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Acronyms that contain the term wild yam
What does wild yam mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: wild yam.
Term | Definition | Rating |
W | Wild | |
WWW | Wild Wild West | |
WT | Wild Type | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
GGW | Girls Gone Wild | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
OATS | Wild Oats Markets, Inc. | |
WW | Wild West | |
WC | Wild Card | |
NWTF | National Wild Turkey Federation | |
WC | Wild Caught | |
WT | Wild Turkey | |
WC | Wild Cat | |
WBU | Wild Birds Unlimited | |
WC | Wild Child | |
WSR | Wild and Scenic River | |
WWW | World Wild Web | |
WUT | Wild and Untamed Things | |
WR | Wild Ride | |
SWC | Super Wild Card | |
WJMC | Wild Jack Mobile Casino | |
WWD | Wild West Domains | |
WRC | Wild Rose College | |
WRFI | Wild Rockies Field Institute | |
WPF | Wild Poetry Forum | |
WWW | Wild West Weekend | |
RGW | Radio Gets Wild | |
WAO | Wild Animal Orphanage | |
RGW | Radio Gets Wild | |
WALT | Wild And Lethal Trash | |
WWVC | Wild West Veterinary Conference | |
WBCA | Wild Bird Conservation Act | |
WBSJ | Wild Bird Society of Japan | |
WGRG | Wild Goose Resource Group | |
FNAWS | Foundation For North American Wild Sheep | |
WPV | Wild PolioVirus | |
WBY | Wild Blue Yonder | |
WAC | Wild And Crazy | |
WAC | Wild And Crazy | |
WPV | Wild PolioVirus | |
WWAC | Wild West Arts Club | |
WBY | Wild Blue Yonder | |
WBY | Wild Blue Yonder | |
WAG | Wild-A** Guess | |
WBFI | Wild Bird Feeding Industry | |
WACO | Wild Acoustic Chamber Orchestra | |
WHB | Wild Horses and Burros | |
WSC | Wild Salmon Center | |
WCPF | Wild Camel Protection Foundation | |
WWW | Weird, Wild, and Wacky | |
WGP | Wild Gazebo Productions | |
WGT | Wild Geese Today | |
WA | Wild Aid | |
WPMV | Wild Potato Mosaic Virus | |
WSAI | Wild Side Adventures International | |
WK | Wild Kid | |
WWK | Wild Water Kingdom | |
BTW | But That's Wild | |
WW | Wild Weird | |
DWA | Dangerous Wild Animals | |
WRP | Wild Rose Productions | |
WHOA | Wild Horse Organized Assistance | |
WC | Wild Card | |
WWTA | Where the Wild Things Are | |
WTZ | Wild Turkey Zone | |
WTZ | Wild Turkey Zone | |
WIOA | Wild Oats | |
TGW | Tame Goes Wild | |
WGF | Wild Game Food | |
WGSI | Wild Goose Storage, Inc. | |
WCWO | Wild Championship Wrestling Outlaws | |
WWC | Wild West City | |
WHW | Wild Horse Workshop | |
WJM | Wild Jack Monroe | |
TJW | The Joker's Wild | |
WV | Wild Venison | |
WV | Wild Venison | |
WBJ | Wild Bryde Jewelry | |
WACI | Wild And Crazy Idea | |
WAN | Wild Area Network | |
WUFC | Wild Utah Forest Campaign | |
WHR | Wild Horse Racing | |
WBFT | Wild Bird Federation Taiwan | |
WFO | Wild Florida Online | |
WRBF | Wild Rogue Balloon Festival | |
WWPF | Wild West Pinball Fest | |
WWHT | Wild West History Tours | |
WMG | Wild Mountain Golf | |
WTGR | Wild-Type Glucocorticoid Receptor | |
WGWG | Wild Goose Worship Group | |
WHJ | Wild Heart Journal | |
SWAG | Spridget Wild Adventure Group | |
WOR | Wild Oak Records | |
WBCO | Wild Bird Cover Option | |
WNQ | Wild North Queensland | |
WWC | Wild Wrestling Corporation | |
UWP | Useful Wild Plants, Inc. | |
WBM | Wild Bird Marketplace | |
WHF | Wild Hockey Fan | |
WHMF | Wild Hog Music Festival | |
WSE | Wild Side Effect | |
WWW | Wild Weird Witches | |
WGHL | Wild Goose Hockey League | |
WTVV | Wild- Type Vaccinia Virus | |
KNWTF | Kentucky National Wild Turkey Federation | |
OWL | Order of Wild Ladies | |
QOQ | Wild Oats Markets options | |
WDJ | Wild Jasmine | |
WLUF | Wild Life Unlimited Foundation | |
WTF | Wild Theatre Fun | |
LWH | Locusts and Wild Honey | |
UFWWW | Ushers Ferry Wild West Weekend | |
WIWT | Wisconsin Wild Turkey | |
WKP | Wild Kingdom Pavilion | |
SWM | Simmering Wild Man | |
WXW | Wild Xtreme Wrestling | |
WTMP | Wild Turkey Management Plan | |
WHCW | Wild Horse Creek Watershed | |
WUT | Wild Untameable Thing | |
SWEC | Starmount Wild Environmental Club | |
WFBF | Wild Fishes Biodiversity Foundation | |
WAHC | Wild At Heart Coaching | |
NJNWTF | New Jersey State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation | |
WSCW | Wild Side Championship Wrestling | |
WBRN | Wild Bunch Radio Network | |
WWBP | Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve | |
MW | Mad and Wild | |
WIBR | Wild And Indiscriminate Bombing Rampage | |
WIFP | Wild Iris Forest Products | |
WRII | Wild Rose II Series | |
WWLM | Wild West Late Model | |
WSBJ | Wild Bird Society of Japan | |
WRWO | Wild Rogue Wilderness Ophiolite | |
WHHF | Wild Haven Horse Farm | |
WWK | Wild Water Kayak | |
WWWA | Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch | |
WOOF | Wild Oratic Ornication Fettuccine | |
WRYC | Wild River Yacht Club | |
PMC-NWTF | Pigeon Mountain Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation | |
WBTC | Wild Bird Trading Company | |
WGP | Wild Board Games Game data | |
WWW | Wild Weird Web | |
WTMB | Wild-Type MyogloBin | |
WHW 98 | Wild Horse Workshop 1998 | |
WCCK | Wild Coyote Custom Knives | |
SWEET | Sweet Wild East Eternal Teen | |
NWTFI | National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc. | |
WHB | Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Adoption | |
WZPG | Wild Zone Playground | |
WONDER | Wild Outdoor Natural Diversified Environmental Resource | |
TWF | The WILD Foundation | |
WOW | Wild, Original, and Wonderful | |
WTHA | Wild- Type HA molecule | |
WWW | Wonderful, Weird, and Wild | |
WWWD | Wild Willy's Western Dances | |
WK | Wild Katt | |
WUG | Wild Und Genius | |
WQEP | Wild Quest Education Project | |
WHWF | Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation | |
BOTW | Breath Of The Wild | |
SWAG | Scientific Wild-A** Guess | |
1174 | Invited to a wild party | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
WWBO | Wild Wild Brett Orange | |
WTWTA | Where the Wild Things Are | |
WAG | Wild Assed Guess | |
WBFT | Wild Bird Federation Taiwan | |
WWLF | Wales Wild Land Foundation | |
GWBH | Greenmount Wild Bird Hospital | |
WWBG | Wild Wild Brett Green | |
YWS | Young Wild and Serene | |
WNW | Wet N Wild | |
WWMT | Wild West Modified Tour | |
BWW | Buffalo Wild Wings | |
SWAG | Sophisticated Wild A** Guess | |
WWWC | Whispering Willow Wild Care | |
WHAG | Wild Half-Assed Guess | |
YWF | Young And Wild And Free | |
NTWT | Non transformed wild type | |
TITW | Tula In The Wild | |
MOTW | Mark of the Wild | |
YWF | Young Wild and Free | |
WCE | Wild Card Elimination | |
ADGW | Alaska Dogs Gone Wild | |
WWTP | Wild Water Theme Park | |
WWRRR | Wyo Wild Ride Ranch Rodeo | |
SWAG | Scientific Wild A** Guess | |
WWKC | Wild Water Kayak Club | |
WTBW | Worn to be Wild | |
WWQ | Wild Wisdom Quiz | |
LWOD | Live Wild or Die | |
CWBF | Chinese Wild Bird Federation | |
LFW | Labeled Faces in the Wild | |
WWWW | Werewolf: the Wild West | |
WMFB | Wild Men From Borneo | |
OWN | One Wild Night | |
ITW | In The Wild | |
SWAT | Specialized Wild Animal Trapping | |
POWA | Protect Our Wild Animals | |
* | Wild Card in Searches | |
WARO | Wild animal recovery operation | |
WAW | Wild Atlantic Way | |
YGW | Youth Gone Wild | |
BUCKWILD | Buck Wild Buck Wild | |
WWBV | Wild Wild Brett Violet (Beer) | |
WWBV | Wild Wild Brett Violet | |
WTF | Wild Turkey Federation | |
WW | Wild West | |
BDUBS | Buffalo Wild Wings | |
WWOE | Wild Wonders of Europe | |
WHILD | Wild Harvest Integrated Landscape Design | |
WWBT | Wild West Bass Trail | |
AGWG | Art Gone Wild Galleries | |
WWLK | Wald Wild Lebensraum Kommission | |
WAUW | Wild and Unique Warehouse | |
BHWHS | Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary | |
WAHH | Wild and Horned Hermit | |
WARFT | Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand | |
WARFT | Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand | |
BAWLS | Brazilian American Wild Life Society | |
LOZBOTW | Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild | |
WAGNER | Wild Ass Guess Not Easily Refuted | |
WBRR | Wild Baby Raccoon Rescue | |
WSWR | Wild South West Rally | |
WTVP | Wild Type Versatile Peroxidase | |
WKLN | Wild Kitten Last Nation | |
IBWL | Indian Board for Wild Life | |
TGW | Trucks Gone Wild | |
WWFO | Wild Weasel Follow On | |
WWWC | Wild Wild West Con | |
WWAF | Wild West Auto Fest | |
WORM | Wild Outdoors and Recycling Matter | |
WBB | Wild Beast Block | |
TWC | The Wild Card | |
WNO | Wild Night Out | |
CWTF | Canadian Wild Turkey Federation | |
NBWL | National Board of Wild Life | |
HOWT | Hunters Observing Wild Turkeys | |
LDWB | Locally Dependent Wild Bootstrap | |
WTGR | Wild Type Glucocorticoid Receptor | |
GUW | Growing Up WILD | |
WJSP | Wild Jujube Seed Protein | |
GGW | Granny Gone Wild | |
SWAG | Silly Wild-A** Guess | |
W/T | Wild Type | |
FIW | Future Is Wild | |
WGF | Wild Goose Farm | |
WTUB | UBiquitin Wild- Type | |
WWR | Wild Water Racing | |
WWLR | Wild Wild- Life Recordz | |
WWW | Wild Whining Works | |
WHHF | Wild Haven Horse Farm | |
NWLB | National Wild Life Board | |
GAWR | A Get A Wild Ride | |
WAC | Wild Acre Metals Limited | |
WWOB | Wild Women On Bikes | |
WACI | Wild and Crazy Ideas | |
ADGW | Alaska Dogs Gone Wild | |
WNI | Wild Nature Institute | |
FOWI | Friends of Wild Iris | |
WHHF | Wild Hearts Horse Fund | |
WCGB | Wild Cereal Gene Bank | |
WGWB | Wild Goose Wine Bar | |
WWWWWW | Women of the World Who Won the Wild West | |
WWAF | Wild West Access Fund | |
WSGL | Wild Serbian Ganoderma Lucidum | |
WHOA | Wild Hawaii Ocean Adventures | |
WOW | Wonderful, Overwhelming, and Wild | |
WPGD | Wild Poster of the Grateful Dead | |
WWMM | Wild West Music Mining | |
WBW | Wild Bad Warrior | |
AWARE | Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort | |
WPY | Wild Pink Yonder | |
WRSD | Wild Rose School Division | |
EWAG | Educated Wild A** Guess | |
WCME | Wild Crazy Meaningful Enneagram | |
WYE | Wild Yam Extract | |
WWR | Wild Wild Rennes | |
CWA | Crazy Wild Acrobats | |
WT | Wild Tangent | |
WDIS | Wild Derived Inbred Strain | |
GLW | Garlic Leaves, Wild | |
WWW | Wild Woman of the West | |
WT | Wild Type | |
WSWG | Wild Sheep Working Group | |
WHBP | Wild Horse and Burro Program | |
WWAE | Wills Wild Animal Encounters | |
AWE | Awesome Wild Energetic | |
AAWK | Adopt a Wild Koala | |
NBWL | National Board for Wild Life | |
SLWF | Saranac Lakes Wild Forest | |
WHFF | Wild Horse Freedom Federation | |
WFFW | Wild and Feral Food Week | |
WAHF | Wild Animal Health Fund | |
WAHF | Wild Animal Health Fund | |
WAHF | Wild Animal Health Fund | |
SWAG | Silly Wild A** Guess | |
RWLS | Roosevelt Wild Life Station | |
WSFF | Wild and Scenic Film Festival | |
WWGD | Wyoming Wild Game Department | |
WAWD | Wild Atlantic Web Design | |
CLWB | Clay Loving Wild Buckwheat | |
CTWF | Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress | |
CLOWN | Crazy Lunatics Of the Wild North | |
RAWR | Raising Active Wild Readers | |
D&W | Dark & Wild | |
SITW | Speakers In The Wild | |
WTEP | Wild Type Erythrocyte Population | |
FOWL | Friends Of Wild Life | |
KGW | Kids Gone Wild | |
AWHC | American Wild Horse Campaign | |
WTWW | Werewolf The Wild West | |
WRLL | Wild Rose Lacrosse League | |
WFLN | Wild Formula Learning Network | |
YAMW | You Are My Wild | |
WWTT | Wild Water Testing Toads | |
WLGW | When Lemmings Go Wild.com | |
WWW | Womens' Wild Weekend | |
WMD | Wild Mans Delight | |
WRWD | Wild Rice Watershed District | |
* | Wild Card in searches | |
RWP | Real Wild Pano | |
WCW | wild competition Wednesday | |
WSRA | Wild and Scenic Rivers Act | |
WWR | Wild West Relay | |
TWOT | The Wild Oak Trail | |
FWE | Fred Wild Elementary | |
WCI | Wild Card Input | |
WKIG | FM-106.3, Glennville, Georgia; Wild Kids In Glennville | |
WHBT | Wild Horse And Burro Team | |
GWT | Garfunkel, Wild, and Travis, P.C., law firm | |
WAAG | Wild About Agility Gold | |
GGW | Guys Gone Wild | |
WAD | Wild Assed Deployment | |
DEW | Domestic Exotic and Wild | |
WTHA | Wild Turkey Hunters Altach | |
TTAW | The Trees and the Wild | |
DWA | Dangerous Wild Animal | |
ATWB | Anacortes Telescope Wild Bird | |
WARO | Wild Animal Recovery Operations | |
SWAG | Swinging Wild A** Guess | |
SWAG | Simple Wild A** Guess | |
WWOB | Wild Women on Bike | |
WMG | Wild Mass Guessing | |
WHOF | Wild Horses Of Fire | |
SWAG | Silly Wild A** Guess | |
BBTW | Bring Back The Wild | |
YWF | Young Wild Free | |
WFP | Wild Food Program | |
WWOC | Wild World of Classics | |
WSR | Wild and Scenic Rivers | |
LFIW | Labeled Faces in the Wild | |
RWM | Run Wild Missoula | |
FWSC | Frei Wild Supporters Club | |
TWB | The Wild Bunch | |
SLWF | Saranac Lake Wild Forest | |
SLWR | Shoal Lake Wild Rice | |
WWLD | World Wild Life Day | |
MWHF | Midwest Wild Harvest Festival | |
WLPSI | Wild Life Protection Society of India | |
SWB | Sweet Wild Boy | |
WSF | Wild Sheep Foundation | |
WFFS | Wild Film Festival Scotland | |
WFFW | Wild Feral Food Week | |
CWGE | Cultivated Wild Ginseng Extracts | |
CWHF | Corolla Wild Horse Fund | |
CWR | Crop Wild Relative | |
RAW | Real Authentic Wild | |
WITP | Wild in the Parts | |
WRLF | Wild Rivers Legacy Forest | |
WSGB | Wild Stock Gene Banks | |
CWW | Colorado Wild Women | |
WCF | Wild Chimpanzee Foundation | |
WHIP | Wild Horse Inmate Program | |
WOW | Wild Old Women | |
WAG | Wild A** Guess | |
CWR | Crop Wild Relatives | |
SIW | Spoof In the Wild | |
WAPO | Wild Alaska Pollock Oil | |
IWWA | International Wild Waterfowl Association | |
IWWA | International Wild Waterfowl Association | |
WSPP | Wild Spaces and Public Places | |
WWUW | Wild Within Us Workshop | |
WWA | Wild Women Adventures | |
WDAP | Wild Dog Action Plan | |
WSWS | Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary | |
LFW | Labelled Faces in the Wild | |
WB | Wild Bill | |
WBRC | Wild Bill Racing Circuit | |
TWTD | Too Wild To Drill | |
WTM | Wild Type Mice | |
WEG | Wild Educated Guess | |
WAAR | Wild Atlantic Adventure Race | |
WPRA | Wild Pheasant Recovery Areas | |
WWWB | Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch | |
WWVF | Wild West Victorian Fest | |
WCO | Wild Card Output | |
WA | Wild Abortive | |
HIW | Hannah In the Wild | |
WAEG | Wild Ass Educated Guess | |
WWG | Wild West Guns | |
WASA | Wild About Sports Academy | |
WASA | Wild About Sports Academy | |
WOP | Wild Organic Pure | |
TWCT | The Wild Cat Tribe | |
TBW | Tally Butt Wild | |
TWOT | Trails the Wild Oak Trail | |
WGC | Wild Goose Chase | |
LFW | Left For Wild | |
WAB | Wild Ass Branch | |
WKK | Wild Kratt Kellen | |
WYC | Wild Yeast Control | |
WHB | Wild Horse and Burro | |
NGW | Nerds Gone Wild | |
NGW | National Geographic Wild | |
WWPM | Wild Wet Premium Membership | |
WHST | Wild Haired Science Teacher | |
WHST | Wild Haired Science Teacher | |
YWA | Young Wild African | |
WCW | Wild Cat Wednesday | |
WAHF | Wild At Heart Foundation | |
WWR | Whippet Wild Railway | |
HLW | Horizon Lines in the Wild | |
WCU | Wild Conservation Unit | |
HITW | Hunger In The Wild | |
TWBY | The Wild Blue Yonder | |
WHE | Wild Horse Education | |
TWW | The Wild West | |
LRW | Lip Reading in the Wild | |
NCWC | North Country Wild Care | |
WCGB | Wild Card Games Back | |
WHK | Wild Heart Kenya | |
WGFH | Wild Game Field Harvester | |
WANDER | Wild Artemisia Nature Discovery Empowerment and Reconnection | |
YWF | Young Wild and Friedman | |
WWFC | World Wild Fur Camp | |
JWG | Just a Wild Guess | |
WBD | Wild Boars Density | |
BBWB | Boogy Brut Wild Black | |
SWAG | Scientific Wild Ass Guess | |
RFW | Racial Faces in the Wild | |
IBWL | Indian Board of Wild Life | |
WOSF | Wild Olive Shoot Foundation | |
YWH | Young Wild Hunters | |
DWAA | Dangerous Wild Animals Act | |
WK | Wild Kitty | |
WCTU | Wild and Crazy Tattooable Underwear | |
12738 | Glen Wild, NY | |
54984 | Wild Rose, WI | |
80862 | Wild Horse, CO | |
WSTP | Wild Stallions Training Program | |
GHW | Go Hog Wild | |
BHWHS | Black Hills Wild Horse Santuary | |
WSSK | Wild Stallion SKins | |
WWW | Wet, Wild, & Willing | |
WAD | Wild A** Deployment | |
WAGNER | Wild Assed Guess Not Easily Refutable | |
WBR | Wild Bunch Radio (Network) | |
WWCI | Wild Well Control, Inc. | |
WTRB | Wild Turkey Rare Breed | |
WBFN | Wild Bill's Fight Night | |
WDMS | Wild Dragons Maelin Starpyre | |
FAMW | Mzamba Wild Coast, South Africa | |
SFWS | Six Flags Wild Safari | |
WT | Wild Type | |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
WT | Wild Type | |
WT | Wild Type | |
ALWC | American League Wild Card | |
NLWC | National League Wild Card | |
YWF | Young, Wild and Free | |
WSP | Wild Salmon Policy (Canada) | |
WCGB | Wild Card Games Behind | |
WAEG | Wild A** Educated Guess | |
WHB | Wild Horses and Burros Programs | |
MWW | Minden Wild Water Preserve | |
WW | Wild Woman | |
WBH | Wild Bronbak horses | |
BOTW | Breath Of The Wild | |
WT | Wild-type | |
WWTP | Water Wild Theme Park | |
WL | Wild Lifestyle | |
WLS | Wild Lifestyle | |
WWCA | World Wild Character Accountants | |
ACWW | Animal Crossing Wild World | |
AIWP | Alive In Wild Paint | |
BBRW | Boo Boo Runs Wild | |
COTW | Call Of The Wild | |
COTW | Children Of The Wild | |
NWTF | National Wild Turkey Federation | |
PRWF | Power Rangers Wild Force | |
SCWW | Sheriff Callie's Wild West | |
WBCA | Wild Bird Conservation Act | |
WRCP | Wild Resource Conservation Program | |
WTF | Wild Takes Fly | |
SLWAP | South Lakes Wild Animal Park (UK) | |
SLWAP | South Lakes Wild Animal Park (UK) | |
SLWAP | South Lakes Wild Animal Park (UK) | |
WTVNA | Wild-Type Virus Neutralization Assay | |
CWC | Chad Wild Clay | |
BOTW | Breath Of The Wild | |
WRCA | Wild Rivers Coast Alliance | |
WRCA | Wild Rivers Coast Alliance | |
JGW | Jeepers Gone Wild | |
WAC | Wild About Cars | |
WAC | Wild About Corvettes | |
WHMC | Wild Horse Mustang Club | |
WHPMP | Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park | |
WOW | Wild On Wheels | |
WRMC | Wild Rose Miata Club | |
WWC | Wild West Corvettes | |
WWFC | Wild West Ford Club | |
WWM | Wild West Mustangs | |
WWPTC | Wild West Pt Cruisers | |
WWW | Wild Wheels Weekend | |
DWW | Digital Wild West | |
WCM | Wild Card Mask | |
WP | Wild Pitch(es) | |
WP | Wild Pitch(es) | |
BWLD | Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. | |
BWLD | Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. | |
WLW | Wild Life Warriors | |
SWAG | Scientific Wild-Ass Guess | |
WA | Wild Aid | |
EW | Extinct in the Wild |
What does wild yam mean?
- wild yam, Dioscorea paniculata(noun)
- having a rhizome formerly dried and used to treat rheumatism or liver disorders
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"wild yam." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 26 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/wild%20yam>.
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