We've got 649 shorthands for non-effective »
Acronyms that contain the term non-effective
What does non-effective mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: non-effective.
Term | Definition | Rating |
ED | Effective Date | |
SE | Safe and Effective | |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power | |
E-DATE | Effective Date | |
MED | Minimum Effective Dose | |
ED | Effective Diameter | |
EA | Effective Address | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | |
CEPT | Common Effective Preferential Tariff | |
STEP | Systematic Training for Effective Parenting | |
TEDE | Total Effective Dose Equivalent | |
TEDE | Total Effective Dose Equivalent | |
EI | Effective Information | |
ECP | Effective Core Potential | |
LEA | Load Effective Address | |
MED | Maximum Effective Dose | |
FEAT | Families For Effective Autism Treatment | |
ED | Effective Distance | |
EM | Effective Microorganisms | |
GEO | Grantmakers For Effective Organizations | |
EFL | Effective Focal Length | |
CEP | Compact Effective Potential | |
MEC | Minimum Effective Concentration | |
MORE | Making Officer Redeployment Effective | |
IMEP | Indicated Mean Effective Pressure | |
ECL | Effective Character Level | |
TEA | Take Effective Action | |
EMS | Effective Management System | |
EBS | Effective Behavior Support | |
ECPM | Effective Cost Per Mille | |
EP | Effective Precipitation | |
SE | Super Effective | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropically Radiated Power | |
EFS | Effective Financing Statement | |
EEO | Effective and Efficient Operations | |
PEA | Push Effective Address | |
EMT | Effective Mass Theory | |
EARS | Effective Affordable Reusable Speech | |
EP | Effective Processes | |
TEAM | Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management | |
TED | Total Effective Dose | |
EDR | Effective Dispute Resolution | |
BMEP | Break Mean Effective Pressure | |
ET | Effective Trajectory | |
SEP | Standards Of Effective Practice | |
BEST | Building Effective Schools Together | |
OE | Operationally Effective | |
PRESENT | Practical Resources for Educators Seeking Effective New Technologies | |
SET | Safe Effective Transport | |
WCED | Workshop on Complexity-Effective Design | |
EBS | Effective Behavioral Support | |
WEUC | Writing Effective Use Cases | |
EAY | Effective Annual Yield | |
PET | Program for Effective Teaching | |
FRESH | Focusing Resources for Effective School Health | |
DEEP | Documenting Effective Educational Practices | |
NE | Numerically Effective | |
ETHICS | Effective Technical And Human Implementation Of Computer Systems | |
ELP | Effective Learning Programme | |
ENM | Effective Neutralizing Material | |
PEI | Push Effective Indirect | |
BEST | Building Effective Solutions Together | |
EFFECT | Environmental Forecasting For The Effective Control Of Traffic | |
PEA | Push Effective Absolute | |
TEEP | Total Effective Equipment Performance | |
ENOD | Effective Number Of Digits | |
EPIQ | Effective Practice, Informatics, and Quality | |
MEP | Most Effective Profile | |
STEP | Systematic Training Of Effective Parenting | |
ERA | Effective Reliable And Affordable | |
EM | Effective Microrganisms | |
STEP | Strategic Training for Effective Parenting | |
SEED | Self Evaluation for Effective Decision-making | |
EFFECT | European Farms For Effective Clover Technology | |
GREET | Group To Renew And Enhance Effective Teaching | |
HEM | Hydrogenic Effective Mass | |
ERP | Effective Rating Points | |
VIEW | Verbal Inquiry Effective Witness | |
EFFECT | Epping Forest Fast Effective Community Transport | |
USEP | United Services for Effective Parenting | |
ET | Effective Triangles | |
EFD | Effective Filing Date | |
HERO | Honoring Effective Relationship Opportunities | |
ETD | Effective Training and Development, LTD. | |
BET | Building Effective Teamwork | |
EUSC | Effective United States Controlled Ship | |
GETS | Georgia's Effective Teaching Strategies | |
CREW | Customer Responsive Effective Workforce | |
ERICA | Effective Reading In The Content Areas | |
STEM | Systems And Techniques Effective Management | |
MLE | Making Learning Effective | |
IEP | Index of Effective Participation | |
EIEM | Effective I/O interruption Enablement Mask | |
EASY | Effective And Success Yielding | |
MASTER | Meeting Achievement and Success Through Effective Retention | |
ESP | Effective Selling Program | |
CEER | Competitive Effective Exchange Rate | |
F-HOUR | Effective time of announced Reserve Component mobilization | |
HELP | Heaton Effective Listening Programme | |
HELP | Habits for Effective Life Planning | |
EFL | Effective Flute Length | |
FABRIC | Focused, Appropriate, Balanced, Realistic, Integrated, Cost-effective | |
SET | Safe Effective Transports | |
BRIDGES | Building Resources To Improve The Delivery Of Genuinely Effective Services | |
MASTERS | Meeting Achievement And Success Through Effective Retention Strategies | |
SECURE | Safe And Effective Communities And Understanding For Response To Emergencies | |
IDEAL | Intelligent Design Effective Action And Leadership | |
EAA | Effective Annual Annuity | |
YIELD | Youthleaders In Effective Leadership Development | |
ICES | Intelligent Cost Effective Solutions | |
SIE | Simple, Innovative, and Effective | |
EFB | Effective Field Bounder | |
EFC | Effective Financial Contribution | |
ECC | Effective Critical Carbohydrates | |
SIE | Simple Innovative And Effective | |
HEAT | Highly Effective Athletic Training | |
STEP | Systematic Training on Effective Parenting | |
META | Most Effective Tactic Available | |
WEF | With Effective From | |
LEADER | Lead Efficiency in All Department with Effective Representation | |
META | Most Effective Tactics Available | |
MEDIA | Most Effective Devil In America | |
ARTEMIS | Advanced Responsive Tactically Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer | |
ETOH | Effective Telemarketing and Objection Handling | |
FARMER | Forecasting Amateur Radio Maps and Effective Range | |
POLICE | Patriotic Open-minded Largehearted Inclusive Courage Effective | |
REGARD | Radical Effective Graphical Analysis of Regional Data | |
EBOLA | Effective Bacteria On Lands Africa | |
EVOL | Effective voice of Ladies | |
ETLD | Effective Top Level Domain | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | |
ETAPP | Effective Teachers and Principals Program | |
INSERT | Interactive Noting System of Effective Reading and Thinking | |
EAR | Effective Annual Rate | |
LTE | Less Than Effective | |
PERDA | Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation | |
EWL | Effective Working Length | |
STET | Systematic Training For Effective Teaching | |
MISTER | Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role | |
ERAT | Effective to Real Address Translation | |
eCPV | Effective Cost Per Visitor | |
EBI | Effective Buying Income | |
MISTER | Mentors Instructing Students Towards Effective Role | |
ETAL | Effective Teaching And Learning | |
EIR | Effective Interest Rate | |
eCPM | Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions | |
ETR | Effective Tax Rate | |
QBE | Quick But Effective | |
MISTER | Men Instructing Students Toward Effective Role | |
ECPV | Effective Cost Per View | |
ENOB | Effective Number of Bits | |
REVA | Reliable Effective Versatile And Affordable | |
EFT | Effective Full Time | |
EPOC | Effective Practice and Organisation of Care | |
TESCM | Tax Effective Supply Chain Management | |
ANSWER | Accurate Necessary Succinct Written Effective and Responsive | |
GECN | Genetically Effective Cell Number | |
EROA | Effective regurgitant orifice area | |
EDCSA | Effective Date of Change of Strength Accountability | |
RACER | Rapid And Cost Effective Rotorcraft | |
ECET | Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers | |
CELE | Centre for Effective Learning Environments | |
NETI | National Effective Teaching Institute | |
BMEP | Brake Mean Effective Pressure | |
EFT | Effective Field Theory | |
TERI | Torpedo Effective Range Indicator | |
SEED | SouthEast Effective Development | |
EUW | Effective use of water | |
EMTR | Effective Marginal Tax Rate | |
EMTR | Effective Marginal Tax Rates | |
KEPS | Knowledge of Effective Parenting Scale | |
OBJECT | Overactive Bladder Judging Effective Control and Treatment | |
CEP | Center for Effective Philanthropy | |
ERP | Effective Refractory Period | |
IETH | Institute for Effective Therapy of Homosexuality | |
eff | effective | |
EDSW | Effective Detection Swath Width | |
CEGA | Center for Effective Global Action | |
EDQE | Effective Detective Quantum Efficiency | |
EGAI | Effective gross annual income | |
ETEZ | Effective Tourism Exclusion Zones | |
HEM | Holzapfel Effective Microbes | |
EPOM | Effective Point Of Measurement | |
PELIE | Partnership for Effective Learning and Innovative Education | |
MESME | Making Environmental Stewardship More Effective | |
TARGET | Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatment | |
APEEL | A Partnership Encouraging Effective Learning | |
TARGET | Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments | |
FREEDOM | Free and Responsible for Ethical and Effective Developmental Opportunities for the Masses | |
ECMID | Effective Common Marine Inspection Document | |
TEAT | Tal Effective Acceleration Transmissibility | |
POSET | Peer Observation in Support of Effective Teaching | |
PEEL | Project for Enhancing Effective Learning | |
CHEVROLET | Cheap Hardly Effective Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time | |
ENP | Effective Neutralizing Power | |
CARMEN | Content Analysis Retrieval and MetaData Effective Networking | |
EMPD | Effective Moisture Penetration Depth | |
EMB | Effective Modal Bandwidth | |
EFPY | Effective Full Power Years | |
EPA | Effective Projected Area | |
ENOB | Effective Numbers of Bits | |
REER | Real Effective Exchange Rate | |
PESTL | Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning | |
ERPF | Effective renal plasma flow | |
TEMOS | Trust effective medicine optimized services | |
IEOA | Indexed Effective Orifice Area | |
REED | Resources for Effective Educational Development | |
REED | Resources for Effective Educational Development | |
EWC | Effective Writing Center | |
ECOM | Effective Communication in Outbreak Management | |
ESM | Effective Study Method | |
EBS | Effective Behavior Supports | |
EGI | Effective Gross Income | |
EDE | Effective Dose Equivalent | |
EDR | Effective Dimension Reduction | |
CASPER | Cable Attached System Providing Effective Release | |
EOIP | Effective Output Intercept Point | |
EYES | Employees Yielding Effective Savings | |
DEBI | Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions | |
LTE | Less Than Effective | |
ELAI | Effective Leaf Area Index | |
EFP | Effective Filtration Pressure | |
EHP | Effective Hit Points | |
ELA | Effective Leaching Area | |
EDOC | Effective Date of Change | |
EIAS | Effective Increased Attack Speed | |
EBZ | Effective Brillouin Zone | |
ELLB | Effective Lean Leadership Behavioural | |
FEMR | Fair and Effective Markets Review | |
GLECS | Global Language Effective Communication Services | |
EEQE | Effective External Quantum Efficiency | |
ENTR | Effective Net Take Rate | |
ED | Effective Direction | |
LOED | Lowest Observed Effective Dose | |
ESDS | Effective Software Development Series | |
ETL | Effective Teaching Learning | |
OEP | Optimized Effective Potential | |
EHP | Effective Hit Point | |
EET | Empowering Effective Teachers | |
ENP | Effective Number of Parties | |
DEC | Daily Effective Circulation | |
ERPM | Effective Revenues Per Millennium | |
EM | Effective Micro | |
FFER | Federal Funds Effective Rate | |
BEAM | Building Effective Accessible Markets | |
ECTR | Effective Corporate Tax Rate | |
PET | Programm For Effective Teaching | |
MEC | Minimal Effective Concentration | |
EPC | Effective Pip Count | |
MET | Measures of Effective Teaching | |
CPET | Caltech Project for Effective Teaching | |
CEDE | Committed Effective Dose Equivalent | |
ARES | Agile Responsive Effective Support | |
DREAM | Developing Restoring Effective Affectionate Marriages | |
EHC | Effective Health Care | |
MEP | Mean Effective Pressure | |
ECET | Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching | |
REG | Raising for Effective Giving | |
LESF | Leading the Effective Sales Force | |
HOMER | Hampshire Operational Modal for Effective Recovery | |
PEBS | Positive Effective Behaviour Supports | |
NVE | Not Very Effective | |
EDATE | Effective Date of Action | |
CEHI | Cost Effective Health Insurance | |
CEHI | Cost Effective Health Insurance | |
AOER | Average overall effective rate | |
BETA | Below Effective Thrust Angle | |
IELA | Indiana Effective Leaders Academy | |
EDPG | Effective Data Protection Governance | |
ETTP | Effective Teacher Training Program | |
SEES | Safe Early And Effective Socialization | |
EMPD | Effective Masters Pen Drive | |
ITEL | Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning | |
EMOR | Effective Modulus Of Rupture | |
SEDE | Somatically Effective Dose Equivalent | |
BEEM | Bond Equivalent Effective Margin | |
EPBF | Effective Peritoneal Blood Flow | |
AERP | Antegrade Effective Refractory Period | |
VEH | Valence Effective Hamiltonian | |
AEII | Advancing Effective Interactions and Instruction | |
REEM | Rapid Enhaned Effective Microorganisms | |
EQUATE | Effective Quadruplet Utilization After Treatment Evaluation | |
WETP | Writing Effective Transition Plans | |
EC-50 | Effective Concentration at which 50% of worms will leave sediment | |
EBS | Effective Behavior System | |
EWP | Effective Winning Percentage | |
ACET | Alternative Certification for Effective Teachers | |
CEO | Center for Effective Organizations | |
EFTD | Effective FPF termination date | |
CEAP | Cost Effective Analysis Process | |
EDO | Effective Development of Organizations | |
EOB | Effective One Body | |
HER | Highlty Effective Reversible | |
ETT | Effective Test Time | |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate | |
EPL | Effective Patent Life | |
EIN | Effective Input Noise | |
EPICS | Effective Practices in Community Supervision | |
EES | Effective Environmental Systems | |
DETR | Discounted Effective Tax Rate | |
EDOA | Effective Date of Award | |
IBED | Integral Biologically Effective Dose | |
NER | Net Effective Rent | |
EPSS | Effective Practices in Student Success | |
EHP | Effective Health Points | |
REER | Real effective exchange rates | |
REER | real effective exchange rate—a | |
NMEP | Net Mean Effective Pressure | |
SEED | South East Effective Development | |
EMM | Effective Media Management | |
CETL | Center for Effective Teaching and Learning | |
ECP-CPP | Effective Core Potential Augmented by Core Polarization Potential | |
EDY | Effective Degradation Years | |
EVM | Effective Vaccine Management | |
EVM | Effective Visual Marketing | |
CESP | Center for Effective School Practices | |
IEE | Institute for Effective Education | |
LOEC | Lowest Observable Effective Concentration | |
DEMT | Differential Effective Medium Theory | |
ERD | Effective Rim Diameter | |
CCEC | Chatham Citizens for Effective Communities | |
ETLC | Effective Teaching and Learning Centre | |
EOA | Effective Orifice Area | |
EDRC | Effective Daily Recovery Capacity | |
EIB | Effective Incident Beam | |
EMMA | Effective Mass Multiplication Apparatus | |
ECCM | Effective Criminal Case Management | |
SPEC | Strategic Pragmatic Effective Communications | |
EPT | Effective Performance Time | |
PEBS | Positive Effective Behavior Support | |
JESP | Journal of the Effective Schools Project | |
EECO | Expanding Effective Contraceptive Options | |
EECO | Expanding Effective Contraception Options | |
ETHICS | Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computers Systems | |
ADEPT | After Divorce Effective Parenting Together | |
COEA | Cost and Operational Effective Analysis | |
AAEI | Accumulated Activity Effective Index | |
ECDT | Effective clinical dental teaching | |
TDEP | Temperature Dependent Effective Potential | |
EMWR | Effective Minimum Wage Ratio | |
EPNL | Effective Perceived Noise Levels | |
RACE | Responsive Accessible Courteous Effective | |
ETOC | Effective Transfers Of Care | |
EDPI | effective Dots Per Inch | |
SIEC | Significant impediment to effective competition | |
ERIC | Effective Residual Ink Concentration | |
TEMOS | Trust effective medicine and optimized services | |
FEMR | Fair and Effective Market Review | |
EDT | Effective Draft Temperature | |
OED | Original Effective Date | |
EPICS | Effective Practice In Community Supervision | |
LEAF | Large Effective Area Fiber | |
ESS | Effective Sample Size | |
EPDF | Effective Phase Detector Frequency | |
HETS | Highlighting Effective Teaching Strategies | |
IEBI | Institute for Effective Behavioral Interventions | |
DSEI | Daggett System for Effective Instruction | |
CCEI | Coupled Cluster Effective Interaction | |
CECP | Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice | |
CECT | Center for Effective Child Therapy | |
CEDR | Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution | |
CELS | Centre for Effective Learning in Science | |
CEVA | Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy | |
FMEP | Fuel Mean Effective Pressure | |
ECPP | Effective Core Polarization Potential | |
EDPS | Effective Damage Per Second | |
EER | Effective exchange rate | |
EESC | Equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine | |
EFH | Effective Flat Haul | |
ESVG | Effective Services for Vulnerable Groups | |
ETAS | Effective True Airspeed Suggest | |
ETSI | Effective Tools to Spread Informations | |
EUM | Effective Utility Management | |
EVE | Effective Virtual Experiences | |
REI | Reliable Effective and Innovative | |
EDF | Effective Direct Fire | |
ELP | Effective Licence Position | |
EBV | Effective Boolean Value | |
LEOS | Leadership Effective Organized Service | |
NEAR | Networked Effective Agile and Responsible | |
EDC | Effective Date of Contract | |
ETL | Effective Teaching and Learning | |
ELB | Effective Lower Bound | |
EYB | Effective Year Built | |
SCER | Special Committee on Effective Regulation | |
ERI | Effective Reliability Integrity | |
LEARN | Learning for Effective Actions to Revitalize Neighborhoods | |
EOR | Effective Operational Radius | |
EDV | Effective Damage Value | |
SIEC | Significant Impediment of Effective Competition | |
SIEC | Significant Impedance of Effective Competition | |
SAFETI | Scenario Analysis For Effective Technology Integration | |
EFTT | Effective Field Theory Techniques | |
ELCC | Effective Load Carrying Capability | |
EFPM | Effective Full Power Month | |
EFCT | Effective Fly Casting Technique | |
PEAK | Providing Effective And Knowledgeable | |
CEHC | Center for Effective Health Communication | |
MSEO | Modified Single Effective Oscillator | |
SEAR | Safe Effective Affordable Review | |
LEC | Lowest Effective Concentration | |
ESID | Effective States and Inclusive Development | |
ESID | Effective States and Inclusive Development | |
PEBS | Positive Effective Behavior System | |
ERS | Effective Revenue Share | |
EPIQ | Effective Practice Informatics Quality | |
EPIQ | Effective Practice Informatics and Quality | |
AEE | Asymptotic Effective Energy | |
EPLM | Effective Polyakov Line Model | |
EFR | Effective Filtration Rate | |
VERP | Vertical Effective Radiated Power | |
VERP | Ventricular Effective Refractory Period | |
ERMM | Effective R Matrix Model | |
ERPC | Effective Refractory Period of Contractile | |
EUL | Effective Units of Labour | |
NCEL | Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership | |
EER | Effective Exchange Rates | |
EMA | Effective Mass Approxn | |
EUA | Effective Usage Analysis | |
DARE | Doctors Are Really Effective | |
NAVEL | Network Assessment and Validity for Effective Leadership | |
EPBF | Effective Pulmonary Blood Flow | |
EUSC | Effective United States Control | |
EEEI | Essential Elements of Effective Instruction | |
PFMEA | Potential Failure Mode and Effective Analysis | |
EPMO | Effective Project Management Office | |
MER | Maximum Effective Range | |
STEEP | Steps Toward Effective Enjoyable Parenting | |
EDCP | Effective Dose Calculation Program | |
ELISS | Effective Learning In Secondary Science | |
ELISS | Effective Learning In Secondary Science | |
IEP | Instantaneous Effective Photo | |
PEAC | Program for Effective Access to College | |
PET | Positive Effective Therapy | |
ECRM | Effective Collaborative Retail Marketing | |
ECTC | Effective Classroom Teaching Curriculum | |
EES | Effective Educator System | |
EO | Effective Ownership | |
EMRO | Effective Microorganisms Research Organization | |
AAEE | Appropriate, Adequate, Effective, Efficient | |
EPVC | Effective Permanent Vegetative Cover | |
EFPS | Effective Frames Per Second | |
QET | Quick Effective Therapy | |
ESDGC | Effective Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship | |
EMPF | Effective Mass Participation Factor | |
EMPF | Effective Mass Participation Factors | |
ETT | Effective Teacher Training | |
ETT | Effective Termite Treatment | |
ECSM | Effective Current Source Modeling | |
NER | Net Effective Rate | |
EMDR | Effective Medical Diagnosis Reporting | |
ELE | Effective Lip Eye | |
EFG | Effective Field Goal | |
EDDS | Effective Document Delivery System | |
EEW | Equivalent Effective Weight | |
PCED | Plan Coverage Effective Date | |
EJD | Effective Job Density | |
ECPE | Effective Cost Per Engagement | |
EASE | Effective Access to Student Education | |
EASE | Effective Access to Student Education | |
WETT | Water Effective Technologies and Tools | |
REES | Resource Efficient and Effective Solutions | |
ETLD | Effective Top Level Domains | |
LECM | Less Effective Contraception Method | |
NEO | Non Effective Obstacle | |
ETM | Effective Teacher Model | |
ETM | Effective Time Management | |
CEP | Centre for Effective Practice | |
OEC | Organized Effective and Complete | |
NECG | Net Effective Coding Gain | |
ESB | Effective School Battery | |
EIOP | Effective Infection Opportunity Population | |
NCEL | National Committee for Effective Literacy | |
NCEL | National Committee for Effective Literacy | |
NCEL | National Committee on Effective Literacy | |
NCEL | National Committee on Effective Literacy | |
MEW | Mean Effective Wind | |
EWH | Effective Working Hours | |
HESL | Highly Effective School Library | |
HESL | Highly Effective School Library | |
EBIS | Effective Behavior and Intervention Supports | |
TEMOS | Trust Effective Medicine Optimal Services | |
ELA | Effective Leakage Area | |
KGE | Key Global Effective | |
ECPS | Effective Cost Per Share | |
EARN | Effective Application of Resources to Need | |
EREC | Effective Refractive Error Coverage | |
ELE | Effective Lip and Eye | |
EFC | Effective Flexible Capacity | |
CERI | Center for Effective Reading Instruction | |
EFS | Effective Freight Solutions | |
EUSES | End Users Shaping Effective Software | |
EA | Effective Annihilation | |
EFPM | Effective Flight Path Monitoring | |
EDOS | Effective Date Of Supply | |
BEAST | Being Effective Assisting Students Today | |
PEI | Push Effective Index | |
ECI | Effective Cycling Instructor | |
ESSD | Effective Source Surface Distances | |
EFS | Effective Film Speed | |
ELDM | Effective Liquid Drop Model | |
AERP | Atrial Effective Refractory Period | |
AERP | Average Effective Radiated Power | |
ERBM | Effective River Basin Management | |
ES | Effective Sample | |
SEED | Self Evaluation for Effective Decision-making | |
IETP | Institute for Effective Teaching Practices | |
CEEF | Cost-Effective, Environment Friendly | |
EPLR | Effective Packet Loss Ratio | |
TERP | Thermal Effective Response Parameter | |
EEEI | Effective Electron-Electron Interaction | |
EUSG | Effective Use of Small Groups | |
SCET | Soft Collinear Effective Theory | |
CEM | Cost Effective Measurement | |
IETC | Institute Effective Teaching Committee | |
IETL | Institute for Effective Teaching and Learning, Boise State University | |
EHP | Effective HorsePower | |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power | |
ESR | Effective SunRise | |
ESS | Effective SunSet | |
IEP | Instantaneous Effective Photo-cathode | |
MEP | Mean Effective Pressure | |
EFP | Effective Fringing Property | |
ED | Effective Dose | |
GRAS/E | Generally Recognized As Safe and Effective | |
EOA | Effective Orifice Opening | |
EMD | Effective Miss Distance | |
EUSC | Effective United States Control/controlled | |
EUSCS | Effective United States-Controlled Ships | |
T-Day | Effective Day Coincident With Presidential Declaration of A National Emergency and Authorization of Partial Mobilization | |
ECV | Effective Circulating Volume | |
EDCMR | Effective Date Change Morning Report | |
ECSM | Effective Current Source Model | |
EMT | Effective Medium Theory | |
EIBW | Effective Instantaneous BandWidth | |
CCEPP | Cochrane Collaboration on Effective Professional Practice | |
EBD | Effective Biological Dose | |
ECP | Effective Clinical Practice | |
ECP | Effective Conduction Period | |
EPT | Effective Patient Teaching | |
ESP | Effective Systolic Pressure | |
FED | Fractional Effective Dose | |
ICER | Incremental Cost Effective Ratio | |
MEC | Median Effective Concentration | |
ED | Effective Dose | |
EPL | Effective Patent Life | |
EEE | Efficient, Effective and Economical | |
SPICE | Smart Precise Impact & Cost Effective (munitions) | |
GRASE | Generally Recognized As Safe and Effective | |
EPRS | Effective Projected Radiant Surface | |
EFFIS | Effective Fortifications Increase Security | |
LOGEE | Law Officers Generate Effective Enforcement | |
CROPS | Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structures | |
CROPS | Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structure | |
CROPS | Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structures | |
POEM | Place Of Effective Management | |
EAPR | Effective Annual Percentage Rate | |
AELE | Americans for Effective Law Enforcement | |
NEY | Net Effective Yield | |
EDIGS | Effective Date of Initial Gain to Strength | |
OEABCM | Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures | |
OEABCM | Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures | |
LOEP | List of Effective Pages | |
META | Most Effective Tactics Available | |
MEO | Most Effective Officer | |
EABV | Effective Arterial Blood Volume | |
HQET | Heavy Quark Effective Theory | |
NCEC | National Committee for an Effective Congress | |
SCET | Soft-Collinear Effective Theory | |
AEDPA | Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act | |
SEE | Simple Effective Effortless | |
EFP | Effective Fragment Potential | |
YER | Yearly Effective Rate | |
KANE | Kinky And Not Effective | |
AEVL | Average Effective Vehicle Length | |
BMEP | Brake Mean Effective Pressure | |
CEM | Cost Effective Maintenance | |
EBA | Effective Braking and Avoidance | |
EFOH | Effective Front Overhang | |
EGT | Effective Green Time | |
EGVW | Effective Gross Vehicle Weight | |
EHP | Effective Horse Power | |
EROH | Effective Rear Overhang | |
ESDOF | Effective Spatial Degrees Of Freedom | |
ETQ | Effective Torque | |
FECO | Fuel Effective Computerized Overdrive | |
FMEP | Fuel Mean Effective Pressure | |
FMEP | Friction Mean Effective Pressure | |
GMEP | Gross Mean Effective Pressure | |
IMEP | Indicated Mean Effective Pressure | |
MEP | Mean Effective Pressure | |
NMEP | Net Mean Effective Pressure | |
PMEP | Pumping Mean Effective Pressure | |
RFMEP | Rubbing Friction Mean Effective Pressure | |
STERO | Semi Trailer's Effective Rear Overhang | |
TEA | Torsional Effective Angle | |
TEAM | Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management | |
TECT | Total Effective Control Technology | |
TFMEP | Total Friction Mean Effective Pressure | |
TTERO | Truck Tractor's Effective Rear Overhang | |
CERC | Cost Effective Raid Controller | |
CODEC | Connected Data for Effective Collaboration | |
EAH | Effective Address Higher Bits | |
EAL | Effective Address Lower Bits | |
EAO | Effective Address Overflow Exception | |
ECAM | Effective Content Address Memory | |
ECPC | Effective Cost Per Click | |
ECPI | Effective Cost Per Installation | |
ECPM | Effective Cost Per Mille | |
ECPV | Effective Cost Per Visit | |
ECPV | Effective Cost Per Video View | |
EDTR | Effective Data Transfer Rate | |
EGID | Effective Group Id | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | |
ELEAF | Enhanced Large Effective Area Fiber | |
ELOC | Effective Lines Of Code | |
ENOB | Effective Number Of Bits | |
EPL | Effective Privilege Level | |
EPM | Effective Actions Per Minute | |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power | |
ESB | Effective Sample Base | |
ESR | Effective Signal Radiated | |
EUI | Effective User Interface | |
EUID | Effective User Id | |
LEA | Load Effective Address | |
LEAF | Large Effective Area Fabric | |
PERFECT | Performance Evaluation for Cost Effective Transformations | |
TELL | Towards Effective Network Supported Collaborative Learning Activities | |
WCED | Workshop on Complexity Effective Design | |
MEHP | Mean Effective Horse Power | |
ERP | Effective Refractory Period | |
EDS | Effective Depth at the Section | |
EWT | Effective Writing Tips | |
EWT | Effective Writing Tips | |
EEJ | Effective Enterprise Java | |
CaDet | CaDet is an effective expert system that can identify cancer at early stages | |
EDMTT | Effective Digital Marketing Tactics and Technques | |
CEER | Cost Effective Emission Reduction | |
IEETS | Implementing Effective Emission Trading System | |
Flate | Flate.cz is a professional web design company that helps businesses grow by creating websites. They offer services in UI/UX design, web development, and branding. Their team of experienced designers and developers work closely with clients to bring their vision to life in an effective and visually appealing way | |
Flate | Flate.cz is a professional web design company that helps businesses grow by creating websites. They offer services in UI/UX design, web development, and branding. Their team of experienced designers and developers work closely with clients to bring their vision to life in an effective and visually appealing way | |
Flate | Flate.cz is a professional web design company that helps businesses grow by creating websites. They offer services in UI/UX design, web development, and branding. Their team of experienced designers and developers work closely with clients to bring their vision to life in an effective and visually appealing way | |
Flate | Flate.cz is a professional web design company that helps businesses grow by creating websites. They offer services in UI/UX design, web development, and branding. Their team of experienced designers and developers work closely with clients to bring their vision to life in an effective and visually appealing way | |
SET | Sustainable, Effective, Traversable | |
CEW | Cost-Effective Way | |
EMGS | Effective Management Grout Setting | |
EMGS | Effective Management Grout Setting | |
EFP | Effective Fringing Property |
What does non-effective mean?
- non-effective
- Signifies men not fit or available for duty, in contradistinction to effective (which see).
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"non-effective." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/non-effective>.
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