We've got 567 shorthands for mathematical »
Acronyms that contain the term mathematical
What does mathematical mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: mathematical.
Term | Definition | Rating |
MS | Mathematical Sciences | |
AMS | American Mathematical Society | |
MAA | Mathematical Association of America | |
MPS | Mathematical and Physical Sciences | |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiad | |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiad | |
AMM | American Mathematical Monthly | |
JMP | Journal of Mathematical Physics | |
JMP | Journal of Mathematical Physics | |
ICME | International Congress on Mathematical Education | |
MKM | Mathematical Knowledge Management | |
ICMI | International Commission on Mathematical Instruction | |
MBI | Mathematical Biosciences Institute | |
MRI | Mathematical Research Institute | |
MD | Mathematical Disposition | |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiad | |
MPS | Mathematical Programming System | |
MCS | Mathematical and Computer Sciences | |
RMP | Reviews in Mathematical Physics | |
MPEJ | Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal | |
MD | Mathematical Department | |
DMI | Developing Mathematical Ideas | |
IMSL | International Mathematical and Statistical Library | |
ICME-10 | 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education | |
MML | Mizar Mathematical Library | |
AMPL | A Mathematical Programming Language | |
CAMS | Computing And Mathematical Sciences | |
ZDM | Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik ( International Reviews on Mathematical Education) | |
ZDM | Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik ( International Reviews on Mathematical Education) | |
MUM | Mathematical Ulterior Motives | |
RMP | Rhind Mathematical Papyrus | |
MSCI | Mathematical Sciences Career Information | |
IMSL | International Mathematical Subroutine Library | |
SIMS | Societal Institute of the Mathematical Sciences | |
IAMCM | International Association for Mathematical and Computer Modelling | |
SCME | Scientific Computing And Mathematical Engineering | |
MTE | Mathematical Typewriter Emulation | |
LTX | LaTeX Mathematical TeXt document | |
IMP | Interactive Mathematical Proofs | |
MITS | Mathematical Intraday Trading System | |
OMD | Open Mathematical Documents | |
MIPS | Mathematical Investigation of Pitch Systems | |
CMPSD | Chemical, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Division | |
DPMMS | Department of Pure Math and Mathematical Statistics | |
MQS | Mathematical Quotations Search | |
MAGE | Mathematical Art Generating Engine | |
WMT | Worthwhile Mathematical Task | |
PRIME | Phenomenal Righteous Independent Mathematical Enthusias | |
CMPS | Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences department | |
IMPACT | Improving Mathematical Performance For All Children Together | |
MATHS | Mathematical Anti Telharsic Harfatum Septomin | |
MATH | Mathematical Anti Telharsic Harfatum | |
DIAMOND | Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data | |
MAA | Mathematical Association of America | |
DMJ | Duke Mathematical Journal | |
DMV | German National Mathematical Society | |
MANIAC | Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator and Computer | |
AMS | American Mathematical Society | |
HMJ | Hiroshima Mathematical Journal | |
QRMS | Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematical Skills | |
BAMO | Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad | |
MATHS | Mathematical Anti Telharsic Heptoses Septonim | |
WMY | World Mathematical Year | |
JAMB | Japanese Association for Mathematical Biology | |
INMO | Indian National Mathematical Olympiad | |
EMGM | European Mathematical Genetics Meeting | |
MFCS | International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | |
CMOT | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | |
KMJ | Kodai Mathematical Journal | |
FMSP | Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences | |
IMPS | Intelligent Mathematical Programming System | |
GMIG | Geo Mathematical Imaging Group | |
SIMO | Singapore International Mathematical Olympiad | |
AIMS | African Institute For Mathematical Sciences | |
SPMS | School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | |
HMC | Higher Mathematical Content | |
MCM | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | |
CMB | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin | |
MAWA | Mathematical Association of Western Australia | |
MTNS | Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems | |
MTI | Mathematical Thinking for Instruction | |
CEME | Conference on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
NMJ | Nagoya Mathematical Journal | |
NMOS | National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore | |
MCQ | Mathematical Citation Quotient | |
RIMS | Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiads | |
SMB | Society for Mathematical Biology | |
MK | Mathematical Knowledge | |
MPRIA | Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | |
AoCMM | Association of Computational and Mathematical Modeling | |
CMIV | Centre for Mathematical Imaging and Vision | |
MOEMS | Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary & Middle Schools | |
SAMSA | Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association | |
SAMSA | Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association | |
SAMSA | Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association | |
SAMSI | Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
SAMSI | Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
MAMS | Master Of Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
BBMS | Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society | |
PEMS | Physical, Environmental, and Mathematical Sciences | |
MSCS | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | |
MRNG | Mathematical Random Number Generator | |
AIMS | African Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
SMS | Swiss Mathematical Society | |
CMS | Chinese Mathematical Society | |
MMEE | Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution | |
BJMA | Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis | |
ACMMAC | Acadia Centre For Mathematical Modeling And Computation | |
WIMO | World International Mathematical Olympiad | |
MFCS | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | |
CBMS | Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences | |
KMJ | Kyungpook Mathematical Journal | |
MERG | Mathematical Ecology Research Group | |
AAMS | Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences | |
RMO | Regional Mathematical Olympiad | |
MMCP | Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics | |
EIMS | Employment Information in the Mathematical Sciences | |
AMM | Automated Mathematical Morphology | |
EMS | Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | |
MO | Mathematical Operation | |
IMSL | Imslinternational Mathematical And Statistical Libraries | |
CIMS | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
MMM | Mathematical Morning Meal | |
MSP | Mathematical Sciences Publishers | |
EMI | Extreme Mathematical Incompetence | |
EMP | Experimental and Mathematical Physics | |
SMS | Singapore Mathematical Society | |
BMOS | British Mathematical Olympiad Subtrust | |
MAMS | Master of Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
MCSB | Mathematical Computational and Systems Biology | |
JEMS | Journal of the European Mathematical Society | |
BAMS | Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | |
CMPA | Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics | |
ICMS | International Centre for Mathematical Sciences | |
LMP | Letters in Mathematical Physics | |
MPE | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | |
MRL | Mathematical Research Letters | |
APMP | Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice | |
MOCP | Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program | |
TTML | Task Types and Mathematical Learning | |
MQI | Mathematical Quality of Instruction | |
DDMF | Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical Functions | |
CARMS | Centre for Applied Research in Mathematical Sciences | |
CMACS | Centre For Mathematical And Computational Sciences | |
CMACS | Centre For Mathematical And Computational Sciences | |
GSMM | Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling | |
JOMC | Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry | |
JOMC | Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry | |
MFPS | Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics | |
MFPS | Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics | |
MLFS | Mathematical Library for Flight Software | |
MLFS | Mathematical Library for Flight Software | |
IMS | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | |
HMJ | Honam Mathematical Journal | |
MMJ | Moscow Mathematical Journal | |
AME | Advancing Mathematical Excellence | |
CPMS | College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | |
SMP | Standards for Mathematical Practice | |
DMS | Division of Mathematical Sciences | |
RMP | Rhindt Mathematical Papyrus | |
MSDL | Mathematical Service Description Language | |
MAP | Mathematical Applications Package | |
AAMB | Advances in Applied Mathematical Biosciences | |
MMCS | Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems | |
ICM | Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical | |
TAMS | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | |
CMAC | Centre for Mathematical Analysis and Computation | |
MMSS | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | |
SEMS | School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | |
IMTS | International Mathematical Talent Search | |
CBMS | Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences | |
CGMO | China Girls Mathematical Olympiad | |
SPMJ | St Petersburg Mathematical Journal | |
BAMA | Bay Area Mathematical Adventures | |
JOMB | Journal of Mathematical Biology | |
IJMA | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | |
AIMMS | Advanced Interactive Mathematical Modeling Software | |
JMCS | Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science | |
IDMT | Initiatve for Developing Mathematical Thinking | |
CMMACS | Center for Mathematical Modelling and computer simulation | |
CMMACS | Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation | |
CMMACS | Centre for Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation | |
MSJM | Mathematical Society of Japan Memoirs | |
HIMR | Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research | |
HIMR | Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research | |
BSMSP | Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability | |
IAMG | International Association of Mathematical Geosciences | |
IAMG | International Association of Mathematical Geosciences | |
IMMC | International Mathematical Modeling Challenge | |
IMSM | Industrial Mathematical Statistical Modeling | |
ACMMAC | Acadia Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computation | |
MMRG | Mathematical Modelling Research Group | |
MMBC | Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference | |
MMBC | Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference | |
LEMB | Laboratory Experiences in Mathematical Biology | |
LEMB | Laboratory Experiences in Mathematical Biology | |
PMG | Program for Mathematical Genomics | |
IMOK | Intermediate Mathematical Olympiad and Kangaroo | |
MCPMS | Mathematical Computer Physical and Molecular Sciences | |
MCPMS | Mathematical Computer Physical and Molecular Sciences | |
MMLS | Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems | |
OJMF | Open Journal of Mathematical Finance | |
OJMF | Open Journal of Mathematical Finance | |
SEAMS | Software Engineering for Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
SEAMS | Software Engineering for Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
SEAMS | Software Engineering for Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
MSPA | Mathematical Sciences Priority Area | |
LIMS | Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
MTH | mathematical processing | |
CIMS | College of Information Mathematical Sciences | |
HMJ | Hokkaido Mathematical Journal | |
MKM | Mathematical Knowledgement Management | |
MCM | Mathematical Contest in Modeling | |
PIMS | Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences | |
TIMSS | Trends in Mathematical and Science Studies | |
EMIS | European Mathematical Information Services | |
IMSL | The International Mathematical And Statistical Libraries | |
IMBS | Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, UC Irvine | |
CMO | Canadian Mathematical Olympiad | |
IMU | Israel Mathematical Union | |
MLQ | Mathematical Logic Quarterly | |
EMS | European Mathematical Society | |
GAMS | Guide to Available Mathematical Software | |
BMB | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | |
CNMS | College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences | |
CEMS | College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | |
MOS | Mathematical Optimization Society | |
MJIS | Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences | |
CCMS | Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences | |
CGMO | China Girls' Mathematical Olympiad | |
NCMM | Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling | |
PLMS | Proceedings London Mathematical Society | |
PLMS | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society | |
ICMP | International Congress on Mathematical Physics | |
CMNS | Computer Mathematical and Natural Sciences | |
JMF | Journal of Mathematical Finance | |
IGMS | Interdisciplinary Grants in the Mathematical Sciences | |
CMMM | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | |
IJMA | International Journal of Mathematical Analysis | |
INMO | Indian National Mathematical Olymiad | |
MGH | Mathematical Society in Hamburg | |
CMM | Center for Mathematical Modeling | |
CMM | Centre for Mathematical Morphology | |
AIMS | Advanced Integrated Mathematical System | |
TMM | Thermal Mathematical Model | |
BMAA | Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | |
ISMP | International Symposium on Mathematical Programming | |
CIMM | Cognitive Instruction in Mathematical Modeling | |
WWMB | Winter Workshop on Mathematical Biology | |
MPS | Mathematical Physical Sciences | |
IDMT | Initiative For Developing Mathematical Thinking | |
ACMS | Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences | |
SCIMS | School of Computing Information Mathematical Sciences | |
SCIMS | School of Computing Information Mathematical Sciences | |
SCIMS | School of Computing Information and Mathematical Sciences | |
SCIMS | School of Computing Information and Mathematical Sciences | |
ITME | Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Ecology | |
ITME | Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Ecology | |
JMRA | Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications | |
JMRA | Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications | |
CWMI | China Western Mathematical Invitation | |
INMS | Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences | |
IMBS | Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences | |
FMSL | Flinders Mathematical Sciences Laboratory | |
AMCS | Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences | |
BLMS | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | |
BLMS | Bulletin London Mathematical Society | |
ICMPA | International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications | |
ECMF | Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance | |
MMSB | Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology | |
MMSB | Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology | |
JML | Journal of Mathematical Logic | |
MSLC | Mathematical Sciences Learning Center | |
MMAS | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | |
MPAG | Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry | |
IJMC | Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | |
IJMC | Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | |
IJMC | International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics | |
IJMC | International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics | |
IJMM | International Journal Mathematical Manuscripts | |
IJMM | International Journal Mathematical Manuscripts | |
MCEB | Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology | |
MCEB | Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology | |
IMPB | Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology | |
IMPB | Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology | |
MMCP | Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics | |
LML | London Mathematical Laboratory | |
EMPG | Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group | |
CMSR | Center for Mathematical Sciences Research | |
CMSR | Center for Mathematical Sciences Research | |
EIMS | Employment Information in the Mathematical Sciences | |
MPEC | Mathematical program with equilibrium constraints | |
IAMG | International Association for Mathematical Geosciences | |
IAMG | International Association for Mathematical Geosciences | |
IMMT | Image to Mathematical Model Transition | |
IMSL | International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries | |
IMSL | International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries | |
IMSP | Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics | |
IMSP | Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics | |
IMSP | Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics | |
IMVI | International Mathematical Virtual Institute | |
IMVI | International Mathematical Virtual Institute | |
ISMM | International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology | |
DMMP | Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming | |
DMMP | Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming | |
CMBN | Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience | |
CMCB | Center for Mathematical Computational Biology | |
CMCB | Center for Mathematical Computational Biology | |
CMCB | Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology | |
CMCB | Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology | |
CMM | Center of Mathematical Morphology | |
CMMB | Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology | |
CMMB | Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology | |
CMSA | Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications | |
CWMI | China Western Mathematical Invitational | |
AJAMS | Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
AJAMS | Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences | |
AOMS | Annals of Mathematical Statistics | |
EMIS | European Mathematical Information Service | |
ESMC | European Society of Mathematical Chemistry | |
ESMC | European Society of Mathematical Chemistry | |
ESMC | European Society of Mathematical Chemistry | |
JSMB | Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology | |
JSMB | Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology | |
JSMS | Jharkhand Society Of Mathematical Sciences | |
JSMS | Jharkhand Society Of Mathematical Sciences | |
PMOG | Photonics and Mathematical Optics Group | |
MFCS | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | |
MFCS | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
MPES | Mathematical Proficiency for Every Student | |
MML | Mathematical Modeling Language | |
AFML | Archive for Mathematical Logic | |
RIMS | Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
RIMS | Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
IMO | Integrated Mathematical Oncology | |
EMP | Extended Mathematical Programming | |
MCS | Mathematical Computer Science | |
MCS | Mathematical Computer Science | |
MSRC | Mathematical Sciences Research Centre | |
MSRC | Mathematical Sciences Research Centre | |
CMG | Commission on Mathematical Geophysics | |
AIMS | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
AIMS | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
CEME | Conferences on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics | |
CEME | Conferences on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics | |
SMOS | Singapore Mathematical Olympiad Senior | |
BMS | Berlin Mathematical School | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Science Institute | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Science Institute | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Science Institute | |
MEI | Mathematical Expression Interpreter | |
MFAI | Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence | |
MFAI | Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence | |
DMS | Department of Mathematical Sciences | |
MMMC | Montana Mathematical Modeling Challenge | |
SMCS | School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences | |
SMCS | School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences | |
SMCS | School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences | |
IJMES | International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science | |
IJMES | International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science | |
IJMES | International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science | |
IJMES | International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science | |
CMB | Computational and Mathematical Biology | |
CMB | Computational and Mathematical Biology | |
FIMU | Friends of the International Mathematical Union | |
FIMU | Friends of the International Mathematical Union | |
MTPT | Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications | |
SMACC | Statistical Mathematical And Computational Consulting | |
SMACC | Statistical Mathematical And Computational Consulting | |
SMACC | Statistical Mathematical And Computational Consulting | |
MCLS | Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society | |
MCLS | Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society | |
FOMP | Foundations Of Mathematical Physics | |
FOMP | Foundations Of Mathematical Physics | |
NDML | Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures | |
TMP | Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | |
LMC | Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry | |
LMC | Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry | |
IMPS | Interactive Mathematical Proof System | |
MCMP | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy | |
RNMS | Research Networks in Mathematical Sciences | |
RNMS | Research Networks in Mathematical Sciences | |
NIMO | Nigeria International Mathematical Olympiad | |
PAMO | Pan African Mathematical Olympiad | |
BMO | British Mathematical Olympiad | |
MPR | Mathematical Principles of Reinforcement | |
MLSI | Mathematical Life Sciences Initiative | |
IMK | Indispensable Mathematical Knowledge | |
MMS | Master of Mathematical Sciences | |
MCA | Mathematical Congress of the Americas | |
ATMP | Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | |
MATHS | Mathematical Anti Telharsic Halfatum Septonim | |
ICHMM | International Conference on Hydrography and Mathematical Models | |
ICHMM | International Conference on Hydrography and Mathematical Models | |
ICMSF | International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Finance | |
ICMSF | International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Finance | |
ICMSF | International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Finance | |
ICMSF | International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Finance | |
IMSI | Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation | |
IMSI | Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation | |
JMC | Joint Mathematical Council | |
MSTR | Mathematical Sciences Technical Reports | |
MCNS | Mathematical Computer and Natural Sciences | |
MCNS | Mathematical Computer and Natural Sciences | |
MBE | Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering | |
MTRS | Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards | |
MAST | Mathematical And Systematic Trading | |
MISPA | Mathematical Imaging and Spatial Pattern Analysis | |
SEMS | Summer Experiences in Mathematical Sciences | |
ICME | Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engr | |
ICME | Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engr | |
TMT | Teaching Mathematical Thinking | |
GMSP | Girls in Mathematical Sciences Program | |
ICME | Institute for Computational Mathematical Engineering | |
ICME | Institute for Computational Mathematical Engineering | |
ICME | Institute for Computational Mathematical Engineering | |
MCK | Mathematical Content Knowledge | |
JKMS | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society | |
JKMS | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society | |
MCME | Musashino Center of Mathematical Engineering | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics | |
ICMMS | International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics | |
MECS | Mathematical Engineering Computer Sciences | |
MECS | Mathematical Engineering Computer Sciences | |
MECS | Mathematical Engineering Computer Sciences | |
CMPL | Coin Mathematical Programming Language | |
CMPL | Coin Mathematical Programming Language | |
CMPL | Coin Mathematical Programming Language | |
CIMS | College of Information and Mathematical Sciences | |
MICS | Mathematical Information and Computational Sciences | |
MMRT | Methodology of Mathematical Research Traditions | |
MOSP | Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program | |
ICME | Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering | |
MTBI | Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute | |
TOMS | Transactions On Mathematical Software | |
MSCF | Mathematical Sciences Computing Facility | |
MMBIA | Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis | |
MMET | International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory | |
MSCL | Mathematical and Statistical Computing Laboratory | |
SAMSI | Statistical amd Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
MTH | Mathematical Processing Test | |
IMU | International Mathematical Union | |
ECMS | Engineering, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences | |
DMS | Division of Mathematical Sciences (NSF) | |
MTH | mathematical processing | |
AMRE | Applied Mathematical Research Experience | |
RTMM | Reduced Thermal Mathematical Model | |
IAMP | International Association of Mathematical Physics | |
MBI | Mathematical Biosciences | |
MAVC | Mathematical and Applied Visual Computing | |
AustMS | Australian Mathematical Society | |
CMS | Canadian Mathematical Society | |
SMC | Canadian Mathematical Society | |
EMS | Edinburgh Mathematical Society | |
TMD | Turkish Mathematical Society | |
LMS | London Mathematical Society | |
EtMS | Egyptian Mathematical Society | |
SMS | Swedish Mathematical Society | |
UMI | Italian Mathematical Union | |
BSMSP | Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability | |
DMF | Danish Mathematical Society | |
HKMS | Hong Kong Mathematical Society | |
NZMS | New Zealand Mathematical Society | |
UMALCA | Mathematical Union of Latin America and the Caribbean | |
SMM | Mexican Mathematical Society | |
UMA | Argentine Mathematical Union | |
IAMG | International Association for Mathematical Geology | |
UMI | International Mathematical Union | |
GDM | Society for Mathematical Didactics | |
MAV | Mathematical Association of Victoria | |
SMF | Mathematical Society of France | |
WG | Dutch Mathematical Society | |
SMG | Swiss Mathematical Society | |
ACFMN | Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela | |
CMS | Cyprus Mathematical Society | |
EME | Hellenic Mathematical Society | |
HMS | Hellenic Mathematical Society | |
BJMT | János Bolyai Mathematical Society | |
KMS | Korean Mathematical Society | |
ESMTB | European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology | |
SPbMS | St. Petersburg Mathematical Society | |
AMA | Algerian Mathematical Society | |
JAMS | Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences | |
MPS | Mathematical Programming Society | |
RSME | Royal Spanish Mathematical Society | |
MA | Mathematical Association | |
JMS | Jordanian Mathematical Society | |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiad | |
MMathPhys | Master of Mathematics and Physics, Master of Mathematical Physics | |
MOEMS | Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary & Middle Schools | |
MASAMB | Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology | |
MASAMB | Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology | |
IJSRMSS | International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | |
ACMS | Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences | |
ACMS | Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences | |
ACMS | Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences | |
AIMS | African Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
AIMS | African Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
AMSI | Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute | |
CIMS | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
DLMF | Digital Library of Mathematical Functions | |
IAMP | International Association of Mathematical Physics | |
IAMP | International Association of Mathematical Physics | |
IAMP | International Association of Mathematical Physics | |
ICME | International Congress on Mathematical Education | |
ICME | International Congress on Mathematical Education | |
ICMI | International Commission on Mathematical Instruction | |
ICMI | International Commission on Mathematical Instruction | |
ICMP | International Congress on Mathematical Physics | |
ICMS | International Centre for Mathematical Sciences | |
LIMS | London Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
LIMS | London Institute for Mathematical Sciences | |
MCSD | Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division | |
MCSD | Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division | |
MMOR | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | |
MPEC | Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints | |
MSRI | Mathematical Sciences Research Institute | |
MSRI | Mathematical Sciences Research Institute | |
MSRI | Mathematical Sciences Research Institute | |
PIMS | Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences | |
IJMMS | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
IJMMS | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
IJMMS | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
IJMMS | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | |
NCMCM | National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models | |
NCMCM | National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models | |
SJWMS | Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School | |
USAMO | United States of America Mathematical Olympiad | |
CMPA | Center for Mathematical Physics Amsterdam | |
CMPA | Center for Mathematical Physics Amsterdam | |
CGDAM | Conformal Geometry and Dynamics of the American Mathematical (SOCIETY) | |
MADYMO | Mathematical Dynamic Model | |
ACMM | Automation of Computational Mathematical Modeling | |
AMPL | at&T Mathematical Programming Language | |
DML | Digital Mathematical Library | |
ICM | Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling | |
IMPS | Interactive Mathematical Proof System | |
IMSL | International Mathematical Subroutine Library | |
IMSL | International Mathematical and Statistical Library | |
MATHML | Mathematical Markup Language | |
MCSD | Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division | |
MFPS | Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics | |
MML | Mathematical Markup Language | |
MPS | Mathematical Programming System | |
MPSX | Mathematical Programming System Extended | |
OMDOC | Open Mathematical Documents | |
MSIW | Mathematical Science Institute Workshops | |
MSIW | Mathematical Science Institute Workshops | |
MSIW | Mathematical Science Institute Workshops | |
YBMA | Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association | |
YBMA | Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association | |
DOME | Department Of Mathematical Equations | |
MANIAC | Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator And Computer | |
MANIAC | Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator And Computer | |
ACDNR | Adaptive Contrast-Driven Noise Reduction a novel, high-performance noise reduction algorithm, based on advanced multi-scale and mathematical morphology image processing techniques; successor to the SGBNR tool | |
MS | Mathematical Statistics | |
MS | Mathematical Statistics |
What does mathematical mean?
- mathematical(adj)
- of or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics
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"mathematical." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 27 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/mathematical>.
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