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Acronyms that contain the term partial to
What does partial to mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: partial to.
Term | Definition | Rating |
206 | Partial Content | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation | |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PR | Partial remission | |
PTT | Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PTT | Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PM | Partial Match | |
PC | Partial Credit | |
PRML | Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | |
PAO2 | Partial Pressure of Oxygen | |
PO2 | Partial pressure of oxygen | |
PPD | Permanent Partial Disability | |
PC | Partial Conversion | |
PLS | Partial Least Squares | |
CPO | Complete Partial Order | |
PHP | Partial Hospitalization Program | |
PCO2 | Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide | |
TPD | Temporary Partial Disability | |
PD | Partial Denture | |
CPS | Complex Partial Seizure | |
PPD | Partial Packet Discard | |
PP | Partial Pivoting | |
PTT | Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PCG | Partial Credit Guarantee | |
PZD | Partial Zona Dissection | |
PO | Partial Open | |
CPOX | Catalytic Partial OXidation | |
PEP | Partial Episode Payment | |
PD | Partial Deduction | |
FPD | Fixed Partial Denture | |
PACS | Partial Anterior Circulation Syndrome | |
PRDDO | Partial Retention of Diatomic Differential Overlap | |
PP | Partial Precision | |
PA | Partial Accreditation | |
PTS | Partial Template Specialization | |
POET | Partial Order Event Tracer | |
GPR | Good Partial Remission | |
PS | Partial Switch | |
PLE | Partial Lunar Eclipse | |
PBM | Partial Body Morph | |
PIPE | Personalization Is Partial Evaluation | |
PEA | Partial Elimination Algorithm | |
PDS | Partial Difference Sets | |
LPDE | Linear Partial Differential Equation | |
PSV | Partial Sea View | |
PHD | Partial Head Damage | |
PR | Partial Remission | |
PVC | Partial Volume Concentration | |
PPD | Permanenet Partial Disability | |
PVC | Partial Value Code | |
PBC | Partial Boundary Constraint | |
PF | Partial Ferning | |
PLV | Partial-liquid Lung Ventilation | |
PCA | Partial Clarity Analysis | |
PLC | Partial Likelihood of Complete | |
PLM | Partial Likelihood Of Missing | |
PDT | Partial Deduction Term | |
PH2O | Partial pressure of water vapor in the lungs | |
PU | Partial Unquenching | |
PRA | Partial Reliability Assessment | |
PWM | Partial Weighting Method | |
aPPT | activated partial thromboplastin time | |
PWB | Partial Weight Bearing | |
PPCO2 | Partial Pressure Carbon Dioxide | |
PRPD | Phase-Resolved Partial Discharge | |
KPLS | Kernel partial least squares | |
PASTA | Partial Articular Supraspinatus Tendon Avulsion | |
PFFT | Partial fast Fourier transform | |
PLSR | Partial least squares regression | |
PVST | Partial Valve Stroke Test | |
PONF | Partial Observability Normal Forms | |
PPRP | Partial Phased Retirement Program | |
PWHD | Partial Weighted Harmonic Distortion | |
PLRN | Partial linear regularization networks | |
PDOS | Partial Density of State | |
SPDE | Stochastic Partial Differential Equation | |
PRZ | Partial Range Zone | |
GPDC | General partial directed coherence | |
PEV | Partial Evaluation Value | |
PZEV | Partial Zero Emission Vehicle | |
PER | Partial Equivalence Relation | |
PMR | Partial Metabolic Response | |
EPDA | Enhanced Partial Discharge Analyzer | |
PSNL | Partial sciatic nerve ligation | |
PRML | Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | |
APTT | Activate Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
OPLS | Orthogonal Partial Least Squares | |
PRTL | Partial | |
RAPN | Robot assisted partial nephrectomy | |
PLER | Partial Land Equivalent Ratio | |
CPPLS | Canonical Powered Partial Least Squares | |
PADAM | Partial Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male | |
UPUO | Unilateral Partial Ureteral Obstruction | |
PDCY | Partial Double Coincidence Yields | |
PAPVR | Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return | |
PTBT | Partial Test Ban Treaty | |
PWDR | Partial Wave Dispersing Relation | |
LPN | Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy | |
PLRD | Partial Low Risk Deployment | |
NOPD | Notice of Partial Deletion | |
DCPO | Directed Complete Partial Orders | |
APBI | Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation | |
GPVE | Generalized Partial Volume Estimation | |
DPLSR | Discriminant Partial Least Squares Regression | |
IPFY | Inverse Partial Fluorescence Yield | |
WVPP | Water Vapour Partial Pressure | |
PDES | Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere | |
DCPO | Directed Complete Partial Order | |
IPP | Intrahepatic Partial Pressure | |
PMC | Partial Mission Capable | |
PBNJ | Partial Band Noise Jamming | |
PTET | Partial Targeted Embolization Treatment | |
APDE | Analysis Partial Differential Equations | |
PMD | Partial Match Domain | |
POBD | Partial Optimization Based Decomposition | |
RALPN | Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy | |
RALPN | Robotic assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy | |
CPOG | Conditional partial order graph | |
VGPR | Very Good Partial Response | |
PWB | Partial-Weight Bearing | |
LPDE | Linear Partial Differential Equations | |
POX | Partial OXidation | |
LRPN | Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy | |
UPUO | Unilateral Partial Ureteric Obstruction | |
PFE | Partial Fraction Expansion | |
APHP | Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program | |
PASR | Partial Array Self Refresh | |
PDOS | Partial Density Of States | |
PLV | Partial liquid ventilation | |
CPOR | Clusted Partial Order Reduction | |
PBNJ | Partial Band Noise Jammers | |
PEBD | Partial External Biliary Diversion | |
SPVR | Successive Partial Variation Relaxation | |
PCG | Partial Commission Group | |
APDE | Analysis of Partial Differential Equations | |
APDE | Applied Partial Differential Equations | |
APDE | Analysis and Partial Differential Equations | |
MPE | Module Partial Exam | |
PCMN | Partial Connection Multilayered Network | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equations | |
PVO | Partial Vertical Ownership | |
PPI | Partial Permanent Impairment | |
SPLS | Sparse Partial Least Squares | |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
KPLS | Kernel-Based Partial Least-Squares | |
APTM | Acute partial transverse myelitis | |
APHP | Acute Partial Hospitalization Program | |
PANDA | Partial Augmented Nitritation Denitritation Alkalinity | |
PRPD | Phase Resolved Partial Discharge | |
PPFT | Partial Physical Fitness Testing | |
YPH | Youth Partial Hospitalization | |
PBTN | Partial Binary Tree Network | |
MRPD | Metallic Removable Partial Dentures | |
POTE | Partial Open and Truthful Exchange | |
PRDM | Partial Redundant Distributed Meta | |
ZPP | Zone of Partial Preservation | |
PIMS | Partial Integrated Management System | |
PH | Partial Hysterectomy | |
PSBO | Partial Small Bowel Obstruction | |
POPC | Pattern Oriented Partial Clustering | |
PDTS | Partial Discharge Test Systems | |
PORI | Partial Operational Readiness Instrumentation | |
PORI | Partial Operational Readiness Instrumentation | |
PLSO | Partial Lump Sum Option | |
PD | Partial Derivative | |
P02 | Partial pressure of Oxygen | |
PBAB | Partial Birth Abortion Ban | |
UAP | Uniform Approximate partial | |
PPN | Partial parenteral nutrition | |
SPLS | Sparse Partial Least | |
QNUPS | Qualifying non UK partial scheme | |
PTTB | Partial Thickness Thermal Burns | |
PVO | Partial Variable Ordering | |
PPI | Permanent Partial Impairment | |
MPSI | Migrating partial seizures of infancy | |
DPLS | Dynamic Partial Least Squares | |
PPCG | Partial Portfolio Credit Guarantee | |
HPF | Hotline Partial File | |
PCAC | Partial Conserved Axial Currents | |
BPS | Bilateral Partial Salpingectomy | |
RAPN | Robotic assisted partial nephrectomy | |
FPD | Fixed Partial Dentures | |
PRC | Partial Rejection Control | |
RALPN | Robot assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomies | |
AAPHP | Adolescent Acute Partial Hospitalization Program | |
AAPHP | Acute Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program | |
PBI | Partial Background Investigation | |
IPDE | Integro Partial Differential Equation | |
PEEC | Partial element equivalent circuit | |
SSPC | Squared Semi Partial Correlation | |
CPPLS | Canonical Power Partial Least Squares | |
BGPC | Bipartite Graph Partial Coloring | |
PHM | Partial Hydatidiform Mole | |
PAIS | Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome | |
PLSF | Partial Least Square Forest | |
CPDS | Chronic Partial Dehydration Syndrome | |
PPH | Psychiatry Partial Hospitalization | |
PDP | Partial Dependence Plot | |
PRD | Partial Re Distribution | |
PDCI | Partial Deafness Cochlear Implantation | |
LPM | Lower Partial Moments | |
KPLS | Kernel Partial Least Square | |
VPR | Voluntary Partial Retirement | |
PPLS | Probabilistic Partial Least Squares | |
POR | Partial Order Relation | |
PEY | Partial Electron Yield | |
PCE | Partial Credit Enhancement | |
PLSD | Partial Least Squares Difference | |
PLSD | Partial Lump Sum Distribution | |
WPPD | Weighted Partial Procrustes Distance | |
PDP | Partial Dependence Plots | |
PPN | Partial Peripheral Nutrition | |
DPLS | Discriminant Partial Least Square | |
PCRT | Partial Continuously Regenerating Technology | |
PPFT | Partial Physical Fitness Test | |
POA | Partial Order Alignment | |
POHC | Partial Odd Harmonic Current | |
HPLS | Hierarchical Partial Least Squares | |
CPOM | Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane | |
PTFB | Partial Throttle Full Boost | |
PTL | Partial Truck Load | |
PLF | Partial Load Factor | |
PRTW | Partial Return To Work | |
DPWH | Diffuse Partial Woolly Hair | |
CPAG | Complete Partial Ancestral Graph | |
SLPM | Symmetric Lower Partial Moments | |
SPSE | Simple Partial Status Epilepticus | |
CCPO | Coherent Complete Partial Order | |
PDRD | Partial Differential REM Deprivation | |
EPDP | Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning | |
DPLSR | Dynamic Partial Least Square Regression | |
APH | Acute Partial Hospital | |
PPOT | Palatal Partial Osteotomy Technique | |
CPD | Cascaded Partial Decoder | |
PONC | Partial Optic Nerve Crush | |
PW | Partial Wrap | |
PGH | Partial Golden Highlights | |
PTW | Partial Tuition Waivers | |
PBI | Partial Background Investigator | |
PDR | Partial Depth Recycling | |
SPOC | Severe Partial Offset Crash | |
ELPC | Experiential Learning Partial Credit | |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastic Time | |
HPDR | Holomorphic Partial Differential Relations | |
LWPP | Leave With Partial Pay | |
PTPO | Parameterized Timed Partial Order | |
PF | Partial Fill | |
ZPP | Zero Partial and Part | |
SPIM | Spatial Partial Identity Model | |
EPAS | Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport | |
DPR | Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration | |
APCU | Advanced Partial Conversion Unicracking | |
PBA | Partial Birth Abortion | |
RPDA | Robust Partial Discriminant Analysis | |
PZEV | Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle | |
PZEV | Partial Zero Emission Vehicles | |
POR | Partial Order Reduction | |
POM | Partial Oxidation of Methane | |
PJP | Partial Joint Penetration | |
PP | Partial Pressure | |
PPO2 | Partial Pressure Oxygen | |
WPR | Written Partial Review | |
T-Day | Effective Day Coincident With Presidential Declaration of A National Emergency and Authorization of Partial Mobilization | |
PaRT | Partial ReTweet | |
CPEO | childhood partial epilepsy with occipital paroxysms | |
CP | Complex Partial | |
CPC | Complex Partial Crises | |
CPS | Complex Partial Seizure | |
OPP | Oxygen Partial Pressure | |
PD | Partial Deficiency | |
PE | Partial Epilepsy | |
PET | Partial Exchange Transfusion | |
PF | Partial Filling | |
PF | partial Fourier | |
PGD | Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis | |
PIB | Partial Ileal Byposs | |
PLP | partial laryngopharyngectomy | |
PLD | partial lipodystrophy | |
PLT | Partial Liver Transplantation | |
PM | Partial Mastectomy | |
PM | Partial Meniscectomy | |
PM | Partial Mole | |
PNA | Partial Nail Avulsion | |
PND | Partial Neck Dissection | |
PR | Partial Resection | |
PR | Partial Response | |
PS | Partial Saturation | |
PS | Partial Seizure | |
SPS | Simple Partial Seizure | |
PT | Partial Tonsillectomy | |
PR | Partial Response | |
PHP(S) | Partial Hospital Program(S) | |
PBI | Partial Background Information | |
RPD | Removable Partial Denture | |
PDC | Partial directed coherence | |
PD | Partial Discharge | |
PLS-DA | Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis | |
LW-PLS-DA | Locally Weighted-Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis | |
PTT | Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PHP | Partial Hospitalization Program | |
RALPN | Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy | |
RAG | Red means non-compliance, Amber shows partial compliance and Green indicates full compliance | |
RAG | Red means non-compliance, Amber shows partial compliance and Green indicates full compliance | |
RAG | Red means non-compliance, Amber shows partial compliance and Green indicates full compliance | |
RAG | Red means non-compliance, Amber shows partial compliance and Green indicates full compliance | |
PB | Partial body | |
QPDE | Quadratic Partial Differential Equation | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PaCO2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide | |
PTPF | Partial Total Power Failure | |
GPGP | Generalized Partial Global Planning | |
PACI | Partial Anterior Circulation Infarct | |
PACS | Partial Anterior Circulation Stroke | |
PDAE | Partial Differential Algebraic Equation | |
PRML | Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood | |
PZEV | Partial Zero-Emissions Vehicle | |
PBABA | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act | |
PPBW | Partial Penetrated Butt Weld | |
PQMS | Partial Quality Management System | |
PAPVR | Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return | |
PTBT | Partial Test Ban Treaty | |
PTBT | Partial Test Ban Treaty | |
KPTT | Kaolin Partial Thromboplastin Time | |
PACS | Partial Anterior Circulatory Stroke | |
PRG | Partial Risk Guarantee | |
PICMA | Partial Initial Clothing Monetary Allowance (military benefit) | |
PICMA | Partial Initial Clothing Monetary Allowance (military benefit) | |
AEBP | Autonomous Emergency Braking Partial | |
APTZEV | Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle | |
ATPZEV | Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle | |
CPOX | Catalytic Partial Oxidation | |
PARCLO | Partial Cloverleaf | |
PDA | Partial Discrete Approximation | |
PEMCC | Partial Electronic Modulated Converted Clutch | |
PFF | Partial Flow Filter | |
PFSS | Partial Flow Sampling System | |
PFT | Partial Flow Technologies | |
PHB | Partial High Beam | |
PHCCI | Partial Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition | |
PLBS | Partial Lean Burn System | |
PMP | Partial Intake Manifold Preheater | |
POX | Partial Oxidation | |
PRTL | Partial | |
PTL | Partial Truckload | |
PYR | Partial Year Registration | |
PZEV | Partial Zero Emission Vehicle | |
SPOC | Severe Partial Overlap Crash | |
BCPO | Bounded Complete Partial Order | |
COPS | Computer Oriented Partial Sum | |
DPIM | Distributed Partial Information Management | |
EPRML | Enhanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | |
JPE | Java Partial Evaluator | |
MQPR | M-Ary Quadrature Partial Response | |
PASR | Partial Array Self Refresh | |
PATAN | Partial Arctangent | |
PCAV | Partial Constant Angular Velocity | |
PDA | Partial Dial Abandon | |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation | |
PEPM | Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation | |
PFS | Partial File Sharing | |
PLD | Partial Line Down | |
PLOSS | Partial Loss | |
PLU | Partial Line Up | |
PMD | Partial Match Domain | |
PMI | Partial Medium Indicator | |
PMM | Partial Model Matching | |
PNC | Partial Network Cluster | |
PNSP | Partial Number Sequence Pdu | |
POP | Partial Order Plan | |
PPD | Partial Packet Discard | |
PRDF | Partial Response Digital Filter | |
PREM | Partial Reminder | |
PRML | Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | |
PSNP | Partial Sequence Number Packet | |
PSNP | Partial Sequence Number Pdu | |
PTAN | Partial Tangent | |
PTL | Partial Total Loss | |
PTSP | Partial Tree Sharing Protocol | |
PUSC | Partial Utilization of Subcarriers | |
PVA | Partial Vertical Alignment | |
PXOR | Partial Xor | |
TCPR | Trellis Coded Partial Response | |
PRPDA | Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Analysis | |
PLSDA | Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis | |
CBRAM | Controlled Partial Rebreathing-Anesthesia Method | |
APTS | Assisted Partial Timing Support |
What does partial to mean?
- partial to(Adjective)
- Having a liking or preference for; favorably disposed toward; fond of.
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"partial to." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 15 Jan. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/partial%20to>.
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