We've got 1,035 shorthands for if you like »
Acronyms that contain the term if you like
What does if you like mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: if you like.
Term | Definition | Rating |
L | Like | |
GLA7 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Geographically Displaced Auroras | |
WSLN | Write & Speak Like the News | |
IKALOPLT | I Know A Lot Of People Like That | |
LK | Like | |
IGF | Insulin-like Growth Factor | |
GLA14 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Transient Sky Brightenings | |
DLC | Diamond Like Carbon | |
DLC | Diamond Like Carbon | |
BILB | Bend It Like Beckham | |
GLA12 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Close Relationship between Aurora Displays and Clouds | |
PL | Proof Like | |
GLA15 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Bright, Luminous Patches on the Horizon | |
LARS | Like A Rolling Stone | |
KIR | Killer cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor | |
GL | God Like | |
GLH | Goes Like Hell | |
PLU | People Like Us | |
RLH | Run Like Hell | |
RLH | Run Like Hell | |
RLH | Run Like Hell | |
RYK | Receptor-like Tyrosine Kinase | |
EMILY | Early Money Is Like Yeast | |
SLT | Something Like That | |
ILI | Influenza Like Illness | |
MGLB | My Gangster Like Boyfriend | |
CL | Christ-like Living | |
DMPL | Deep Mirror Proof Like | |
GLP | God Like Productions | |
TLI | Trypsin Like Immunoreactivity | |
LLC | Laughing Like Crazy | |
SLS | Smells Like Sour | |
PPLO | Pleuropneumonia-like Organisms | |
CLO | Campylobacter Like Organism | |
WLTM | Would Like To Meet | |
WLTM | Would Like to Meet | |
JL | Java Like | |
GLM | Geophysics Low-level Meteor-like Phenomena | |
BLIS | Bacteriocin Like Inhibitory Substances | |
GLA18 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Correlation of Aurora Frequency with Lunar Phase | |
SLR | Smells Like Records | |
LMP | Like Minded People | |
LULAS | Love You Like A Sister | |
BLT | Be Like Them | |
GLM2 | Geophysics Low-level Meteor-like Phenomena: Darting Gleams of Light | |
GLH | Go Like Hell | |
ULT | Uh Like That | |
LKQ | Like Kind And Quality | |
UCLA | Under Construction Like Always | |
BLM | Be Like Me | |
MFP | MAR-binding Filament-like Protein | |
VL | Vector Like | |
NLH | Nowhere Like Home | |
GLA5 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: The Odor of the Aurora | |
DNL | Did Not Like | |
LYLAC | Love You Like A Cousin | |
GLA25 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: False Dawn | |
PLT | People Like Them | |
SWLD | Shippers Who Like Doggett | |
DILLIGAF | Do I Look Like I Give A F***? | |
LKQ | Like Kind Quality | |
ELLE | Elle Looks Like EMACS | |
GLA13 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Glowing Night Skies | |
TLC | Think Like a Customer | |
LMO | Like Minded Organization | |
CADILLAC | Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars | |
GLA3 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroral Meteors: Moving Luminous Patches and Bands | |
SLAP | Smells Like A Party | |
SGL | Super God Like | |
LTM | Like The Moon | |
GPL | General Public Like | |
GLA11 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras Correlated with Meteors | |
ILG | I Like Girls | |
GLA22 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Black Auroras | |
YLD | Yaba- Like Disease | |
GLA19 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras Interacting with Lunar Halos | |
GLH | Goes Like Heck | |
HLV | Herpes-Like Virus | |
GCLO | Gastric Campylobacter-Like Organism | |
GLM1 | Geophysics Low-level Meteor-like Phenomena: Low-level Meteor-like Objects | |
ZLP | Zeamatin-Like Protein | |
FIGF-II | Free Insulin-like Growth Factor II | |
ILC | I Like Cheese | |
WNLV | West Nile-Like Virus | |
WAKL | Wall-Associated Kinase Like kinase | |
HALT | Harvard Atom Like Tool | |
SLT | Strong Like Thunder | |
GLA17 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Curious Folklore: Auroras and Silken Threads | |
ELE | Ester Like Ether | |
ALI | Act Like Intelligent | |
SLUT | Spitting Like U Too | |
CPAF | Chlamydial Proteasome–like Activity Factor | |
GLA26 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras Following Coastlines | |
GLA16 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Weather or Storm Lights | |
CLO | Chaphlobacter Like Organism | |
GLA24 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Millisecond Brightness Pulsations of the Night Sky | |
CLT | Cub Like Thing | |
DLNC | Diamond-Like Nano-Composite | |
FX-ALPHA | FSL X Window AWIPS-Like Prototype for Hydrometeorological Applications | |
SLMV | Synaptic-Like Micro-Vesicle | |
UGLY | Unexceptional Girls Like Yours | |
BLJ | Be Like Jesus | |
PALS | People Acting Like Siblings | |
IL&LU | I Like and Love You | |
LFO | Like Fluffy Ocelots | |
GLA4 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Low-Level Auroras | |
RLW | Reading Like a Writer | |
CALC | Can Anyone Like Calculus? | |
CADILLAC | Carries Around Dead Italians Like Luggage And Cargo | |
SLC | Smooth Like Chocolate | |
LDO | Like, Duh, Obviously | |
GLA2 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Sky-Spanning Auroral Arches | |
FIGF | Free Insulin-like Growth Factor | |
MILF | Money I'd Like to Find | |
LIVE | Like, Inquire, Visit, and Experience | |
VLU | View Like Units | |
UCL | Unbelievably Cubs Like | |
WYLK | Wouldn't You Like to Know | |
WYLK | Wouldn't You Like to Know | |
PEOPLE | People Eat Orthodox Plants Like Endive | |
DILLIGAF | does it look like i give a f**k | |
STFU | Smells like The French Union | |
SLAM | Something Like Another Monday | |
MILF | Melanie I'd Like To Forget | |
EMILY | Elderly Mind Is Like Yours | |
BLU | Brothers Like Us | |
NHL | No Hell Like | |
MILTFD | Make It Like The Frigging Drawing | |
BILLS | Boy I Like Losing Super | |
WILD | Watches Id Like To Dispose | |
KLD | Kozai Like Dynamics | |
IRWIL | I Read What I Like | |
TSCLCPT | Twenty- Sided Cube- Like Chinese Purple Thing | |
HOW YOU LEGS | How do You Like Your Eggs? | |
NMJCLAVOP | Nuthin Much, Just Chillin Like A Villain On Pennicillin | |
WLTB | Would Like To Beat | |
DILLIGAF | Does It Look Like I Give A Farthing | |
WLTB | Would Like To Beat | |
WLTB | Would Like To Beat | |
WOIM | Snake-like Game Written In Java | |
HOW YOU LEGS | How do You Like Your Eggs? | |
GLA21 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras and Surface Fogs | |
GLA10 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras Correlated with Earthquakes | |
GLA23 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Banded Skies | |
FIGF-I | Free Insulin-like Growth Factor I | |
MILF | Mother I'd Like to F*** | |
MYLF | Mom You'd Like to F**** | |
LLN | Laughing Like Niall (Horan) | |
SMILF | Single Mother I'd Like to F*** | |
TLAP | Think Like A Physicist | |
LLS | Laughing Like S*** | |
MILF | Mother I Like to F*** | |
HEWO | A kid like way to say "hello" in a mare childish manner of speaking | |
PPLO | Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms | |
LLN | Laugh Like Niall | |
GILF | Granny Id Like to F*** | |
IDLY | I Don't Like You | |
TLIB | Teens Like It Big | |
IRLU | I Really Like You | |
LFL | Like For Like | |
FLFC | First Like/ First Comment | |
BULB | Beatific Underlings Like Bulldogs | |
TILII | Telling It Like It Is | |
MILF | Moment I'd Like to Forget | |
BUDLIGHT | B*tch U don’t like it go home then | |
BANKLIKE | bank 'like | |
ISLAM | I Stand Like A Man | |
ILY | I like you! | |
!-@ | Looks like a unicycle....or a Segway | |
SLTS | Smells Like Teen Spirit (a Nirvana hit) | |
MILFs | Moms I'd Like to F*** | |
LMP | Like My Profile | |
LLN | Laughing Like Niall | |
GILF | Grandma I'd Like to F*** | |
JLT | Just Like That | |
LMSC | Like My Status Chat | |
MILF | Mom I'd Like to Face | |
ENGLISH | Exaggerated Nonsense thats Gross Like Ick, So Horrible | |
LYLAFKLC | Love You Like A Fat Kid Loves Cake | |
LMFAO | Like My Friends American offspring | |
IGF | Insulin-like Growth Factor | |
SMILF | Slovenian Male I Like To F*** | |
LLF | laughing like F*** | |
SILYMI | Say It Like You Mean It | |
LYK | Like | |
BULLY | Big Ugly Loser Like Yourself | |
LMR | Like My Recent | |
WGLL | What Good Looks Like | |
LLRC | Laugh Like Renuka Chaudhary | |
HILY | Hey I Like You | |
YOLO | Yaks Only Like Oranges | |
RIYL | Recommended If You Like | |
IKALOPLT | I Know A Lot Of People Like That | |
BLU | Bold Like Us | |
OLQ | Officer-Like Qualities | |
LPLW | Like Pay for Like Work | |
XLF | XRCC4 like factor | |
KYLE | Killin You Like Everyone | |
FLFC | First Like First Comment | |
LLAMA | Laughing Like A Mad Asparagus | |
GLR | Go like recent | |
FLG | Feeling Like Gold | |
FSLC | Follow Shoutout Like Comment | |
LIGLY | Like I'm Gonna Lose You | |
YOOO | Hey. Like Yooo, what's going on? | |
GILTF | Grannies I Like To F*** | |
EULA | Evil Users Like Apples | |
LLK | Live Like Katie | |
SUPL | Stuff Unemployed People Like | |
LMS | Like My Status | |
PRINCE | it is a therapy given to treat injuries just like other like, PRICE, RICE. it stands for Protection Rest Ice Nsaid's Compression and Elevation. here Nsaid's stand for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. | |
SLAP | Sounds Like A Plan | |
FMLTWIA | F*** Me Like The Whore I Am | |
LIC | Like I Care | |
MLLE | Maximum Likelihood Like Estimator | |
HAIKULIKE | Haiku – LIKE | |
FLOODLIKE | Flood / LIKE | |
VLP | Virus-Like-Particles | |
AHLT | A House Like This | |
IBLT | It Be Like That | |
GILF | Girl I'd Like to F*** | |
LFLS | Like Father Like Son | |
TLR | Toll Like Receptor | |
FLAG | Fight Like A Girl | |
LYLAS | Love Ya Like A Sister | |
TLAP | Talk Like A Pirate | |
SPLC | Southeastern Pimps Like Clinton | |
DILF | Daddy I'd Like to F*** | |
MBLS | Multivesicular Body Like Structures | |
DLY | Dum Like You | |
LNIB | Like New In Box | |
ILYA | I Like You Again | |
LMR | Like My Recent | |
BILLS | Because I Like Losing Superbowls | |
PPLO | Pleuro- Pneumonia-Like Organisms | |
LLN | Live Like Niall | |
SMILF | Southie Mama I'd Like to F*** | |
BLM | Better Like Moving | |
FLT | Fuzzy Like This | |
MLK | Much Like Kafka | |
CLAH | Cackle Like A Hen | |
LIM | Like It Matters | |
RLAL | Roam Like a Local | |
YLLS | You Look Like S*** | |
DELI | Delta Express Like Illusion | |
KLT | Know Like and Trust | |
ILY | I Like You | |
ALMB | Act Like a Man Box | |
BLIS | Bacteriocin Like Inhibitory Substance | |
SWYL | See What You Like | |
LAL | Like A Little | |
WIFL | Whatever I Feel Like | |
LLS | Leigh Like Syndrome | |
MULC | Miss You Like Crazy | |
HLTF | Helicase Like Transcription Factor | |
RLAL | Reading Like a Lawyer | |
YLT | You Like That | |
SLTO | Sounds Like the Ocean | |
DILLIGAF | Do I Look Like I Give A F*@# | |
ZLP | Zeamatin Like Protein | |
LMTF | Like Moths To Flames | |
DDLC | Don't Diligently Like Care | |
Electronic Mail And Is Like | ||
SFPL | Stuff Fly People Like | |
WLC | Worm Like Chain | |
DILLIGAFF | Do I Look Like I Give A Flying F | |
LMO | Like Many Others | |
KLT | Know Like Trust | |
FLJ | Feels Like July | |
ULM | Undarius Like Meanness | |
LYLARS | Love You Like A Real Sister | |
LYLAS | Love You Like A Sister | |
IYQYQR | I Like You Like You Are | |
ALP | Alpha Like Protein | |
DILLIC | Do I Look Like I Care? | |
TALC | Teens Acting Like Christ | |
LAWLL | Laugh All Wide Like a Lion | |
PLAP | Placental Like Alkaline Phosphatase | |
LOMG | Like Oh My Gosh | |
OLQ | Officer Like Qualities | |
LNWB | Like New With Box | |
VLP | Virus like particles | |
FTLI | Feline Trypsin Like Immunoreactivity | |
APLM | A Problem Like Maria | |
SPLY | Super Player Like Yourself | |
LLH | Laughing Like Hell | |
HLAR | Head Like A Rock | |
OSLT | Or Something Like That | |
DYLM? | Do You Like Me? | |
DFLI | Don't Feel Like It | |
SLAW | Sounds Like A Winner | |
YOLO | You Obviously Like Oreos | |
SLT | Shiga-like toxin | |
SILVIA | Someone I Like Very Intensely Always | |
DILLIC? | Does It Look Like I Care? | |
DILLIGAF? | Does It Look Like I Give A F***? | |
IGF-1 | insulin-like growth factor 1 | |
WLST | Writes Like She Talks | |
LLTNT | Live Like There's No Tomorrow | |
ELI5 | Explain Like I'm 5 | |
WULTGOWM | Would U Like To Go Out With Me | |
SILB | Spend It Like Beckham | |
CFLB | Cytophaga/Flexibacter-Like Cacteria | |
LAWLS | Large Air Whales Like Silence | |
LIS | Like I Said | |
MWLF | Men Who Like Feminism | |
EDLH | Endogenous Digoxin Like Hormone | |
ROFLD | Rolling On the Floor Like Draco | |
OMILTO | Older Mistress I like To Obey | |
CLO | Compost-like Output | |
WRLM | We Roll Like Madmen | |
CRLR | Calcitonin receptor like receptor | |
BLU | Be Like Us | |
BBLIB | Big Butts Like It Big | |
CSLTG | Chern Simons like theories of gravity | |
LYC | Like You Care | |
LLGD | Looks Like Good Design | |
OLU | Others Like Us | |
BFFTLEWEOAD | Best Friends For Tatally Like Ever Without Exceptions Or A Doubt | |
WAGOLL | What A Good One Looks Like | |
LLLY | Living Life Like Yeah | |
BLR | Burn Like Rice | |
ILY | I Like You | |
SMILY | Similar Medical Images Like Yours | |
PLACT | Play Like A Champion Today | |
LYLLJT | Love You Lots Like Jelley Tots | |
QLAB | Quick Like A Bunny | |
KLO | Knot Like Objects | |
QTOF | Also means QUEEN OF THE FREAKS like the AViA song. | |
CoVLP | Coronavirus Virus-Like Particles | |
VLY | Voice Like You | |
TLRL | Toll Like Receptor Ligand | |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | Animals be crazy dogs eating fish gut. Hamilton in jog...km like monkeys noon O P queen Robert snake the U V water x-rays yank zebras | |
LLJD | Live Like Jesus Did | |
SMILF | Solvenian Male I Like to Fhuck | |
TLAL | Talk Like A Leader | |
YVL | The term for Opium Fans. •Young Vamp Life refers to Playboi Carti fans( and other Opium Collective Members like (Ken Carson, Destroy Lonely and Homixide Gang) This is a fairly new term so it's rare to come across. | |
LUVLY | Lighting Unique Viral Like You | |
NOLO | No Otehr Like Ours | |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | A Big Cat Destroys Every Fallen Giraffe, However I Jailed Kitty Like Mice Near Orange People, Quickly. Rice Soup Tastes Umami Very Wet, Xtremely Yellow Zombies. | |
SLMV | Synaptic Like Micro Vesicles | |
WYLL | What You Look Like | |
BLG | Boys Like Girls | |
SENPAI | A crush, someone you/others like. | |
GLI | Git Like Interface | |
BILLS | Boy I Like Losing Superbowls | |
LMMC | Like Minded Megadiverse Countries | |
LBC | Like Burning Children | |
HDLP | Histone deacetylase like protein | |
LMFN | Like Morning Follows Night | |
LLBF | Live Like Brent Foundation | |
LOSER | Like Officially Super Extreme Rackets | |
L4L | Like for Like | |
ILH | I Like Her | |
PERK | protein kinase RNA–like endoplasmic reticulum kinase | |
LLAB | lept Like A Blog | |
TKL | Tyrosine Kinase Like | |
LCFW | Like Chocolate For Women | |
BLAT | BLAST Like Alignment Tool | |
ILTB | Invest Like the Best | |
WLSK | Wave like syncytial knot | |
VILF | Virgin I'd Like to F**k | |
ASMR | Something soothing and gets you ready for anything like | |
TEMPLE | Telling Everyone Must Pray Like Everyday | |
VILE | Very Irritating Like Emacs | |
SLIH | Some Like It Hot | |
PLKK | Polo Like Kinase Kinase | |
TLAW | Throw Like A Woman | |
FLHSS | Feels Like Home Support Services | |
DILLIGAF | Do I Look Like I Give A F*** | |
DUL | Do U Like | |
SLY | Someone Like You | |
DBL | Duffy Binding Like | |
HLH | Hands Like Houses | |
JLM | Just Like Me | |
FLC | Feel Like Crap | |
SBPL | Stuff Black People Like | |
LBNT | Like Best Next Time | |
ILGF | Insulin like growth factor | |
NLR | NOD like receptor | |
DYLM | Do You Like Music | |
GLA1 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroral Pillars: Natural Searchlight Beams | |
GLA20 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Electrical Effects of Auroras at the Earth's Surface | |
GLA28 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Flash Auroras | |
DLIS | Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Substance | |
GLU | Girls Like Us | |
CLSP | Calmodulin Like Skin Protein | |
BLS | Blown Like S*** | |
CLMP | Ctx Like Membrane Protein | |
TNPLH | There's No Place Like Home | |
FLT3 | Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 | |
ILI | Influenza-Like Illness | |
SLA | Surfactant-Like Activity | |
PARL | Presenilin Associated Rhomboid Like | |
FLSI | Flu Like Symptom Index | |
HLO | Helicobacter Like Organism | |
LLKS | Lymphangioma like Kaposi sarcoma | |
LLKS | Lymphangioma like Kaposi's sarcoma | |
RLR | RIG I Like Receptors | |
RIYL | Read if you like | |
MLPF | Minkowski like pre fractal | |
NLK | Nemo like Kinase | |
CLTM | Christ Like Transforming Ministries | |
LILR | Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptors | |
LKE | Like Kind Exchange | |
TLFF | Tweet Like Follow Friend | |
MWILF | Mature Woman I'd Like to F*** | |
PLMP | Prenyltransferase Like Mitochondrial Protein | |
NGLD | Normalized Google Like Distance | |
VLPV | Virus Like Particle Vectors | |
VLPV | Virus Like Particles Vector | |
FLG | Feel like God | |
ALLB | A Lot Like Birds | |
FTLU | For Those Like Us | |
TTLL | Tubulin Tyrosine Ligase Like | |
SWLABR | She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow | |
SWLABR | She Walks Like A Bearded Rainbow | |
BUDLIGHT | Bye You Don't Like It Go Home Then | |
LLAH | Laughing Like A Hyena | |
QLY | Quite Like You | |
BLM | BadPeople Like Marxism | |
SYLVIA | Shows You Like Vain Insipid Autos | |
BLH | Bored Like Hell | |
ACLP | Aortic carboxypeptidase like protein | |
GLA8 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras with Unusual Geometries | |
CLBP | Cardiotoxin Like Basic Polypeptide | |
DLC | Diamond like CarbonSuch | |
DLC | Diamond Like Coating | |
BLM | Bloggers Like Me | |
FLB | Fly Like A Bird | |
BLT | Box Like Thinking | |
LIL | Life is Like | |
LDO | Like duh obviously | |
SLE | Spring Like Effect | |
ILGF | Insulin Like Growth Factors | |
LFL | Li Fraumeni Like | |
DMPL | Deeply Mirrored Proof Like | |
DSEL | Dermatan Sulfate Epimerase Like | |
DLT | Dialysis Like Therapeutics | |
PALS | Parents Acting Like Students | |
SLR | Supercilious Like Randall | |
AILP | Amphioxus Insulin Like Peptide | |
SLTT | Something Like That There | |
LLAP | Legionella like Amoebal Pathogen | |
JLG | Just Like Genie | |
WHSL | What Happiness Sounds Like | |
ILYC | I Like Your Colors | |
YARI-YARI | Like blah blah blah etc, so on It's like yeah whatever | |
LYLAF | Love You Like A Friend | |
PICO | Patient, Population or Problem; Intervention, Prognostic Factor Exposure; Comparison Intervention (if appropriate); Outcome you would like to measure or achieve | |
SLAG | Screeches like a girl. | |
UP! | it means to go well... up like in the sky *points up* | |
LAWL | Laughing All Wale Like | |
MILM | Mothers I Like to Market | |
BLAF | Breathe Like A Fish | |
SLTM | SAFB like transcription modulator | |
AKL | Also Known Like | |
BLBC | Basal-Like Breast Cancer | |
GLAP | Go Like a Pro | |
RLP | Remnant like particle | |
CSLC | Cellulose Synthase Like C | |
TALEN | Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases | |
GCLO | Gastric Campylobacter Like Organisms | |
ASLTW | A story like the wind | |
TLAE | Thinking Like An Engineer | |
NLJ | None Like Joshua | |
PLTB | pertussis like toxin B | |
DILLIGAF | Do I Look Like I Give A F*** | |
IBLR | Insect Bite Like Reaction | |
SMLI | Sounds More Like It | |
MLLF | Mannequins look Like Followers | |
IDLM | I Dont Like Mondays | |
TCLB | Tactile corpuscle like bodies | |
SLASH | Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage | |
PMLS | Petit Mal Like Seizures | |
GLU | Gays Like Us | |
GLU | Girl Like Us | |
RFLS | Rheumatoid Factor Like Substance | |
LKT | Like Know Trust | |
LINCOLN | Looking Inside Newly Created Orgasms Like Nothing | |
TYWLTK | Thought You Would Like To Know | |
DYLM | Do You Like Me | |
GLHF | Girls Like Hard F***ing | |
PLUTO | Players Like Us Take Over | |
CLNR | Certified Like New Replacement | |
Good Offers Other Games Like Examples | ||
PTLB | Phage Tail Like Bacteriocins | |
WLLL | What Love Looks Like | |
VYL | Virescent Yellow Like | |
LCLR | Like City Lights Receding | |
PLAG | Play Like A Girl | |
RGLC | Radial Glia Like Cells | |
LLK | Leading Like Kings | |
EVCL | Ellis Van Creveld Like | |
CLAB | Calm Like A Bomb | |
SALM | Synaptic Adhesion Like Molecules | |
LCN | Like Coolsville N | |
WNLVE | West Nile-Like Virus Encephalitis | |
GLA9 | Geophysics Luminous Aurora-like Phenomena: Auroras Correlated with Thunderstorms | |
YLLB | You Like Little Boys | |
CLK | CDC2 Like Kinase | |
APLF | aprataxin and PNK like factor | |
GLU | Godz Like Us | |
GLU | Guys Like Us | |
PLK | Polo like kinase | |
NLV | Norwalk Like Virus | |
ELD | EDID like data | |
SILK | Sketching Interfaces Like Krazy | |
TLR | Toll like receptors | |
LLJ | Live Like John | |
CTLI | Canine Trypsin Like Immunoreactivity | |
ILTP | I Like To Party | |
QLTS | Quiet Like The Snow | |
LMTF | Like Moths To Flames Like Moths To Flames | |
HLD | Heavy Like Dat | |
Good Offers Other Games Like Examples? | ||
DLO | Document Like Object | |
PLW | Play Like Winners | |
GSL | Glucan Synthase Like | |
SLTO | Sounds Like | |
SCL | Stuff Christians Like | |
JLK | Just Like Kandy | |
DILLIGAF | Does it look like I give a F*** | |
DILLIGAF | Do I Look Like I Give A Flip | |
DILLIGAF | Does It Look Like I Give A Flip | |
LNO | Like No Other | |
ILB | I Like BrianME | |
BLAM | Be Like Aunt Martha | |
WLCM | Worm Like Chain Model | |
DGL | dergleichen German the like | |
LYV | Like Your Vidoes | |
LKA | like kind and | |
JLD | Just Like Dad | |
ELQ | Endochin Like Quinolone | |
FLC | Follow Like Comment | |
ELP | Elastin Like Protein | |
HLV | Herpes Like Virus | |
IWL | I Write Like | |
LLAE | Lead Like an Entrepreneur | |
RLH | Reading Like A Historian | |
MLT | More Like This | |
RLF | Relaxin Like Factor | |
TFTL | Thanks for the Like | |
PWAL | Pay with a Like | |
UHL | Upper Hybrid Like | |
LILR | Leukocyte Immunoglobulin Like Receptor | |
LILR | Leucocyte Ig like receptors | |
LILC | Life is Like Coffee | |
LLAS | Live like a Student | |
CLD | Carbon like Diamond | |
LLAF | Live Like a Flower | |
LMS | Like My Staus | |
LTLT | Like This Love That | |
FLMD | Fit Like Me Divas | |
CIML | Cytokine Induced Memory Like | |
LALD | Like A Little Disaster | |
FLS | Fibroblast like synoviocytes | |
BSLIS | B spline like interpolation spline | |
ENLL | Erythema Nodosum Like Lesions | |
VOAL | Value of a Like | |
RLAK | Ride Like A Knight | |
SILYMI | Scream It Like You Mean It | |
OLC | Ouabain like Compound | |
ELA | Endotoxin like Activity | |
BLBC | Basal Like Breast Carcinomas | |
PALF | Pets Are Like Family | |
SLT | Stuff Like That | |
MLL | Manchester like language | |
BLTB | Bitter like the Bean | |
VLP | Vejovine Like Peptide | |
LEL | Least Entropy Like | |
OLIWIA | Only Like I Would In America | |
WLS | Women Like Series | |
AL | Also Like | |
LMCM | Like Minded Countries Meeting | |
TLAG | Think Like a Girl | |
SLD | Sounds Like Digging | |
PLMP | Positive Like Minded People | |
NLR | Nice Like Rice | |
SLK | Sounds Like Kotibileet | |
LCS | Like Comment And Subscribe | |
TLAP | Train Like a Pro | |
TLAP | Teach Like A Pirate | |
FTLI | Feline Trypsinogen Like Immunoreactivity | |
OLB | Oaf Like Bread | |
TILC | Treat Ideas Like Cats | |
MTLM | My Toys Like Me | |
SLLM | Success Looks Like Me | |
BLC | Blob Like Configuration | |
ICLC | Interstitial Cajal like cells | |
SLK | STE20 like kinase | |
DLTS | Driving Like Totally Stupid | |
KLL | Kinda Look Like | |
KLT | Knowledge Like and Trust | |
DGFL | Dead Good Films Like | |
BLBC | Basal like breast cancer | |
DLAM | Dress Like A Mum | |
CSLD | cellulose synthase like D | |
GLAR | Growing Like a Read | |
GLAP | Grow Like A Pro | |
GLHS | Goes Like Hell Somemore | |
GLHS | Goes Like Hell Shelby | |
EDLF | Endogenous Digitalis Like Factor | |
NLV | Norwalk Like Viruses | |
SPLASH | Special People Like Alec Swimming For Hope | |
EVL | EnahVasp like | |
TLU | Target Like Use | |
RSLF | Run SAP Like A Factory | |
LLS | Laughing like sh*t | |
NMLE | Non mass like enhancement | |
DLIF | Digoxin like immunoreactive factor | |
DL | DVDs Like | |
SLB | Strong Like Bull | |
PMLD | Pelizaeus Merzbacher like disease | |
PLB | Protocorm Like Body | |
SLA | Src like adaptor | |
DLP | Dally like protein | |
SLTS | Smells Like Teen Spirit | |
TLF | Train Like a Freak | |
VLW | Verse Like Water | |
CPL | Cost Per Like | |
OLQ | Officer Like Quality | |
CLM | Chillin Like a Muf***a | |
LLJ | Lead Like Jesus | |
LKQ | Like Kind in Quality | |
VML | Vitelline Membrane Like | |
LLT | Looks Like Trouble | |
SIL | Stuff I Like | |
TLAM | Think Like A Man | |
TLAM | Train Like A Mother | |
FLS | Flu Like Symptoms | |
LMDC | Like Minded Developing Countries | |
BLO | Bacteria Like Organism | |
TAL | Transcription Activator Like | |
ALR | Almost Like Real | |
VRL | Vanilloid Receptor Like | |
ORL | Olfactory Receptor Like | |
LAV | Like A Virgin | |
GLC | Goes Like Crap | |
CTLI | Cationic Trypsin Like Immunoreactivity | |
EOLT | Endocrine Organ Like Tumour | |
PLP | Pericentrin Like Protein | |
LLD | Lobomycosis Like Disease | |
SLN | Skin Like Nature | |
SLU | Swagger Like Us | |
WILD | Why I Like Dolly | |
MLS | Many Like Scoring | |
CFLD | Coordinated Family Like Days | |
SLW | Sound Like Water | |
LABB | Like A Bubbling Brook | |
ELC | Emphysema Like Changes | |
DLM | Dead Like Me | |
LLL | Lisp Like Language | |
SLK | Smug Like Kanye | |
LLR | Lisp Like R | |
CLIS | C Like Intepreted Script | |
LQF | LIke Quans Favorite | |
DLRP | Done Like Real Pro | |
ASCL | Achaete Scute Complex Like | |
LLK | Laugh Like Kira | |
LYM | Like Your Mom | |
TLCE | Think Like a Canadian Economist | |
ATLAS | Always Think Like A Scientist | |
ISBL | It Should Behave Like | |
ELLA | Electronic Life Like Assistant | |
PLK | Putt Like a Kid | |
FLAW | Fight Like A Wolf | |
TLP | Thaumatin Like Protein | |
DJL | Don Juan Like | |
SLT | Something Like This | |
SLAG | Scream Like A Girl | |
SLN | Subscribe Like Nonification | |
SHLP | Small Humanin Like Peptides | |
WAGOLL | What A Great One Looks Like | |
MILF | Mom Id Like to Fhold | |
MJL | Main Job Like | |
KLU | Kids Like Us | |
CLIMB | Cats Like Isabelle More Because | |
BLU | Bent Like Us | |
FLH | Fight Like Hell | |
FLH | Fat Like a Hog | |
DLB | Destroy the Like Button | |
KOLT | Kind Of Like This | |
HILF | Hockeymen Id Like to F*** | |
WASL | Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Like | |
ALP | Axion Like Particle | |
OLF | Ouabain Like Factor | |
OLOS | OSEKtime Like Operating System | |
DLIF | Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Factors | |
DLIS | Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Substances | |
TLK | Tousled Like Kinase | |
RLAP | Rise Like A Phoenix | |
LLM | Love Like Myles | |
LMF | Like Minded Females | |
CLT | Cool Like That | |
GLS | Goes Like Stink | |
LCP | Like Cold Process | |
WDL | Wave Dampened2 Like | |
ULP | Ulcer Like Projection | |
LLLL | Lazy Logic Like Language | |
LLK | Leiv Like Keegan | |
RLB | Ricket Like Blood | |
TLR | Tits Like Rocks | |
ILT | I Like That | |
DLID | Drive Like I Do | |
TLPA | Thioredoxin Like Protein A a | |
JLN | Just Like New | |
ITILY | I Think I Like You | |
CLSP | CAR Like Soluble Protein | |
LTK | Like To Know | |
ODLT | One Day Like This | |
NILF | Niggwr Id Like to F*** | |
DLN | Diamond Like Nanocomposite | |
DLN | Diamond Like Nanocomposites | |
BLT | Blonde Like Totally | |
CLAB | Crying Like A Baby | |
AYL | As You Like | |
PLAP | Plank Like A Pirate | |
ELP | Elastin Like Polypeptide | |
TWL | Teas We Like | |
LLAM | Laughing Like A Maniac | |
TIL | Things I Like | |
HILY | Hi I Like You | |
FLO | Future Like Ours | |
VSLP | Virulent Sabin Like Poliovirus | |
LLH | Laughing Like Heck | |
JLR | Just Like Rover | |
HLO | Helicobacter Like Organisms | |
LFLD | Like Father Like Daughter | |
PRINCE | it is a therapy given to treat injuries just like other like, PRICE, RICE. it stands for Protection Rest Ice Nsaid's Compression and Elevation. here Nsaid's stand for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. | |
BLBBLB | Back Like Bull, Brain Like Bird (instant messaging) | |
SLY | Seems Like Yesterday | |
SPLI | Substance P Like Immunoreactivity | |
SLO | Sword Like Object | |
TLC | Thinking Like Canines | |
SMLC | Smooth Muscle-Like Cell | |
FLHP | Feels Like Home in Paris | |
DILLIGAD | Do I Look Like I Give A Damn? | |
TLR | Toll-Like Receptor | |
LYLAB | Love You Like A Brother | |
NLT | Not Like Them | |
GLP | Glucagon Like Peptide | |
GLP | Good Like Partner | |
MFP1 | MAR binding Filament-like Protein 1 | |
MFP2 | MAR binding Filament-like Protein 2 | |
GLU | Girls Like Us (clique) | |
LFR | Like, For Real | |
YLB | You Like Boys | |
KLP | Kinesin Like Protein | |
LTLWDLS | Let's Twist Like We Did Last Summer | |
GLLG | Giggling Like a Little Girl | |
LN | Like New | |
OLF | Oubain-Like Immunoreactive Factor | |
ILYLAB | I Love You Like A Brother | |
DLC | Dioxin-Like Compound | |
WLTD | Would Like To Discuss | |
ROTFLDM | Rolling On The Floor Laughing Like Draco Malfoy | |
DYLTD | Do You Like To Dance | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
TLRS | Toll-like Receptors | |
YOLO | You Only Like Oil | |
CBLP | Calcineurin B Like Protein | |
RLAB | Roll Like A Buffalo | |
LNMC | Like New Mint Condition | |
TLR | Toll-Like Receptors | |
LIVM | Like It Very Much | |
ALOS | Actinomyces-like organisms | |
ALK | Activin-Like Kinase | |
ALS | Agglutinin-Like Sequence | |
ALSOB | Alcohol-like substance on breath | |
ALS | Alveolar-Like Structure | |
ALS | Angiotensin-Like Substance | |
APL | Anterior Pituitary-Like | |
ALB | Anxiety-Like Behaviour | |
ALD | Aspirin-Like Drug | |
BLAT | BLAST-Like Alignment Tool (BLAT) Molecular biology | |
CLS | Capillary-Like Structures | |
CALS | Carbonic Anhydrase Like Sequence | |
CLS | Cathepsin-Like Substance | |
CLIP | corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide | |
DLF | Digitalis-Like Factor | |
ILA | Insulin-Like Activity | |
PLP | parathyroid hormone-like peptide | |
PLP | PTH-like peptide | |
SLI | Secretin-Like Immunoreactivity | |
SLE | Seizure-Like Events | |
SLI | Serotonin-Like Immunoreactivity | |
SLA | Somatomedin-Like Activity | |
SLI | Somatostatin-Like Immunoreactivity | |
TLA | Theta-Like Activity | |
ILInet | Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network | |
TLR(S) | Toll-Like Receptor(S) | |
NLR | NOD-like receptors | |
RLAB | Roll Like A Buffalo | |
SLAP | Sounds Like A Plan | |
× | And (Like & or +) | |
RLAB | Rolls Like A Buffalo | |
CLR(s) | C-type lectin-like receptor(s) | |
NLR(s) | NOD-like receptor(s) | |
LLL | Living Like Larry | |
AM/FM | Am radio fm radio Like a Chanel on a radio | |
LAB | Like A Boss | |
TLR | Toll-like receptor | |
TILAM | Take It Like a Man | |
ELMS | EYE Like my status | |
LT | Like Totally | |
OLLY | Only Live Like You | |
CLAF | Crazy Like A Fox | |
LIC | Like I care | |
ITLAPD | International Talk Like a Pirate Day | |
PEBBLE | Pad Enabled Building Block Life-like Entity | |
LYLC | Love You Like Crazy | |
SWPL | Stuff White People Like | |
EML4 | Echinoderm Microtubule associated protein Like 4 | |
LMDC | Like Minded Group of Developing Countries | |
RULER | Runners Usually Like Easy Routes | |
MYLC | Miss You Like Crazy | |
WCLT | We're Cool Like That | |
SBPDL | Stuff Black People Don't Like | |
BALBO | Books Are Like Baby Onions | |
HYLMT | Hope You Like My Trivia | |
DTMLT | Don't Talk To Me Like That | |
SMYLC | Still Missing You Like Crazy | |
HLF | Hot Like Fire | |
CSLTG | Chern-Simons–like Theories of Gravity | |
CLO | Campylobacter-like organism test | |
BUKLAU | Bring Underwear Kay Like Austrarian Underwearulo | |
ILC | I Like Cheese | |
LLF | Looks Like Food | |
BLG | Boys Like Girls | |
IDLTLOT | I Don't Like The Look Of This | |
LINKU | Like I Need Kiss You | |
WBLA | When Babies Like Apples | |
LAB | Like A Boss | |
LOLLN | Laugh out loud like Niall | |
FLB | Friend Like a Brand | |
BLT | Be Like That | |
LADY GAGA | Like All Damaged Youths, Great At Getting Attention | |
ILIC | I Like Ice Cream | |
LLLII | Love Life Like It Is | |
IGFBP | Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein | |
NIFTP | Noninvasive Follicular Thyroid Neoplasm with Papillary-like Nuclear Features | |
SLAP | Sounds Like A Progress | |
AHIRLWY | At Home I Really Like Watch'in YouTube | |
LLAC | Laughing Like A Chicken | |
DILLICAWYS? | Does It Look Like I Care About What You Say? | |
CRACC | CD2-like Receptor Activating Cytotoxic Cells | |
LF | Like Fools | |
CLAC | Crying Like A Child | |
LKDTW | Like A Duck To Water | |
ILD | I Like Donuts | |
WL | Would Like | |
MILD | Mother I'd like to take on a date | |
DILLIGAS | Do I Look Like I Give A S*** | |
MLO | Mollicute-Like Organism | |
Dylmttt | Do you like mge tell the truth | |
DULH | Do You Like Her? | |
SLFN | Sounds Like Friday Night | |
SLFN | Sounds Like Friday Night | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGFR | Insulin-like growth factor receptor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
IGF | Insulin-like growth factor | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
MELAS | Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes | |
SLOD | Star Like Original Design | |
WYL | What You Like? | |
LMAOROTFBTCSTCNDBFOOTWIFOAGWLLBGWTHROOTSAIAKBAYB | Laughing my a** off rolling on the floor biting the carpet, scaring the cat, nearly dying by falling out of the window in front of a guy who looks like Bill Gates, who then horrified runs out on the street and is accidentally killed by a yellow bulldozer. | |
MOWILLEMS | Museum Of Wonderfully Interesting Life Like Excellent Museum Stuff | |
MOWILLEMS | Museum Of Wonderfully Interesting Life Like Excellent Museum Stuff | |
CAILLOU | I'm just a kid who's four, Each day I grow some more, I like exploring, I'm Caillou, So many things to do, Each day is something new, I'll share them with you, I'm Caillou, My world is turning, Changing each day, With mommy and daddy, I'm finding my way! Growing up is not so tough, 'Cept when i've had enough, But there's lots of fun stuff, I'm Caillou, Caillou, Caillou, I'm Caillou, ... That's me! | |
WAILT? | Why Am I Like This? | |
DFLC | Don’t Feel Like Crying | |
TN12LLY | The Number 12 Looks Like You | |
LBN | Like Brand New | |
LWFC | Like Water For Chocolate | |
WLAY | What i Like About You | |
HKLP | Holds Knife Like Pen | |
IDLP | I Don't Like People | |
LMLYD | Love Me Like You Do | |
MLVWM | Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager | |
TALEN | Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nuclease | |
WILBA | What It's Like Being Alone | |
KOL | King Of Like | |
ILI | I Like It | |
LB | Like Birds | |
DILLIGAF | Does It Look Like I Give A F***? | |
LB | Like Back | |
HILY | Hey I Like You | |
C9 | A kind of bomb that explodes. Like a bomb. Cause it’s a bomb. | |
MILH | Mother I’d Like to Have | |
CLT | Combine Like Terms | |
LMAOROTFBTCSTCNDBFOOTWIFOAGWLLBGWTHROOTSAIAKBAYB | Laughing My Ass Off Rolling On The Floor, Biting The Carpet, Scaring The Cat, Nearly Dying By Falling Out Of The Window In Front Of A Guy Who Looks Like Bill Gates, Who Then Horrified, Runs Out On The Street And Is Accidentally Killed By A Yellow Bulldozer | |
ILBW | I Like Being Weird | |
OSSLT | Or Some Sh*t Like That | |
SAY | 'SAVE A YEAR' for indian its mean like that.... | |
AWALT | All Women Are Like That | |
NAWALT | Not All Women Are Like That | |
AMALT | All Men Are Like That | |
FILF | Father I'd Like (to) F**k | |
LJK | Like Just Kidding | |
SL-CoV | Severe acute respiratory syndrome-Like Coronavirus | |
SL-CoV | Severe acute respiratory syndrome-Like Coronavirus | |
SSGL | Small Starch Granule-Like Structure | |
BOLTSS | Bad Oranges Like To Sing Songs | |
OLGC | Osteoclast-Like Giant Cell (tumor) | |
VILF | Voter I’d Like to F*** | |
SEARCHFORANABBREVIATIONORACRONYM | Sam Eats Apples Rarely Cuz` He's all For Opening a Reading Academy, Nick Also Bought Boots for Rachel; Even Variants Inside of A Tree. In Orogen Nick or Rachel will of Ate C*m because Rachel Orally Raped him. (Orogen Never will Yield to Monsters like Rachel) | |
DYLTGIR | Do You Like The Girl In Red | |
SL-COV | SARS-Like Coronavirus | |
SL-CoV-WIV1 | SARS-Like Coronavirus Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 | |
SL-CoV-WIV1 | SARS-Like Coronavirus Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 | |
IKYFL | I Know You Feel Like | |
LOYO | Like Only Your Opinion | |
SLAPP | Sounds Like A Personal Problem | |
VLP | Virus-Like Particles | |
VLP | Virus-Like Particles | |
SIDLT | Stop I Don't Like That | |
WLBW | We Like Being Watched | |
RBLX | an Radio Block Like X | |
DLC | Diamond Like Carbon Coating | |
GLH | Goes Like Hell | |
ILMO | International Like Minded Owners | |
JLV | Jeep Like Vehicle | |
YDLAA | You Drive Like An Asshole | |
ALIWEB | Archie Like Indexing in the Web | |
BLAT | Blast Like Alignment Tool | |
CPL | Cost Per Like | |
DIAT | Distributed Internet Like Architecture for Things | |
GELLMU | Generalized Extensible Latex Like Mark Up | |
LLS | Lan Like Switching | |
LNIB | Like New In Box | |
NGLD | Normalized Google Like Distance | |
SPAX | Sax-Like Interface for Parsing Soap | |
IDLYAM | I Don't Like You Anymore | |
CLT | Compare Like Terms | |
TCYJLB | Take Care of Your Jade Like Body | |
GILTF | Girl I Like To F**k | |
DIPO | Dip In Poverty like Ocean | |
VILF | Vampire I'd Like to F*** | |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | Animals be crazy dogs eating fish gut. Hamilton in jog...km like monkeys noon O P queen Robert snake the U V water x-rays yank zebras | |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | Animals be crazy dogs eating fish gut. Hamilton in jog...km like monkeys noon O P queen Robert snake the U V water x-rays yank zebras | |
SLW | Spread Like Wildfire | |
MLIB | Milf Like It BiG | |
SLAYP | Sounds Like A You Problem | |
AFINN | AFINN is a dictionary-like collection of words mapped to sentiment level (often from bad to good) used in sentiment analysis in computer science, named after Dane Finn Årup Nielsen. | |
LTK | Like-To-Know | |
WIFL | What It Feels Like | |
LFGs | people found using LFG(looking for group) system, which works like a help wanted bulletin board. | |
MENH | Menh : (man , men ) is a kind of English slang spoken in some states like Chicago, California , New York etc........ It’s also used in some African English speaking country | |
MENH | Menh : (man , men ) is a kind of English slang spoken in some states like Chicago, California , New York etc........ It’s also used in some African English speaking country | |
MENH | Menh : (man , men ) is a kind of English slang spoken in some states like Chicago, California , New York etc........ It’s also used in some African English speaking country | |
MENH | Menh : (man , men ) is a kind of English slang spoken in some states like Chicago, California , New York etc........ It’s also used in some African English speaking country | |
MENH | Menh : (man , men ) is a kind of English slang spoken in some states like Chicago, California , New York etc........ It’s also used in some African English speaking country | |
0092 | Code that means i like you. | |
VINCENT | VIN = Car (vin) number vehicle number is like a SS number with creator information Cent- coins or sent as a verb. VIN or vine plant energy grows V in E (energy) CE is current energy ENT = Extra terrestrial TREES | |
VINCENT | VIN = Car (vin) number vehicle number is like a SS number with creator information Cent- coins or sent as a verb. VIN or vine plant energy grows V in E (energy) CE is current energy ENT = Extra terrestrial TREES | |
VINCENT | VIN = Car (vin) number vehicle number is like a SS number with creator information Cent- coins or sent as a verb. VIN or vine plant energy grows V in E (energy) CE is current energy ENT = Extra terrestrial TREES | |
DLKH | Dogs Like Kinky Hoes | |
MILFA | Mom I'd Like to F*** Anally | |
LLSTM | Looks Like Sh*t To Me | |
OMIN | A person who has a very balance good and bad nature and tend to make his surroundings people like him or a person who is light and dark ,and stood between them to balance it | |
LILRB3 | Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor subfamily B member 3 | |
DREDDER | A suspected dangerous animal that looks like a snake but it's flying having a power with dangerous poison. When it touches you or bits you it can cause immediately death also it can fly with a high number of weight and that why it can fly with even a human when bits. | |
DREDDER | A suspected dangerous animal that looks like a snake but it's flying having a power with dangerous poison. When it touches you or bits you it can cause immediately death also it can fly with a high number of weight and that why it can fly with even a human when bits. | |
LPOP | Lithuanian pop (like kpop - korean pop) | |
LTM | Like-That-Matters | |
IFLKM | I Feel Like Killing Myself | |
NOLY | No One Like You |
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- if you like(Adverb)
- Please, kindly;
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