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Acronyms that contain the term transplantées
What does transplantées mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: transplantées.
Term | Definition | Rating |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant | |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant | |
TX | Transplant | |
SCT | Stem Cell Transplant | |
PTLD | Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease | |
UKT | U K Transplant | |
PBSCT | Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant | |
MTF | Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation | |
COTA | Children's Organ Transplant Association | |
WRTC | Washington Regional Transplant Consortium | |
ET | Embryo Transplant | |
NTAF | National Transplant Assistance Fund | |
WTG | World Transplant Games | |
WTGF | World Transplant Games Federation | |
BTT | Bridge To Transplant | |
WCTF | World Children's Transplant Fund | |
NST | Non-Surgical Transplant | |
MST | Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital | |
PNT | Positive Neural Transplant | |
MUD | Matched Urelated Donor - for bone marrow transplant | |
PBSCR | Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Rescue (transplant) | |
DTF | Diabetes Transplant Fund | |
JDC | Joslin Diabetes Center for transplant research | |
WTGFMC | World Transplant Games Federation Medical Committee | |
LTNF | Liver Transplant Next Friday | |
HOTA | Human Organ Transplant Act | |
NATCO | North American Transplant Coordinators Organization | |
FDT | For Donation Transplant | |
PTLD | Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder | |
FMT | Fecal Microbiota Transplant | |
NOTTO | National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization | |
NOTA | National Organ Transplant Act | |
LYFT | Life Years From Transplant | |
PTLD | Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders | |
ASCT | Autologous Stem Cell Transplant | |
ITNS | International Transplant Nurses Society | |
ETCO | European Transplant Coordinators Organisation | |
PTDM | Post Transplant Diabetes Mellitus | |
EDTA | European Dialysis Transplant Association | |
OTTR | Organ Transplant Tracking Record | |
LURT | Living Unrelated Renal Transplant | |
APITA | Asian Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association | |
FUT | Follicular Unit Transplant | |
ASCIT | Arterial Stiffness and Calcifications in Incident Renal Transplant Recipients | |
CBT | Cord Blood Transplant | |
DDRT | Deceased Donor Renal Transplant | |
NATCO | North American Transplant Coordinator Organization | |
CCTD | Certified Clinical Transplant Dietitian | |
AFBMTC | Armed Forces Bone Marrow Transplant Centre | |
TOID | Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases | |
NTORC | Non Transplant Organ Retrieval Centers | |
TRIO | Transplant Recipients International | |
TRIO | Transplant Recipients International | |
BMTO | Bone Marrow Transplant Other | |
ROTTO | Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation | |
ROTTO | Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation | |
TODAN | Transplant Organ Donation Awareness Network | |
CKT | Cochrane Kidney and Transplant | |
TSICU | Transplant Surgery Intensive Care Unit | |
SATSA | South African Transplant Sports Association | |
NCTB | Northern California Transplant Bank | |
OHT | Orthotopic Heart Transplant | |
CVTU | Cardiothoracic Vascular Transplant Unit | |
BBMT | Biol Blood Marrow Transplant | |
TTPG | Texas Transplant Physician Group | |
ULTRA | Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority | |
ARTR | Acute Renal Transplant Rejection | |
DVTP | Delaware Valley Transplant Program | |
DCBT | Double Cord Blood Transplant | |
MDTR | malaysia dialysis and Transplant registry | |
ELTR | European Liver Transplant Registry | |
PTMN | Post Transplant Malignant Neoplasia | |
IPTR | International Pancreas Transplant Registry | |
IPTR | International Pancreas Transplant Registry | |
KTQ | Kidney Transplant Questionnaire | |
BTRU | Blood and Transplant Research Unit | |
BTRU | Blood and Transplant Research Unit | |
DTOP | Division of Transplant and Ophthalmology Products | |
DTOP | Division of Transplant and Ophthalmology Products | |
RTAH | Reaction - Transplant Against Host | |
BHT | Body Hair Transplant | |
BaTA | Blood and Transplant Authority, formally, the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority | |
CLTR | China Liver Transplant Registry | |
IPTA | International Pediatric Transplant Association | |
HTMP | Heart Transplant Mentor Programme | |
CITR | Collaborative Islet Transplant Registry | |
EBTI | European Board of Transplant Immunology | |
LTWL | Liver Transplant Waiting List | |
PNTB | Pacific Northwest Transplant Bank | |
PNTB | Pacific Northwest Transplant Bank | |
CETC | Certification of European Transplant Coordinator | |
CETC | Certification of European Transplant Coordinator | |
CETC | Certification of European Transplant Coordinator | |
HTRF | Hunter Transplant Research Foundation | |
HTRF | Hunter Transplant Research Foundation | |
HTRF | Hunter Transplant Research Foundation | |
TID | Transplant Infectious Disease | |
TID | Transplant Infectious Disease | |
WRTC | Washington Regional Transplant Community | |
WRTC | Washington Regional Transplant Community | |
WRTC | Washington Regional Transplant Community | |
TCAV | Transplant coronary artery vasculopathy | |
TCAV | Transplant coronary arterial vasculopathy | |
SOTR | Solid Organ Transplant Recipients | |
APITA | Asian Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association | |
APITA | Asian Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association | |
EDTA | European Dialysis and Transplant Association | |
EDTA | European Dialysis and Transplant Association | |
EDTA | European Dialysis and Transplant Association | |
CCTN | Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse | |
CCTN | Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse | |
CCTN | Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse | |
CCTN | Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse | |
NOTTO | National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation | |
PHTR | Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients | |
PHTR | Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients | |
ABMT | Adult Blood Marrow Transplant | |
LDLT | Live Donor Liver Transplant | |
NBTS | National Blood Transfusion Service (obsolete, now NHS Blood and Transplant) | |
NOTP | National Organ Transplant Programme | |
NITP | Nord Italia Transplant Program | |
GTF | Georgia Transplant Foundation | |
ATC | American Transplant Congress | |
TPIS | Transplant Pathology Internet Services | |
UTAC | Unrelated Transplant Approval Committee | |
GTP | Good Transplant Practice | |
KTA | Kidney Transplant Alone | |
OTIS | Organ Transplant Information System | |
TSICU | Transplant Surgery Intensive Care Unit | |
LTRD | Liver Transplant Recipient Database | |
LTRD | Liver Transplant Recipient Database | |
IPTA | International Pediatric Transplant Association | |
IPTA | International Pediatric Transplant Association | |
IPTA | International Pediatric Transplant Association | |
BTA | Brain Transplant Argument | |
LPTC | Liver Patients Transplant Consortium | |
COTA | Childrens Organ Transplant Association | |
COTA | Childrens Organ Transplant Association | |
ILTS | International Liver Transplant Society | |
ILTS | International Liver Transplant Society | |
ILTS | International Liver Transplant Society | |
AOTA | American Organ Transplant Association | |
AOTA | American Organ Transplant Association | |
ABMT | Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant | |
RTRP | Reconstructive Transplant Research Program | |
RTRP | Reconstructive Transplant Research Program | |
CTTM | Center for Translational Transplant Medicine | |
CTTM | Center for Translational Transplant Medicine | |
HTFC | Hair Transplant FUE Clinic | |
TPM | Transplant Procurement Management | |
TPM | Transplant Procurement Management | |
BMTN | Blood and Marrow Transplant Newsletter | |
HLTR | Heart Lung Transplant Recipient | |
SLTU | Scottish Liver Transplant Unit | |
SLTU | Scottish Liver Transplant Unit | |
BMT | Blood and Marrow Transplant | |
MOTP | Multi Organ Transplant Program | |
AHTC | American Hair Transplant Center | |
NRTS | National Renal Transplant Service | |
ETAC | End Transplant Abuse in China | |
NFT | Neo Follicle Transplant | |
ICRTC | Imperial College Renal and Transplant Centre | |
ICRTC | Imperial College Renal and Transplant Centre | |
NITP | North Italy Transplant Programme | |
MKTP | Melanocyte Keratinocyte Transplant Procedure | |
TREC | Transplant Research and Education Center | |
TREC | Transplant Research and Education Center | |
TREC | Transplant Research and Education Center | |
HSCT | Hemeotopic Stem Cell Transplant | |
CCTD | Certified Clinical Transplant Dietitian | |
CCTD | Certified Clinical Transplant Dietitian | |
TERS | Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale | |
TTC | Transplant Therapeutics Consortium | |
TTC | Transplant Therapeutics Consortium | |
TTC | Transplant Therapeutics Consortium | |
CTTS | Cellular Therapy and Transplant Section | |
CTTS | Cellular Therapy and Transplant Section | |
OPTN | Organ Procurement and Transplant Network | |
ABMT | Adult Bone Marrow Transplant | |
ABMT | Adult Blood and Marrow Transplant | |
ITTC | Immune Transplant and Therapy Center | |
ITTC | Immune Transplant and Therapy Center | |
TCOA | Transplant Coordinators Of America | |
SOT | Solid Organ Transplant | |
MTN | Midwest Transplant Network | |
BMTI | Blood and Marrow Transplant Index | |
DRTM | Division of Rheumatology and Transplant Medicine | |
DRTM | Division of Rheumatology and Transplant Medicine | |
STA | Southwest Transplant Alliance | |
STA | Southwest Transplant Alliance | |
BMTS | Bone Marrow Transplant Subscale | |
DTI | Dallas Transplant Institute | |
DTI | Dallas Transplant Institute | |
PTCT | Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy | |
PTCT | Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy | |
PTCT | Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy | |
TLRG | Transplant Liaison Reference Group | |
NSHT | Non Shave Hair Transplant | |
NITP | Nord Italian Transplant Programme | |
NITP | Nord Italian Transplant Programme | |
NITP | North Italy Transplant Program | |
LTRS | Liver Transplant Risk Score | |
BMT | Blood or Marrow Transplant | |
WCTF | World Children Transplant Fund | |
WCTF | World Children Transplant Fund | |
TMF | Transplant Management Forum | |
TMF | Transplant Management Forum | |
TMF | Transplant Management Forum | |
BMT | Blood Marrow Transplant | |
BTRU | Blood and Transplant Research Units | |
BTRU | Blood and Transplant Research Units | |
TCBC | Transplant City Beer Company | |
TCBC | Transplant City Beer Company | |
CSTAR | Center for Surgical and Transplant Applied Research | |
CSTAR | Center for Surgical and Transplant Applied Research | |
CSTAR | Center for Surgical and Transplant Applied Research | |
TCRC | Transplant Clinical Research Center | |
TCRC | Transplant Clinical Research Center | |
TCRC | Transplant Clinical Research Center | |
MGTI | MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute | |
MGTI | MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute | |
BTA | Blood and Transplant Authority, formally, the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority | |
UK TSSA | United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority, now NHS Blood and Transplant–NHSBT | |
SCTU | Stem Cell Transplant Unit | |
ASTS | American Society Of Transplant Surgeons | |
HSCT | Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant | |
TRIO | Transplant Recipients International Organization | |
CTR | Cardiac Transplant Research | |
CTRD | Cardiac Transplant Research Database | |
OLT | Orthotopic Liver Transplant | |
DSPTP (CDER) | Division of Special Pathogen and Transplant Products (CDER) | |
WNTG | Winter National Transplant Games | |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant | |
CTDN | California Transplant Donor Network | |
DUCBT | Double Unrelated Cord Bone Marrow Transplant | |
MSTH | Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital | |
COTA | Children's Organ Transplant Association | |
CTC | Certified Transplant Center | |
CTG | Chronic Transplant Glomerulopathy | |
CBT | Cord Blood Transplant | |
HT | Heart Transplant | |
PTE | Post Transplant Erythrocytosis | |
TAC | Transplant Aspiration Cytology | |
TC | Transplant Centre | |
TRC | Transplant-Related Complications | |
UKTSSA | United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority | |
ULTRA | Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority (obs) | |
WTC | World Transplant Congress | |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant | |
ASTS | American Society of Transplant Surgeons | |
ASTP | American Society of Transplant Physicians | |
CTS | Cell Transplant Society | |
ERLT | European Registry Liver Transplant | |
HOTP | Human Organ Transplant Program | |
NTORC | Non-Transplant Organ Retrieval Centre | |
HASBLED | Hypertension [(systolic ≥ 160 mmHg) – on treatment)] , Abnormal renal function (Dialysis, transplant, Cr > 2.6 mg/dL or > 200 μmol/L), Abnormal Liver(Cirrhosis or bilirubin >2xNormal or AST/ALT/AP >3xNormal), Stroke , Bleed (Prior major bleeding or predisposition to bleeding), Labile INRs (Unstable/high INRs, time in therapeutic range | |
IAEOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
IAEOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
ABMT | And Bone Marrow Transplant | |
NOTA | National Organ Transplant Act | |
PTLD | Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder | |
TICU | Transplant Intensive Care Unit | |
TRCAD | Transplant-Related Coronary Artery Disease | |
TRCAD | Transplant-Related Coronary Artery Disease | |
KTDA | Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association, Inc. | |
KTDA | Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association, Inc. | |
KTDA | Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association, Inc. | |
IAEFOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
IAEFOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
IAEFOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
IAEFOT | International Association for Ethical Organ transplant | |
CGVD | Chronic Graft Vascular Disease (heart transplant complication) | |
CGVD | Chronic Graft Vascular Disease (heart transplant complication) | |
CHLT | Combine Heart and Liver Transplant | |
OLTx | Orthotopic liver transplant | |
OLTx | Orthotopic liver transplant | |
HT | Heart Transplant | |
HT | Heart Transplant | |
SCT | Stem Cell Transplant | |
SCT | Stem Cell Transplant |
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"transplantées." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 16 Jan. 2025. <https://www.abbreviations.com/transplant%C3%A9es>.
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