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Acronyms that contain the term royal
What does royal mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: royal.
Term | Definition | Rating |
RSA | Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company | |
KLM | K L M Royal Dutch Airlines | |
RBC | Royal Bank of Canada | |
RAF | Royal Air Force | |
RAF | Royal Air Force | |
RAF | Royal Air Force | |
RFH | Royal Festival Hall | |
RN | Royal Navy | |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
RBS | Royal Bank of Scotland | |
RBS | Royal Bank of Scotland | |
RVH | Royal Victoria Hospital | |
RPA | Royal Prince Alfred | |
RSPB | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | |
RSPB | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | |
RMC | Royal Military College | |
RVC | Royal Veterinary College | |
RC | Royal College | |
RSM | Royal Society of Medicine | |
RAS | Royal Astronomical Society | |
RCL | Royal Caribbean Cruises, LTD. | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force | |
RIBA | Royal Institute of British Architects | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force | |
RCN | Royal College of Nursing | |
ROM | Royal Ontario Museum | |
RCGP | Royal College of General Practitioners | |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy | |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy | |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy | |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary | |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve | |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve | |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve | |
RHS | Royal Horticultural Society | |
ROSPA | ROyal Society for the Prevention of Accidents | |
RMR | Royal Marines Reserve | |
RGS | Royal Geographical Society | |
RM | Royal Mail | |
HRH | His Royal Highness | |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constabulary | |
RYA | Royal Yachting Association | |
RSC | The Royal Shakespeare Company | |
RYL | Royal | |
KPN | Royal K P N, N. V. | |
RAM | Royal Air Maroc | |
ROH | Royal Opera House | |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | |
RSA | Royal Society of Arts | |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society | |
RPSGB | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain | |
RC | Royal Crown | |
HRH | Her Royal Highness | |
RTS | Royal Television Society | |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club | |
RBG | Royal Botanical Gardens | |
RCN | Royal Canadian Navy | |
KNMI | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps | |
RFDS | Royal Flying Doctor Service | |
RA | Royal Academy | |
MRC | Mount Royal College | |
RBL | Royal British Legion | |
KLM | Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Airlines) | |
RD | Royal Dutch Petroleum Company | |
RNLI | Royal National Lifeboat Institution | |
RBH | Royal Brompton Hospital | |
RAI | Royal Anthropological Institute | |
RCR | Royal Canadian Regiment | |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy | |
RGLD | Royal Gold, Inc. | |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy | |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy | |
RSCDS | Royal Scottish Country Dance Society | |
RGO | Royal Greenwich Observatory (Herstmonceux or Cambridge) | |
RAR | Royal Australian Regiment | |
RTAV | Royal Thai Army Vietnam | |
RI | Royal Institution of Great Britain | |
RMP | Royal Military Police | |
RNID | Royal National Institute For Deaf | |
RAS | Royal Agricultural Society | |
REHIS | Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland | |
RMN | Royal Malaysian Navy | |
MRCVS | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | |
RMN | Royal Malaysian Navy | |
RHA | Royal Horse Artillery | |
FRCP | Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians | |
RASE | Royal Agricultural Society of England | |
MRAC | Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale | |
RTG | Royal Thai Government | |
WRVS | Women's Royal Voluntary Service | |
RCM | Royal Conservatory of Music | |
WRVS | Women's Royal Voluntary Service | |
RASC | Royal Astronomical Society of Canada | |
RCA | Royal Canadian Artillery | |
RA | Royal Academician | |
RA | Royal Ambassadors | |
RWB | Royal Winnipeg Ballet | |
RADA | Royal Academy of Dramatic Art | |
HR | His Royal | |
RIC | Royal Irish Constabulary (1867 to 1922) | |
RAD | Royal Academy of Dance | |
RCR | Royal College of Radiologists | |
RA | Royal Arch | |
RCM | Royal College of Midwives | |
RGS | Royal Grammar School | |
RNLI | Royal National Lifeboat Institute | |
RR | Royal Red | |
RK | Royal Knight | |
RMA | Royal Marine Artillery | |
ROBE | Royal Bodycare, Inc. | |
RRS | Royal Research Ship | |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamship | |
GRE | Guardian Royal Exchange | |
RABI | Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution | |
RWF | Royal Welch Fusiliers | |
RCAC | Royal Canadian Armoured Corps | |
HRM | His Royal Majesty | |
RCU | Royal Credit Union | |
RYC | Royal Yacht Club | |
RR | Royal Ranger | |
RAC | Royal Auto Club | |
RFDC | Royal Forest of Dean College | |
RNZ | Royal New Zealand | |
RADAR | Royal Association for Disability And Rehabilitation | |
RCMI | Royal Canadian Military Institute | |
RSH | Royal Sporting House | |
RDX | Royal Demolition eXplosive | |
RT | Royal Treatment | |
RAVC | Royal Army Veterinary Corps | |
WRNS | Women's Royal Naval Service | |
WRAC | Women's Royal Army Corps | |
RH | Royal Highness | |
RUR | Royal Ulster Rifles | |
RAA | Royal Automobile Association | |
RFA | Royal Field Artillery | |
RBPAA | Royal Bancshares of Pennsylvania | |
RNS | Royal Numismatic Society | |
RWR | Royal Winnipeg Rifles | |
RACQ | Royal Automobile Club of Queensland | |
ROCLF | Royal Olympic Cruise Line | |
RADA | Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts | |
RCE | Royal Canadian Engineers | |
RAFP | Royal Air Force Police | |
RYG | Royal Group Technologies, LTD. | |
FRSE | Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | |
FRSE | Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | |
RVO | Royal Victorian Order | |
RSNC | Royal Society for Nature Conservation | |
PRA | President of the Royal Academy | |
RNN | Royal Netherlands Navy | |
RNN | Royal Netherlands Navy | |
TRH | Their Royal Highnesses | |
RGA | Royal Garrison Artillery | |
RUH | Royal University Hospital | |
RUPP | Royal University of Phnom Penh | |
RFR | Royal Fleet Reserve | |
RCC | Royal Crown Cola | |
RHASS | Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland | |
RCOG | Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
RNVR | Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve | |
RX | Royal Exclusive | |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamship | |
RAM | Royal Arch Mason | |
RPB | Royal Palm Beach, Florida | |
RQR | Royal Queensland Regiment | |
RBS | Royal Building System | |
QRH | Queens Royal Hussars | |
ABRSM | Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music | |
RAU | Royal Awards University | |
RC | Royal Challenge | |
RUAS | Royal Ulster Agricultural Society | |
RSM | Royal School of Music | |
RSM | Royal School of Music | |
RZS | Royal Zoological Society | |
RTYC | Royal Tay Yacht Club | |
TRK | The Royal Knights | |
VPK | Royal Vopak, N. V. | |
RAM | Royal Appliance Manufacturing Company | |
FRSM | Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine | |
FRANZCP | Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists | |
RSMI | Royal Silver Mines, Inc. | |
RBP | Royal Black Perceptory | |
RPU | Royal Prune University | |
RPU | Royal Prune University | |
RCK | Royal Charoen Krung Tower | |
RPS | Royal Photographic Society | |
RC | Royal Crockery | |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals | |
IRCB | Institut Royal Colonial Belge | |
FRSA | Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts | |
RVAF | Royal Virtual Air Force | |
PRYL | Port Royal Railroad | |
ARCT | Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto | |
RP | Royal Provincials | |
RVCZS | Royal Veterinary College Zoological Society | |
RAF | Royal Air Flight | |
RCACA | Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Association | |
ROYF | Royal Financial Corporation | |
ROYU | Royal Netherlands | |
RHI | Royal Hall of Industries | |
RBT | Royal Bengal Tiger | |
RLT | Royal Laser Tech Corporation | |
RWE | Royal Wholesale Electric | |
RA | Royal Armorer | |
CRM | Canadian Royal Mounties | |
RAD | The Royal Acadamy Of Dance | |
RUSH | Royal University Of Scir Havoc | |
RMLU | Royal Mail Lines Limited | |
RE | Royal Engraver | |
FRNS | Fellow Of Royal Numismatic Society | |
RGEX | Royal Gorge Industries, LLC | |
RCW | Royal Championship Wrestling | |
TRU | Trimarian Royal University | |
MRCB | Musée Royal du Congo Belge | |
FRAS | Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society | |
FRR | Front Royal, Virginia USA | |
RWRCC | Royal Winnipeg Rifles Cadet Corps | |
RSM | Royal Signals Medal | |
VRO | Virtual Royal Oak | |
RGA | Royal Garrison Archiver | |
RGK | Royal Grounds Keeper | |
RRE | Royal Radar Establishment | |
RNNS | Royal Naval Nursing Service | |
RKAS | The Royal Kennebecasis Adventurers Society | |
RPAME | Royal Palm Beach Colony | |
RYY | Royal Yachtmaster | |
RCR | Royal City Rockers | |
RSD | Royal Southwell Dispensary | |
IRSNB/KBIN | Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique/ Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen | |
MRI | Member of Royal Institution | |
REA | Royal Europe Airlines | |
RY | Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, Quebec | |
NRC | New Royal Calendar | |
ROYA | Royal Acceptance Corporation | |
RFA | Royal Fleet Archiver | |
RFF | Royal Feature Films | |
RHCT | Royal Holiday Club Timeshare Company | |
KBIN/IRSNB | Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen/ Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique | |
RRAC | Royal Railway Agent Cambodia | |
FRI | Fellow of Royal Institution | |
RRAC | Royal Railway Agent Cambodia | |
RPR | Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Australia | |
RPIXE | Royal Pictures, Inc. | |
KNMVD | Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergheneeskunde ( Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association) | |
RMF | Royal Marine Force | |
RIMS | Royal Indian Marine Sevice | |
RYC-H | Royal Yacht Club Hollandia | |
RPA | Royal Pembroke Artillery | |
RHT | Royal Holiday Travel, Incorporated | |
RBT | Royal Banning Thread | |
IRAC | Institut Royal de l'Afrique Centrale | |
RBS PF | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred F | |
RBS PH | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred H | |
RBS PX | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred X | |
RBS PC | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred C | |
RBS PD | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, P. L. C. Preferred D | |
RBS PG | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group P. L. C., Preferred G | |
WAZF | LPTV-28, Front Royal, Virginia | |
RYFL | Royal Financial, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois | |
RBS PE | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred E | |
RBS PI | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred I | |
RBS PB | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, P. L. C. Preferred B | |
PPRPA | Palisadoes - Port Royal Protected Area | |
RN of A | Royal Neighbors of America | |
RBS PJ | Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC, Preferred J | |
RCL P | Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Preferred | |
RIAA | Royal Internet Applications Assembly | |
HRR | Her Royal Roommatedness | |
RMC | Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia | |
SK | Soota Kraidoor (Royal Soccer club) | |
RDG | Royal Dragoon Guards | |
MRAC | Member of the Royal Agricultural College | |
RSPCC | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | |
MRCS | Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons of England | |
ORROE | Organization of Royal Research Of Education | |
RNIB | Royal National Institute of Blind | |
RPSGB | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain | |
NRAH | new Royal Adelaide Hospital | |
RTAFCONV | Royal Thai Air Force CONtingent Vietnam | |
RUH | Royal United Hospital | |
FRCS | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
WRANS | Women's Royal Australian Naval Service | |
RUFA | Royal University of Fine Arts | |
PORN | Petty Officer Royal Navy | |
FRCS | Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
RAVI | Royal And Viking Individual | |
RNNS | Royal Naval Nursing Service | |
FRCCO | Fellow Royal Canadian College of Organists | |
RAFVR | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve | |
REME | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | |
FRIN | Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation | |
RSPH | Royal Society for Public Health | |
ROMT | Royal Oak Music Theatre | |
FRICS | Fellow Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | |
MRCOG | Member, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
ROP | Royal Oman Police | |
BRA | Belfast Royal Academy | |
FRCOG | Fellowship of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
RCSI | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland | |
ABRSM | Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music | |
CREH | Cercle Royal d'Escrime de Huy | |
FRACS | Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | |
RTNB | Royal Thai Navy Base | |
FRBS | Fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors | |
MRAU | Member of the Royal Agricultural University | |
FRCR | Fellowship of Royal College of Radiology | |
RACP | Royal Australasian College of Physicians | |
RTAF | Royal Thai Air Force | |
FRGS | Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society | |
RSCM | Royal School of Church Music | |
QARANC | Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps | |
MRCOG | Members of Royal college of obstetricians gynaecologists | |
RNC | Royal Newfoundland Constabulary | |
FRCS | Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
MRCP | Membership of the Royal College of Physicians | |
DRCOG | Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
RMSP | Royal Mail Steam Packet | |
RBWM | Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead | |
GRCH | Glasgow Royal Concert Hall | |
RSBP | Royal Society of Bird Protection | |
MRICS | Professional member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | |
FRS | Fellow of Royal Society | |
FRSL | Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature | |
RCCL | Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd | |
RNLI | Royal National Laboratory of Induction | |
REHI | Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Incurables | |
RLUH | Royal Liverpool University Hospital | |
RLPO | Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra | |
RTARF | Royal Thai ARmed Forces | |
FRCGP | Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners | |
RSCPA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | |
RVS | Royal Voluntary Service | |
RTCIPF | Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force | |
RMIT | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | |
KCVO | Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order | |
FROS | Front Royal Oratorio Society | |
RICS | Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | |
FRCA | Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists | |
ARCA | Associate of the Royal College of Art (London) | |
MRCGP | Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners | |
RKPS | Royal Kingdom of the Parts of Speech | |
QA | Queen Alexander's Royal Army Nursing Corps | |
FRCO | Fellow of the Royal College of Organists | |
FRSC | Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada | |
USRR | Union of Soviet Royal Republics | |
RRF | Royal Regiment of Fusiliers | |
ARICS | Associate Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | |
AGRA | Army Group Royal Artillery | |
LRCP | Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians | |
MENCAP | Royal Mencap Society (formerly, Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults) | |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamer | |
RRU | Royal Roads University | |
HRH | His Royal Hypocrite | |
REME | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | |
RIIA | Royal Institute of International Affairs | |
RSPCA | the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | |
RSPCC | Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children | |
RCPS | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons | |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society | |
RSPB | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | |
MRCS | Member, Royal College of Surgeons | |
HPRQ | Highly Prominent, Royal Quality | |
RECODE | Royal Enfield Customer Oriented Dealer Experience | |
ARCS | Associate(-ship) of the Royal College of Science | |
RYS | Royal Yacht Squadron | |
RNRM | Royal Navy | |
ROPD | Royal Oak Police Department | |
RWHS | Royal Windsor Horse Show | |
RNA | Royal Nepalese Army | |
RBTS | Royal Brunei Technical Services | |
RORS | Royal Order Of Red Suspenders | |
RNA | Royal National Association | |
RACQ | Royal Automobile Club Queensland | |
FRSH | Fellow of the Royal Society of Health | |
RNLI | Royal National Lifeboats Institution | |
RDNS | Royal District Nursing Service | |
RWH | Royal Womens Hospital | |
ARMADA | Armed Royal Malaysian Aerospace Defence Agency | |
WRAF | Women's Royal Air Force | |
FRCPC | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Canada | |
FRCSC | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada | |
FRCPC | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada | |
RAO | Royal Army of Oman | |
FRCS | Fellowship of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons | |
BR | Battle Royal | |
FRACP | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians | |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps | |
RTAB | Royal Thai Army Base | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Acronym Factory | |
RTO | Royal Trusted One | |
RWAS | Royal Welsh Agricultural Society | |
RLUH | Royal Liverpool Hospital | |
RHK | Royal Hospital Kilmainham | |
FRACS | Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | |
RPST | Royal Photographic Society of Thailand | |
RUW | Royal University for Women | |
RSRE | Royal Signals and Radar Establishment | |
RSSA | Royal Society of South Australia | |
RSEB | Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan | |
RAOE | Royal Academy of Engineering | |
RCAF | Royal Cambodian Armed Forces | |
BRNC | Britannia Royal Naval College | |
RADT | Royal Albert Dock Trust | |
RNIB | Royal National Insitute of Blind people | |
RBC | Royal Bank | |
RNIB | Royal National Institute of Blind People | |
ROY | Royal Resources Ltd | |
RRW | Royal Regiment of Wales | |
RPO | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra | |
RBK | Royal Borough of Kingston | |
RMB | Royal Marine Band | |
RMSD | Royal Mail Special Delivery | |
RG | Royal Guard | |
REME | Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers | |
RGIT | Royal Gurkhas Institute of Technology | |
RPS | Royal Pharmaceutical Society | |
RDGS | Royal Danish Geographical Society | |
RAMM | Royal Albert Memorial Museum | |
RVH | Royal Victoria Hotel | |
RLPC | Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir | |
RLAL | Royal Liver Assurance Limited | |
ERCU | Edinburgh Royal Choral Union | |
RNH | Royal Naval Hospital | |
RCEM | Royal College of Emergency Medicine | |
RNRM | Royal Norfolk Regimental Museum | |
RAAC | Royal Australian Armoured Corps | |
RCFCA | Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association | |
FRS | Fellowship of the Royal Society | |
RSSA | Royal Society of South Africa | |
RNCA | Royal Naval Communications Association | |
RMS | Royal Medical Society | |
ARMB | Athénée Royal Marguerite Bervoets | |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Farce | |
RWY | Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry | |
FRCD | Fellow of the Royal College of Dentistry | |
RCB | Royal Challengers Bangalore | |
FRCPS | Fellow of the Royal Collegium of Physicians and Surgeons | |
RTAFB | Royal Thai Air Force Base | |
MRCPCH | Membership of The Royal College of Peadiatrics and Child Health | |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force | |
RSC | Royal Society of Chemistry | |
MRH | My Royal Heinie | |
RIN | Royal Institute of Navigation | |
RHA | Royal Hibernian Academy | |
RJAF | Royal Jordanian Air Force | |
RDY | Royal Devon Yeomanry | |
RAAT | Royal Automobile Association of Thailand | |
AVRE | Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers | |
RBLI | Royal British Legion Industries | |
RNCM | Royal Northern College of Music | |
RNCM | Royal Northern College of Music | |
RTBG | Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens | |
RUSI | Royal United Services Institute | |
MPRIA | Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | |
FRMS | Fellow of the Royal Microscopic Society | |
RUHF | Royal University Hospital Foundation | |
FABI | Royal Federation of Belgian Associations of Civil Engineers and Agricultural Engineers | |
JRAI | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | |
JRAI | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | |
RMCD | Royal Malaysian Customs Department | |
RFPSG | Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow | |
RBTT | Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago | |
BBRAS | Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society | |
ROGB | Royal Oak Girls Basketball | |
RBAI | Royal Belfast Academical Institution | |
ROIU | Royal Outlands Interkingdom University | |
RTX | Royal Trux | |
RNOH | Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital | |
RNOH | Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital | |
RIAI | Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland | |
RIAI | Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland | |
RSYS | Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron | |
RSLF | Royal Saudi Land Forces | |
RHX | Royal Hunter X | |
RACE | Royal African Company of England | |
RNVR | Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve | |
RCIH | Royal Care International Hospital | |
RAFG | Royal Air Force Germany | |
BRIB | Birmingham Royal Institution for the Blind | |
MRCR | Member of the Royal College of Radiologists | |
RPAH | Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | |
RAFRA | Royal Air Forces Register of Associations | |
RAOB | Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes | |
JRCALC | Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee | |
RPCA | Royal Police Cadet Academy | |
MRINA | Member of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects | |
RGAM | Royal Golf Anfa Mohammedia | |
RMSTA | Royal Melbourne Sail Training Academy | |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
RDRPS | Royal Deeside Railway Preservation Society | |
FRPSL | Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London | |
BRB | Birmingham Royal Ballet | |
RCSCC | Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps | |
RMC | Royal Marines Commandos | |
RCAM | Royal College of Alternative Medicine | |
HMRM | Her Majesty's Royal Marines | |
RAFAC | Royal Air Force Air Cadets | |
FRSGS | Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society | |
FRSGS | Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society | |
RANBT | Royal Australian Naval Bridging Team | |
RDAF | Royal Danish Air Force | |
RMS | Royal Mail Ship | |
RWDM | Royal White Daring Molenbeek | |
WRAN | Women's Royal Australian Naval | |
RTR | Royal Tank Regiment | |
PRS | President of the Royal Society | |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps | |
WRVS | Women’s Royal Voluntary Service | |
RCOG | Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists | |
MRCPsych | Member, Royal College of Psychiatrists | |
JRCPTB | Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board | |
FRAIC | Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada | |
FRAIC | Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada | |
FRAIC | Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada | |
RDSVS | Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies | |
FFDRCS | Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Royal College of Surgeons | |
RDSVS | Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies | |
RCFCA | Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association | |
RCFCA | Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association | |
RWY | Royal William Yard | |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force | |
FRCPI | Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland | |
RCPSG | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow | |
FRCPI | Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland | |
FRCPI | Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland | |
RGOB | Royal Government Of Bhutan | |
MRCVS | Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | |
GVPR | Green Valley Park Royal | |
MRCVS | Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | |
MRCVS | Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | |
PRIK | Port Royal Independent Kontractors | |
RTPI | Royal Town Planning Institute | |
RCJY | Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu | |
MRCEM | Membership of the Royal College Emergency Medicine | |
MRCEM | Membership of the Royal College Emergency Medicine | |
RYL | Royal Host Real Estate Investment Trust | |
RSAF | Royal Saudi Air force | |
RHUL | Royal Holloway University of London | |
FRCP(Edin) | FRCP(Edin) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) | |
RPSGB | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain | |
TRAIS | The Royal Academy In Switzerland | |
JRCCS | Judo Royal Crossing Club Schaerbeek | |
JRCCS | Judo Royal Crossing Club Schaerbeek | |
RAFAT | Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team | |
RAVEC | Royal And VIP Executive Committee | |
HRB | His Royal Bandness | |
RZA | Royal Zenobian Army | |
GRBS | Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society | |
RMAF | Royal Malaysian Air Force | |
RMP | Royal Mounted Police | |
ROB | Royal Observatory of Belgium | |
RSME | Royal School of Military Engineering | |
RARA | Royal Arch Research Assistance | |
HRH | His Royal Hotness | |
ARCM | Associate of the Royal College of Music | |
RBK | Royal Britannia Kindergarten | |
RBSA | Royal Birmingham Society of Artists | |
LVO | a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order | |
RICC | Royal Imperial Collegiate of Canada | |
ARNO | Association of Royal Naval Officers | |
RIPHH | Royal Institute of Public Health Hygiene | |
FRCP | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians | |
RLG | Royal Laotian Government | |
ROG | Royal Observatory, Greenwich | |
LRPS | Licentiateship of the Royal Photographic Society | |
HRP | Historic Royal Palaces | |
RRO | Royal Resources Online | |
ABRSM | Associated Board of Royal School of Music | |
RACV | Royal Automobile Club of Victoria | |
RVST | Royal Victorian Slope Trash | |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force | |
RACGP | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
RSPH | The Royal Society for Public Health | |
FRCPath | Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists | |
FRCPCH | Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
FRPS | Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society | |
frca | Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists | |
RIAT | Royal International Air Tattoo | |
RNGB | Royal Naval Guild of Bellringers | |
RCASC | Royal Canadian Army Service Corps | |
RCASC | Royal Canadian Army Service Corps | |
RARDE | Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment | |
RARDE | Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment | |
RHET | Royal Highland Education Trust | |
FRCR | Fellow Royal College of Radiology | |
PRVH | Port Royal Veterinary Hospital | |
PRVH | Port Royal Veterinary Hospital | |
RSH | Royal Society of Health | |
SRC | Royal Society of Canada | |
RTPH | Royal Twins Palace Hotel | |
RSA | Royal Scottish Academy | |
RCNI | Royal College of Nursing Institute | |
RCNI | Royal College of Nursing Institute | |
RCP | Royal College of Physicians of London | |
RCNI | Royal College of Nursing Institute | |
RSCH | Royal Surrey County Hospital | |
RSCH | Royal Surrey County Hospital | |
RWAS | Royal Welsh Show | |
DRACOG | Diploma Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
RPLV | Royal Pacific of Las Vegas | |
RICB | Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan | |
MRAF | Marshal of the Royal Air Force | |
RBGM | Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne | |
RNCI | Royal Northern Countryside Initiative | |
RPCO | Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra | |
FRACMA | Fellow Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators | |
FRACMA | Fellow Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators | |
FRACMA | Fellow Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators | |
TRMN | The Royal Manticoran Navy | |
RMBI | Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution | |
RAF | Royal Air Force (UK) | |
SRIC | Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation | |
RTGS | Royal Thai General System | |
FRACGP | Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
RSPH | Royal Society for the Promotion of Health | |
ROH | Royal Orthopaedic Hospital | |
AVRE | Armored Vehicle Royal Engineers | |
MRCPCH | Member, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
ROH | Royal Orchid Holidays | |
RICS | Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors | |
RDGC | Royal Deeside Golf Classic | |
ROJ | Royal Order of Jesters | |
RASC | Royal Army Service Corps | |
RSPCA | Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals | |
RAVAF | Royal Australian Virtual Air Force | |
RCPSC | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada | |
RGR | Royal Gurkha Rifles | |
TREAT | The Royal Eccentric Ale Treatment | |
RCA | Royal College of Art | |
WRA | Woolwich Royal Arsenal | |
RSC | Royal Society of Canada | |
RO | Royal Oak | |
RAF | Royal Aeroplane Federation | |
RMRD | Royal Mail Recorded Delivery | |
NRRM | National Royal Rangers Ministries | |
FRLP | Front Royal Limited Partnership | |
RNRM | Royal Navy and Royal Marines | |
RTST | Royal Theatrical Support Trust | |
MRACGP | Member of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
MRACGP | Member of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
RCPHE | Royal Canadian Foods Corporation (de-listed) | |
MRCR | Member, Royal College of Radiologists | |
RNAS | Royal Naval Air Service | |
RNAS | Royal Naval Air Station | |
RLSS | Royal Life Saving Society | |
RLHH | Royal London Homeopathic Hospital | |
RAU | Royal Agricultural University | |
RCNR | Royal Canadian Naval Reserve | |
XKD | Lehman Royal Cribbean | |
RAOS | Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences | |
RAH | Royal Academy of History | |
ARMB | Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium | |
RMAS | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | |
RMAS | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | |
CRTS | Centre Royal de Teledetection Spatiale | |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constabulary (1922-06-01 to 2001-11-04) (see PSNI) | |
ROMD | Royal Oak Medical Devices | |
JRAHS | Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society | |
JRAHS | Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society | |
JRAHS | Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society | |
AMRC | Academy of Medical Royal Colleges | |
JRAHS | Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society | |
CRA | Commander Royal Artillery | |
RAHF | Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation | |
RAHF | Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation | |
RAIA | Royal Australian Institute of Architects | |
RADA | Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts | |
RCSC | Royal Civil Service Commission | |
RIPW | Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours | |
RSC | Royal Shakespeare Company | |
RCM | Royal Canadian Mint | |
RNRT | Royal Naval Reserve Trawler | |
RBW | Royal Black White | |
RIAF | Royal Italian Air Force | |
DRSA | Devonport Royal Swimming Association | |
RAFO | Royal Air Force of Oman | |
RTPH | Royal Thai Police Headquarters | |
RTPH | Royal Thai Police Headquarters | |
RIGB | Royal Institution of Great Britain | |
MRCPCH | Member Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
RITH | Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality | |
RMCM | Royal Manchester College of Music | |
MRCPCH | Member Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
MRCPCH | Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
RAF | Royal Armed Forces | |
YRW | Yellow Royal White | |
MRCPCH | Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
RACO | Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists | |
ROIT | Royal Oaks Invitational Tournament | |
ASRM | Assault Squadron Royal Marines | |
MRU | Mount Royal University | |
RTB | Royal Tinted Blue | |
ROBC | Royal Oak Baptist Church | |
ROBC | Royal Oak Baptist Church | |
RTYC | Royal Thames Yacht Club | |
RDH | Royal Darwin Hospital | |
RCRA | Royal Canadian Riding Academy | |
RCDC | Royal College of Dentists of Canada | |
ROFD | Royal Oak Fire Department | |
RIPH | Royal Institute of Public Health | |
RASC | Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth | |
RWHT | Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust | |
IRRI | Institut Royal des Relations Internationales | |
RFO | Royal Flying Officer | |
GNRY | Green over Royal | |
RNTA | Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association | |
RADC | Royal Army Dental Corps | |
ARI | Aberdeen Royal Infirmary | |
RRC | Royal Red Cross | |
ARMD | Australasian Royal Mechanised Division | |
RAAF | Royal Army Air Force | |
ROHA | Royal Oak Hockey Association | |
RSPH | Royal Society of Public Health | |
RCRT | Royal China Round Table | |
RCSC | Royal Charleroi Sporting Club | |
RBC | Royal Brewery comany | |
SJMR | Saint Joseph de Mont Royal | |
ROO | Royal Oak Offshore | |
RCB | Royal Custom Builders | |
RQR | Royal Queensland Rifles | |
RICI | Royal Innovation Club International | |
RJG | Royal Jelly Glycoprotein | |
RDGC | Royal Dornoch Golf Course | |
RBS | Royal Bank of Scotland's | |
RSPO | Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra | |
RHS | Royal High School | |
RCM | Royal Conservatory of Music | |
RUB | Royal University of Bhutan | |
RAFA | Royal Air Forces Association | |
LRH | Lord Royal Highness | |
RBC | Royal Bank of Canadas | |
RNLT | Royal Navy Liaison Team | |
RQS | Royal Queen Seeds | |
RNIB | Royal National Institute for Blind | |
ARSH | Association of Royal Society of Health | |
RDS | Royal Dutch Shell | |
RNCA | Royal Natal Carbineer Association | |
RCPI | Royal College of Physicians of Ireland | |
RORC | Royal Ocean Racing Club | |
RZG | Royal Z Group | |
RACI | Royal Australian Chemical Institute | |
RNTA | Royal Navy Theatre Association | |
RBOF | Royal Ballet Of Flanders | |
RBS | Royal Bank of | |
RCSI | Royal College of Surgeons Ireland | |
RRU | Royal Roads | |
RCDS | Royal College of Defence Studies | |
RCRT | Royal College of Radiologists of Thailand | |
RCI | Royal Caribbean International | |
RFS | Royal Forestry Society | |
RBWM | Royal Borough of Windsor Maidenhead | |
RDGC | Royal Dornoch Golf Club | |
HRR | Henley Royal Regatta | |
RMS | Royal Marine Service | |
RSAF | Royal Small Arms Factory | |
RMCC | Royal Military College of Canada | |
RPPC | Royal Palm Presbyterian Church | |
RFH | Royal Free Hospital | |
RUH | Royal United Hospitals | |
MRCS | Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
RCNA | Royal College of Nursing Australia | |
RAPC | Royal Army Pay Corps | |
RCNA | Royal College of Nursing Australia | |
RCNA | Royal College of Nursing Australia | |
RRGH | Royal River Grill House | |
RCNR | Royal Commission of Nobility and Royalty | |
RCNT | Royal Club Nautique de Tournai | |
RCEM | Royal College of Emergency Medicine | |
RCST | Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio | |
PRLM | Port Royal Landing Marina | |
RNPS | Royal Naval Patrol Service | |
RUA | Royal University of Agriculture | |
RUA | Royal Ulster Academy | |
RMDF | Royal Montserrat Defence Force | |
RNLB | Royal National Life Boat | |
RWBS | Royal Winnipeg Ballet School | |
ARIBA | Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects | |
RGR | Royal Gorge Rafting | |
FFDRCS | Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
FFDRCS | Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons | |
ROSL | Royal Over Seas League | |
JCRI | Jaguar Capital Royal Investment | |
RCAG | Royal Canal Amenity Group | |
RGAR | Royal Gorge Association of REALTORS | |
RGAR | Royal Gorge Association of REALTORS | |
RCJ | Royal Courts of Justice | |
RAMCC | Royal Academy of Mandarin and Chinese Culture | |
RAMCC | Royal Academy of Mandarin and Chinese Culture | |
RAEC | Royal Army Educational Corps | |
RAEC | Royal Army Educational Corps | |
RSNB | Royal Sport Nautique de Bruxelles | |
RHSA | Royal Humane Society of Australasia | |
RSSA | Royal Scottish Society of Arts | |
RSGC | Royal Springs Golf Course | |
DRACOG | Diploma of Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | |
RITS | Royal Institute of Technology and Science | |
TRACC | Tain Royal Academy Community Complex | |
RAYC | Royal Akarana Yacht Club | |
ROSD | Royal Oak school district | |
RPRA | Royal Pigeon Racing Association | |
RSCA | Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht | |
ARA | Associate of the Royal Academy | |
RACT | Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania | |
RBCH | Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital | |
RBCH | Royal Bournemouth Hospital | |
RTYC | Royal Torbay Yacht Club | |
RFY | Royal Falcon Yachts | |
YRH | Your Royal Highness | |
RNTC | Royal New Terra Company | |
RCMT | Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto | |
RNIB | Royal National Institute for the Blind | |
RGE | Royal Golden Eagle | |
FRACGP | Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
FRACGP | Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | |
RLHH | Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital | |
TRYB | The Royal Yacht Britannia | |
FRCR | For the Royal College of Radiologists | |
FRCR | For the Royal College of Radiologists | |
MARCA | Master of Arts Royal College of Art | |
BRYC | Bruxelles Royal Yacht Club | |
REGC | Royal Eastbourne Golf Club | |
FRSH | Fellow Royal Society of Health | |
RBSRIG | The Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc | |
RACY | Royal Automobile Club of Victoria | |
FRSH | Fellow Royal Society of Health | |
RASCA | Royal Australian Survey Corps Army | |
RGAF | Royal Guelphian Air Force | |
FRPF | Front Royal Police Foundation | |
FRPF | Front Royal Police Foundation | |
RASCA | Royal Australian Survey Corps Army | |
RAVC | Royal Aloha Vacation Club | |
WRH | Worcestershire Royal Hospital | |
FRCPE | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh | |
ROGC | Royal Ottawa Golf Club | |
ROGC | Royal Ottawa Golf Club | |
RNAF | Royal Netherlands Air Force | |
RCCC | Royal Caledonian Curling Club | |
FRCPCH | Fellowship of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health | |
ARNO | Association of Royal Naval Officers | |
RUSH | Royal University of Scir Hafoc | |
RFOL | Royal Face Of Lucknow | |
RYCM | Royal Youth Christian Mission | |
RYCM | Royal Youth Christian Mission | |
REBEL | Royal Enfield Bullet Enthusiasts Listserve | |
RACHEL | Royal Alexandra Cardiovascular Health Electronic Links | |
RACHEL | Royal Alexandra Cardiovascular Health Electronic Links | |
RDAM | Royal Danish Academy of Music | |
RBIS | Royal Bible Institute and Seminary | |
FRIBA | Front Royal Independent Business Alliance | |
FRSM | Fellowship of Royal School of Music | |
URD | Upper Royal Diva | |
RJA | Royal Jordanian Airlines | |
RODC | Royal Oak Design Consulting | |
RMPO | Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Orchestra | |
RHB | Royal Hawaiian Band | |
RSIP | Royal Solomon Islands Police | |
ERA | English Royal Administration | |
RCA | Royal City Avenue | |
MRS | Mount Royal Soccer | |
FRSC | Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada | |
CRPC | Cercle Royal Photographique de Charleroi | |
RNCA | Royal Navy Commando Association | |
RCSC | Royal Canadian Sea Cadets | |
RHW | Royal Hospital for Women | |
KRB | Khulna Royal Bengals | |
BRHC | Bristol Royal Hospital for Children | |
ROP | Royal Orchid Plus | |
RCCL | Royal Caribbean Cruise Line | |
RCAF | Royal County Air Force | |
ROF | Royal Ordnance Factory | |
NRG | New Royal Guards | |
RSB | Royal Society for the Blind | |
RSB | Royal Society of Biology | |
RSB | Royal Society of Biology | |
RNR | Royal Navy Reserve | |
RFLS | Royal Foreign Language School | |
RFLS | Royal Foreign Language School | |
RISM | Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia | |
RBIS | Royal Bible Institute and Seminary | |
RTRG | Ron The Royal Guard | |
ROSF | Royal Oak Schools Foundation | |
PRSC | Princess Royal Sailing Club | |
ROSF | Royal Oak Schools Foundation | |
RMH | Royal Marsden Hospital | |
PRSC | Princess Royal Sailing Club | |
PRSC | Princess Royal Sailing Club | |
RCSE | Royal College of Surgeon Edinburgh | |
RMCS | Royal Military College of Science | |
RMCS | Royal Military College of Science | |
RCSE | Royal College of Surgeon Edinburgh | |
RDPL | Royal Datamatics Pvt Ltd | |
RHS | Royal Historyical Society | |
ROFM | Royal Oak Farmers Market | |
RHS | Royal Hawaii Spirits | |
RVT | Royal Vauxhall Tavern | |
FRSM | Fellowship of Royal School of Music | |
MGRM | Major General Royal Marines | |
RDB | Royal Danish Ballet | |
RLF | Royal Literary Fund | |
RPCP | Royal Palm Capital Partners | |
RGH | Royal Gloucestershire Hussars | |
RGBB | Royal Greenwich Big Band | |
REMT | Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo | |
RLU | Royal Lestari Utama | |
RD | Royal Decree | |
RGS | Royal Gay Society | |
RAOCO | Royal Army Ordnance Corps Officers | |
RCNA | Royal Canadian Numismatic Association | |
RCNA | Royal Canadian Numismatic Association | |
RCNA | Royal Canadian Numismatic Auction | |
RLB | Royal Laboratory Birtley | |
RMCD | Royal Military College Duntroon | |
RMCD | Royal Military College Duntroon | |
FRCA | Fellow Royal College of Anaesthetists | |
FRSL | Fellow of Royal Society of London | |
RCPT | Royal College Physicians of | |
RCPT | Royal College Physicians of | |
RCPT | Royal College of Pathologists of Thailand | |
RACHEL | Royal Academy of Christian Higher Education for Ladies | |
BRYC | Brussels Royal Yacht Club | |
RADP | Royal Association for Deaf People | |
RWM | Royal World Music | |
RMRE | Royal Mile Recording Experiences | |
RACHEL | Royal Academy of Christian Higher Education for Ladies | |
RPSC | Royal Philatelic Society of Canada | |
RPSC | Royal Philatelic Society of Canada | |
TTR | Team Table Royal | |
RAMC | Royal Animal Medicine Company | |
RAMC | Royal Animal Medicine Company | |
RAMC | Royal Animal Medicine Company | |
RDSF | Royal Danish Strike Force | |
RACHEL | Royal Academy of Christian Higher Education for Ladies | |
RGO | Royal Greenwich Observatory | |
PRMC | Potential Royal Marines Course | |
RAH | Royal Adelaide Hospital | |
RIHD | Royal Institute Of Human Development | |
RIHD | Royal Institute Of Human Development | |
PRSC | Princess Royal Sports Complex | |
RHASS | Royal Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland | |
RHASS | Royal Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland | |
RCO | Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra | |
RVI | Royal Victoria Infirmary | |
RSNG | Royal Swiss Navy Gazette | |
RSVC | Royal Savoy Vacation Club | |
SHRC | Star Horn Royal Club | |
ROEC | Royal Oaks Equestrian Center | |
ROHM | Royal Opera House Muscat | |
RCPL | Royal College Port Louis | |
RCPL | Royal College of Port Louis | |
RSDD | Royal School for the Deaf Derby | |
MRMC | Mount Royal Mennonite Church | |
RBNP | Royal Bardiya National Park | |
RHSC | Royal Heraldry Society of Canada | |
RHSC | Royal Heraldry Society of Canada | |
RCL | Royal Canadian Legion | |
RCL | Royal Credit Line | |
RRI | Royal Rangers International | |
RMA | Royal Military Academy | |
RMA | Royal Military Academy | |
MRCP | Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians | |
RASQ | Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland | |
RCHT | Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust | |
RCHT | Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust | |
RCHT | Royal Cornwall Hospital Truro | |
RASQ | Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland | |
RHPS | Royal Homing Pigeon Service | |
RCR | Royal Crystal Rock | |
NRSB | Nottinghamshire Royal Society for the Blind | |
RRCE | Royal Racing Club Etterbeek | |
RRCE | Royal Racing Club Etterbeek | |
ROTA | Royal Ordnance Training Ammunition | |
ROSL | Royal Overseas League | |
RBSG | Royal Bank of Scotland Goodwin | |
RBSC | Royal Bangkok Sports Club | |
RBSC | Royal Bangkok Sports Club | |
RBSC | Royal Belgian Sailing Club | |
RBSC | Royal Belgian Sailing Club | |
RBSC | Royal Belgian Sailing Club | |
RMMO | Royal Marsden Manual Online | |
RNAS | Royal Northern Agricultural Society | |
RNAS | Royal Northern Agricultural Society | |
ROSL | Royal Oak Sandlot League | |
IRASC | Inverness Royal Academy Sport Centre | |
IRASC | Inverness Royal Academy Sport Centre | |
IRFC | Institut Royal de Formation des Cadres | |
BOTAR | Belles Of The American Royal | |
HRAM | Holy Royal Arch Mason | |
REAF | Royal Egyptian Air Force | |
RTN | Royal Thai Navy | |
RTN | Royal Thai Navy | |
RBP | Royal Bafokeng Platinum | |
RPMI | Royal Park Memorial Institute | |
RSSB | Royal Statistical Society of Belgium | |
RCF | Royal Circle of Friends | |
STRE | She Travels On A Royal Enfield | |
RPMI | Royal Park Memorial Institute |
What does royal mean?
- royal(noun)
- a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast
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