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Acronyms that contain the term kenya
What does kenya mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: kenya.
Term | Definition | Rating |
254 | Kenya | |
KE | Kenya | |
MBA | Mombasa, Kenya | |
KATO | Kenya Association of Tour Operators | |
KANU | Kenya African National Union | |
LUO | Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) | |
GOK | Government Of Kenya | |
KNM | Kenya National Museum | |
EDL | Eldoret, Kenya | |
ACK | Anglican Church of Kenya | |
KEY | Kericho, Kenya | |
LAU | Lamu, Kenya | |
NYK | Nanyuki, Kenya | |
UAS | Samburu, Kenya | |
KIS | Kisumu, Kenya | |
GAS | Garissa, Kenya | |
MRE | Mara Lodges, Kenya | |
WIL | Wilson Airport, Nairobi, Kenya | |
KIRDI | Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute | |
KWS | Kenya Wildlife Service | |
ASV | Amboseli, Kenya | |
KAAA | Kenya Amateur Athletic Association | |
KDN | Kenya Data Network | |
NYE | Nyeri, Kenya | |
KIP | Kenya Ict Policy | |
WJR | Wajir, Kenya | |
KISM | Kenya Institute of Supplies Management | |
KISM | Kenya Institute of Surveying and Mapping | |
ILRAD | International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (Nairobi, Kenya) | |
NUU | Nakuru, Kenya | |
LOK | Lodwar, Kenya | |
KDRC | Kenya Deaf Resource Centre | |
KLK | Kalokol, Kenya | |
KTL | Kitale, Kenya | |
WVK | World Vision Kenya | |
KIU | Kiunga, Kenya | |
RBT | Marsabit, Kenya | |
HOA | Hola, Kenya | |
OYL | Moyale, Kenya | |
LOY | Loyangalani, Kenya | |
BMQ | Bamburi, Kenya | |
MUM | Mumias, Kenya | |
LBK | Liboi, Kenya | |
ILU | Kilaguni, Kenya | |
EYS | Eliye Springs, Kenya | |
KRV | Kerio Valley, Kenya | |
LBN | Lake Baringo, Kenya | |
NZO | Nzoia, Kenya | |
LKU | Lake Rudolf, Kenya | |
IIK | Insurance Institute of Kenya | |
UKA | Ukunda, Kenya | |
KPPG | Kenya Pastoral Parliamentary Group | |
NBO | Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, Kenya | |
KBC | Kenya Broadcasting Corporation | |
NK | Neo Kenya | |
KWY | Kiwayy, Kenya | |
POJ | LOWER POKOMO: A language of Kenya | |
KQ | Kenya Airways (airline code) | |
EAK | East Africa Kenya | |
KTN | Kenya Television Network | |
DGAK | Dairy Goat Association Of Kenya | |
KLPA | Kenya Livestock Producers Association | |
NSSF | National Social Security Fund (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) | |
KDDS | Kenya Disabled Development Society | |
IEK | Institution of Engineers of Kenya | |
CLCK | Christian Life Community Kenya | |
EBK | Engineers Board of Kenya | |
KIE | Kenya Institute of Education | |
SEKU | South Eastern Kenya University | |
LWK | Luhya in Webuye Kenya | |
KDN | Kenya Data Networks | |
MSK | Marketing Society of Kenya | |
ACIFK | Apostolic Church International Fellowship of Kenya | |
EIK | Environment Institute of Kenya | |
KAF | Kenya Air Force | |
KCIC | Kenya Climate Innovation Center | |
LLK | Live and Learn in Kenya | |
KRA | Kenya Revenue Authority | |
FAKL | First Assurance Kenya Limited | |
KODI | Kenya Open Data Initiative | |
KLB | Kenya Literature Bureau | |
WTK | Windle Trust Kenya | |
LSK | Law Society of Kenya | |
ISK | Institution of Surveyors of Kenya | |
ISK | International School of Kenya | |
VPRS | Victims Participation and Reparation Section (Kenya) | |
KDF | Kenya Defence Force | |
MKU | Mount Kenya University | |
PPK | Peoples Party of Kenya | |
SMAK | Single Mothers Association of Kenya | |
ECK | Electoral Commission of Kenya | |
KEN | Kenya | |
KTDA | Kenya Tea Development Agency, LTD. | |
VPK | Vice President of Kenya | |
HKML | Malindi, Kenya | |
NOUK | National Open University of Kenya | |
DFCK | Development Finance Corporation of Kenya | |
CPSK | Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya | |
AUTK | African University Trust of Kenya | |
AUTK | African University Trust of Kenya | |
KNAS | Kenya National Academy of Sciences | |
FLMK | Full Life Ministry Kenya | |
MIKA | Mothers Initiative in Kenya for Amani | |
IDCK | International Design Collaboration for Kenya | |
KFFC | Kenya Fly Fishers Club | |
GAKL | Golden Africa Kenya Limited | |
SCOK | Supreme Court of Kenya | |
FPFK | Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya | |
ESOK | Ecotourism Society of Kenya | |
SOSK | Skills Opportunity Survival in Kenya | |
JICK | Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya | |
JICK | Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis | |
KNQA | Kenya National Qualifications Authority | |
IRSK | International Relations Society of Kenya | |
IRSK | International Relations Society of Kenya | |
ARBK | Association of Reinsurance Brokers of Kenya | |
KATTI | Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions | |
KATTI | Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions | |
KANSA | Kenya Action Network on Small Arms | |
KPDF | Kenya Professional Development Fund | |
KPDF | Kenya Professional Development Fund | |
KFCB | Kenya Film Classification Board | |
FKF | Football Kenya Federation | |
KPCU | Kenya Planters Cooperative Union | |
KDPA | Kenya Dairy Processors Association | |
KIE | Kenya Industrial Estates | |
BIAK | Business Incubation Association of Kenya | |
BIAK | Business Incubation Association of Kenya | |
KMTC | Kenya Medical Training College | |
KMTC | Kenya Medical Training College | |
TRFK | Tea Research Foundation of Kenya | |
TRFK | Tea Research Foundation of Kenya | |
MCSK | Music Copyright Society of Kenya | |
MCSK | Music Copyright Society of Kenya | |
KDSG | Kenya Diabetes Study Group | |
TOSK | Tour Operators Society of Kenya | |
ATWK | Awesome Transcribers and Writers in Kenya | |
WKSP | Western Kenya Sanitation Project | |
LSSK | Law Students Society of Kenya | |
LSSK | Law Students Society of Kenya | |
LSSK | Law Students Society of Kenya | |
KAHC | Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers and Caterers | |
KHF | Kenya Healthcare Federation | |
KPSA | Kenya Private Schools Association | |
KLA | Kenya Library Association | |
AWAK | Association of women Accountants of Kenya | |
KCAL | Kenya Coalition against Landmines | |
LSSK | Law Student Society of Kenya | |
SCBK | Standard Chartered Bank Kenya | |
AAK | Agrochemicals Association of Kenya | |
KAPC | Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors | |
KPSA | Kenya Private Schools Association | |
KLMC | Kenya Livestock Marketing Council | |
KLMC | Kenya Livestock Marketing Council | |
KHRC | Kenya Human Rights Commission | |
KREP | Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme | |
KESI | Kenya Education Staff Institute | |
KESI | Kenya Education Staff Institute | |
KUR | Kenya Uganda Railway | |
KBRC | Kenya Building Research Centre | |
KTDA | Kenya Tea Development Agency | |
KTDA | Kenya Tea Development Agency | |
FSK | Farming Systems Kenya | |
EAK | Evangelical Alliance of Kenya | |
KSAA | Kenya Society for Academic Advancement | |
KSAA | Kenya Ships Agents Association | |
RBK | Restore and build Kenya | |
HKKL | Kilaguni, Kenya | |
KAHC | Kenya Association of Hotelkepers and Caterers | |
KNA | Kenya News Agency | |
FKE | Federation of Kenya Employers | |
NMK | National Museums of Kenya | |
KWAL | Kenya Wine Agencies Limited | |
KSSI | Kenya Smallholder Solar Irrigation | |
KWBF | Kenya Wheelchair Basketball Federation | |
KWBF | Kenya Wheelchair Basketball Federation | |
MKK | Maasai in Kinyawa Kenya | |
KCOA | Kenya Clinical Officers Association | |
KCOA | Kenya Clinical Officers Association | |
KABM | Kenya Association of Bus Manufacturers | |
KPLC | Kenya Power Lighting Company | |
BMMK | Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya | |
KIPT | Kenya Institute of Puppet Theatre | |
KIPT | Kenya Institute of Puppet Theatre | |
ASSK | Actuarial Students Society of Kenya | |
ASSK | Actuarial Students Society of Kenya | |
KCFS | Kenya Cuba Friendship Society | |
YFK | Youth First Kenya | |
KSES | Kenya Society of Endoscopic Specialties | |
NOCK | National Oil Corporation of Kenya | |
ASSK | Awareness for South Sudanese in Kenya | |
MMK | Medical Missions Kenya | |
STAK | Seed Trade Association of Kenya | |
STAK | Seed Trade Association of Kenya | |
NFDK | National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya | |
KAAU | Kenya Auxiliary Air Unit | |
KIRDI | Kenya Industrial Research Development Institute | |
KIRDI | Kenya Industrial Research Development Institute | |
KIRDI | Kenya Industrial Research Development Institute | |
KMRC | Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company | |
KMRC | Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company | |
KNAS | Kenya National Academy of Science | |
KPLC | Kenya Power and Lighting Company | |
KPNA | KENYA Progressive Nurses Association | |
KPNA | KENYA Progressive Nurses Association | |
KARI | Kenya Agricultural Research Institute | |
KARI | Kenya Agricultural Research Institute | |
KARI | Kenya Agricultural Research Institute | |
MOCK | Mitsubishi Owners Club of Kenya | |
MAKL | Medical Administrators Kenya Limited | |
MHCK | Mental Health Concern Kenya | |
KAVI | Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative | |
KHIS | Kenya Health Information System | |
KTDA | Kenya Tea Development Authority | |
KTDA | Kenya Tea Development Authority | |
KSUP | Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme | |
KRB | Kenya Roads Board | |
KOLA | Kenya Oral Literature Association | |
KFF | Kenya Football Federation | |
KPC | Kenya Pipeline Company | |
KSAA | Kenya Ship Agents Association | |
KMD | Kenya Meteorological Department | |
CBK | Central Bank of Kenya | |
HKMT | Nairobi-Eastleigh, Kenya | |
KTF | Kenya Tourism Federation | |
KAA | Kenya Airports Authority | |
KAA | Kenya Airport Authority | |
LKL | Longhorn Kenya Ltd | |
KFS | Kenya Forest Service | |
KNLS | Kenya National Library Services | |
KSMS | Kenya School of Monetary Studies | |
KFCA | Kenya Futsal Circuit Association | |
KNPF | Kenya National Patriotic Front | |
AKI | Association of Kenya Insurers | |
ASCK | Autism Support Center Kenya | |
KPR | Kenya Police Reservist | |
AAK | Architectural Association of Kenya | |
CSK | Computer Society of Kenya | |
CSK | Computer Society of Kenya | |
KAPA | Kenya Alcohol policy and | |
KAM | Kenya Association of Manufacturers | |
KCCL | Kenya Community Centre for Learning | |
CDSK | Cheshire Disability Services Kenya | |
KCO | Kenya Country Office | |
APSK | Animal Production Society of Kenya | |
APSK | Animal Production Society of Kenya | |
ETKF | Empower Together Kenya Foundation | |
KSOG | Kenya School of Government | |
KSOG | Kenya School of Government | |
KLMC | Kenya Livestock and Marketing Council | |
KLMC | Kenya Livestock and Marketing Council | |
FPFK | Free Pentecostal Fellowship of Kenya | |
FCK | Friends Church in Kenya | |
AWAK | Association of Women of Accountants of Kenya | |
AWAK | Association of Women of Accountants of Kenya | |
KPL | Kenya Premier League | |
WERK | Women Educational Researchers of Kenya | |
KMO | Kenya Medical Outreach | |
KPT | Kenya People Time | |
LDK | Learning and Development Kenya | |
LDK | Learning and Development Kenya | |
LRK | Law Review of Kenya | |
HAK | Horticultural Association of Kenya | |
KCO | Kenya Consumers Organisation | |
KCO | Kenya Consumers Organization | |
NBK | National Bank of Kenya | |
KWS | Kenya Wildlife Services | |
KPT | Kenya Posts and Telecommunications | |
CBK | Coffee Board of Kenya | |
ECCK | Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya | |
ECCK | Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya | |
KOGS | Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society | |
KPA | Kenya Port Authority | |
KNS | Kenya Nelson Stevens | |
WCK | Wildlife Clubs of Kenya | |
CDSK | Chesire Disability Services Kenya | |
KDF | Kenya Defense Forces | |
KLTA | Kenya Lawn Tennis Association | |
KLTA | Kenya Lawn Tennis Association | |
BCCK | British Chamber of Commerce Kenya | |
BCCK | British Chamber of Commerce Kenya | |
CCK | Communications Commission of Kenya | |
KATC | Kenya Accounting Technicians Certificate | |
KATC | Kenya Accounting Technicians Certificate | |
AASHVIK | Amazingly Actual Stupid Human Vaunted In Kenya | |
KTB | Kenya Tourism Board | |
KTB | Kenya Tourist Board | |
KIB | Kenya Institute of Bankers | |
NMK | National Museum of Kenya | |
EIK | Environmental Institute of Kenya | |
EIK | Environmental Institute of Kenya | |
HSK | Harambee Schools Kenya | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy and Research Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy and Research Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research Analysis | |
KIPPRA | Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research Analysis | |
KEMI | Kenya Education Management Institute | |
KEMI | Kenya Education Management Institute | |
KEMI | Kenya Education Management Institute | |
KABS | Kenya Animal Biosurveillance System | |
KHE | Kenya Horticulture Exporters | |
KICC | Kenya International C*cks Center | |
KIF | Kenya ICT Federation | |
KISM | Kenya Institute for Surveying and Mapping | |
KMRC | Kenya Mortgage Refinancing Company | |
KMRC | Kenya Mortgage Refinancing Company | |
KNMS | Kenya National Micronutrient Survey | |
KPDL | Kenya Postel Directories Limited | |
KPF | Kenya Police Force | |
KPLC | Kenya Paraffin Lamps and Candles | |
KPLC | Kenya Paraffin Lanterns and Candles | |
KPLC | Kenya Power and Lightning Company | |
KRTC | Kenya Research and Training Center | |
KATA | Kenya Association of Travel Agents | |
KATA | Kenya Association of Travel Agents | |
CAK | Communications Authority of Kenya | |
TKL | Tal Kenya Limited | |
TKL | Telkom Kenya Ltd | |
KCV | Kenya Climate Ventures | |
NAK | Nutrition Association of Kenya | |
NAK | Nutrition Association of Kenya | |
KUR | Kenya Urban Roads | |
COOK | Cherish Others Organisation Kenya | |
OKA | One Kenya Alliance | |
KMT | Kenya Markets Trust | |
KDG | Kenya Development Gateway | |
KFA | Kenya Farmers Association | |
KDF | Kenya Defence Forces | |
KYF | Kenya Youth Foundation | |
KYF | Kenya Youth Foundation | |
KVB | Kenya Veterinary Board | |
WHK | Wild Heart Kenya | |
KMA | Kenya Medical Association | |
KMA | Kenya Medical Association | |
GKA | Government Kenya Administration | |
KWAL | Kenya Wine Agencies Ltd | |
KWAL | Kenya Wine Agencies Ltd | |
DMKL | Dante Mixologists Kenya Limited | |
KNOC | Kenya Needy Orphans and Children | |
KPAG | Kenya Performing Arts Group | |
DMKL | Del Monte Kenya Limited | |
HKAM | Amboseli, Kenya | |
HKBA | Busia, Kenya | |
HKBR | Bura, Kenya | |
HKBU | Bungoma, Kenya | |
HKEL | Eldoret, Kenya | |
HKEM | Embu, Kenya | |
HKES | Eliye Springs, Kenya | |
HKFG | Kalokol-Ferguson's Gulf, Kenya | |
HKGA | Garissa, Kenya | |
HKGT | Garba Tula, Kenya | |
HKHB | Homa Bay, Kenya | |
HKHO | Hola, Kenya | |
HKIS | Isiolo, Kenya | |
HKKA | Kabarak, Kenya | |
HKKE | Keekorok, Kenya | |
HKKG | Kakamega, Kenya | |
HKKI | Kisumu, Kenya | |
HKKR | Kericho, Kenya | |
HKKS | Kisii, Kenya | |
HKKT | Kitale, Kenya | |
HKLG | Lokitaung, Kenya | |
HKLK | Lokichoggio, Kenya | |
HKLO | Lodwar, Kenya | |
HKLT | Loitokitok, Kenya | |
HKLU | Lamu-Mwana, Kenya | |
HKLY | Lolyangalani, Kenya | |
HKMA | Mandera, Kenya | |
HKMB | Marsabit, Kenya | |
HKMG | Magadi, Kenya | |
HKMI | Meralal-Kisima, Kenya | |
HKMK | Meru Mulika Lodge, Kenya | |
HKMO | Mombasa Moi International, Kenya | |
HKMR | Mackinnon Road, Kenya | |
HKMU | Makindu, Kenya | |
HKMY | Moyale Lower-Oda, Kenya | |
HKNA | Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta Internat, Kenya | |
HKNI | Nyeri, Kenya | |
HKNK | Nanyuki, Kenya | |
HKNK | Nakuru, Kenya | |
HKNO | Voi, Kenya | |
HKNV | Nakuru, Kenya | |
HKNW | Nairobi-Wilson, Kenya | |
HKNY | Nanyuki, Kenya | |
HKRE | Naivasha, Kenya | |
HKSA | Embakasi African Aviation Scho, Kenya | |
HKSB | Samburu South, Kenya | |
HKWJ | Wajir-Waghala, Kenya | |
Z17O | Nyahururu, Kenya | |
RHRA | Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance (Kenya) | |
RHRA | Rwanda Hotel & Restaurant Association (Kenya) | |
OPCV | Office of Public Counsel for Victims (Kenya) | |
SRDP | Kenya's Special Rural Development Program | |
SORK | Society of Radiography in Kenya | |
KEFRI | Kenya Forestry Research Institute | |
KE | Kenya | |
NCST | National Council for Science & Technology (of Kenya and Uganda) | |
NCST | National Council for Science & Technology (of Kenya and Uganda) | |
KSH | Kenya Shilling | |
KRATI | Kenya Revenue Authority Training Institute | |
PRSK | Public Relations Society of Kenya | |
DTBK | Diamond Trust Bank Kenya | |
KRRS | Kenya Rugby Referees Society | |
Choba | a settlement in Kenya's Eastern Province. | |
MIEK | Member Institution of Engineers of Kenya | |
MEAK | Medical and Educational Aid to Kenya | |
MEAK | Medical and Educational Aid to Kenya | |
KEBS | Kenya Bureau of Standards | |
KACE | Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange | |
KCPE | Kenya Certificate of Primary Education | |
KCPE | Kenya Certificate of Primary Education | |
KCSE | Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education | |
KCSE | Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education | |
KNCHR | Kenya National Commission on Human Rights | |
KENWEA | Kenya Nightingales Welfare Association | |
KADU | Kenya Africa Democratic Union | |
KADU | Kenya Africa Democratic Union | |
TCA | Tamil Cultural Association of Kenya | |
TCA | Tamil Cultural Association of Kenya | |
TCA | Tamil Cultural Association of Kenya | |
TCA | Tamil Cultural Association of Kenya | |
KE-01 | Baringo, Kenya | |
KE-02 | Bomet, Kenya | |
KE-03 | Bungoma, Kenya | |
KE-04 | Busia, Kenya | |
KE-05 | Elgeyo / Marakwet, Kenya | |
KE-06 | Embu, Kenya | |
KE-07 | Garissa, Kenya | |
KE-08 | Homa Bay, Kenya | |
KE-09 | Isiolo, Kenya | |
KE-10 | Kajiado, Kenya | |
KE-11 | Kakamega, Kenya | |
KE-12 | Kericho, Kenya | |
KE-13 | Kiambu, Kenya | |
KE-14 | Kilifi, Kenya | |
KE-15 | Kirinyaga, Kenya | |
KE-16 | Kisii, Kenya | |
KE-17 | Kisumu, Kenya | |
KE-18 | Kitui, Kenya | |
KE-19 | Kwale, Kenya | |
KE-20 | Laikipia, Kenya | |
KE-21 | Lamu, Kenya | |
KE-22 | Machakos, Kenya | |
KE-23 | Makueni, Kenya | |
KE-24 | Mandera, Kenya | |
KE-25 | Marsabit, Kenya | |
KE-26 | Meru, Kenya | |
KE-27 | Migori, Kenya | |
KE-28 | Mombasa, Kenya | |
KE-29 | Murang'a, Kenya | |
KE-30 | Nairobi City, Kenya | |
KE-31 | Nakuru, Kenya | |
KE-32 | Nandi, Kenya | |
KE-33 | Narok, Kenya | |
KE-34 | Nyamira, Kenya | |
KE-35 | Nyandarua, Kenya | |
KE-36 | Nyeri, Kenya | |
KE-37 | Samburu, Kenya | |
KE-38 | Siaya, Kenya | |
KE-39 | Taita / Taveta, Kenya | |
KE-40 | Tana River, Kenya | |
KE-41 | Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya | |
KE-42 | Trans Nzoia, Kenya | |
KE-43 | Turkana, Kenya | |
KE-44 | Uasin Gishu, Kenya | |
KE-45 | Vihiga, Kenya | |
KE-46 | Wajir, Kenya | |
KE-47 | West Pokot, Kenya | |
KDNC | Kenya Development Network Consortium | |
KDNC | Kenya Development Network Consortium | |
KDNC | Kenya Development Network Consortium | |
KACA | Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority | |
KACA | Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority | |
KACA | Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority | |
TRDC | Tana River Development Company (Kenya) | |
TRDC | Tana River Development Company (Kenya) | |
TRDC | Tana River Development Company (Kenya) | |
KBHAP | Kenya Bar Hostess AIDS Programme | |
AAK | Automobile Association of Kenya | |
DTAK | Digital Taxi Association of Kenya | |
GMK | General Motors Kenya | |
KAA | Kenya Automobile Association | |
KABA | Kenya Auto Bazaar Association | |
KABM | Kenya Association of Bus Manufacturers | |
KMI | Kenya Motor Industry | |
KMIA | Kenya Motor Industry Association | |
KMSF | Kenya Motor Sports Foundation | |
KNRC | Kenya National Rally Championship | |
KRDA | Kenya Rally Drivers Association | |
KTA | Kenya Transport Association | |
KTCA | Kenya Taxi Cabs Association | |
KVM | Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers | |
MBCK | Mercedes Benz Club of Kenya | |
TAHKL | Tata Africa Holdings Kenya Limited | |
TAMK | Toyota Auto Mart Kenya | |
TKL | Toyota Kenya Limited | |
VCCCK | Vintage and Classic Cars Club of Kenya | |
CSK | Computer Society of Kenya | |
TJRC | Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (Kenya) | |
TJRC | Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (Kenya) | |
SST | Script Silicon Technology: a software and electronics company in Kenya founded by John Ngigi. | |
SST | Script Silicon Technology: a software and electronics company in Kenya founded by John Ngigi. | |
SST | Script Silicon Technology: a software and electronics company in Kenya founded by John Ngigi. | |
KESA | Shortform for the luhya name Nekesa in the western part of Kenya. It means to harvest | |
KNCHR | Kenya National Commission on Human Rights |
What does kenya mean?
- Kenya, Republic of Kenya(noun)
- a republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1963; major archeological discoveries have been made in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya
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