We've got 923 shorthands for pin down »
Acronyms that contain the term pin down
What does pin down mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: pin down.
Term | Definition | Rating |
DU | Down Under | |
DS | Down's Syndrome | |
UD | Up/Down | |
KD | Knock Down | |
BID | Break It Down | |
DL | Down Low | |
MD | Marked Down | |
CD | Cursor Down | |
DP | Down Payment | |
PD | Power Down | |
NDSS | National Down Syndrome Society | |
PD | Pull Down | |
CKD | Completely Knocked Down | |
BD | Break Down | |
BDP | Boogie Down Productions | |
DUMBO | Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass | |
HD | Hammer Down | |
DD | Down and Dirty | |
SKD | Semi-Knocked Down | |
PD | Pen Down | |
SD | Spin Down | |
DTH | Down The Hole | |
WDV | Written Down Value | |
RD | Ring Down | |
NDSC | National Down Syndrome Congress | |
DS | Down South | |
KD | Knocked Down | |
LD | Low Down | |
DTM | Down The Middle | |
KD | Kneel Down | |
DF | Down Forward | |
DDM | Drop Down Menu | |
DTH | Down-The-Hill | |
VRD | Voltage Regulator Down | |
WGD | White Goose Down | |
DGL | Down Gilead Lane | |
NBD | Nervous Break Down | |
TD | Table Down | |
FDB | Fire Down Below | |
PDL | Push Down List | |
DFL | Down For Life | |
DADS | Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome | |
ASD | Automatic Shut Down | |
DSK | Down-Stream Key | |
BD | Bed Down | |
DFW | Down For Whatever | |
ARD | Automatic Ring Down | |
WDU | Weather Down Under | |
WDU | Weather Down Under | |
APD | Automatic Power Down | |
TDU | Taylor Down Under | |
D/L | Down Low | |
KDU | Kentucky Down Under | |
TDN | Toolshed Down Net | |
PDC | Parametric Down Conversion | |
GDP | Go Down Path | |
CDRA | Crawley Down Residents Association | |
WILD | Walk In Lay Down | |
UDC | Up/Down Converter | |
DITB | Down In The Basement | |
RRED | Right Reading Emulsion Down | |
DSG | Down Syndrome Guild | |
SDU | Swedes Down Under | |
RDU | Reptiles Down Under | |
DSSA | Down Syndrome South Africa | |
BUDS | Bringing Up Down Syndrome | |
DUFF | Down Under Fan Fund | |
ADIO | Above Down Inside Out | |
PMD | Put Me Down | |
STAND | Shut This Airport Nightmare Down | |
SDS | Sit Down Start | |
NYPD | Nock Yo Punkass Down | |
DITV | Down In The Valley | |
SEED | Savings for Education Entrepreneurship and Down payment | |
NDT | No Down Time | |
SDU | Stamping Down Under | |
DTK | Down To Kill | |
OBD | Operation Buckle Down | |
ICMD | Initiate Core Melt Down | |
OTD | Operation Take Down | |
DJIA | The Down Jones Industrial Average | |
BBPCT | Blocking, Bracing, Packing, Crating, and Tie-down | |
DDL | Direct Down link | |
TYD | Three Years Down | |
SDH | Smack Down Hotel | |
SDM | Shut Down Maintenance | |
KDF | Knock Down Flat | |
WTUD | The World Turned Upside Down | |
UDP | Up Down Pair | |
DTM | Down Time Management | |
NADU | North Arkansas Down Under | |
DSB | Down South Boyz | |
PDC | A Parametric Down Converter | |
DDG | Draw Down Guidance | |
WRED | Wrong Reading Emulsion Down | |
WDWT | Wheels Down Winter Test | |
SDL | Swingin Down the Lane | |
WHCD | When Heaven Comes Down | |
DDB | Deep Down Below | |
ATD | Automatic Take Down | |
QGW | Does my landing gear appear to be down and in place? | |
TD | Terrier Down | |
CDT | Central Down Town | |
BDP | Broken Down Palace | |
CKD | Canada Knock Down | |
QEC | May I make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway? | |
PD | Pressure Down | |
DPA | Down Payment Account | |
EAD | Eventually Always Down | |
DTS | Down Town Seattle | |
MMAXC | Maximum Corrective Maintenance Down-Time | |
NDL | No Down Link | |
NDL | No Down Link | |
ITD | Inspirational Throw Down | |
LKD | Left Knuckles Down | |
DDS | Dumpy Down South | |
DFC | Down From Cost | |
WUDC | Wall pack Up Down Cutoff | |
WBDU | WikiBureau Down Under | |
WBDU | WakeBoarding Down Under | |
TDW | Tear Down the Walls | |
TDU | Trucking Down Under | |
WKD | Wilson Knock Down | |
DWP | Down With Pampases | |
FRIENDS | The Family Resource Information And Education Network For Down Syndrome | |
LNDC | Low-Noise Down-Converter | |
VLD | Visual Lay-down Delivery | |
PHDTS | Push Her Down The Stairs | |
YO | Yo-yo that only goes down | |
UDD | Neutron, one up quark (u) and two down quarks (d) | |
SDC | Standing Down Center | |
SDA | Scroll Down Arrow | |
CCD | Cut Cost Down | |
vo.ov | Unhappy; ears down | |
RKD | Right Knuckles Down | |
UUD | Proton, two up quarks (u) and one down quark (d) | |
LDS | Lay Down The Silver | |
FRD | Factors Rounded Down | |
DH | Down Hill | |
WTYD | We Take You Down | |
KAL 007 | Airliner shot down by the Russians in 1983 | |
QHE2 | I am on down-wind leg of approach. | |
KAL 007 | Airliner shot down by the Russians in 1983 | |
TD Thready | Touch-Down Threadgill (Jim Threadgill) | |
TDX | Take Down Xtreme | |
WWGD | We Won't Go Down | |
UMG | Upside-Down Media Group | |
DTF | Down To F*** | |
FDAU | Face Down A** Up | |
FRIENDS | Family Resource Information Education Network for Down Syndrome | |
TDFW | Turn Down For What | |
JPNDTS | Just Pushed Nan Down The Stairs | |
07734 | "hELLO" upside down | |
(N) | thumbs down (MSN Messenger) | |
ADS | Aim Down Sights | |
DEMI | Down East Microwave Inc. | |
DSFSA | Down Syndrome Figure Skating Academy | |
PYD | Put You Down | |
CBD | Cost Break Down | |
DTLR | Down Town Locker Room | |
DMSB | Divide Multiply Subtract Bring down | |
dn | down | |
KDRB | Knock-Down and Re-Build | |
TWDV | Tax Written Down Value | |
GDFR | Going Down For Real | |
PYD | Put You Down (Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga & R. Kelly single) | |
OWDV | Ownership Written Down Value | |
PARADOWN | para “Down | |
YD | Year Down | |
LDAR | Lay Down And Rot | |
DOB | Down On Bayonet | |
PDHMS | Permanent Down Hole Monitoring System | |
STFD | Sit The F*** Down | |
MDDL | Maximum Draw Down level | |
SRDH | Sh*t Rolls Down Hill | |
DEMI | Down East Microwave Inc | |
ESDV | Emergency Shut Down Valve | |
dwn | down | |
RWDP | Rain Water Down Pipe | |
DTF | Down To Fart | |
SOAD | System Of A Down | |
ESD | Emergency Shut Down | |
CWDV | Current Written Down Value | |
CDTQ | Cut Down to Quit | |
DHF | Down Hill Front | |
BHD | Black Hawk Down | |
ZDT | Zero Down Time | |
DSHL | Down the Shore Hockey League | |
DN | DowN | |
BTSD | B***hes To Stand Down | |
HDTC | Holding Down the Couch | |
DUB | Down Under Bakery | |
DTGC | Down Town Glee Club | |
KID | Keep It Down | |
DPDA | Deterministic Push Down Automata | |
NADS | National Association for Down Syndrome | |
CTFD | Calm The Freak Down | |
kd | knock(ed) down | |
MAZDA | Must Always Zoom Down Asphalt | |
DSDD | Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder | |
TTD | Ten Toes Down | |
LDU | Lightning Down Under | |
BDV | Blow Down Valve | |
DDL | Drop Down List | |
SKD | Semi Knocked Down | |
DBL | Down By Law | |
WWSD | Warm Weather Shut Down | |
DTC | Down To Chill | |
PKD | Partly Knocked Down | |
D4W | Down for Whatever | |
AIPD | Associazione Italiana Persone Down | |
DYD | Down Your Drink | |
BDTL | Backhand Down The Line | |
DATM | Down at the Mac | |
SUAD | Sweet Up and Down | |
TKD | Totally Knocked Down | |
RDO | Radio Down Octopus | |
TID | Take It Down | |
CKD | Complete Knock Down | |
CDTN | Cutting Down The Net | |
NYPD | Nock Your Punkass Down | |
DHI | Down Hole Interface | |
2KD | Two Knocked Down | |
TALDT | Total Administrative and Logistic Down Time | |
NYPD | Now You Pants Down | |
CTFD | Calm The F*$# Down | |
DTSB | Down the Street Bead | |
EAPD | External Amplifier Power Down | |
DFL | down from London | |
3DD | 3 Doors Down | |
DFA | Down For Anything | |
DSHD | Double-Sided Hold Down | |
CKD | Completely Knock down | |
WTDD | Wrestling Takes Down Drugs | |
319009 | google upside-down | |
MRDS | Mentally Retarded Down's Syndrome | |
TDZ | Touch Down Zone | |
LWD | Left Wing Down | |
IDFB | International Down and Feather Bureau | |
DHL | Down Hill Logistics | |
STFD | Set The Fork Down | |
LNB | Low-Noise Block down converter | |
PGDN | Page Down | |
DP | Down Pipe | |
DUAI | Down Under Aquatic Imaging | |
LAUNDRY | Land An Underwear Not Down Rain Yell | |
LYHD | Let Your Hair Down | |
DUT | Down UR Throat | |
DTFP | Down To F****ing Party | |
RDTR | Run Down The Rival | |
WUFD | Water Up Fire Down | |
MUDU | Metal United Down Under | |
DADSC | Denver Adult Down Syndrome Clinic | |
LADU | Latin America Down Under | |
JPNDS | Just Pushed Nan Down The Stairs | |
PUND | Positive Up Negative Down | |
DFBHD | Delta Force Black Hawk Down | |
DCFDTL | Delightful Children From Down The Lane | |
UDLD | Up Down Left Die | |
LDOB | Low Down Oven and Bar | |
PARADOWN | Un paradón como un down subnormal. | |
CTFD | Calm The F*** Down | |
PUND | Plus Up Negative Down | |
BIDEN | Brings Insects Down Escalators Nightly | |
DUNO | Down Under Native Orchids | |
FDFP | First Down Football Products | |
FDFP | First Down Football Products | |
WMLD | Working Man Lay Down | |
DOBH | Down and Out in Beverly Hills | |
DYG | Down You Go | |
KDA | Knuckle Down Athletics | |
HMD | Hold Me Down | |
FDTR | Food Down the Road | |
LCDU | Low Carb Down Under | |
WWD | What Went Down | |
UDH | Upside Down Hoshitori | |
CKD | Complete Knock Down | |
LLD | Little Lie Down | |
GDTD | Go Down The Drain | |
BDV | Break Down Voltage | |
FDFW | Fishing Down The Food Web | |
DIST | Down Integrity System and Traceability | |
DSEO | Down Syndrome Education Online | |
PHDD | Pilot Head Down Display | |
DTWH | Down The Weeaboo Hole | |
EDSS | Edmonton Down Syndrome Society | |
UUDD | Up Up Down Down | |
DWTT | Down With Text Talk | |
GDTRFB | Going Down the Road Feeling Bad | |
PDN | Pull Down Network | |
DWTK | Down With the King | |
BDTS | Bring Down the Sky | |
WTUD | World Turned Upside Down | |
DSAQ | Down Syndrome Association of Queensland | |
FDBM | Fold Down Bar Mounts | |
MDSN | Maine Down Syndrome Network | |
WDSD | World Down Syndrome Day | |
DSDN | Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network | |
EDRCN | East Down Rural Community Network | |
DL | (Down-low) Men who identify as heterosexual, but have sex with men. | |
BUGATTI | Breaks down Under Great Abnormal Tension That is Inconvenient | |
MULD | Medial Up Lateral Down | |
DWTS | Down with the Sickness | |
DTF | Down To Fight | |
DLM | Down Load Manager | |
DUMBO | down under Manhattan Bridge Overpass | |
DSSN | Down Syndrome Society Nepal | |
DBTL | Down By the Laituri | |
DTD | Down to Date | |
DADS | Appreciating Down Syndrome | |
END | Everywhere Nowhere Down | |
DSI | Down Syndrome International | |
TTWD | Turn the Washpot Down | |
RDR | Rounds Down Range | |
FDTR | Faculty Down the Road | |
DGD | Debt Going Down | |
EDP | Enemy Down Productions | |
LVPD | Low Voltage Power Down | |
LDA | Lay Down Attack | |
DTF | Down To Faggots | |
SFD | Six Feet Down | |
BTMD | Blow the Man Down | |
DWTC | Down With The Capitol | |
DWTC | Down With The Clown | |
TSGD | The Sun Goes Down | |
WHD | White House Down | |
HOSD | Hands on Sit Down | |
TDQ | Turn Down Queen | |
VDU | Virology Down Under | |
STFD | Sit The Fellow Down | |
CDSF | County Down Stoves and Flues | |
YMCD | You Got My Love Down | |
LRUD | Left Right Up Down | |
LWGD | Long Way Go Down | |
PUVD | Price Up Volume Down | |
DSAG | Down Syndrome Association Of Guam | |
DSPG | Down Syndrome Parents Group | |
DSAK | Down Syndrome Association of Kingston | |
DSAK | Down Syndrome Association of Kingston | |
LDSL | Luminescent Down Shifting Layer | |
SRDH | Stuff Rolls Down Hill | |
SANDS | Southern Arizona Network for Down Syndrome | |
THDP | Terry Houston Down Pipe | |
TEWD | Totally Enclosed Wash Down | |
ESDV | Emergency Shut Down Valves | |
LDR | Lead Down Range | |
DDRC | Dallas Down River Club | |
UBT | Upside-down Bath Tub | |
EDFA | European Down and Feather Association | |
DL | Down Low | |
HDRM | Hold Down and Release Mechanisms | |
TDE | Turned Down Edge | |
RDS | Research Down Syndrome | |
VRD | Voltage Regulation Down | |
SDLP | South Down and Londonderry Party | |
WEDU | Work Experience Down Under | |
DFA | Down for Anal | |
DTD | Down The Drain | |
TDQ | Take Down Quick | |
TDWB | Touch down weight bearing | |
LDV | Leather Down Vest | |
SDS | Saturday Down South | |
DTL | Down The Line | |
ODT | Oil Down To | |
DWTK | Down's with the kids | |
OSDH | Operation Stand Down Huntsville | |
UDU | Understand Down Under | |
DEGS | Down East Guide Service | |
WDU | Wakeboarding Down Under, Inc. | |
DTS | Down To Snuggle | |
DTR | Down the Road | |
DSM | Down Syndrome Massive | |
APD | Another Person Down | |
DTRD | Down This Road Designs | |
DSRI | Down Syndrome Research Institute | |
DPCC | Down Payment and Closing Cost | |
DCSC | Down County Social Club | |
RFDU | Revival from Down Under | |
CAGE | Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener | |
SDK | Shut Down Key | |
GDU | Getting Down Under | |
DDPL | Drop Down Post List | |
GDTRFB | Going Down the Road Feeling Brown | |
AGBD | Associazione Genitori Bambini Down | |
PDHMS | Permanent Down Hole Mentoring System | |
PDHMS | Permanent Down hole Monitoring Systems | |
DEHC | Down East Home Consortium | |
GDSD | Get Dough Stay Down | |
AUD | Are u Down | |
LRUD | Left Right Up And Down | |
ISDI | Ikatan Sindroma Down Indonesia | |
BD | Base Down | |
DSAF | Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation | |
NCDH | North Carolina Down Hill | |
MDSA | Myanmar Down Syndrome Association | |
DSAN | Down Syndrome Association Nepal | |
NNDS | Norsk Nettverk for Down Syndrom | |
TUBD | Tops UP Bottoms DOWN | |
DDDB | Down and Dirty Dawg Band | |
DDDU | Dein Date Down Under | |
DEWD | Down East Wood Ducks | |
DSAA | Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta | |
DSAD | Down Syndrome Association of Delaware | |
DSGA | Down Syndrome Golf Academy | |
DSGA | Down Syndrome Golf Academy | |
DRTO | Down Range Tactical Outfitters | |
DPAL | Down Payment Assistance Loan | |
DDSF | Dutch Down Support Foundation | |
DDSF | Dutch Down Support Foundation | |
TRDU | The Rescuers Down Under | |
DSPAP | Down Syndrome Papers and Abstracts for Professionals | |
SUND | Symbicort Up aNd Down | |
FDFT | Face Down Feet Towards | |
DWTB | Down With The Butterfly | |
FDST | Foyle Down Syndrome Trust | |
QLCD | Quadratic Linear Concave Down | |
DDLB | Drop Down List Box | |
RODS | Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome | |
RODS | Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome | |
HDBR | Head Down Bed Rest | |
DDY | Down Dog Yoga | |
TDPL | Top Down Parsing Language | |
WDWM | Wine Down With Me | |
DZT | Down Zero Training | |
NDL | Non Down Link | |
DRAR | Down River Association of Realtors | |
WMUD | Up/Down Wall Mount | |
CRDS | Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy | |
VD | Very Down | |
DTF | Down To Film | |
RFDC | Radio Frequency Down Converter | |
SDV | Shutting Down Valve | |
PFSD | Polo Field Smack Down | |
LSDU | Liver Step Down Unit | |
EDSA | European Down Syndrome Association | |
PDIC | Parisian Down and In call | |
DTR | Down To Run | |
FDT | Fast Down Time | |
RDS | Responsible Down Standard | |
NDTL | North Down Training Ltd | |
DWW | Down with Webster Wikipedia | |
MDSC | Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress | |
CSDA | Continuous Slowing Down Approximation | |
DS | Down Syndrome | |
MSDP | Macroscopic Slowing Down Power | |
DTFN | Down To Fort Nite | |
LDSD | Look Down Shoot Down | |
CAGE | Cutting down, Annoyed, Guily, Eye opener | |
SDU | Step-Down Unit | |
HDRM | Hold Down and Release Mechanism | |
TDWB | Touch Down Weight Bear | |
DWW | Down with Webster | |
PTPD | Put the Pipe Down | |
DEPS | Down East Protection Systems | |
DTA | Down Town Association | |
FCSD | Fundacio Catalana Sindrome de Down | |
DTF | Down To Fish | |
DTF | Down To Feast | |
NBD | Never Back Down | |
CDU | Charge Down Up | |
DSRG | Down Syndrome Research Group | |
SSRD | Sales Stock Run Down | |
DTT | Down to Train | |
OTD | One Touch Down | |
DSSM | Down Syndrome Super Moms | |
UDR | Up Down Roll | |
CSDU | Cardiac Step Down Unit | |
WDBV | Written Down Book Value | |
TDK | Throttle Down Kustoms | |
SYD | Shoot You Down | |
BCDR | Belfast and County Down Railway | |
DEDS | Down East Doll Show | |
DOTF | Down on the Farm | |
EPDA | Embedded Push Down Automata | |
DFAF | Down flow Aerobic Filter | |
SUDP | Simple Up and Down Procedure | |
BFSD | Bubble Fast Slow Down | |
DTP | Down to Pho | |
DSCR | Down Syndrome Critical Region | |
DFTC | Down For The Count | |
DFTC | Down For The Cause | |
DFTC | Down For The Core | |
KMD | Knock Me Down | |
PCCD | Pressurized Conduction Cool Down | |
DSAT | Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa | |
DSAT | Down Syndrome Association of Toronto | |
DSAT | Down Syndrome Association of Tallahassee | |
HDU | Haiku Down Under | |
BDAC | Boscombe Down Aviation Collection | |
BRD | Bring Reddit Down | |
HDSP | Hunting Down Small Predators | |
DTTW | Down To The Wire | |
DTTW | Down To The Woods | |
DSI | Down Scan Imaging | |
DCCD | Depressurized Conduction Cool Down | |
TRD | Tears Running Down | |
TD | Touch Down | |
HDCA | Headley Down Community Association | |
BDP | Broken Down Punks | |
MGD | Man Goes Down | |
DTEC | Down to Earth Compliance | |
SIDG | Slow It Down Girl | |
LDSS | Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society | |
BD | Broken Down | |
DPAL | Down Payment Assistance Loans | |
DUMBO | Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overhang | |
DSGO | Down Syndrome Group of the Ozarks | |
CDW | Coarse Down Wood | |
PDTP | Polyphony Down the Pub | |
DRW | Down Range Workout | |
HD | Head Down | |
DSFA | Down Syndrome Family Alliance | |
WDFF | Way Down Film Festival | |
DDLC | Dome Down Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy | |
TDR | Take Down Rifle | |
DSAS | Down Syndrome Association of Sudbury | |
DTEC | Down to Earth Conference | |
GPTD | Great Pottery Throw Down | |
DSSM | Down Syndrome Society of Mobile | |
SDT | Scheduled Down Time | |
UPDP | Urethral Pull Down Process | |
DTB | Down the Bayou | |
WDMS | Wine Down Main Street | |
DFS | Down Footprint System | |
DSSN | Down Syndrome Society of Nepal | |
RSD | Rubber Side Down | |
ADFC | American Down and Feather Council | |
DSAN | Down Syndrome Association of Nepal | |
BBD | Big Buck Down | |
TDTD | Too Down To Die | |
LELD | Low End Low Down | |
RLSD | Rigid Lock Stack Down | |
SPBD | Super Power Beat Down | |
NNDS | Norwegian Network for Down Syndrome | |
JDTR | Just Down The Road | |
APD | All Path Down | |
MDT | Mechanical Down Tilt | |
FDBC | Falling Down Beer Co | |
CID | Credit Income And Down | |
RDC | Running Down Clause | |
SDT | Safe Down Time | |
TDFA | Top Down Functional Analysis | |
IDSC | International Down Syndrome Coalition | |
DDU | Duel Down Under | |
DFA | Down from Above | |
DSAA | Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana | |
DSAF | Down Syndrome Association for Families | |
DSAM | Down Syndrome Association Mongolia | |
DSAM | Down Syndrome Association of Memphis | |
DSAM | Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota | |
DSAQ | Down Syndome Association of Queensland | |
DSAR | Down Syndrome Association of Roanoke | |
DSAP | Down Syndrome Association of Peel | |
DSCM | Down South Camp Meeting | |
DSFN | Down Syndrome Family Network | |
ADSC | Adult Down Syndrome Center | |
ADSN | African Down Syndrome Network | |
DDSA | Durham Down Syndrome Association | |
WDDP | Woodberry Down Dental Practice | |
DTFR | Down the Frozen River | |
DSEF | Down Syndrome Epilepsy Foundation | |
DSEF | Down Syndrome Epilepsy Foundation | |
DTGM | DOWN TOWN gourmet market | |
SKD | Semi Knock down | |
LD | Linear Down | |
APD | All Paths Down | |
BDSM | Boardslide Down the Stairs Man | |
IDSC | International Down Syndrome Community | |
IDSC | International Down Syndrome Community | |
IDSC | International Down Syndrome Community | |
IDFB | International Down Feather Bureau | |
IDFB | International Down Feather Bureau | |
DBG | Down Below Gang | |
ADS | Advanced Down System | |
TDR | Tear Down Redesign | |
DUC | Down Under Crew | |
DAP | Down Around Pike | |
DSC | Down Syndrome Community | |
DSC | Down Syndrome Community | |
DTR | Down Tube Right | |
DHP | Down Hole Pump | |
LLD | Lover Lay Down | |
DSP | Down Syndrome Phil | |
DBTH | Down By The Hipster | |
DPR | Down Payment Resource | |
DPAP | Down Payment Assistance Program | |
NWD | No Write Down | |
MKD | Medium Knocked Down | |
APSD | Automatic Power Shut Down | |
LDS | Lock Down Screws | |
HDD | Head Down Display | |
SDV | Shut Down Valve | |
DPAL | Down Payment Assistant Loan | |
LDSA | London Down Syndrome Association | |
LDSA | London Down Syndrome Association | |
LDSA | Lebanese Down Syndrome Association | |
LDSA | Lebanese Down Syndrome Association | |
DTL | Down To Lung | |
PCDU | Plane Crazy Down Under | |
SDCB | Sit Down Counter Balance | |
DSRS | Down Shift Request Switch | |
BDT | Brown Down Thugs | |
NBDS | New Boogie Down School | |
TSDU | Trauma Step Down Unit | |
DPA | Down Payment Assistance | |
DGD | Dont Go Down | |
DTC | Down To Cuddle | |
DTFC | Down To F*** Crew | |
HDLC | Hacked Down Loadable Content | |
SSBD | Short Sleeve Button Down | |
KDF | Knock Down Factor | |
DWD | Down With Disease | |
SDLS | Strike Down Lift System | |
CD | Cool Down | |
CADS | Clarksville Association for Down Syndrome | |
CADS | Clarksville Association for Down Syndrome | |
EBAD | East Bound And Down | |
URAD | Ultrasonographic Risk Assessment for Down | |
CDP | Crazy Down Pimpz | |
CDP | Calm Down Please | |
BDB | Boiled Down Brevard | |
DUMBO | Down Under the Manhattan and Brooklyn Overpasses | |
ADIO | Above Down Inside and Out | |
GDE | Goes Down Easy | |
DSE | Down Syndrome Education | |
DSE | Down Syndrome Education | |
SDAR | Stripped Down Alien Rock | |
DUHS | Down Under Horse Stables | |
DFTR | Down For The Ride | |
ESDS | Emergency Shut Down System | |
ACDS | Association for Children with Down Syndrome | |
ACDS | Association for Children with Down Syndrome | |
WSD | Write Sh*t Down | |
BBD | Big Bear Down | |
DTLA | Down Town Los Angeles | |
DDV | Drop Down Visor | |
ITBD | Infinite Time Blow Down | |
DSDT | Down Syndrome Development Trust | |
DSDT | Down Syndrome Development Trust | |
PMDT | Preventive Maintenance Down Time | |
DUAB | Down Under the Albion Bridge | |
NSD | Never Stand Down | |
DTW | Down To Wait | |
DFU | Down Flow Unit | |
DTC | Down To Consume | |
LMPD | Letting My People Down | |
PDRT | Pump Down Release Tool | |
RDT | Rank Down Tickets | |
ATWD | All The Way Down | |
DTF | Down To Facetime | |
DTF | Down To Fix | |
DTR | Down To Ride | |
DTES | Down Town East Side | |
DTFO | Down To Find Out | |
GCD | Global Cool Down | |
GDA | Get Down Art | |
DRAP | Down Region Aspartic Protease | |
DSA | Down Syndrome Alliance | |
DSA | Down Syndrome Alliance | |
DHC | Down Hill Control | |
LDR | Lock Down Relationship | |
TUDM | Transformed Up Down Method | |
DHR | Down Hill Race | |
TDID | Top Down Intelligent Design | |
MDU | Make Down Unit | |
LBD | Look Back Down | |
CKD | Complete Knocked Down | |
DL | Down Link | |
DTF | Down To F*** | |
EGBDF | Elephants Go Bouncing Down Freeways | |
TDS | Top Down Shooter | |
WDSD | WDSDWorld Down Syndrome Day | |
BDR | Broken Down Root | |
IIDRN | Is It Down Right Now | |
LDU | Land Down Under | |
DSSA | Down Syndrome Sports of America | |
DSSA | Down Syndrome Sports of America | |
DB | Down Bad | |
STFD | Sit The Folk Down | |
KDC | Knock Down Components | |
DEB | Down Errant Bad | |
MIID | My Internet Is Down | |
BVD | Basic Vertical Down | |
DDFS | Down Depth First Search | |
WDW | Wind Down Wednesday | |
DHF | Down Hill Free | |
DD | Double Down | |
CDCH | Christie Down Community House | |
NLD | Nice Lay Down | |
DFL | Down Forget Love | |
LD | Lock Down | |
LDSU | Lay Down Stand Up | |
TOSD | Tower Of Sitting Down | |
PDC | Parametric Down Converter | |
CDO | Come Down Ollie | |
WPPR | West Philadelphia Pirate Radio, illegal pirate radio station now shut down | |
UD | Up And Down | |
DUIA | Down Under Ingame Advertising | |
HDG | Hold Down Guy | |
DSSA | Down Syndrome South Africa | |
DEPC | Down East Partnership for Children | |
DECU | Down East Credit Union | |
PDA | Push Down Automata | |
FDGB | Fall Down Go Boom | |
DTE | Down To Earth | |
DERD | Dielectric Resistivity Measured Down | |
TOGA | Top-down, Object-based, Goal-oriented Approach | |
DDC | Digital Down-Converter | |
DTS | Down The Shore | |
DBDC | Digital Block Down-Converter | |
WIGD! | When I Get Down! | |
LDR | Let Down Ratio | |
CDF | Cool-Down Facility | |
D | Down | |
EBD | EyeBalls Down (+GZ) | |
MDT | Mean Down Time | |
OMDP | Orbiter Maintenance Down Period | |
PD | Pitch Down | |
RWD | Right Wing Down | |
TED | Trailing Edge Down | |
AFD | Always Falling Down | |
D/C | Down-Converter | |
TD | Tie Down | |
CSDA | Continuous Slowing-Down Approximation | |
DPV8 | Down. Plan 8 | |
DP8A | Down. Plan 8 A | |
DPV9 | Down. Plan 9 | |
DP9A | Down. Plan 9 A | |
DO1O | Down. Str Op1 | |
DO1A | Down. Str Op1a | |
DO1B | Down. Str Op1b | |
DO1C | Down. Str Op1c | |
TRDMF | Tears Running Down My Face | |
EGDM | Boscombe Down, United Kingdom | |
DTF | Down To Forget | |
SUASD | Shut Up And Sit Down | |
DTSB | Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down | |
DSC | Down syndrome child | |
TDU | Technology Down Under | |
CWDS | Cold Water Down Service | |
KD | Knock Down | |
WSTDA | Web Sling and Tie-Down Association | |
DFT | Down For Two | |
CDR | Cost Down Request | |
DL | down low [sub rosa] secretly gay | |
KD | knock down [auction] | |
KD | Knock Down | |
kd | knocked down [auction : sold] | |
kd | knocked down [i.e.sold] | |
MDDL | Minimum Draw Down Level | |
YCDBWYCID | You Cannot Do Business When Your Computer Is Down | |
HDD | Head-Down Display | |
GCDSS | Gulf Coast Down Syndrome Society | |
LDF | Lid Down Flush | |
YNTGSD | You Need To Go Sit Down | |
GD4R | Going Down For Real | |
TDU | Tour Down Under | |
SDSL | Screw Down, Screw Lift | |
JTNDTS | Just Threw Nan Down The Stairs | |
DT | Down Town | |
SDMT | Swear Down Mad Ting | |
DDW | Dead Down Wind | |
DSAG | Down Syndrome Awareness Group | |
WDU | Web Down Under | |
D2D | Down 2 Die | |
IIDRN | Is It Down Right Now? | |
PD | Pull Down | |
KDR | Knock Down Rebuilt | |
CDR | Cool Down Reduction | |
TWTUD | The World Turned Upside Down | |
WDA | Writing Down Allowance | |
↓ | Decreased or Down | |
CODOWISO | Coming down with something | |
DTL | Down-The-Line | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DS | Down syndrome | |
DFBHD | Delta Force: Black Hawk Down | |
HSSS | Hydraulic Safety Shut down System | |
DSAJ | Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville | |
DSAJ | Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville | |
BTDH | Base Down To Horizontal | |
DTKSM | Down To Kill Some Noobs | |
DTF | Down The Front | |
KFDS | Kids Falling Down Stairs | |
DLMD | Don’t Let Me Down | |
DHG | Down's Heart Group | |
CRDS | Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy | |
DCDR | Downpatrick and County Down Railway | |
DUFF | Down Under Fan Fund | |
KUKD | Kiss Up Kick Down | |
KYHD | Keep Your Head Down | |
NDSS | National Down Syndrome Society | |
NDSS | National Down Syndrome Society | |
ODMP | Officer Down Memorial Page | |
SPDC | Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion | |
UDCA | Upside Down Count and Attitude | |
LDSMD | Lord Don't Slow Me Down | |
LFDGD | Last Fair Deal Gone Down | |
WYCBD | When You Come Back Down | |
PEMDAS | Pink Elephants March Down A Street | |
DDTF | Definitely Down To F*** | |
b/d | balance brought down | |
KDF | Knocked Down Flat | |
LTFD | Lay The F*** Down | |
ADS | Aim Down Sight | |
LDL | Laughing Down Low | |
DQS | Down low, Quiet, and Sneaky | |
BTHD | Bringing The House Down | |
GSD | General Shut Down | |
TUDS | The Upside Down Show | |
GOLD LEAF | Go On Lie Down Let’s Enjoy Another F*** | |
WDBO | Way Down By Orlando | |
IDFL | International Down and Feather Laboratory | |
IDFL | International Down and Feather Laboratory | |
MEBIN | Witty ,charming ,humble, noble, polite ,good natured man, writer, intelligent, smart, all-rounder, humorous, friendly, magnanimous, down-to- earth, handsome | |
BNDCC | Bangor and North Down Camera Club (Northern Ireland) | |
BNDCC | Bangor and North Down Camera Club (Northern Ireland) | |
DWD | Down With Dysphoria | |
LDOB | Love Down Our Butthole | |
WDSG | Walking Down Street Guffawing | |
JUADS | Jumping Up And Down Screaming | |
BDT | Brake Down Torque | |
BDV | Blow Down Valve | |
CCD | Catalytic Converter Cool-Down | |
CDT | Coast Down Time | |
CDUCC | Corvettes Down-Under Car Club | |
CHR | Cargo Tie Down Hooks Rings | |
CKD | Completely Knocked Down | |
DDO | Down and Dirty Offroad | |
DELRC | Down East Land Rover Club | |
DER&C | Down East Rods and Classics | |
DLDD | Dirty Low Down Dubbers | |
DRG | Down the Road Graphics | |
DSI | Down Stream Injection | |
DTRC | Down The Road Corvettes | |
EPD | Emergency Power Down | |
FDRS | Fold Down Rear Seat | |
HDD | Head Down Display | |
ISD | Idle Shut Down Time | |
KDLH | Kick Down Low Hold | |
KDN | Kick Down | |
KDS | Kick Down Switch | |
KDV | Kick Down Valve | |
KDWN | Kick Down | |
KDX | Knocked Down Export | |
MCD | Multi Change Down | |
MDU | Morris Down Under | |
MKD | Medium Knocked Down | |
OTD | One Touch Down | |
PKD | Part Knocked Down | |
SDL | Slow Down Lights | |
SDMO | Slow Down and Move Over | |
SDMOC | South Down Mini Owners Club | |
SKD | Semi Knocked Down | |
SRD | Safety Ride Down | |
TDU | Trucking Down Under | |
VDP | Vehicle Down for Parts | |
WTORS | Wheelchair Tie-Down and Occupant Restraint | |
ADS | Aiming Down the Sight | |
ARD | Automatic Ring Down | |
BSD | Bounded Slow Down | |
CDDT | Count Down Demonstration Test | |
CDUGD | Computer Down-Under-Ground Digest | |
DDC | Digital Down Conversion | |
DDL | Drop Down List | |
DOM | Down Optimization Module | |
DPDT | Deep Power Down Technology | |
DSK | Down Stream Key | |
DSP | Down Stream Physical | |
DSPU | Down Stream Physical Unit | |
EAPD | External Amplifier Power Down | |
LDPS | Link Down Power Saving | |
MDT | Mean Down Time | |
PDM | Power Down Mode | |
PGDN | Page Down | |
PLD | Partial Line Down | |
RRED | Right Read Emulsion Down | |
SDM | Shut Down Mode | |
TSD | Thermal Shut Down | |
TUD | Trunk Up Down | |
UDC | Up Down Count | |
UDCS | Up Down Count Status | |
DS | Down Stream | |
ZD | Zero Down | |
DWMD | Down With My Demons | |
CDBGA | Cavity-Down Ball Grid Array (semiconductor package) | |
DMSBR | Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring-down, Repeat | |
WBS | Workbreak-Down Structure | |
TUESDAY | Terrible Use Enormously Slowing Down Animals Yogurt | |
FDL | Fall Down Laughing | |
WBS | Work - Break- Down Structure | |
WDTF | Who's Down To Fornicate | |
RUDTF | Are you down to f*** | |
PMHD | Quick text for put my head down | |
ZD | Zero Down | |
SD | Shake Down | |
SDP | Storm Down Pipe | |
SGW | Slow down Global Warming | |
WDB | Water Down a Blame | |
ICP | Insane Children Playing, Irregular Crazy Port, Interesting Car Part, Irresistible Cracker Penis, Inside Cloud Possibility, Inside Cranky Places, Iron Chicken Project, Insane Crazy People, Irresistible Cock Piece. I am able to think up many different abbreviations for the ICP letters and I apologize for some of the abbreviations that came up in my head seriously lol but honestly I think it's all hilarious and funny and nothing wrong with having humar in life. I'll continue writing down on paper random words and come up with abbreviations for them later. Whoop Whoop | |
DTF | Down To Fish | |
DTNF | Down To Not F*** | |
IVC - Intelligent Volume Control | IVC is a special audio processing method developed by Commend. It enables Commend Intercom stations to ‘listen’ for background noise and adjust the station’s sound level accordingly. As a result, the volume of the Intercom intercom station automatically adapts to the ambient noise by being adjusted up or down, thus maintaining exactly the level that is most comfortable for the human ear. | |
HD | Heart is Down | |
CD | Cash Down | |
BD | Break Down | |
ZD | Zipper is Down | |
YFD | Your Fly is Down | |
PD | Preach Down | |
DWBB | Down With Big Brother | |
ISD | I Sat Down | |
CDS | Cracking Down on Smoking | |
DDI | Deep Down Inside | |
FDAU | Face Down Ass Up....that's the way we like to f*** | |
NDSO | National Down Syndrome Organization |
What does pin down mean?
- pin down, peg down, nail down, narrow down, narrow, specify(verb)
- define clearly
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