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Acronyms that contain the term ion
What does ion mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: ion.
Term | Definition | Rating |
PH | Hydrogen ion concentration | |
PH | Hydrogen ion concentration | |
RIE | Reactive Ion Etching | |
IC | Ion Chromatography | |
FIB | Focused Ion Beam | |
SIMS | Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy | |
HI | Heavy Ion | |
FTICR | Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance | |
SIMS | Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry | |
PIII | Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation | |
EBIT | Electron Beam Ion Trap | |
ALICE | A Large Ion Collider Experiment | |
MEIS | Medium Energy Ion Scattering | |
IBD | Ion Beam Deposition | |
LEIS | Low Energy Ion Scattering | |
FIM | Field Ion Microscopy | |
PI | Phosphate Ion | |
ISFET | Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor | |
STAR | Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) | |
IONN | Ion Networks, Inc. | |
SIM | Selected Ion Monitoring | |
I2 | Ion Implant (also seen as II) | |
PSII | Plasma Source Ion Implantation | |
CAIBE | Chemically-Assisted Ion Beam Etching | |
IBE | Ion Beam Etching | |
ISE | Ion Selective Electrode | |
SIMS | Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer | |
IBA | Ion Beam Applications | |
IMS | Ion Mobility Spectroscopy | |
IB | Ion Balance | |
IL | Ion Lasers | |
TIE | Twin Ion Engine | |
IPL | Ion Projection Lithography | |
MERIE | Magnetically Enhanced Reactive Ion Etching | |
CIP | Contact Ion Pair | |
EIC | Electron Ion Collider | |
IEDF | Ion Energy Distribution Function | |
HIF-VNL | Heavy-Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory | |
MMI | Mobile Metal Ion | |
HIBS | Heavy Ion Backscattering Spectrometry | |
IBAE | Ion Beam Assisted Etching | |
MIE | Magnetron Ion Etching | |
BIT | Bulk Ion Temperature | |
IBIS | Ion Beam Information System | |
RITU | Recoil Ion Transport Unit | |
SIMS | Secondary Ion Mass Spectometry | |
SB | Strong Base ion exchange | |
IEA | Ion Energy Analysis | |
IQ | Ion Quality | |
LION | Low Energy Ion and Electron Instrument | |
IMMA | Ion Microphobe Mass Analysis | |
SIDP | Sputter Ion Depth Profiling | |
MORIE | Metal Organic Reactive Ion Etching | |
PIC | Precision Ion Chamber | |
RIBE | Reaction Ion Beam Etching | |
MELICA | Medium Energy Ion Composition Analyzer | |
IRM | Ion Rate Monitoring | |
PH | Power of Hydrogen (hydrogen-ion concentration) | |
RWIX | Radioactive Waste Ion eXchanger | |
DITG | Drift-Ion Temperature Gradient | |
II | Ion Implant (also seen as I2) | |
QIE | Quad Ion Engines | |
IDC | Ion Drive Craft | |
ISS | Ion Scattering Spectrometry | |
FIAM | Free Ion Activity Model | |
WWIX | Waste Water Ion Exchange | |
WWIX | Waste Water Ion Exchange | |
UNIT | Unifying Nitrogen Ion Transmitter | |
ION | Descript.ion file file descriptions (4DOS) | |
NIAP | Negative Ion Air Purifier | |
JULIA | Jena University Laboratory of Ion Acceleration | |
SHRIMP | Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe | |
IT | ion of TWAIN | |
pH | Hydrogen-Ion Concentration (Alkalinity) | |
ROSINA | Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis | |
IBAD | Ion Beam Assisted Deposition | |
MI | myocardial infarct(ion) | |
VGIC | Voltage gated ion channels | |
FAIR | Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research | |
IMBL | Ion and Molecular Beam Lab | |
HOIC | High Orbit Ion Cannon | |
IT | ion to | |
Li-ION | Lithium-ION (rechargeable battery) | |
Li-ION | Lithium-ION | |
STEMI | ST-segment elevation myocardial infarct(ion) | |
LIBRA | Laboratory for Ion Beam Research and Applications | |
FIBM | Focused Ion Beam Milling | |
HDRIP | High Density Reactive Ion Plating | |
RMIT | Random Magical Ion Test | |
FAIMS | Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometer | |
LIR | Lithium Ion Rechargeable | |
PIMS | Positive Ion Mass Spectrometry | |
IER | Ion Exchange Resin | |
IOAP | iON Online Assessment Platform | |
PIMMS | Proton Ion Medical Machine Study | |
IMR | Ion Manganese Round | |
RHIC | Relativistic Heavy Ion Col | |
MIRF | Multicharged Ion Research Facility | |
OH | Hyroxide ion | |
ill. | illustrated/ion(s) | |
ROOTION | root – ion | |
LIPB | Lithium Ion Polymer Battery | |
SCIB | Super Charge ion Battery | |
LIBB | Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering | |
SWATH | Sequential Windowed Acquisition of All Theoretical Fragment Ion Mass Spectra | |
HIFAR | Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerator Research | |
JAIRA | Japan Association of Ion Research and Application | |
JAIRA | Japan Association of Ion Research and Application | |
HILA | Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator | |
IMAC | Immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography | |
PERIE | Plasma Enhanced Reactive Ion Etch | |
SCISE | Solid Contact Ion Selective Electrode | |
IMEI | Ion Mobile Equipment Identity | |
LMIS | Liquid Metal Ion Source | |
TIDE | Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment | |
SHINE | SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment | |
LOIC | low Orbit Ion Cannon | |
HIBL | Helium ion beam lithography | |
RFIE | Reverse Flow Ion Exchange | |
II | Ion the II | |
LIB | Lithium Ion Battery | |
RIBD | Reactive Ion Beam Deposition | |
ISTS | Ion Source Test Stand | |
BICS | Biological Ion Channel Simulator | |
IBW | Ion Bernstein Wave | |
FAIMS | Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry | |
PIDK | Primary Ion Depletion Kinetics | |
INMS | Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer | |
IWBA | Ion wave breaking acceleration | |
EOID | Electro optical ion detectors | |
PBII | Plasma Based Ion Implantation | |
IBAF | ion Beam Analysis Facility | |
ECRIS | Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources | |
IBRE | Ion Bombardment Retarded Etching | |
LSIEC | Lab Scale Ion Exchange Chromatography | |
MIKES | Mass-Analyzed Ion Kinetic-Energy Spectrometry | |
LEIR | Low Energy Ion Ring | |
TRIAC | Tokai Radioactive Ion Accelerator Complex | |
MCHIT | Monte Carlo for Heavy Ion Therapy | |
RHIP | Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics | |
ICRF | Ion Cyclotron Resonant Frequency | |
ICRF | Ion Cyclotron Range Of Frequencies | |
LIL | Large Ion Lithophile | |
HIA | Hot Ion Analyzer | |
SIM | Secondary Ion Mass | |
HPIC | High Pressure Ion Chromatography | |
IT | Ion Of The | |
PRIMS | Primspuerto Rico Ion Mass Spectrometer | |
ICIT | International Conference on Ion Implantation | |
LI | Lithium Ion | |
FIB | Focus Ion Beam | |
SIA | Single Ion Anisotropies | |
RFIC | Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography | |
IBMM | Ion Beam Modification of Materials | |
HEIS | High Energy Ion Scattering | |
DIBD | Dual Ion Beam Deposition | |
IMBD | Ion Move Brownian Dynamics | |
SWIA | Solar Wind Ion Analyzer | |
PFIA | Peptide Fragment Ion Analyser | |
ISIT | International Symposium on Ion Therapy | |
ISIT | International Symposium on Ion Therapy | |
EICW | Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves | |
EICW | Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves | |
LILE | Large Ion Lithophile Elements | |
IEAD | Ion Energy and Angular Distributions | |
HPIB | High Power Ion Beam | |
MSIY | Molecular Secondary Ion Yield | |
EPIC | Electron-Polarized Ion Collider | |
HISR | Heavy Ion Storage Ring | |
TIMS | Thermal Ion Mass Spectrometer | |
SNIF | Small Negative Ion Facility | |
BCIT | Banca Comerciala Ion Tiriac | |
SSIE | Solid State Ion Exchange | |
STIM | Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy | |
FIMC | Frontliner IoN Messinger Club | |
ION | ION Ltd | |
CEIG | Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica | |
PIBA | Pulsed Ion Beam Ablation | |
IBED | Ion Beam Enhanced Deposition | |
ARISS | Angle Resolved Ion Scattering Spectroscopy | |
IT | ion into | |
IGAD | Ion Gun Assist Deposition | |
LOIC | Low Orbit Ion Canon | |
LOIC | Lower Orbit Ion Cannon | |
ION | ION In Other News | |
DIBD | Direct ion beam deposition | |
IEMB | Ion Exchange Membrane Bioreactor | |
DIS | Direct Ion Storage | |
IBML | Ion Beam Materials Laboratory | |
ICRH | Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating | |
TIC | Tal Ion Chromatogram | |
DRIE | Deep reactive ion etching | |
DRIE | Deep Reactive Ion Etched | |
INMS | Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometers | |
IBAE | Ion beam assisted evaporation | |
ICAN | Ion Compressed Antimatter Nuclear | |
FIB | Focused Ion Bean | |
IBA | Ion Beam Application | |
IAO | ion assisted oXidation | |
IES | Ion and Electron Sensor | |
IRU | Ion Reporter Uploader | |
ISFET | Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors | |
ISFET | Ion Selective Field Effect Transistor | |
EDIP | Energy Due To Ion Permanent | |
QI | Quad Ion | |
LIT | Linear Ion Trap | |
IMS | Ion Mobility Spectrometry | |
EIM | Embedded Ion Method | |
HRIMS | High Resolution Ion Mobility Spectrometer | |
LOIS | Laser Operated Ion Source | |
MEICA | Medium Energy Ion Composition Analyzer | |
ISPS | Ion Sphere Particles Sequencing | |
AIPI | Ab Initio Perturbed Ion | |
SID | Strong Ion Difference | |
FNI | False Negative Ion | |
HITL | Heavy Ion Transfer Line | |
ZIA | Zinc Ion Availability | |
HIL | Heavy Ion Laboratory | |
CIVP | Cryogenic Ion Vibrational Predissociation | |
CINDI | Coupled Ion Neutral Dynamic Investigation | |
CINDI | Coupled Ion Neutral Dynamics Investigation | |
HIBL | Helium Ion Beam Lithography | |
IPB | Ion Plating Black | |
ICPS | Ion Counts Per Second | |
IBAD | Ion Beam Assist Deposited | |
ESID | Electron Stimulated Ion Desorption | |
PSID | Photon Stimulated Ion Desorption | |
GCIS | Gas Cluster Ion Source | |
ISE | Ion Selective Electrodes | |
MIF | Metal Ion Free | |
IAD | Ion Asset Definition | |
SIFT | Selected Ion Flow Tube | |
SSIE | Solidstate Ion Exchange | |
IVM | Ion Velocity Meter | |
LGIT | Linear Gridless Ion Thruster | |
IBF | Ion Beam Facility | |
VIVO | Vivl Ion Vivo On | |
IPG | Ion Plating Gold | |
IIEE | Ion Induced Electron Emission | |
ITP | Ion Transport Peptide | |
SIMS | Scanning Ion Microscopy Secondary | |
EIBT | Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap | |
RHI | Relativistic Heavy Ion | |
HIF | Heavy Ion Facility | |
IBF | Ion Beam Figuring | |
ICTI | Ion Channels and Transporters in Immunity | |
GFIS | Gas Field Ion Source | |
ZIC | Zinc Ion Capacitor | |
EICC | Electron Ion Collider in China | |
ICRH | Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating | |
SIA | Small Ion Atmospheric | |
OFIC | Outlet Ferrous Ion Concentration | |
IAT | Ion of Alright That | |
SMIT | Scalable Multiplexed Ion Trap | |
PISE | Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering | |
PIEM | Perfluorinated Ion Exchange Membrane | |
IAPS | Ion Auxiliary Propulsion System | |
IHAC | Ion Highway Advisory Council | |
NID | Negative Ion Detector | |
PILAC | Pulsed Ion Linear ACcelerator | |
TIE | Twin Ion Engines | |
ICR | Ion Cyclotron Resonance | |
UAIM Bucuresti | Universitatea de Arhitectura Ion Mincu, Bucuresti | |
TIC | Total Ion Current | |
IBMM | International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials | |
IC | Ion Chamber | |
QINMS | Quadruple Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer | |
RIMS | Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer | |
STICS | SupraThermal Ion Composition Spectrometer | |
SWICS | Solar-Wind Ion-Composition Spectrometer | |
EIC | Extract Ion Chromatogram | |
Li-ion | Lithium-ion rechargeable battery | |
Li-ion | Lithium-ion rechargeable battery | |
Li-ION | Lithium-ion | |
Li-ION | Lithium-ion rechargeable battery | |
FIM | Field Ion Microscope | |
IVD | Ion Vapor Deposition | |
IEI | Ion Exchange India | |
AIM | Adaptive Ion Milling | |
NI | Negative Ion | |
NAGMA | Non Ion Gap Metabolic Acidosis | |
INS | Ion-Neutralization Spectroscopy | |
ISIAC | International Symposium on Ion Atom Collisions | |
ICR | Ion Channel Receptor | |
RHIC | Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | |
RHIC | Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | |
SCIM | Scanning Ion-conductance microscopy | |
IC | Ion-exchange chromatography | |
IC | Ion chromatography | |
Li-Ion | Lithium Ion | |
PIIP | Plasma Immersion Ion Processing | |
HPICM | Hopping Probe Ion Conductance Microscopy | |
LOIC | Low Orbit Ion Cannon | |
LOIC | Low Orbit Ion Cannon | |
DRIE | Deep Reactive-Ion Etching | |
EBIS | Electron Beam Ion Source | |
IBAD | Ion Beam-Assisted Deposition | |
ICRF | Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency | |
ITMS | Ion Trap Mobility Spectrometry | |
LEIS | Low-Energy Ion Scattering | |
LGIC | Ligand-Gated Ion Channel | |
MEIS | Medium Energy Ion Scattering | |
NICI | Negative Ion Chemical Ionization | |
SICM | Scanning Ion-Conductance Microscopy | |
PEPICO | Photo Electron Photo Ion Coincidence spectOscopy | |
FTICR | Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance | |
IMSMS | Ion-Mobility Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry | |
SCRIT | Self-Confining RI Ion Target | |
IMR | lithium manganese rechargeable Li-Ion cells | |
INR | lithium nickel rechargeable Li-Ion cell | |
ICR | Lithium Cobalt Rechargeable Li-Ion Cell | |
TIE | Twin Ion Engine | |
POLE | People Object(ion)s Location Events | |
LLIBTA | Large Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Application | |
LLIBTA | Large Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Application | |
EIC | Extracted Ion Chromatogram | |
HIFPP | Heavy Ion Fusion Power Plant | |
HICR | Hydrogen Ion Concentration | |
ALIS | Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery System | |
ELIICA | Electric Lithium Ion Battery Car | |
LBC | Li-Ion Battery Controller | |
LIBC | Lithium Ion Battery Charger | |
PEIO | Peugeot Ion | |
RELIEVE | Recycling Li-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicle | |
SCIB | Super Charge Ion Battery | |
ALICE | A Large Ion Collider Experiment | |
HOIC | High Orbit Ion Cannon | |
ILIR | Intelligent Lithium Ion Recharge | |
LIP | Lithium Ion Polymer | |
LIR | Lithium Ion Recharge | |
LOIC | Low Orbit Ion Cannon | |
RHIC | Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | |
LEBIT | Low Energy Beam and Ion Trap | |
LEBIT | Low Energy Beam and Ion Trap | |
PH | Hydrogen ion concentration (pH grade) | |
IOX | Ion-exchange | |
STUPID | Seal Tick Uber Papia Ion Dill | |
SCIB | Super Charge Ion Battery | |
SHIELD | Solar Wind with Hydrogen Ion Exchange and Large-scale Dynamics | |
IERT | Ion Exchange Resin Technology | |
IERT | Ion Exchange Resin Technology |
What does ion mean?
- ion(noun)
- a particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons
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