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Acronyms that contain the term presentation
What does presentation mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: presentation.
Term | Definition | Rating |
P | Presentation | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation | |
PM | Presentation Manager | |
RSVP | Rapid Serial Visual Presentation | |
OP | Oral Presentation | |
AFP | Advanced Function Presentation | |
PTS | Presentation Time Stamp | |
PTS | Presentation Time Stamp | |
SP | Special Presentation | |
PPT | MicroSoft PowerPoint Presentation file | |
GP | Group Presentation | |
GFX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
GFI | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
PAC | Presentation Abstraction Control | |
VPA | Virtual Presentation Assistant | |
VPA | Virtual Presentation Assistant | |
GNX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
GIX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
GNA | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
GWZ | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
PP | Presentation Position | |
CLIP | Caller Line Identification Presentation | |
TPP | Text Presentation Program | |
SPF | Slide Presentation File | |
IPM | Interactive Presentation Manager | |
LEAPS | Ligand Epitope Antigen Presentation System | |
PPP | Presentation Practice Production | |
SHB | Corel Show Presentation | |
GRASP | GRAphical System for Presentation | |
ASD | Astound Presentation file | |
PTD | Presentation Technology Department | |
EP | Electronic Presentation | |
BDP | Best Dramatic Presentation | |
GIM | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
GWX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation | |
CRP | Corel Presents Run-time Presentation | |
HWD | Hollywood software Presentation file | |
GS1 | Presentation (GraphShow) | |
IMQ | Image presentation (ImageQ) | |
PLY | Presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight) | |
ENP | Enable Presentation | |
INP | Inhibit Presentation | |
GIW | Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows) | |
IW | IconAuthor Presentation flowchart | |
VIP | Very Important Presentation | |
CH4 | Charisma 4.0 Presentation | |
PPP | Presentation Practice And Production | |
CP | Candidate Presentation | |
MYP | Presentation (MM Make Your Point) | |
CPL | Presentation (Compel) | |
IoPL | Independence of Presentation Logic | |
CPP | CA-Cricket Presents Presentation file | |
PFE | Presentation Front End | |
GIPSY | Graphic Information Presentation System | |
VAPP | Visual and Auditory Presentation Package | |
CORP | Collection, Organization, Reflection, and Presentation | |
GRASP | Animation (GRAphical System for Presentation format) | |
CPR | Corel Presents Presentation file | |
GL | GRASP Animation Presentation format | |
ZOI | eZediaMX and eZedia Player Unlocked Presentation Document | |
GASP | Graphics Ambiance Style And Presentation | |
PR2 | Aldus Persuasion 2.x Presentation | |
CAPP | Calculation And Presentation Package | |
OPI | Oral Presentation Initiative | |
PM | Presentation Manager Bitmap graphics file | |
NAPLPC | North American Presentation Layer Protocol Standard | |
NAPLPS | Vector graphics (North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax) | |
WCP | Wisdom Connectivity And Presentation | |
VOP | Vacation Ownership Presentation | |
CPX | Compressed drawing (Corel Presentation Exchange) | |
PRE | Lotus Freelance Presentation file | |
PR3 | Aldus Persuasion 3.x Presentation | |
PSN | Presentation file (Sound Script) | |
NPF | No Presentation Form | |
MPA | Mail Presentation Agent | |
TPD | Total Presentation and Distance | |
PEP | Publications Education And Presentation | |
PQM | Presentation Query Management | |
SHW | Harvard Graphics Slide Show Presentation | |
CLIP | Callerid Line Identification Presentation | |
PRS | Presentation ( Harvard Graphics for Windows) | |
CPR | Complete Presentation Registration | |
WLPT | Well Log Presentation Tool | |
CPS | Chime Presentation Support | |
PALS | Presentation Association for Life and Service | |
PT | Presentation | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation | |
IOP | Individual Oral Presentation | |
PAKC | Panel of HLA-I Antigen presentation machinery Knockout Cells | |
PREZI | Presentation | |
APSTNDP | Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data-link, Physical (network layers) | |
PSAV | Presentation Services Audio Visual | |
TPPE | Technical Presentation Proficiency Exam | |
PBVM | Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
PPTX | Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML Presentation, a file extension | |
TEPS | Technologically Enhanced Presentation System | |
APPLE | Audiance Purpose Presentation Language Effect | |
PGMR | Présentation générale du Missel romain | |
AYPS | Advancing Your Presentation Skills | |
PSF | Presentation School Foundation | |
PROMPT | Presentation Relevance Objectivity Method Provenance and Timeliness | |
PLUT | Presentation Look Up Tables | |
BPCE | Breeze Presentation Creation Environment | |
YEPU | Young Entrepreneur Presentation Uganda | |
HIPPO | Health Information Project Presentation Online | |
PROMPT | Presentation Relevance Objectivity Method Provenance Timeliness | |
WPS | Writer Presentation and Spreadsheets | |
AGP | Accelerated Graphical Presentation | |
SH3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 Presentation File | |
WPG | Wireless Presentation Gateway | |
AATP | All About The Presentation | |
HPAS | Hypermedia Presentation and Authoring System | |
EPOS | Electronic Presentation Online System | |
MIPL | Media Independent Presentation Language | |
APRG | Antigen Presentation Research Group | |
SLPS | Sustainability Leadership Presentation Series | |
ACT | Action! Presentation file | |
TOPS | Towards Optimum Presentation Standards | |
NHPA | National Historic Presentation Act | |
KELP | Knowledge Extraction and Linguistic Presentation | |
PCW | Presentation College Windsor | |
OPP | Opportunity Plan Presentation | |
CNIP | Calling Number Identification Presentation | |
CAP | Current Applications Presentation | |
CPIA | Chandler Presentation And Interaction Architecture | |
VEPS | Video Evidence Presentation System | |
CLIP | Connected Line Identification Presentation | |
IPOP | International Presentation of Performers | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Function | |
DTPS | Dredge Track Presentation System | |
sUPL | simple Unified Presentation Layer | |
SFPS | Stage Front Presentation Systems | |
EPPT | Edition Production Presentation Technology | |
PBST | Presentation Brothers Schools Trust | |
ECLPS | Electronic Course Layout and Presentation System | |
PPPPP | Proper Planning Prevents Poor Presentation | |
TPOL | Transitional Presentation Of Learning | |
PBVM | Presentation Of The | |
LEEP | Limited Edition Event Presentation | |
VAPP | Vappvisual And Auditory Presentation Package | |
CNIP | Calling Name Identification Presentation | |
PPN | Presentation Party Night | |
PGMR | Présentation générale du Missel Roman | |
OLP | Our Lady of the Presentation | |
PROUD | Presentation Respect Organisation Understanding and Determination | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research and Presentation | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research Presentation | |
IDAP | Internet Data Access Presentation | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Framework | |
SPOE | Successful Presentation of Evidence | |
RPER | Rapid Presentation Event Related | |
PEPS | Presentation Events and Production Support | |
PEPS | Presentation Events and Production | |
GSPS | Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State | |
KMPA | Korea Multimedia Presentation Association | |
VPC | Vital Presentation Concepts | |
WPF | Window Presentation Framework | |
UPC | Universal Presentation Concepts | |
LTHP | Laptop Take Home Presentation | |
LPP | Lightweight Presentation Protocol | |
CPGP | Conference Presentation Grant Program | |
PDLS | Presentation De La Salle | |
PMA | Presentation of Mary Academy | |
PAF | Presentation Application and Feedback | |
DSPC | DeSa Suspension Presentation Cavity | |
HIPP | historic image Preservation and Presentation | |
ACPG | Arts and Culture Presentation Grant | |
MPG | Multimedia Presentation Group | |
MPML | Multimodal Presentation Markup Language | |
SMP | Sisters of Mary of the Presentation | |
IMPF | Interactive Media Presentation Format | |
SPAP | Surface Presentation of Antigens Protein | |
MAIP | Mining Analysis Interpretation and Presentation | |
ECLPS | Electronic Course Layout Presentation System | |
ADAPT | ARPA Database Access and Presentation Terminal | |
FPPF | Fidelement Plat de Presentation Finie | |
APL | Alexa Presentation Language | |
PSPI | Presentation Skills for the Petroleum Industry | |
PMC | Presentation Medical Center | |
PSPS | Perfectionistic Self Presentation Scale | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research and Presentation | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research and Presentation | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research Presentation | |
ALARP | Advanced Language Arts Research Presentation | |
WWPS | World Wide Presentation Service | |
VPT | Versatile Presentation Taper | |
NEP | National Editors Presentation | |
SAPC | Speech And Presentation Center | |
IPOL | Internship Presentation Of Learning | |
CPFI | Corporate Presentation Forum for Investors | |
CPFI | Corporate Presentation Forum for Investors | |
WPM | Word Presentation Mesh | |
PSR | Presentation Skills and Reading | |
IPSS | Introduction, Presentation, Summary, and Sale | |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation | |
IPMD | Interactive Presentation Manager Debugger | |
IBPP | Internet Bill Presentation And Payment | |
AVPB | Aberdeen Visual Presentation Board | |
EIPP | Electronic Invoice Presentation Payment | |
ALPB | Aberdeen Laminate Presentation Board | |
FIOP | Formal Individual Oral Presentation | |
SIP | Special Issue Presentation | |
DAP | Data Analysis and Presentation | |
POL | Presentation Of Learning | |
OBFP (OC) | Office of Budget Formulation and Presentation (OC) | |
OPP | Open Plan Presentation | |
PEPt | Presentation, Encoding, Protocol, and Transport | |
EBPP | Electronic Bill Presentation and Payment | |
MPD | Media Presentation Description | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation | |
RSVP | Rapid Serial Visual Presentation | |
PSAV | Presentation Services Audio Visual | |
Br | Breech (pregnancy) presentation | |
PSAP | Presentation Service Access Point | |
PREZZ | Presentation | |
PPTX | Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML Presentation, a file extension | |
NAPLPS | North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax | |
PPDU | Presentation Protocol Data Unit | |
SWEMPS | Semantic Web Enabled Multimedia Presentation System | |
MPS | Mercedes Presentation System | |
P2V | Presentation Virtuelle de Vehicules | |
AFP | Advanced Function Presentation | |
BPC | Backbase Presentation Client | |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation | |
CLIP | Connected Line Identification Presentation | |
CLIPE | Calling Line Identity Presentation Essential | |
CMX | Corel Presentation Exchange | |
CNAP | Calling Name Presentation | |
COLP | Connected Line Identification Presentation | |
COPP | Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol | |
COPS | Connection Oriented Presentation Service | |
CPA | Connect Presentation Accept | |
CPR | Connect Presentation Reject | |
CPS | Citrix Presentation Server | |
ENP | Enable Presentation | |
EPI | External Presentation Interface | |
EPM | Enhanced Editor for Presentation Manager | |
ESP | Electronic Statement Presentation | |
GRASP | Graphical System for Presentation | |
IDAP | Internet Data Access Presentation | |
INP | Inhibit Presentation | |
IPF | Information Presentation Facility | |
IPFC | Information Presentation Facility Compiler | |
LPD | Linux Presentation Day | |
LPP | Lightweight Presentation Protocol | |
MIPL | Media Independent Presentation Language | |
MMPM | Multimedia Presentation Manager | |
MPML | Multimodal Presentation Markup Language | |
MPPS | Multi Party Presentation Service | |
NAPLPS | North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax | |
OPAL | Online Presentation Access Library | |
PACCEPT | Presentation Accept | |
PCE | Presentation Connection Endpoint | |
PCEI | Presentation Connection Endpoint Identifier | |
PCEP | Presentation Connection Endpoint | |
PCI | Presentation Context Identifier | |
PDV | Presentation Data Value | |
PEPY | Presentation Element Parser Based on Yacc | |
PGR | Presentation Graphics Routines | |
PLP | Presentation Level Protocol | |
PMCS | Presentation Model Controller State | |
PMX | Presentation Manager for the X Window System | |
PPCI | Presentation Protocol Control Information | |
PPDU | Presentation Protocol Data Unit | |
PPM | Presentation Protocol Machine | |
PRE | Presentation File | |
PRS | Presentation File | |
PSAP | Presentation Layer Service Access Point | |
PSDU | Presentation Layer Service Data Unit | |
PSEL | Presentation Selector | |
PSP | Presentation Services Process | |
PTO | Presentation Text Object | |
PTS | Presentation Time Stamp | |
RSAPPDU | Resynchronize Acknowledge Presentation Protocol Data Unit | |
RSPPDU | Resynchronize Presentation Protocol Data Unit | |
RSVP | Rapid Serial Visual Presentation | |
SPF | Slide Presentation File | |
SPM | Scientific Presentation Manager | |
SPS | Session Presentation Services | |
TPP | Text Presentation Program | |
UPL | Unified Presentation Level | |
VDPAU | Video Decode and Presentation Api for Unix | |
VRPE | Virtual Reality Presentation Engine | |
WBP | Web Based Presentation | |
WHPS | Wireless Hdmi Presentation System | |
WPF | Windows Presentation Foundation | |
WPFE | Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere | |
XPSDU | Expedited Presentation Service Data Unit | |
PGS | Presentation Graphics Stream | |
3501 | Presentation Required |
What does presentation mean?
- presentation(noun)
- the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward)
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"presentation." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 27 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/presentation>.
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