
CFM | Center for the Future of Museums | |
ITF | In the Future | |
CVF | Carrier Vessel Future | |
FEMA | Future Entrepreneurs Moving Ahead | |
FSPA | Future School of Performing Arts | |
STFG | Switch To Future Group | |
FCC | Future Circular Collider | |
FMSS | Future Medical Shelter System | |
YFH | Your Future Health | |
FYFI | For Your Future Information | |
FFU | For Future Use | |
FG | Future Generation | |
FHI | Future of Humanity Institute | |
FUDA | Future Urban Development Area | |
FTEI | Future Tech Enterprise Inc | |
FEY | Future Energy Yorkshire | |
FOPAW | Future Old People Are Wizards | |
FATE | Future Affordable Turbine Engine | |
INJF | Institute for the Next Jewish Future | |
OFWKTA | Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All | |
FMFA | Future Music Festival Asia | |
GIFS | GIFs In the Future So | |
FLPB | Future Lower Back Problems | |
GRFS | Ghost Recon Future Soldier | |
GYFT | Guyana Youth for Future Technology | |
GYFT | Guyana Youth for Future Technology | |
FLUM | Future Land Use Map | |
FLOP | Future Loss Of Prosperity | |
FOGI | Future of General Insurance | |
FOGI | Future of General Insurance | |
FOGI | Future of General Insurance | |
L4F | Leaders for the Future | |
FB | Future Bae | |
FDIL | Future Daughter in Law | |
FOLIO | Future of Libraries is Open | |
FATSS | Future Air Transportation Systems Summit | |
WFES | World Future Energy Summit | |
FFBK | Future Fuelled by Knowledge | |
OFWGKTADGAF | Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All Don't Give A F*** | |
FLON | Future Leaders Outreach Network | |
FIBE | Future Infrastructure and | |
FTDCS | Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems | |
FTNC | Future Teachers of North Carolina | |
FLYE | Future Leaders Young Entrepreneurs | |
FRCV | Future Ready Combat Vehicle | |
LTFI | Letting the Future In | |
HOIF | House of the Immediate Future | |
MRFR | Marker Research Future Reports | |
FARAS | Future for Advanced Research and Studies | |
FOTC | Future Option Trading Company | |
WROF | Ward Round of the Future | |
FEPO | Future Economy Planning Office | |
TEFS | The Epic Future Story | |
AFOTW | Alternate Future Of The World | |
TESFA | Tourism in Ethiopia for Sustainable Future Alternatives | |
FMEHS | Future Music Educators Honors Symposium | |
FMEHS | Future Music Educators Honors Symposium | |
FEHL | Future Event Horse League | |
TTNF | Till The Near Future | |
L2F | Lead to the Future | |
FEVAR | Future of Education for Virtual and Augmented Reality | |
INFINITY | In Natural Future Incarnation Naturally Identified Terminal Yarn | |
FDHG | Future Development Holding Group | |
MRFR | Market Research Future Reports | |
BOFF | Behaviour Outcomes Feelings Future | |
FTMY | Future Typical Meteorological Year | |
OPOF | Our Plants Our Future | |
FOSSI | Future Of STEM Scholars Initiative | |
SWYFT | Start With Your Future Today | |
BASF | bringing about a super‐efficient future | |
BAF | Building America's Future | |
FRES | Future Rapid Effects System | |
FLG | Future Looks Good | |
OFWGKTA | Odd Future Wolf Gang Killed Them All | |
FOFM | Future Of Financial Markets | |
DYF | Design Your Future | |
FNC | Future Naval Capabilities | |
AFFL | Association of Future Fundraising Leaders | |
FYP | Future Young Professionals | |
BMFT | Building Markham's Future Together | |
GFB | Gulf Future Business | |
FEH | Future Event Horse | |
NIMF | Not In My Future | |
BFTF | Building For The Future | |
FTR | Future Transport Rotorcraft | |
FLFL | Future Lifestyle Fashions Ltd | |
FYDP | Future Years Development Program | |
OTF | On To the Future | |
LSF | Learning for a Sustainable Future | |
FGF | Future Generation Foundation | |
FWFS | Future Wealth Financial Services | |
FVL | Future Vertical Lift | |
TMFL | To My Future Lover | |
FY | Future Years | |
CTFO | Changing The Future Outcome | |
SOF | School of the Future | |
F & O | Future And Option | |
TVF | Team, Vision, Future | |
FIST | Future Infantry Soldier Technology | |
FGIW | Future Generali Insurance Week | |
SOFN | Save Our Future Now | |
LBFN | Local Bridges Future Needs | |
FEGI | Future Education Group Inc | |
FEGI | Future Education Group Inc | |
FETC | Future of Education Technology Conference | |
FETC | Future of Education Technology Conference | |
AFOE | Alternate Future of Europe | |
FCLM | Future Construction Leaders of Michigan | |
EFPO | Educating Future Physicians for Ontario | |
FTFL | Fast Track Future Leader | |
ICFS | International Certified Future Strategist | |
ICFS | International Certified Future Strategist | |
DOFP | Days Of Future Past | |
YFEL | Young Future Energy Leaders | |
FICO | Future I Can Own | |
UOTF | Utility Of The Future | |
YABF | Youth Alliance for Better Future | |
YABF | Youth Alliance for Better Future | |
FET | Future and Emerging Technologies | |
FFE | Far Future Enterprises | |
BFAF | Bright Future Adoption Foundation | |
NOF | Network of the Future | |
FIW | Future Is Wild | |
NFOF | News for Our Future | |
FOFA | Future of Financial Advice | |
GBOF | Green Base of the Future | |
FFTF | Fight for the Future | |
FCL | Future Classroom Lab | |
FIU | Future Is Us | |
FFB | Factory Future Beat | |
TDYF | Test Drive Your Future | |
OOF | Office of the Future | |
FW | Future Wife | |
STFA | Subject to Future Advances | |
FOIB | Future of International Business | |
GCMF | Give The Children Of Mpongwe A Future | |
FATE | Future Of Australias Threatened Ecosystems | |
SIFT | Summer Institue For Future Teachers | |
FLB | Future leaders of Bangladesh | |
GFO | Give Future to Orphans | |
FPY | Future Planning Year | |
FCG | Future Champions Golf | |
RISF | Rhode Island School of the Future | |
FIS | Future Internet Symposium | |
WFR | World Future Review | |
TFT | Tomorrows Future Today | |
FIN | Future is Now | |
FAPA | Future Aggie Physician Assistants | |
BTF | Back to the Future | |
TFA | TFA50s The Future Antiques | |
AF | Addressing the Future | |
FIIC | Future of Instrumentation International Conference | |
FFFP | Future Faculty Fellowship Program | |
MFF | Mangroves for the Future | |
FSA | Future Slayers of America | |
FRES | Future Rapid Effect System | |
FIT | Future Internet Traffic | |
MUFC | Maritime Underwater Future Capability | |
CCRF | Citizens Concerned For Radburns Future | |
TSOF | Technology School of The Future | |
FMTT | future‐oriented mental time travel | |
FFOA | Future Farmers Of America | |
FMN | Future Market Network | |
FCS | Future Combat Systems | |
SAFE | Simple Agreement for Future Equity | |
FOPE | Future of Pediatric Education | |
FFT | Future Fibre Technologies | |
FCFA | Future Climate For Africa | |
FLEP | Future Leaders Education Program | |
AFF | America's Future Foundation | |
FTR | Future Time Reference | |
PPFF | Past Perfect Future Furious | |
AFFT | Association for the Future of Film and Television | |
FF | Future Foundation | |
FMO | Future Music Oregon | |
RASF | Rural Americans for a Secure Future | |
FEO | Future Employment Opportunities | |
EYF | Engineering Your Future | |
EYF | Earn Your Future | |
FSOB | Future Sound of Breaks | |
RETF | Retail Experience of the Future | |
FSBT | Future Stars Bowling Tour | |
FFD | Future Flight Design | |
CFS | Choice Future Success | |
DOTF | Department Of The Future | |
EBSF | European Bus System of the Future | |
FESW | Future Environmentally Sensitive Warship | |
CLOF | Creative Lobby of Future | |
RFG | Resourcing Future Generations | |
OTTF | On the Train Towards the Future | |
FTMI | Future Turf Managers Initiative | |
FBLF | Future Business Leaders Forum | |
FIBE | Future Infrastructure and Built Environment | |
FOSE | Future of Software Engineering | |
FOSE | Future of Software Engineering | |
FSBG | Future Stars Bowl Game | |
FDDE | Future Directions in Difference Equations | |
CWFZ | Children with Future in Zambia | |
FOCE | Future of California Elections | |
FLAM | Future Leaders in Advanced Materials | |
FWIC | Future of Wireless International Conference | |
FWIC | Future of Wireless International Conference | |
OFAN | Oneonta Future Alumni Network | |
FEFE | Financial Education for Future Entrepreneurs | |
FEFE | Financial Education for Future Entrepreneurs | |
FEFE | Financial Education for Future Entrepreneurs | |
TFFS | The Future Foundation School | |
TFFS | The Future Foundation School | |
IFEEL | Institute for Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership | |
IFEEL | Institute for Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership | |
IFEEL | Institute for Future Education Entrepreneurship and Leadership | |
FOWI | Future Of Work Institute | |
FITC | Future Innovation Technology Creativity | |
FDCIC | Future Directions Community Interest Company | |
FDCIC | Future Directions Community Interest Company | |
TITTF | Teaching Is Touching The Future | |
FMTT | Future Mental Time Travel | |
GFOF | Grayscale Future Of Finance | |
FALF | Future Africa Leaders Foundation | |
FALF | Future Africa Leaders Foundation | |
TYFF | The Young Folks Future | |
QFP | Quantum Future Physics | |
WFPF | Women For Panorama's Future | |
FT | Future Tank | |
FIST | Future Integrated Soldier Technology | |
FFAL | Fund for the Future of Applied Linguistics | |
FFS | For Future Study | |
FTRP | Future of Tropical Rainforest Peoples | |
FFW | Future Faculty W | |
FOFM | Future of Financial MarketsTM | |
CLF | Center for a Livable Future | |
LMF | Land for Maine's Future | |
IFT | Ingram Future Technologies | |
FOFL | Focus on Future Leaders | |
YCF | Your Connected Future | |
FAW | Future Audio Workshop | |
FFAJ | Financial Future Association of Japan | |
BFT | Build Your Future Today | |
FRAM | Future Resource Adapted Mill | |
AOF | Actuaries Of the Future | |
FTTS | Future Tactical Truck Systems | |
FBS | Future Business Solutions | |
NFY | Norfolk Future Youth | |
FAAC | Future of Aviation Advisory Committee | |
FPHA | Future of Population Health Award | |
AFFP | Association of Future Forensic Professionals | |
GOOD MORNING | Get up, Open your eyes, Out of bed, Day has risen, Merry life, Old dreams comes true, Rise and shine, New friends, Ideas for life, Nice future, Good day 4 u | |
SOFA | Sealebrating Our Future Alliance | |
WIOF | Whistler Is Our Future | |
FEAR | Future Events Aren't Real | |
POOF | Paperless Office Of The Future | |
GFMO | Geospatial Future Mode of Operations | |
NFK | No Future Krew | |
PPF | Past Present Future | |
FLARE | Future Leaders for Advancing Renewable Energy | |
AFF | America's Future Fdn | |
FET | Future Emerging Technologies | |
OCF | Our Common Future | |
YEF | Young Entrepreneurs of the Future | |
FFYF | Finance for your Future | |
PFL | Preparing Future Leaders | |
FRL | Future Retail Ltd | |
NFFA | Nuclear Free Future Award | |
TFOT | The Future of Telephony | |
FISH | Future Industrialized Sustainable Houses | |
RFF | Resources f/t Future | |
DPAF | David Pattinson's American Future | |
FSG | Future Stars Gaming | |
FGT | Future Gaming Technologies | |
FSCR | Future State Control Road | |
SFLR | Standardized Future Liver Remnant | |
FSEA | Future Scientists and Engineers of America | |
FVIFA | Future Value Interest Factor for an | |
SABF | Self Advocates for a Brighter Future | |
FBAT | Future Based Agile Thinking | |
FODM | Future of Digital Marketing | |
SAHF | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | |
FFJ | Future Farmers of Japan | |
LFIA | Living Future Institute Australia | |
DFH | Dear Future Husband | |
FDSC | Future Digital Scientific Corporation | |
FRH | Future for Religious Heritage | |
OSOF | Our Schools Our Future | |
FSLC | Future Safety Leaders Conference | |
BMFI | Bilkent Media Future Initiative | |
FANS | Future Air Navigation Systems | |
EFIA | Emirates Future International Academy | |
LFFL | Lamp For Future Life | |
RUFO | Rights Upon Future Offer | |
OFEC | Orange Future Enterprise Coalition | |
HEF | Higher Education for the Future | |
FCSA | Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition | |
FTTE | Future Trends in Technology and Education | |
CAOF | Children Are Our Future | |
FTFT | Facing The Future Together | |
CFES | Center for Future Energy Systems | |
FILO | Future Insurance Leaders of Oklahoma | |
FAHW | Future Attack Helicopter Weapon | |
FHI | Future Health Index | |
FOSE | Future of Sex Education | |
FISO | Future In Space Operations | |
FDNC | Future Does Not Compute | |
ACSEF | Aberdeen City and Shire Economic Future | |
BHBF | Big Hopes Big Future | |
CETF | Canterbury Engineering the Future | |
COTF | Classroom of the Future | |
ACFF | Alliance for a Cavity Free Future | |
FFLC | Future Faculty Leadership Council | |
FFNA | Future For Nature Academy | |
FGG | Future Generation Global | |
FMEC | Future of Medical Education in Canada | |
FMEC | Future of Medical Education in Canada | |
FMEC | Future of Medical Education in Canada | |
FMME | Future of Marketing Middle East | |
FMWP | Future Minerals Workforce Program | |
FSIE | Future Stars International Enterprises | |
FSLA | Future School Leaders Academy | |
FSLA | Future School Leaders Academy | |
FSPD | Future State Process Design | |
GFWF | Global Future of Work Foundation | |
FIOT | Future Internet of Things | |
FEI | Future Executives Institute | |
FOIB | Future of International Business | |
FOIB | Future of International Business | |
FRL | Future Ready Leadership | |
ICFA | International Committee for Future Accelerators | |
ICFA | International Committee for Future Accelerators | |
FALC | Future of America Learning Center | |
FOPM | Future Of Project Management | |
FICSD | Future Initiative Centre for Sustainable Development | |
FCOA | Future Corvette Owners Association | |
FIOH | Future In Our Hands | |
PROFS | Past Reasons Opinions Future and Subjunctive | |
COOF | Comptroller Office Of the Future | |
FLIER | Future Leaders in Innovation Enterprise and | |
MCFM | McKinsey Center for Future Mobility | |
FTFF | For The Futures Future | |
WOTFA | Women Of The Future Awards | |
YFI | Your Future Image | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land and Mobile Telecommunication System | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land and Mobile Telecommunication System | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems | |
FPOR | Future Perspectives Of the Region | |
FACE | Future Airborne Capability Environment | |
BOOF | Betting On Our Future | |
YGF | Your Global Future | |
DFB | Developing Future Biologists | |
FTAR | Future Technology for Aerial Refueling | |
FOGA | Future Of Governance Agency | |
FOGA | Future Of Governance Agency | |
FBL | Future Business Leaders | |
FILA | Future Industry Leaders Alliance | |
LFFF | Law For the Future Fund | |
LFFF | Law For the Future Fund | |
FOFS | Future Of Film Showcase | |
FGEP | Future Genius Education Plan | |
VFMG | Valeur Future Minimum Garantie | |
AAFR | American Association of Future Retirees | |
EOTF | Experience Of The Future | |
FIIK | Future Is In Knowledge | |
AFMG | Apollo Future Mobility Group | |
GOTF | Ghosts Of The Future | |
FIBB | Future of Indigenous Business Banquet | |
MQFS | Manufacturing Quality Future State | |
FLUS | Future Land Use Simulation | |
MYLIFE | Magellan Youth Leaders Inspiring Future Empowerment | |
FTFW | Feed The Future West | |
FFFG | Foundations For Future Generations | |
IFH | Institute for Future Health | |
IFH | Institute for Future Health | |
WFAB | Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior | |
NJF | New Jersey Future | |
MOFE | Museum Of Future Experiences | |
FIY | Future In Youth | |
OFCP | Our Future City Plan | |
FWN | Future Wireless Networks | |
FFCP | Future Fighter Capability Project | |
LYFT | Launch Your Future Today | |
FOSO | Future Oriented Statement of Operations | |
FOSO | Future Of Speech Online | |
FDSE | Future Data and Security Engineering | |
FASIT | Future Army System of Integrated Targets | |
LTFI | Lower Tier Future Interceptor | |
FCFA | Future Climate Future Africa | |
FT | Future Tidus | |
CF | Conservative Future | |
FLP | Future Leaders Programme | |
FCRB | Future Change Review Board | |
FCM | Future Communications Management | |
FIA | Future Internet Assembly | |
FIA | Future Imagery Architecture | |
LEAF | Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future | |
FMA | Future Media Architects | |
FFDS | Future Fashion Designer Scholarship | |
FFF | Future of Freedom Foundation | |
EYF | Explore Your Future | |
FETM | Future Electronics Technology Mixer | |
OFP | Overall Future Potential | |
SOFE | School of Future Entertainment | |
GFV | Guaranteed Future Value | |
FLE | Future Learning Environment | |
SOTF | Schools of the Future | |
PASF | Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future | |
CSFI | Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative | |
FLF | Future Leader Fellowship | |
DIFT | Delhi Institute for Future Teachers | |
FMM | Future of Marketing and Management | |
FGP | Future Growth Project | |
LFA | Lexus Future Apex | |
FITF | Future Is The Future | |
FRBS | Future Russian Business Solution | |
FOF | Future Of Farming | |
FLPP | Future Launchers Preparatory Programme | |
FVL | Future of Vertical Lift | |
FF&E | 'Future Farmers & Eggs' | |
FSR | Future Shock Rear | |
CLF | Coalition for a Livable Future | |
FIA | Future of Information Alliance | |
FSDF | Future Sun Devil Families | |
IFA | Intelligent Future Application | |
CJF | Center for the Jewish Future | |
FTTS | Future Tactical Truck System | |
TFOT | The Future of Things | |
PFCE | Potential Future Credit Exposure | |
FIMT | Future institute of management and technology | |
NEFS | New England Future Stars | |
FMRL | Future Media Research Lab | |
FWAF | Factory with A Future | |
LIFT | Leading Indias Future Today | |
FMOA | Future Marine Officers Association | |
FFTF | Forces for Their Future | |
FFTF | Film From The Future | |
FFTF | French for the Future | |
FFTF | Faculty for the Future | |
FFTF | Future Faculty Teaching Fellowships | |
FASA | Future Automation System Architecture | |
AFA | Agriculture Future of America | |
FHCE | Future Health Care Executives | |
FIO | Future Insurability Option | |
FSOP | Future Sound Of Petržalka | |
FPW | Future Pro Wrestling | |
SFFP | Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians | |
MTFS | Monitoring the Future Study | |
FGS | Future Game Simulations | |
FPF | Future of Privacy Forum | |
JFF | Jobs for the Future | |
AFHA | Association of Future Healthcare Administrators | |
YOF | Youth Of The Future | |
FATP | Future Astronaut Training Program | |
ISTF | Innovation Science Technology For Future | |
FLC | Future Leader Camp | |
SOTF | School of the Future | |
CCFF | Clayton County Foundation for the Future | |
FNR | Future Net Revenue | |
CSFL | Central States Future League | |
FCOC | Future Cougars of Color | |
FEC | Future England Captain | |
CEFG | Clean Energy Future Group | |
PYF | Pioneering Your Future | |
PYF | Prepare Your Future | |
FPO | Future Purchase Option | |
FTF | For the Future | |
BFEA | Brevard Future Educators Association | |
PSOF | Power Systems of the Future | |
FTM | Future Top Model | |
APF | Ambulatory Practice of the Future | |
FFKC | Future Flyers Kids Club | |
LFA | Living Future Accreditation | |
LFA | Limitless Future Achievements | |
FFLA | Future Fashion Leaders of America | |
UFWC | United Future World Currency | |
TTOF | Toast to Our Future | |
HFTF | Houses for the Future | |
FSW | Future Stars Of Wrestling | |
ICFB | International Conference on Future Bioengineering | |
SAHF | Shaping a healthier future | |
FPSO | Future Pharmacist Student Organization | |
FRES | Future rapid Effects Systems | |
LFIA | Living Future Institute of Australia | |
FFDC | Foundation for the Future of Delaware County | |
CFF | Crops For the Future | |
FDS | Future Design School | |
PFFC | Preparing Future Faculty Conference | |
CFFM | Caring For the Future Malaysia | |
CPF | Can Pay Future | |
CPF | Cant Pay Future | |
RttF | Row to the Future | |
FIMD | Future Ideas Media Design | |
JSCF | Jim Self Center on the Future | |
FFV | Future Fighting Vehicle | |
FAI | Future Automotive Industry | |
TFW | The Future Wear | |
FPI | Future Prison Inmates | |
FPP | Future Pilot Programme | |
IFA | Intellegent Future Applications | |
LFF | Leading for the Future | |
FGES | Future Garage Equipment Services | |
FDI | Future Designs Inc | |
TFA | The Future Antiques | |
FOAC | Future Of A Child | |
LTTF | Link to the Future | |
FOTE | Future of Technology in Education | |
FOTE | Future of Technology in Education | |
FLF | Future Leaders Forum | |
DIFT | Delhi Institute for Future Teachers | |
FSO | Future State Outsourcing | |
MCMF | My Credit My Future | |
MCMF | My Choice My Future | |
GLOF | Global Leader of the Future | |
MFA | Melty Future Awards | |
FAN | Future Alumni Network | |
FFN | Future Farmers Network | |
OFLC | Our Future Learning Center | |
FSSF | Future Strategic Strike Forces | |
TOFP | Tales of Future Past | |
FWD | Future of Workplace Design | |
FTF | Feed the Future | |
FSTD | Future Systems and Technology Directorate | |
FSCP | Future Saudi Cities Programme | |
HCF | Health Centers of the Future | |
FPT | Future Pro Tour | |
EPPF | Exploring the Past to Predict the Future | |
COFW | Consultants for Our Future World | |
DOF | District of Future | |
FAMI | Future Asset Management International | |
FAMI | Future Asset Management International | |
CUF | Center for an Urban Future | |
YFA | Your Future Address | |
FTM | Future Trans Man | |
FSOR | Future State Of Rhythm | |
CEF | Cybersecurity Experimentation of the Future | |
FBLA | Future Business Leders of America | |
BUCF | Birmingham University Conservative Future | |
LFAF | Leadership for a Future | |
FPSA | Future Power System Architecture | |
MFMC | My Future My Choice | |
NFF | Networking For Future | |
NFF | New Future Father | |
FPP | Future Professoriate Program | |
FTFN | Feed the Future North | |
PWAF | Plant With A Future | |
PMFD | Print Media Future Day | |
BLFE | Boston Leaders for the Future of Education | |
AFF | Academy for Future Faculty | |
DDF | Dream Desperation And Future | |
IFT | Inevitable Future Trajectory | |
FOCC | Future of Cinema Conference | |
FTMI | Future Talent Meets The Industry | |
CFIC | Conference on Future Internet Communications | |
CFIC | Conference on Future Internet Communications | |
FLI | Future Leaders Institute | |
FLI | Future of Life Institute | |
FPW | Future Programming Workshop | |
LFOF | Leaders For Our Future | |
UFL | Urban Future Lab | |
FCA | Future Christian Athletes | |
COFE | Conference on Future Energy | |
COFE | Conference on Future Energy | |
ECFI | European Conference on the Future Internet | |
ECFI | European Conference on the Future Internet | |
ECFI | European Conference on the Future Internet | |
MBEF | Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future | |
FEAT | Future Emerging Art and Technology | |
FCA | Future Cargo Aircraft | |
FCL | Future Cities Laboratory | |
FCL | Future Cities Laboratory | |
FIA | Future Image Architecture | |
FOSP | Future Opportunities Scholarship Program | |
FVM | Future Vision Ministries | |
FOHH | Future of Home Health | |
FMM | Future of Marketing and Management | |
QFG | Quantum Future Group | |
FIMP | Future Industries Manufacturing Program | |
GEFI | Global Experimentation for the Future Internet | |
GFCH | Global Future City Holding | |
MSEF | Michigan Safe Energy Future | |
TFWW | The Future We Want | |
GIFT | Gathering Inspiring Future Talent | |
FSPA | Future School of Performing Arts | |
FAST | Future Assault Shell Technology | |
FAST | Future Assault Shell Technology | |
FVG | Future Vision Guide | |
ACSF | Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future | |
FCLC | Future Collegiate Leaders Conference | |
FCLF | Future Classroom Lab en France | |
FCDF | Future Capital Development Fund | |
FCDF | Future Capital Development Fund | |
PFP | Preparing Future Professionals | |
CCF | Collateralized Commodity Future | |
FPHA | Future of Population Health Award | |
FVA | Future Value Of An | |
FVA | Future Value Of Asset | |
UFE | Unallocated Future Expenses | |
FGV | Future Growth Value | |
EYF | Enhancing Your Future | |
LFS | Lovely Future Status | |
FUTA | Future Uplifting Tax Appraisal | |
COVFEFE | Corrupt Orange Visaged Fiend Eradicating Future Earthpic | |
PIYF | Physics in Your Future | |
OFE | Office of Future Engineers | |
TFAP | Technology for Future and Ageing Pipelines | |
ACSEF | Aberdeen City Shire Economic Future | |
FDC | Future Digital Currency | |
HFV | Hypothetical Future Value | |
BBBF | Bigger Brands Brighter Future | |
ISOF | Institute for Schools of the Future | |
ISOF | Institute for Schools of the Future | |
DFL | Digital Future Lab | |
DFLI | Designing Future Language Institute | |
DFLI | Designing Future Language Institute | |
CFAW | Coalition for the Future American Worker | |
CMCF | Change Mind Change Future | |
COTF | Covers Of The Future | |
CSFT | Center for Sustainable Future Technologies | |
ACFF | Alliance for Cavity Free Future | |
AITF | Africa Is The Future | |
AITF | Aging Into The Future | |
ALFI | Automated Lifelike Future Intelligence | |
FASTR | Future of Automotive Security Technology Research | |
FASTR | Future of Automotive Security Technology Research | |
FBIC | Future of the Beauty Industry Coalition | |
FCA | Future Corrosion Allowance | |
FFLC | Future Finance Loan Corporation | |
FFTC | Future Female Techmakers Conference | |
FFTF | Fit for the Future | |
FFTF | Floodplains for the Future | |
FGE | Future Georgia Educators | |
FHCA | Future Health Care Administrators | |
FHPP | Future Health Professionals Program | |
FICC | Future of Information and Communication Conference | |
FMIA | future mobile Internet architecture | |
FMIA | future mobile Internet architecture | |
FMNL | Future Market Networks Limited | |
FMO | Future Mode of Operations | |
FMPA | Future Medical Professionals of America | |
FOAF | Future of American Folkloristics | |
FSLN | Future School Leaders Network | |
FSOA | Future Sound Of Antwerp | |
FSWA | Future Skilled Workers of America | |
EFIS | European Future Innovation System | |
WTF | Win the Future | |
FPI | Future Pipe Industries | |
GIFT | Great Involvement Future Thinking | |
FLD | Future Leadership Division | |
PPF | Present Past Future | |
OEF | One Earth Future | |
FLARE | Future Leaders of Ageing Research in Europe | |
FLARE | Future Leaders of Ageing Research in Europe | |
FESA | Future Expectation Scale for Adolescents | |
CFE | Committee on the Future Economy | |
CTFI | Current Trends and Future Issues | |
FPON | Future Passive Optical Network | |
FSA | Future Search Assessment | |
SMFF | Securing Mi Financial Future | |
SPFD | Summer Program for Future Doctors | |
AFFP | Association of Future Forensic Professionals | |
FEAT | Future Emerging Arts Technologies | |
CFTS | Centre for Future Timber Structures | |
FOFA | Future Of Food And Agriculture | |
FOFA | Future Of Food And Agriculture | |
FNI | Future Now Industries | |
STFF | Sculpt the Future Foundation | |
PTTF | Pack to the Future | |
SFAF | Sequencing Finishing and Analysis in the Future | |
CBHF | Chesapeake Bay Our History and Our Future | |
FLOC | Future Leaders of Our Community | |
UFO | Ur Future Obsession | |
MOTF | Memories of the Future | |
MOTF | Museum of the future | |
DFF | Dubai Future Foundation | |
IIMF | Investing In My Future | |
FVC | Future Vets Club | |
FHL | Future Healthcare Leaders | |
DFEC | Diminished Future Earning Capacity | |
YCF | Young Connectors of the Future | |
APFA | Alberta Parenting For The Future Association | |
FWOL | Future Ways of Living | |
CFHP | Center for Future health Professionals | |
FLD | Future Line of Demarcation | |
FTET | Future Trends in Emerging Technologies | |
FE | Future Eco | |
QIF | Quaker Institute for the Future | |
IFL | Institute for the Future of Learning | |
IFL | Institute for the Future of Learning | |
FOM | Future of Obsolescence Management | |
IBF | Iran Business for Future | |
FFF | Future Forces Forum | |
FFSP | Future Flight Services Program | |
FEF | Future Extension Frame | |
FEF | Future Energy Forum | |
FEF | Future Energy Forum | |
FNC | Future Networked Car | |
AFSC | Alliance Future Surveillance and Control | |
EPFL | Excellence Perfection Future and Learning | |
FML | Future My Lovers | |
TFTC | The Future Through Collaboration | |
DFA | Dubai Future Accelerators | |
FSL | Future School Leaders | |
FLN | Future Leaders Network | |
FCT | Future Coat Technology | |
FORGE | Future Operationally Resilient Ground Evolution | |
BISF | Bangladesh Initiative for Sustainable Future | |
CFTF | Centre for the Future | |
FOOF | Fables Of Our Future | |
FES | Future Energy Solutions | |
PFF | Planning For the Future | |
PFNS | Preserving the Future of Newborn Screening | |
FMN | Future Multimedia Networking | |
FBM | Future Business Magnates | |
AFF | American Future Fund | |
MWAF | Masters With A Future |
What does future mean?
- future, hereafter, futurity, time to come(noun)
- the time yet to come
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"future." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 26 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/future>.
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