Mohamed.fawzy's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by Mohamed.fawzy — There are currently 36 entries total — keep up the great work!
RSM | Regional Sales Manager | |
EOM | End Of Message | |
FPS | Frames Per Second | |
VPC | Virtual Private Cloud | |
OSP | On Shelf Product | |
ASP | Average Selling Price | |
IPT | Internet Protocol Telephony | |
IPT | Internet Protocol Telephony | |
Cmx | Connected mobile experience | |
Cmx | Connected mobile experience | |
MGM | Metro Goldwyn Mayer | |
FCB | Football Club Barcelona | |
PSG | Paris Saint German | |
PSG | Paris Saint German | |
WWF | World Wide Fund | |
NGO | Non Governmental Organization | |
NPO | Non Profit Organization | |
NDA | Non Disclosure Agreement | |
MOM | Minutes Of Meeting | |
HSH | Home Sweet Home | |
HYS | Help Yourself | |
GTG | Got To Go | |
LIFO | Last In First Out | |
ttt | train the trainer | |
HYG | Here You Go |