We've got 3,672 shorthands for master key »
Acronyms that contain the term master key
What does master key mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: master key.
Term | Definition | Rating |
IM | International Master | |
MA | Master of Arts | |
MS | Master of Science | |
MC | Master Card | |
MS | Master Slave | |
MSC | Master of Science | |
MBR | Master Boot Record | |
MP | Master Plan | |
MED | Master of Education | |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts | |
GM | Game Master | |
DM | Dungeon Master | |
MC | Master of Ceremonies | |
MC | Master of Ceremonies | |
MOO | Master Of Orion | |
ME | Master of Engineering | |
SMS | Sega Master System | |
MSW | Master of Social Work | |
MAT | Master of Arts in Teaching | |
MC | Master Chief | |
MG | Master Gardener | |
MFT | Master File Table | |
MFT | Master File Table | |
MDIV | Master of Divinity | |
IM | International Master | |
MPHIL | Master of Philosophy | |
M.ARCH. | Master of Architecture | |
MSA | Master Settlement Agreement | |
PM | Past Master | |
MPN | Master Promissory Note | |
M.Div. | Master of Divinity | |
MR | Master of the Rolls | |
DMF | Drug Master File | |
WM | Web Master | |
MM | Master of Music | |
MCP | Master Control Program | |
GCMD | Global Change Master Directory | |
MF | Master File | |
TMG | The Master Genealogist | |
MBB | Master Black Belt | |
MR | Master Reset | |
FMB | Federation of Master Builders | |
MM | Master of Management | |
MPP | Master Of Public Policy | |
MPS | Master Production Schedule | |
MLS | Master of Library Science | |
SMATV | Satellite Master Antenna TeleVision | |
SHFL | Shuffle Master, Incorporated (de-listed) | |
DM | Dutch Master cigar | |
MCC | Master Certified Coach | |
GM | Grand Master | |
MSM | Master of Science in Management | |
HMV | His Master's Voice | |
MC | Master Copy | |
MCA | Master of Computer Applications | |
WGM | World Grand Master | |
MLP | Master Limited Partnership | |
MOPA | Master Oscillator Power Amplifier | |
MT | Master Trainer | |
MPI | Master Patient Index | |
JMJ | Jam Master Jay | |
MLA | Master of Landscape Architecture | |
IMBA | International Master of Business Administration | |
CMC | Command Master Chief | |
MRES | Master of Research | |
MAF | Master Address File | |
MD | Master of Disguise | |
TEMP | Test and Evaluation Master Plan | |
MPH | Master Degree in Public Health | |
MBAA | Master Brewers Association of the Americas | |
HMV | His Master's Voice | |
GM | Gold Master | |
GM | Games Master | |
MI | Master Index | |
MW | Master of Wine | |
MLP | Master Limited Partnership | |
NCTAMS | Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station | |
MMP | Master Plan | |
JMG | Junior Master Gardener | |
LMSW | Licensed Master Social Worker | |
ASTMP | Army Science and Technology Master Plan | |
MH | Master Hunter | |
MATV | Master Antenna TeleVision | |
HMV | His Master's Voice | |
MC | Master Class | |
MEC | Master Executive Council | |
OCM | Oracle Certified Master | |
MW | Master Worker | |
MLIS | Master of Library and Information Studies | |
MC | Master Clear | |
MUP | Master of Urban Planning | |
MISP | Master in International Studies in Philanthropy | |
MOTO | Master Of The Obvious | |
MWO | Master Warrant Officer | |
WM | Worshipful Master | |
SM | Sim Master | |
JM | Jedi Master | |
MFA | Master Of Fine Art | |
ML | Master Levels | |
MCNE | Master Certified Novell Engineer | |
MOSI | Master Out, Slave In | |
MISO | Master In, Slave Out | |
KMO | Knowledge Master Open | |
MX | Master Agility Excellent | |
MOTO | Master Of The Obvious | |
FSMO | Flexible Single Master Operation | |
MMS | Master of Management Studies | |
MRE | Master of Real Estate | |
MD | Master Detail | |
BM | Blaster Master | |
MCO | Master Control Operator | |
MCO | Master Control Operator | |
MWN | Master Web Network | |
MWN | Master Web Network | |
MCO | Master Control Operator | |
MCO | Master Control Operator | |
AMDF | Army Master Data File | |
AGM | Assistant Game Master | |
NMSO | National Master Standing Offer | |
MSJ | Master of Science in Journalism | |
SM | Supreme Master | |
MOTU | Master Of The Universe | |
MTP | Master Test Plan | |
TM | Task Master | |
TM | Trail Master | |
MT | Master Tools | |
LMTI | Laser Master International, Inc. | |
CMC | Certified Master Chef | |
MPM | Master of Project Management | |
MML | Master Muscle List | |
MML | Master Muscle List | |
MI | Master Item | |
MNA | Master of NAvigation | |
MU | Master Unit | |
MAA | Master At Arms | |
MH | Master Herbalist | |
MP | Master Piece | |
MFC | Master of Finance and Control | |
JM | Jazz Master | |
BM | Beast Master | |
IM | Ill Master | |
MOT | Master of Occupational Therapy | |
MGV | Master Gardener Volunteer | |
FM | Flyball Master | |
FM | Flyball Master | |
FSMO | Flexible Single Master Operations | |
MCB | Master Cell Bank | |
CMB | Cooking Master Boy | |
MST | Master of Science in Taxation | |
MOD | Master Of Defense | |
MMD | Master of Management Development | |
MDE | Master of Distance Education | |
SAMP | Small Arms Master Plan | |
MCJ | Master of Criminal Justice | |
MIA | Master of International Affairs | |
MCC | Master Control Console | |
SM | Snooker Master | |
DMR | Device Master Record | |
MOC | Master Of Ceremonies | |
GMRA | Global Master Repurchase Agreement | |
MRSL | Master Recruitment Source List | |
MRSL | Master Recruitment Source List | |
MRSL | Master Recruitment Source List | |
MRSL | Master Recruitment Source List | |
RM | Range Master | |
ME | Master Earthdog | |
MCE | Master of Civil Engineering | |
PMT | PUTNAM Master Income Trust | |
BTM | Boost Timing Master | |
MAP | Master Amino Acid Pattern | |
FMX | Flyball Master Excellent | |
MNS | Master of Natural Science | |
MOM | Master Of Multi-tasking | |
MHR | Master Hunting Retriever | |
AIMP | Army Intelligence Master Plan | |
MSEL | Master Scenario Events List | |
HM | Harbor Master | |
MCRD | Master Cross Reference Data | |
MI | Master Iridologist | |
FMCh | Flyball Master Champion | |
MWI | Master Wholesale, Inc. | |
GMHR | Grand Master Hunting Retriever | |
MA | Master Specialties | |
MPI | Master Painters Institute | |
CMPH | Career Master of Public Health | |
MCT | Master Control Terminal | |
MH | Master Help | |
ME | Master Evaluator | |
CMG | Certified Master Groomer | |
MCC | Master Control Center | |
CM | Chill Master | |
MT | Master Taxidermist | |
MIV | Master Internet Volunteer | |
MW | Master Warrant | |
QHM | Queens Harbour Master | |
QHM | Queens Harbour Master | |
QHM | Queens Harbour Master | |
EMF | Enlisted Master File | |
GM | Gambler Master | |
MSIS | Master of Science in Information Systems | |
MM | Master Moderator | |
M/S | Master/Session | |
MFE | Master of Financial Economics | |
MPO | Master Patrol Officer | |
MDF | Master Data File | |
TTM | Table Topics Master | |
BMIC | Bus Master Interface Controller | |
MAD | Master Agility Dog | |
PMS | Program Master Schedule | |
MCS | Master of Christian Studies | |
JM | Jumpers Master | |
PMR | Provisioning Master Record | |
OAML | Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library | |
MCM | Master Control Module | |
VME | Verve Master Edition | |
MJA | Master Jazz Artist | |
MQF | Master Question File | |
MQF | Master Question File | |
MQF | Master Question File | |
MFPA | Master Fee Protection & Pay Order Agreement | |
MVPH | Master Of Veterinary Public Health | |
MMPA | Master Military Pay Account | |
DAMPL | Department of the Army Master Priority List | |
MES | Master Earth Station | |
MOM | Master Of the Month | |
PM | Pairs Master | |
MFN | Master File Notification | |
MSIE | Master of Science in Internet Engineering | |
MEP | Master Evaluation Plan | |
STMP | Science and Technology Master Plan | |
JM | Joke Master | |
MPT | Master Piano Technicians | |
MOG | Master Of Games | |
MRT | Master Racquet Technician | |
MBS | Master Of Business Systems | |
CMC | Card Master Conflict | |
AM | Allied Master | |
MMC | Media Master Control | |
DM | Discipline Master | |
MEL | Master Events List | |
DM | Day Master | |
MESM | Master of Environmental Science and Management | |
ADMP | Army Digitization Master Plan | |
VM | Venerable Master | |
MZ | Master Zero | |
VMAD | Veteran Master Agility Dog | |
SMA | Satellite Master Antenna | |
MAPP | Master Acquisition Program Plan | |
MAPP | Master Acquisition Program Plan | |
MFP | Master Facility Plan | |
MFQ | Master Files Query | |
MNA | Master of NAvigation | |
MCRC | Master Control and Reporting Center | |
MMDF | Maintenance Master Data File | |
M-FORCE | Master Force | |
JTMP | Joint Training Master Plan | |
MCMP | Marine Corps Master Plan | |
CMST | Creative Master International, Inc. | |
MINT | Master Incom Network Translator | |
USMS | United States Master Swimming | |
MWD | Master Working Dog | |
MSL | Master Support List | |
FSMO | Flexible Single Master Of Operations | |
MADC | Master Agility Dog of Canada | |
SCAMP | South Campus Area Master Plan | |
IMMP | Information Management Master Plan | |
SKCM | Master Chief StoreKeeper | |
JMG | Junior Master Gardner | |
VMS | Vineyard Master Selection | |
TM | TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) Master | |
MCFS | Master Container Freight | |
MGM | Master Group Multiplexer | |
WTMR | Where the Master Reigns | |
LAMP | Logistics Automation Master Plan | |
MST | Master of Science in Teaching | |
MRL | Master Requirements List | |
CQMH | Company Quarter Master Havildar | |
PCCM | Master Chief Postal Clerk | |
FCCM | Master Chief Fire Controlman | |
MCS | Master of Computer Sciences | |
MBM | Master of Bank Management | |
WEMP | Water Efficiency Master Plan | |
GMCM | Master Chief Gunners Mate | |
EMP | Experimentation Master Plan | |
MH | Master of Herbology | |
MFS | Master Fitting System | |
MMSc | Master of Medical Sciences | |
EMCM | Master Chief Electricians Mate | |
DKCM | Master Chief Disbursing Clerk | |
MTFP | Master Teacher Fellowship Program | |
FMMP | Force Modernization Master Plan | |
BMCM | Master Chief Boatswain's Mate | |
GMS | Games Master System | |
ASMP | Army Space Master Plan | |
CBM | Certified Bioinformatics Master | |
MCB | Master Circuit Breaker | |
AC2MP | Army Command and Control Master Plan | |
MEB | Master of E-Business | |
ZMO | Zone Master Object | |
RQMH | Regimental Quarter Master Havildar | |
RQMH | Regimental Quarter Master Havildar | |
MXJ | Master eXcellent Jumper | |
RMCM | Master Chief RadioMan | |
AKCM | Master Chief Aviation Storekeeper | |
SMM | Serving My Master | |
MIL | Master Incident List | |
LDMF | Librarian Disc Master File | |
MCPU | Master Controller Processor Unit | |
CMC | Certified Master Clockmaker | |
APMS | ATCCS (Army Tactical Command and Control System) Program Master Schedule | |
LCMC | Los Cancioneros Master Chorale | |
DM | Dumb Master | |
PSHPZ | P S H Master L. P. I. | |
LICM | Master Chief Lithographer | |
ACCMP | Army Command and Control Master Plan | |
ABCMP | Army Battle Command Master Plan | |
DM | Diaper Master | |
MTS | Master Tech Services | |
TME | The Master Echidna | |
VMR | Vampire Master Race | |
TMA | The Master Architect | |
MG | Master Greenkeeper | |
MOC | Master Of Concentration | |
MSSIS | Master of Science in Software and Information Systems | |
WMTT | Wagon Master Truck and Trailer | |
RMP | Rotorcraft Master Plan | |
MTL | Master Textbook List | |
HM | Heavenly Master | |
NSNMDR | National Stock Number Master Data Record | |
DMS | Digital Master Series | |
MCEP | Master of Chemistry Education Program | |
EXMP | Experimentation Master Plan | |
ABMP | Army Barracks Master Plan | |
TVMP | Terrain Visualization Master Plan | |
MMBX | Master Builders Incorporated | |
IMEP | Independent Master Evaluation Plan | |
DMD | Device Master Data | |
MBA | Master of Barely Anything | |
BPT | Bitmap master file (CorelDraw) | |
ATACOMAP | Army TActical Command and Control MAster Plan | |
QMH | Quarter Master Havildar | |
MWB | Master Web Builders | |
MOP | Master Of Pressurepoints | |
HMC | House Master Cam | |
MDL | Master Directory Listing | |
AAMPS | Anti Army Master Plan Studies | |
SHCM | Master Chief Ship Serviceman | |
MTPW | Master Of Technical And Professional Writing | |
MLR | Master Lock Resettable | |
MM | Master Misfit | |
MTF | Master Teacher Fellowship | |
MTM | Master Technician Mercruiser | |
MTF | Master Teacher Fellowship | |
BFAMAP | Battlefield Functional Area Master Plan | |
AWCRMP | Army Watercraft Requirements Master Plan | |
SDMP | System Development Master Plan | |
RMCA | Rajasthan Master of Computer Application | |
MCC | Master Command Center | |
DMS | Da Master Starcraft | |
BVMP | Battlefield Visualization Master Plan | |
AMCAPE | Army Material Command AMDF (Army Master Data File) Product Enhancement | |
MSOLQ | Master of Science in Organizational Leadership and Quality | |
USNOMC | United States Naval Observatory Master Clock | |
AAMAP | Army Automation Master Plan | |
TMT | The Master Trunks | |
MDF | Master Dictionary File | |
MTF | Master Text Format | |
MPC | Master Player Character | |
DSMF | District School Master File | |
MSCM | Master Chief Mess Specialist | |
SMCM | Master Chief Salvage Mechanic | |
HTCM | Master Chief Hull Technician | |
RAMS | Remote Agent Master Server | |
AAMMP | Anti-Armor Munitions Master Plan | |
DTM | Digital Tape Master | |
MCEP | Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
CCM | Certified Chemoinformatics Master | |
WMK | Web Master Kinder | |
MCM | Master Chief Musician | |
MPP | Master Palace Programmers | |
CMR | Clear Master Relay | |
CMPS | Concept Master Plan System | |
MPH | Master of Panoramic Heliopathy | |
PMR | Post Master Relief | |
MDS | Master Data Services | |
WMAW | World Master Art Window | |
MOC | Master Of Computer gaming | |
CCM | Creamed Corn Master | |
SMM | Studio Metal Master | |
MOL | Master Of Languages | |
GME | Game Master Edition | |
CMC | Communication Master's Curriculum | |
GMM | Grand Master Mason | |
MVL | Master Volume License | |
C3MP | Command, Control, and Communications Master Plan | |
A3MP | Armor/ Anti-Armor Master Plan | |
QMG | Quarter Master Games | |
MoPS | Master of Petra Style | |
MPL | Master Project List | |
JSMC | Junior Scientific Master Class | |
JAMP | JINTACCS (Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems) Army Master Plan | |
ALRMPSA | Army Long-Range Master Plan for Security Assistance | |
MBAD | Master of Business ADmistration courses | |
MBS | Master of Biomedical engineering Science | |
WMUG | Web Master User Group | |
MC | Master Of Cleverness | |
MOE | Master Of Eternity | |
MCEC | Master's Commission of Eastern Canada | |
PIM | Putnam Master International Income Fund | |
MIS | Master Identification Sequence | |
MCP | Master Control Principal | |
BDSM | Bondage Discipline Submissive Master | |
YMCA | Young Master Club Association | |
MAFIA | Master's Administration For Incredible Artists | |
WMOA | Waterford Master Owners' Association | |
DMP | Driver's Master Panel | |
MFS | Master Fitting Series | |
MNI | Master Name Index - also known as Identification Index | |
MFL | Master Force List | |
MBA | Master Bull Artist | |
MMG | Mix Master General | |
DMP | Driver's Master Panel | |
RMB | Rockford Master's Commission | |
UGM | UnderGround Master | |
RME | Rap Master Extrodenare | |
MOTU | Master Of The Universe | |
SOCOM | Servant Of Cruel Online Master | |
MBA | Master Beer Aficionado | |
MC | Master Copier | |
MSTR | Master (title of respect for a young male) | |
WSXM | Working Samoyed Excellent Master | |
TES-MP | Tactical Engagement System-Master Plan | |
MIT | Master Of Information And Technology | |
MIS | Master Investigative Staff | |
MTR | Master Track Records | |
MCSE | Master Cake Server Extraordinaire | |
MC | Master Charge (now called MasterCard) | |
OMV | Our Master's Voice Audio | |
MLF | Master Landmarks File | |
MFT | Master Format Table | |
WMVM | Wisconsin and Michigan's Voice of the Master | |
MBA | Master Business Assassin | |
MO | Master of Obsolescence | |
MTF2 | Master Text Format 2 | |
WHG | Grand Master William H. Graham | |
WMBA | Weekend Master of Business Administration Program | |
WMVM | Wisconsin and Michigan's Voice of the Master | |
SMFC | Supreme Master First Class (CS:GO rank) | |
MSN | Master of Science in Nursing | |
LLMSW | Limited License Master Social Worker | |
MPA | Master of Public Administration | |
MSPAS | Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies | |
CMCCM | Command Master Chief CMDCM Mendus | |
DBSM | Deliberate Brutal Sex Master | |
MURP | Master of Urban and Regional Planning | |
MSA | Master Service Agreement | |
MODI | Master Of Destroying India | |
M.ARCH. | Master of Architecture | |
SMATV | Satellite Master Antenna Television | |
MSCEM | Master of Supply Chain Engineering and Management | |
MBBS | Master of Bajji Bonda Service | |
MEM | Master of Engineering Management | |
MSCP | Master of Science in Counseling Psychology | |
TESMA | Telecommunications Equipment and Services Master Agreement | |
MHSA | Master of Health Services Administration | |
M.A.Ed. | Master of Arts in Education | |
MHA | Master of Health Administration | |
MOTO | Master Of The Obvious | |
MPCR | Master Production control record | |
WISDOM | Women, Inspired, Saved, Disciplined, and Obedient to the Master | |
CQMS | Company Quartermaster Master Sergeant | |
MNGD | Master of Northern Governance and Development | |
LLM | Master of Law | |
MSISE | Master of Science in Industrial Systems Engineering | |
MSRE | Master of Science in Real Estate | |
MAM | Master of Arts Management | |
MSCR | Master of Science in Clinical Research | |
MHM | Master of Hospital Management | |
MHRD | Master of Human Resource Development | |
PSMSMP | Public Safety Metro Site Master Plan | |
MPT | Master of Physiotherapy | |
MPICT | Master of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism | |
MIAO | Master Insulators Association of Ontario | |
A.M.T | Master of Arts in Teaching | |
MAOM | Master of Arts in Organizational Management | |
MHy | Master of Hygiene | |
MSD | Master of Science in Dentistry | |
MISM | Master of Information Systems Management | |
YAMAHA | You Are Master At Hardly Accelerating | |
MSIE | Master of Science in Industrial Engineering | |
MSAG | Master Street Address Guide | |
MSCM | Master of Science in Construction Management | |
AMID | Advanced Master International Development | |
MIPRD | Master Index of Primary Reference Documents | |
MSE | Master of Science in Engineering | |
HMM | Highend Model Master | |
KCMP | Kigali Conceptual Master Plan | |
EMEM | Executive Master in Energy Management | |
HMM | HART Multiplexer Master | |
ME | Master Electrician | |
LME | Licensed Master Esthetician | |
MSF | Master of Science in Finance | |
MPS | Master of Professional Studies | |
M.Com | Master of Commerce | |
MAPP | Master of Applied Positive Psychology | |
MPAS | Master of Physician Assistant Studies | |
MAWB | Master Air WayBill | |
MSCE | Master of Science in Civil Engineering | |
MAIST | Master of Arts in Information Systems Technology | |
M.ENG | Master of Engineering | |
MSSE | Master of Science in Systems Engineering | |
MLHR | Master of Labor and Human Resources | |
MD | Master's Degree | |
MPW | Master of Professional Writing | |
IMFPA | Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement | |
AQMG | Adjutant & Quarter-Master General | |
PSYM | Master of Psychology | |
MFH | Master of Fox Hounds | |
MEME | Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering | |
GMSLA | Global Master Securities Lending Agreement | |
MScIT | Master of Science in Information Technology | |
MSIT | Master of Science in Information Technology | |
MSIB | Master of Science in International Business | |
MEEM | Master of Environmental and Energy Management | |
MTS | Master of Theological Studies | |
RM | Reiki Master | |
MSHS | Master of Science in Human Services | |
CSM | Certified Scrum Master | |
MSESM | Master of Science in Engineering Systems Management | |
M.Med. | Master of Medicine | |
ASMF | Active Substance Master File | |
YOKA | Genuine meditation with the master SAVior Christ. | |
MLD | Master of Leadership Development | |
MO | Master of Obstetrics | |
RMCM | Radioman Master Chief Petty Officer | |
MCU | Master Control Unit | |
LEMP | Lesotho Energy Master Plan | |
MISO | Master in Slave Out | |
OMGM | Online Master of Global Management | |
MDY | Master of Arts in Diplomacy | |
MSPM | Master of Science in Project Management | |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | |
MPI | Master Planning Instructions | |
RMT | Reiki Master Teacher | |
DMG | Destinguished Master Guardian | |
MSBS | Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences | |
EMPA | Executive Master of Public Administration | |
MCR | Master of Clinical Research | |
UGM | The Ultimate Games Master UGM role-play companion app. | |
MSTR | MaSTeR | |
MSC | Master in Strategic Communication | |
MAMS | Master of Arts in Medical Sciences | |
MASE | Master of Arts in Special Education | |
MSBA | Master of Science in Business Analysics | |
MSRS | Master of Science in Radiologic Sciences | |
MSGM | Master of Science in Global Medicine | |
MSMSL | Master of Science in Management Strategy and Leadership | |
FML | Firms Master List | |
AMOT | Aegis Master Operability Test | |
MSCN | Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition | |
MBLS | Master Business Licensing System | |
PSM | Professional Scrum Master | |
MDF | Master Database File | |
EMPH | Executive Master of Public Health | |
MCP | Master Control Program | |
ISLAM | I Self Lord and Master | |
MLA | Master Littering Association | |
C.Ed.M. | Master of Christian Education | |
MSISE | Master of Science in Information Systems Engineering | |
MMLT | Master in Medical Lab Technology | |
DMSOS | Dual Master Synchronous Operation Scheme | |
MNDE | Master en Negocio y Derecho de la Energía | |
MSCM | Master of Supply Chain Management | |
EMRD | Executive Master of Research and Development | |
MAPC | Master of Arts in Professional Counseling | |
MPT | Master of Physical Therapy | |
EMUG | Engineering Master User Group | |
MICS | Master of Information and Cybersecurity | |
ZMOG | Zombie Master Official Group | |
MEarthSci, MESci | Master of Earth Science | |
MDrama | Master of Drama | |
MSED | Master of Science in EDucation | |
EMBR | Extended Master Boot Record | |
MENG | Master of Engineering | |
PCMR | PC Master Race | |
RCMJ | Robert Cliff Master Jewellers | |
MPHTM | Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine | |
MDS | Master of Dental Surgery | |
MIMP | Major Institution Master Plan | |
MBS | Master of Biomedical Sciences | |
MDFD | Master in Dutch Floral Design | |
MSCS | Master of Science in Computer Science | |
MDM | Master Data Management | |
MSG | Master Sergeant | |
IMCAS | International Master Course on Ageing Skin | |
MAHS | Master of Arts in Human Services | |
PGMT | Post Graduate Master of Teaching | |
MSNM | Master of Science in Nonprofit Management | |
MSC IT | Master of Science in Information Technology | |
MInf | Master of Informatics | |
MHRM | Master of Human Resource Management | |
MACP | Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology | |
MXM | Master X Master | |
MEBIT | Master Evidence Based Innovation in Teaching | |
MSIE | Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship | |
CMDM | Customer Master Data Management | |
MBS | Master in Business Studies | |
MSTD | Master in Science in Training and Development | |
TMF | Trial Master File | |
MSHI | Master of Science in Health Informatics | |
CMSGT | Chief Master Sergeant | |
MMus | Master of Music | |
MBL | Master Bill of Lading | |
MSSE | Master of Science in Software Engineering | |
IMP | Integrated Master Plan | |
MPFB | Master of Professional Finance and Banking | |
APGM | Assistant Provincial Grand Master | |
MMMJ | Master Meter Multi jet | |
MSAE | Master of Science in Applied Economics | |
MSGT | Master Sergeant | |
MBT | Master of Business Taxation | |
MPA | Master of Professional Accountancy | |
MPH | Master of Public Health | |
MMB | Master of Microbial Biotechnology | |
MSLD | Master of Science in Leadership Development | |
GMK | Grand Master Key | |
MHID | Master of Health International Development | |
MFM | Master of Financial Management | |
BPML | Business Process Master List | |
LFGM | Looking For a Game Master | |
CDMM | Certified Digital Marketing Master | |
MASM | Master of Aging Services Management | |
EMCEE | Master of Ceremonies | |
MPHC | Master of Primary Health Care | |
MAIS | Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies | |
SMX | Spirit Master X | |
MIRPM | Master of Industrial Relation and Personnel Management | |
MSEN | Master of System Engineering Networking | |
MSFE | Master of Science in Financial Economics | |
M.Ed | Master of Education | |
MSA | Master of Sports Administration | |
MASTER | Master And Slave Transluminal Endoscopic Robot | |
MA1 | Master-at-arms Petty Officer First Class | |
MAEL | Master of Arts in Educational Leadership | |
MAPT | Master of Arts in Practical Theology | |
MSCW | Master of Social and Community Work | |
MAIR | Master of Arts in International Relations | |
MMGA | Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association | |
ECMB | East Coast Master Blasters | |
MDBA | Master Dog Breeders and Associates | |
MACI | Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction | |
MOPO | Master of the Painfully Obvious | |
MNM | Master of Nonprofit Management | |
MN | Master of Nursing | |
LMK | Local Master Key | |
JMD | Joint Master Degree | |
MAAL | Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics | |
GSMA | Gas Supply Master Agreement | |
MPHS | Master of Population Health Sciences | |
FBMG | Fort Bend Master Gardeners | |
MASD | Master of Arts in Social Design | |
MNO | Master Of Nonprofit Organizations | |
PSM | Professional Science Master | |
MDS | Master of Dental Science | |
CLIMB | Challenge Learn Inspire Master and Believe | |
MABC | Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling | |
MSPCI | Master in Strategic Planning for Critical Infrastructure | |
EMPL | Executive Master in Public Leadership | |
AMPC | Airport Master Planning Consultants | |
MEB | Master of European Business | |
MIR | Master of International Relations | |
MUGC | Máster Universitario en Gestión Cultural | |
M.Ed. | Master Of Education | |
MOP | Master Operating Plan | |
MEBIT | Master in Evidence Based Innovation in Teaching | |
SIMO | Slave In Master Out | |
MV | Master Vessel | |
AGM | Arena Grand Master | |
MPAF | Master of Professional Accountancy and Finance | |
ITMP | Information Technology Master Plan | |
MO | Master Oscillator | |
MArt | Master in Arts | |
MAAU | Master Agreement Among Underwriters | |
PSMF | Pharmacovigilance system master file | |
MSc.PM | Master of Science in Project Management | |
MCGP | Master Certified Green Professional | |
MSDA | Master of Science in Data Analytics | |
ILMD | Instance Lot Master Data | |
IMAE | International Master in Applied Ecology | |
MCJ | Master Chef Junior | |
OMNP | Ontario Master Naturalist Program | |
MSAS | Master of Science in Administrative Studies | |
MLWS | Master of Land and Water Systems | |
MNSE | Master of Natural Sciences Education | |
MSL | Master in the Study of Law | |
MBI | Master Builder International | |
MARM | Master Of Archives And Records Management | |
MSIS | Master of Science in Information Science | |
LMB | Local Master Browser | |
MEBA | Master in Economics and Business Administration | |
CFMG | Central Fulton Master Gardeners | |
MPAC | Master Plan Advisory Committe | |
MSFS | Master of Science in Forensic Science | |
ASMF | Active Substance Master Files | |
MJL | Master Journal List | |
MIM | Master in Management | |
MSAE | Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering | |
MACM | Master of Arts in Christian Ministry | |
MSTN | Master of Science in Traditional Nutrition | |
MSGL | Master of Science in Global Leadership | |
DMF | Drug Master File | |
MJS | Master of Juridical Studies | |
MOM | Master of Multitasking | |
MOV | Master of Vampire | |
LAMG | Los Alamos Master Gardeners | |
MSAF | Master of Science in Aviation Finance | |
MSAS | Master of Science in Applied Statistics | |
MSCM | Master of Science in Contract management | |
GLM | General Ledger Master | |
MIRM | Master in Residential Marketing | |
TTMT | Train The Master Trainer | |
MSRC | Master of Science in Respiratory Care | |
MSRS | Master of Science in Radiation Sciences | |
LMD | Licence, Master, Doctorat diploma system | |
MMFT | Master of Marriage and Family Therapy | |
MSLS | Master of Science Legal Studies | |
MDV | Master Donor Virus | |
MCTS | Master Class Training Sessions | |
MSFS | Master of Science in Financial Services | |
MSLB | Master of Sports Law and Business | |
MAOB | Master of Arts in Organizational Behavior | |
MQE | Master Query Engine | |
MMR | Master Manufacturing Record | |
CMMU | Certified Master Mortgage Underwriter | |
MSIA | Master of Science in Analytics | |
MQF | Master of Quantitative Finance | |
MG | Master Gamers | |
MAPC | Master of Arts Pastoral Counselling | |
MBCP | Master Business Continuity Professional | |
IMV | Injection Master Valve | |
MDOM | Master Data Ontology Manager | |
MSCM | Master of Science in Church Management | |
OMGA | Oregon Master Gardener Association | |
DMX | Dog Master X | |
PMBA | Professional Master of Business Administration | |
MES | Master of Environmental Studies | |
MFR | Master Formula Record | |
PMAT | Pre Master Admission Test | |
MITP | Master Intern Training Plan | |
MMV | Master in Multimedia Visulaizer | |
MACL | Master of Arts Community Leadership | |
MVM | Master of Veterinary Medicine | |
MTCT | Master Turkish Crack Team | |
MABL | Master of Arts in Biblical Languages | |
MSIC | Master of Sport International Class | |
MHS | Master of Healthcare Systems | |
COSMOS | Customer Operations Service Master On-line System | |
ARMN | Arlington Regional Master Naturalist | |
MSOT | Master of Science Occupational Therapy | |
SHCM | Ship's Serviceman Master Chief Petty Officer | |
CMF | Cutting Master Format | |
MIDS | Master Intrustion Detection System | |
MEM | Master of Environmental Management | |
MIDT | Master of Instructional Design and Technology | |
MNAL | Master of Nonprofit Administration and Leadership | |
MNAL | Master of Nonprofit Administration and Leadership | |
DEMB | Douwe Egberts Master Blenders (D.E. Master Blenders) - coffee\food company | |
MMgt | Master of Management | |
MCLR | Master Clear | |
M.Th. | Master of Theology | |
M.F.A. | Master of Fine Arts | |
MALER | Master of Arts in Labor and Employment Relations | |
MALER | Master of Arts in Labor and Employment Relations | |
FORCM | Force Master Chief | |
PGMT | Post-Graduate Master of Teaching | |
MAELA | Master of Arts in English Language Arts | |
EMRD | Executive Master of Research and Development | |
MYHEM | Master of Youth Health and Education Management | |
MYHEM | Master of Youth Health and Education Management | |
MYHEM | Master of Youth Health and Education Management | |
MYHEM | Master of Youth Health and Education Management | |
ARMN | Arlington Regional Master Naturalists | |
MSOL | Master of Science in Organizational Leadership | |
MSOL | Master of Science in Organizational Leadership | |
MK | Master Key | |
IFEMA | International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement | |
MPIA | Master of Public and International Affairs | |
MBM | Master in Business Management | |
MBICS | Master Bates In Cupboard Secretly | |
MSCF | Master of Science in Computational Finance | |
MSCJ | Master of Science in Criminal Justice | |
MILR | Master of Industrial and Labor Relations | |
SAMU | Sony Asyncronous Master Unit | |
MATEE | Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education | |
MMM | Master of Medical Management | |
DQMG | Deputy Quarter Master General | |
DQMG | Deputy Quarter Master General | |
SMSGT | Senior Master Sergeant | |
HBKM | Home Brew Kit Master | |
KIMBA | KU International Master of Business Administration | |
KIMBA | KU International Master of Business Administration | |
SODIMM | Serially Opened DIgital Interconnect Master (cache) Memory | |
MSA | Master of Science in Administration | |
MMEL | Master Minimum Equipment List | |
DAQMG | Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General | |
DAQMG | Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General | |
MEIE | Master of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship | |
MNSC | Master of Nursing Science | |
MAJS | Master of Arts in Jewish Studies | |
MSHCM | Master of Science in Health Care Management | |
MUID | Master In Urban Interior Design | |
IMPAS | International Master Performance Analysis of Sport | |
IMPAS | International Master Performance Analysis of Sport | |
RMQK | The Names of the 4 cardinal Angel of all Centuries R- RUQOYAAHEEL M- MORKATAYAAHEEL Q-QOIQOYAAHEEL K- KASHFAYAAHEEL Introduced by the Highest Spirits In Human Form , The master of all spiritualists and Spiritist. Ar Ruwh El Akbar Ma’ruwf Salahudeen Abolade Adagunja (The speaker to the Holy Spirit) | |
MSABA | Master of Science in Applied Business Analytics | |
MSABA | Master of Science in Applied Business Analytics | |
MMDM | Material Master Data Management | |
IMPH | International Master of Public Health | |
IMPH | International Master of Public Health | |
MDGE | Máster en Dirección y Gestión Empresarial | |
COMCD | Central Oklahoma Master Conservancy District | |
OMIES | Online Master In English Studies | |
M.ARCH | Master of ARCHitecture | |
MASt | Master of Advanced Study | |
JMPI | Jump Master Parachute Inspection | |
MMet | Master of Meteorology | |
MGeol | Master of Geology | |
MDes | Master of Design | |
CPOQMG | Cheif Petty Officer Quarter Master Gunner | |
MME | Master of Mechanical Engineering | |
AMRP | Army Master Range Plan | |
MALM | Master Air Load Master | |
BEEMP | Building Energy Efficiency Master Plan | |
AM | Artium Magister (Master of Arts) | |
MNAS | Master of Natural and Applied Science | |
MFPTF | Master Fire Plan Task Force | |
MBANT | Master Builders Association Northern Territory | |
MABTS | Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies | |
AMID | Advanced Master International Development | |
MSHP | Master of Science in Historic Preservation | |
EMOS | European Master of Official Statistics | |
EMOS | European Master of Official Statistics | |
MFRM | Master of Financial Risk Management | |
MFRM | Master of Financial Risk Management | |
TUQM | That Ur Quan Master | |
MSPH | Master of Science in Public Health | |
MCPO | Master Chief Petty Officer | |
MEOG | Master of Engineering in Oil and Gas | |
MCKS | Master Choa Kok Sui | |
MWPPA | Master Wood Product Purchase Agreement | |
MSci | Master of Science | |
MAHR | Master of Arts in Human Resources | |
MChD | Magister Chirurgiae Dentium, Master of Dental Surgery | |
MSHRA | Master of Science in Human Resources Association | |
VIMAL | Versatile Innovative Master Adorable Lovely | |
MSDEA | Master of Science in DEvelopment Administration | |
MSOL | Master of Science Organizational Leadership | |
MSMC | Master of Science in Mass Communication | |
MLS | Master of Liberal Studies | |
MDR | Master Document Register | |
MMMU | Motivators and Master Motivators Union | |
MSG | Master in Science of Gerontology | |
MHR | Master of Human Resources | |
MBAE | Master of Business Administration and Engineering | |
MEUS | Master in European Union Studies | |
MOC | Master Of Ceremonies | |
MGHM | Master of Global Hospitality Management | |
CMRW | Certified Master Resume Writer | |
MHS | Master in/of Health Science(s) | |
MCPM | Master of Construction Project Management | |
MBADA | Master of Business Administration in Data Analytics | |
WIMBA | Women In Master of Business Administration | |
MAOL | Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership | |
MBEcon | Master of Business Economics | |
EMOS | European Master in Official Statistics | |
MSOT | Master of Science in Occupational Therapy | |
NSTMP | National Sustainable Tourism Master plan | |
IMS | Integrated Master Schedule | |
TMCS | Torpedoman's Mate Master Chief Petty Officer | |
MDDD | Master of Drug Discovery and Development | |
MDDD | Master of Drug Discovery and Development | |
MTRD | Master Test Requirement Document | |
MAML | Master of Arts in Ministry and Leadership | |
TXM MC | The X Master's Minecraft | |
PCCM | Master Chief Postal Clerk | |
NCCM | Naval Counselor Master Chief Petty Officer | |
AZCM | Aviation Maintenance Administrationman Master Chief Petty Officer | |
BTCM | Boiler Technician Master Chief Petty Officer | |
CTICM | Communications Technician (interpretive) Master Chief Petty Officer | |
ETCM | Electronics Technician Master Chief Petty Officer | |
MAFF | Master Analyst in Financial Forensics | |
CTICM | Cryptologic (interpretive) Master Chief Petty Officer | |
TLMK | Tony Loreto Master Kev | |
CTRCM | Cryptologic (collection) Master Chief Petty Officer | |
EMBA | Executive Master in Business Administration | |
MSHP | Master of Science in Health Professions | |
MBR | Master Boot Revaz | |
MGPS | Master of Global Policy Studies | |
MSCD | Master of Science in Community Development | |
MEPD | Master of Education Professional Development | |
MTOP | Master's thesis option program | |
MURP | Master's of Urban and Regional Planning | |
MSME | Master's of Science in Mechanical engineering | |
MAMS | Master Of Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
EMPI | Enterprise Master Person Index | |
MSAG | Master of Science in Applied Geosciences | |
CFMG | Certified Feline Master Groomer | |
EMPA | Executive Master in Public Administration | |
MWM | Most Worshipful Master | |
MMC | Master of Mass Communications | |
MNR | Master of Natural Resources | |
MMTM | Master of Management of Transfusion Medicine | |
MHSM | Master of Health Sector Management | |
DCME | DataCore Certified Master Engineer | |
MNA | Master of Nonprofit Administration | |
MCS | Master of Computer Science | |
GMBA | Global Master of Business Administration | |
ESTEEM | Engineering Science Technology Entrepreneurship Excellence Master | |
MIDS | Master of Information and Data Science | |
MA | Master | |
MSDM | Master of Security and Disaster Management | |
MTLM | Master of Transportation and Logistics Management | |
MPM | Master of Policy Management | |
MOT | Master Online Teacher | |
MSVP | Master Shuttle Verification Plan | |
MSTR | Master of Science in Translational Research | |
DNM | Diplômes Nationaux de Master | |
MTheol | Master of Theology | |
MSW | Master of Social Welfare | |
MSMS | Master of Science in Medical Sciences | |
RMP | Responsible Master Plumber | |
MSHCA | Master of Science in Health Care Administration | |
MLAI | Master of Landscape Architecture I | |
MSFM | Master of Science in Facility Management | |
MSWA | Master of Social Work Association | |
MTMS | Master of Trust Management Standards | |
MGW | Master of Gaming World | |
MIOM | Master of Information and Operational Management | |
CMMM | CERTIFIED Mobile Marketing MASTER | |
LMDM | Location Master Data Management | |
FBMG | Fort Bend Master Gardener | |
GGMS | GURPS Game Master Support | |
MSEE | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering | |
MSHS | Master of Science in Homeland Security | |
MBB | Master of Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing | |
MSA | Master Services Agreement | |
MACP | Master of Arts in Christian Practice | |
MHPE | Master of Health Professions Education | |
MGGL | Master in de godgeleerdheid en de godsdienstwetenschappen Leuven | |
EMNA | Executive Master of Nonprofit Administration | |
MSD | Master in Security and Defense | |
MCTM | Master of Clinical Tropical Medicine | |
CMAA | Chief Master At Arms | |
MIFR | Master International Frequency Register | |
CM | Cooler Master | |
MStat | Master of Statistics | |
EPMF | Employee Plan Master File | |
MA | Master of Audiology | |
MSNM | Master of Science in Nonprofit Management | |
FCMT | Financial Coach Master Training | |
FCMT | Financial Coach Master Training | |
MSNM | Master of Science in Nonprofit Management | |
MRUD | Master of Resilient Urban Design | |
MHPM | Master of Housing Policy and Management | |
MHPM | Master of Housing Policy and Management | |
MBMOT | Mercedes Benz Master Owner Trust | |
MO | Master of Osteopathy | |
ELML | Enduring Location Master List | |
MSOH | Master of Science in Occupational Health | |
EMLE | European Master in Law and Economics | |
MSCAE | Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering | |
M.S.P.T. | Master of Science in Physical Therapy | |
MSEE | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering | |
MSCAE | Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering | |
MSST | Master of Spatial Science Technology | |
ZMK | Zone Master Key | |
MAHE | Master of Arts in Higher Education | |
JRMN | James River Master Naturalists | |
MSEE | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering | |
MSGF | Master of Science in Global Finance | |
EMLE | European Master in Law and Economics | |
LMPM | Ladderized Master in Public Management | |
MAMS | Master Agency Media Services | |
MSBA | Master of Science in Business Analysis | |
EMP | Energy Master Plan | |
CDMP | Comprehensive Development Master Plan | |
MHEA | Master of Higher Education Administration | |
MUP | Master Use Permit | |
MLAP | Master of Liberal Arts Program | |
MLAD | Master of Learning and Development | |
EMPL | Executive Master in Policy Leadership | |
SMKL | Shaolin Master Kung Lao | |
EMBS | European Master in Business Studies | |
MSAP | Master of Science in Applied Psychology | |
MSDP | Master Sewing and Design Professional | |
PMF | Plasma Master File | |
GMB | Graduate Master Builder | |
IMIM | International Master in Industrial Management | |
MALD | Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy | |
MALA | Master of Arts in Liberal Arts |
What does master key mean?
- passkey, passe-partout, master key, master(noun)
- key that secures entrance everywhere
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"master key." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 15 Jan. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/master%20key>.
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